Corpsman and the Nerd

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Corpsman and the Nerd Page 7

by Grady, D. R.

  Speaking of hot, it’s scorching here! Around 110 degrees. Those who’ve been here for a while say it’s positively cool... (That doesn’t bode well.) Although they do say you get used to it. Mitch also assured me I would. He also, bless him, gave me a very good overview of what this would be like. So, I’m not that surprised. But it is one of those situations you have to experience.

  While the days are scorching hot, the nights drop rapidly in temperature, by about thirty degrees or so, so then it feels positively cold. I can already assure you, I don’t like the desert!

  I start work tomorrow. The other women were so happy to see me (or another surgeon, anyway), they cheered when I found my cot.  Which was nice. I still hate that I’m here, but I guess I’m needed, so it’s not as hard.

  I also realized I’m about the only one here with her own computer. (Which I got cleared as soon as I came.) Yay for Mitch and Lainy loaning me the same computer she built for him. It’s wonderful!

  So I’m at least able to send you this. Fortunately, we’ll be able to keep in touch. I imagine the ladies here will probably use my computer to keep in contact with their families too.

  All for now, as I need food and sleep. I’m not even sure what day it is now. Or what time.

  I miss you both!


  P.S. I typed up a section for Ryan you can share with him. He’ll like hearing about Kuwait.

  Max scanned the note from KC and was relieved. He still missed her and hated the distance between them, but at least she had arrived safely. Trying to envision where she now lived proved difficult so he gave up on the effort.

  He wanted her back home with him and Ryan, but since that wasn’t going to happen any time soon, he instead clicked on the button to reply to her e-mail. He could send KC a message. Then he would go find Ryan and read him the note she sent specifically to him. Maybe he and Ryan could learn about Kuwait together.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject:re: I’m Here!

  Dear KC,

  Glad to hear you’ve landed and settled in safely. That’s a relief for those of us on this end. We’re not busy here at all at the moment. Ryan’s sacked out, he had a tough day, daycare and then this evening, trying to chase Spuds all over the yard. (I did manage to get the lawn mowed, hopefully for the last time this year since it’s the beginning of October.)

  They’ve had a lot of fun exploring, but I did finally convince them to settle down for a story. We read to the end of the third page and Ryan was asleep. Spuds sacked out by the first page.

  I ended up having to read the rest of the book to myself. (Sponge Bob Squarepants is pretty funny. I might have enjoyed it more than Ryan.) Ryan didn’t get his usual nap, so I’ll just consider this his nap time. It’s not quite six, so I figure in another fifteen minutes or less they’ll be back up and all over the place.

  Lainy wanted me to tell you she’s nearly finished tweaking the phones and she’ll send one to you soon. She promised to bring one to me too. Plus, the bakers are already planning your first shipment of “goodies”; please don’t ask me what that means, because I don’t know. That’s all they told me. (I figure you’ll get regular shipments of cookies just like Mitch did.)

  I expect you’ll receive packages regularly from the family too. Mitch probably already explained all that to you? Sounded like he was thorough in describing his experience? I didn’t like much of what I heard, but remember, those of us here are willing to send you anything that will help your experience over there. Just let us know what you need, and we’ll send you the item(s).

  We’re all thinking about you here, and wish you could still be home, but are proud you’re there. As a military woman, your contribution is vitally important, especially that you’re a surgeon. Think you’ll be happy doing the doctor thing? At least you know you’re being helpful. And I’m glad you won’t have to go off base very often.

  Lainy said that was the hardest part for her. Losing contact with Mitch for three months at a time. I’m glad we’ll be able to stay in touch. That’s a help.

  Oh, gotta go. Mr. Ryan and Spuds are awake and it looks like it’s time to start supper. Thanks for the recipe book you left. I found it yesterday and could have kissed you! Thank you for that most precious gift! As you guessed, I can get around in the kitchen but I’m not a great cook. I am fairly good at following directions. (No comments from you, Katrina Celeste!) Anyhow Ryan and I won’t starve!

  He says he wants hot dogs. Since that’s not in your recipe book, I figure either you don’t cook him those, or you believe I can manage them without a recipe. Luckily for you, the latter is true. I think we’ll have French fries too. I’ve got lots of those. So, you see, we’re eating our vegetables. No worries.

  And since you’re all the way across the ocean now, we men are going to eat French fries and hot dogs. But don’t worry. Mom and Lainy both mentioned having us over for supper soon. I suppose they’ll feed us veggies. Anyway, by the time your eight months are up, we’ll only just have gotten around to all the rellys houses (all the relatives have invited us) for a meal. So we’re good.

  Ryan says to tell you he loves you. (Since he woke up, it’s taken me five minutes or more to get these two paragraphs typed.) We’re going to make supper together. Men stick together, you know. Oh, and the phone just rang. Lainy’s got some trouble at a client’s, so Mitch is coming over for hot dogs and French fries.

  He says you’d probably be happy to have this fare, and I think is feeling bad for you, since apparently he remembers the food over there? Want me to send you some hot dogs? Ryan might not feel like sharing though. He’s excited about Uncle Mitch coming over for supper. Mitch sounded pretty happy to come too. I’m sure we’ll have a great time. Maybe catch a game.

  We miss you!

  Max and Ryan

  Chapter 12

  KC watched the message from Max download and ached at the tightness in her chest. She wanted to be with them so much, but they were in far different places and a few time zones. Where she was in Kuwait was eight hours ahead of Hershey, PA. Home seemed so far away.

  But Max wanted to kiss her for the recipe book she hid in the cabinet for him? Well, that was a new and different thought and a relief from the waves of homesickness. He had never said anything like that before. ‘Course, he probably only meant he was very happy to find that book. She figured it would be tough cooking regularly when you weren’t used to such activity, especially for her active and picky son.

  But now she could picture the two of them and Mitch making hotdogs, and probably burning them. Smiling, she thought of the three males together and wondered if they had fun. Of course by now, supper was only a dim memory. Did they watch a game? She thought they had probably instead been coerced by Ryan into playing with him. Thinking of her son surrounded by men gave her a little jolt of happiness. Living with her hadn’t provided him with any male interaction. The male companionship was good for him.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Supper?

  Dear Max,

  I’m wondering how your supper went? Please tell me you baked the fries, rather than deep fried them... Even if you deep fried them, please just lie and tell me you went with the healthier option. 

  When I return home and you’ve all gained weight, I’ll know why. Although I imagine Ryan will keep you busy, so I’m not too worried. Still, healthy is good.

  I should be asleep now, but my body isn’t used to this time zone yet, so I’m not very sleepy. (I ate, and then started visiting and must have gotten a second wind!) I’m trying to type quietly because the rest of my “room” mates are asleep. I’ve had a quick tour of the “building” I’ll be working in. Looks fairly good for not being permanent.

  The women here are friendly and have been welcoming. I’m pretty certain it’s not only because of my lap
top.  (I think they like me too.) I’ve received many smiles already, and am grateful for the warm welcome.

  I haven’t encountered any negativity yet, which I believe is mostly because they’re grateful for the extra hands. I don’t think it’ll be all that hard to adapt. The heat is the worst, but it’s cooler at night. Which is a relief. Sometimes too much of one – the sharp contrast is hard on mammals.

  They’ve warned me about the sandstorms, as Mitch did, so I’m not looking forward to them. Well, I’m finally yawning. Time for bed. None of the ladies here snore, thank goodness!

  Missing you,

  Please tell Ryan how much I love him,


  P.S. I’ve included a few more Kuwait facts for Ryan. He’ll get a kick out of some of them!


  The morning after their hotdog fest Max ran a hand through his hair as he contemplated yet another way of waking Ryan. So far the little guy had resisted every attempt he made. Max couldn’t be angry with him, since he wasn’t feeling wide awake himself.

  They had a late night, watching videos, granted, they’d been geared toward Ryan’s age group, but Mitch hadn’t seemed to mind. He did complain as he went out the door about how Lainy would kill him for getting in so late, but Max had felt compelled to point out that she wouldn’t be arriving home much earlier. That appeased his newest brother-in-law.

  Now, wanting to appease the tired boy curled up under the covers, Max tried to figure out another, more effective method of luring him out of bed. When nothing miraculously came to mind, Max shook his head and gently hauled Ryan up and out of the snug covers. One advantage he had over KC was brute strength, and since nothing else had worked, might as well use one’s advantages.

  Ryan grumbled as the colder air hit his sleep warmed body, and he blinked sleepily, his blue eyes not focusing. “Max? What you doing?”

  “We have to eat breakfast and then put on clothes and go to the office.”

  “Oh,” Ryan mumbled and yawned before placing his head trustingly on Max’s shoulder. Max swallowed as an unknown emotion, the one only parents know and understand, unfurled somewhere near his heart but nearly blocked his airways. He hugged Ryan, whose arms tightened around his neck.

  “Don’t want to get up,” Ryan explained through another mumble, sounding grumpy again.

  Max laughed. He couldn’t help it. “No, buddy, I didn’t want to get out of bed, either, but I’m pretty sure there’s some cereal downstairs. I am hungry, so I know you must be.”

  “Can we have hot dogs?” Ryan finally sounded interested in something.

  “Didn’t you have enough hot dogs last night?” Max blinked incredulously.

  “You and Uncle Mitch ate ‘em all,” he accused and loosened his grasp to stare at Max.

  “We did not. I think we left three in the packet.”

  “Want hot dogs.”

  “Let’s try cereal first, and then if we’re still hungry, maybe we can make them.” Max compromised. That was a parenting tip he picked up from the myriad of siblings and cousins who were parents.

  Compromise at all costs. “Kids don’t have long attention spans, so act like you’re willing, and they’ll forget.” Maybe KC had actually taught him that one. Either her or his sister, Laurie.

  Good advice, since Ryan, after Max set him down, followed trustingly down the stairs. Spuds, once he realized there might be food involved, jumped from the bed to scamper around them.

  Ryan opened the back door and let the dog outside. Max trailed to the cupboard and took down bowls and cereal. He had Ryan up and eating in minutes and hoped his luck would hold. Now so long as they could both dress in something other than pajamas and find their way to the office, life would be good.


  Max dropped into his chair at the office, grateful he arrived on time, and thankful Ryan had settled in fairly well to the new routine. Going from being with his mom to Max almost instantly had to be jarring. But the little guy didn’t seem to mind too much. He just tucked in and did what Max asked him, eventually. Besides KC warned him repeatedly how hard Ryan was to wake.

  “Hey, Max, how’s your morning going?” Jean peered around the door frame.

  “Fine.” Max was relieved that was true. Please don’t ask me how much I miss KC.

  “You and Ryan settling in?”

  “Yeah. We’re doing great. Probably better than KC.”

  “Right. Is she there yet?”

  “Yes. She must have arrived sometime yesterday. She couldn’t have been in Norfolk long.”

  “I’m glad she arrived safely.”

  “Me too,” Max said emphatically.

  Jean waved as she turned to speak to someone who asked a question and he booted up his computer. And knew satisfaction when a new e-mail from KC downloaded. He wasn’t surprised she couldn’t sleep her first night there. It would be difficult.

  More satisfaction spiraled through him when he thought how she could have chosen anyone to send a message to, but she chose him.

  Chapter 13

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Dr. Gilmore

  Hey Dr. Gilmore,

  I imagine by the time you get this e-mail, you’ll have completed your first full day on the job. As a surgeon, in practice again. I have every confidence in your ability to dive back into the practical side of things. Besides, seems everyone’s happy to welcome you. I can see them willing to help you. I imagine your one weekend a month exercises have helped?

  We’re doing just fine here. We did bake the fries, since I don’t own a deep fryer. Which might come in handy, now that Ryan’s living with me. (If you don’t like the idea of lots of fried foods, you’ll have to come home!) Ryan wanted hot dogs for breakfast this morning, but I used the compromise tactic and told him if we were still hungry after eating cereal, we’d make them. And I think he forgot after he ate. Thank goodness! I really didn’t want hot dogs that early in the morning.

  Besides, as Ryan so kindly pointed out, Mitch and I ate most of them, anyway. I think there are only about three left, but Mitch hasn’t had hot dogs in years, he said, so he was eager to sample them again. He stopped and picked up extra buns and brownies, so we had a great supper.

  Ryan loved the email you sent. I didn’t know you hated tuna fish. Well, seafood in general. But Ryan and I decided the food must be bad there if you’re willing to eat a tuna fish sandwich. (We’re sorry you have to suffer. Ryan decided we’ll call the bakers so you get cookies.) He’s a good kid. Please keep the messages coming to him. I’ll include his response at the bottom of this email.

  My mom invited us over for supper tonight. I told Ryan, and he’s excited to see Granme and Granpy. I think Laurie and Melly and kids will also be there. She asked Mitch and Lainy too. Mitch is worried Lainy’ll end up having to spend some nights away from him, with the trouble her client is having. She could end up having to fly to all their sites, and they’ve got five, I think. All in different states, and one in Canada.

  Mitch has launched right back into work, and he said he can barely remember the time he spent in Kuwait. I imagine that would be true. Of course, he didn’t leave behind a kid, so he says he understands if you’re feeling extra upset. He was, and he only left Bentley. Who is Spuds’ best friend now, by the way.

  Mitch brought him last night and the dogs (Bentley is huge by any dog standard, but next to Spuds their size difference is funny!) spent most of their time outside rolling around the yard. They kept Ryan occupied for a while. So, Mitch and I caught part of a game, but then ended up watching a video with Ryan.

  Fortunately, even though he’s still not used to our herd of kids, Mitch has adapted well. Seems to really enjoy them. We watched one of the Cars movies. Did you know Ryan has the movie memorized? I think Mitch and I were more entertained by him quoting lines than in the actual movie.

  We’re all spending quite a lot of time at sporting events.
This is Mitch’s first time to observe the joys of school sports, and he’s a huge fan already. (He thinks pee wee anything is the funniest! Which is true.) He and Lainy cuddle in the stands a lot. Ryan enjoys the time by playing with whichever members of the herd are present and Spuds, Bentley, and any other family dogs.

  I should probably do some work now. Since I’ve got a company to run. (There’s always a catch, isn’t there?) I might zap some documents for you to go over if you have some free time and can work?

  Missing you,

  Max and Ryan

  When he sent the message, Max stared at his computer for a few moments, hating the thought that for the next eight months he would have to communicate with KC this way. He glanced at the clock and sighed. Lainy had better hurry with those phones. She mentioned two phones, so he assumed he’d get one and KC the other. Which was ideal. Then he could at least hear her voice. It still wouldn’t be enough.

  He suddenly needed to see Ryan. As he hurried down the stairs to locate KC’s son in daycare, he thought of sand and hot desert days. And wondered how KC faired in the climate. Knowing her, she was adapting quickly, despite her many fears, because she immersed herself in her work. She wouldn’t complain about the heat or lack of water, but instead would throw herself into treating those with injuries from a fight she hadn’t started and couldn’t finish.

  Chapter 14

  Sweat trickled down her back as KC leaned over her patient. He was already showing signs of waking, and she wasn’t nearly finished. “He’s rousing,” she said briskly as she sought for more fragments caused by an IED that exploded at close range to her patient.

  There had to be more of the deadly little pieces. Otherwise there was no reason why he was still bleeding internally. Her gloved fingers worked quickly, edging past his stomach to brush against his liver. Just as she felt the piece, blood spurted into her face. “Suction,” KC demanded as she struggled to stop the geyser in hopes of seeing what she needed to fix.


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