Corpsman and the Nerd

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Corpsman and the Nerd Page 14

by Grady, D. R.

  Lainy didn’t seem to have trouble finding the words he sought. “He’s yours.”

  “Yeah. I love this kid.”

  “I know. As does Ryan and his mother. She sees how comfortable you are with him, and he with you. And, he’s got Mom and Dad. His Granme and Granpy are two very important aspects here too. He’s got the herd and all of us. As far as he’s concerned, we’re family.”

  “We are.” Max smiled as he thought of how well Ryan had integrated over a year ago. He’d been shy for about a minute before he came out of his shell.

  “Don’t discount that fact with KC, either.”

  “What fact?”

  “She’s as hungry for family as he is. She’s a bit overwhelmed by us, I think. You’re offering comfort, love, a solid relationship with her son, strength, friendship, and family. That’s more than she’d ever ask for.”


  “What’s her chosen profession?”

  “A surgeon, but she’s not doing that, she’s running the company with me.”

  “Right. But she’s in the military, probably because she can be a doctor there. She once told me she loves the precision and order of the military. Being a reserve is perfect for her.”

  “She’s told me that too.”

  “Yes. As a doctor, she’s a nurturer. She likes to take care of people. That’s the type of person she is. But nurturers need to be taken care of too. That’s why you’re perfect for each other.”

  “Lainy, you lost me.”

  “That’s okay. Just trust me on this one. I know what I’m talking about.”

  “Right.” Max did feel more confident about his relationship with KC now.

  “She’s loyal to a fault, Max. Remember that. Gilmore Products was sliding downhill fast, right?”


  “What did KC do?”

  “She left her new practice and quietly took over the reins. I think she sank all of her money into the company. Her father still doesn’t realize it was her who pulled the company out of the trenches. He thinks he did.”

  “Exactly. And why did she do that?”

  “Because she’s known the employees all her life. She’d never let the company die without a fight. They would have all lost their jobs.”

  “So why would a woman like that, one who left her chosen profession, a nurturer, reattach herself to another man when the one with everything she needs and loves is back home?” Lainy’s voice was so quiet he had to strain to hear her, but Max received her message, loud and clear.

  “No. She’s loyal to a fault, isn’t she?” He smiled. When most people would have left the company to its downward spiral, she braved working every day with her father and then watched as he sold his shares to a stranger, never once acknowledging her efforts.

  But KC hadn’t acted the like a spoiled princess. She worked with him, showing him, the new owner, the ropes with friendliness and goodwill. Never once had he heard her complain. She stuck it out because she had been determined to protect their employees at all costs. He realized from the start that had he decided to start laying people off, KC would have been in his face, fighting him every step of the way.

  She still didn’t know he would have probably done anything she asked, because he saw her fierce loyalty and admirable nurturing qualities. A woman like that wouldn’t take advantage of a man’s weaknesses. She’d cherish him.

  Sighing, Max wanted her to cherish him, for the rest of his life. That’s all he asked.

  Chapter 25

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Sorry I had to leave...

  but duty called.

  Dear Max,

  I really wish we’d have had more time to talk today. I’m glad (relieved) I could make certain you’re feeling okay. I’ve never been so flustered and out of sorts before. Not being able to contact you is one of my nightmares!

  We’re finally finished now, and it’s too late to call you. (Everyone here is asleep, so I won’t be able to use the phone!) You and Ryan are probably sleeping anyway, and I’m ready for bed soon. I’ve showered and now I’m sending you a quick e-mail before I go to sleep.

  It was a long day today. I worked in the lab in the morning, and then tended to patients all afternoon. Thought we were finished, and then more wounded came in, so a fourteen or fifteen hour day, in the heat. I’m dragging now.

  Just wanted to send a quick email to let you know I wish we could have talked longer. I’ll try to call tomorrow, but someone said they heard rumors of another wave of wounded. I’m not surprised, but hoped for more time. One of the other Field Units had some problems, so we’re getting their patients. And no extra medical personnel to help with them.

  But, they’d do the same for us. They’re closer to a nasty rebel faction, which probably accounts for some of the trouble they’re having. Nonetheless, we’re extra busy here. The lab is suddenly overflowing with work, plus as a doctor, I’m already busy, without the responsibilities of the lab too. I have asked for and will hopefully receive someone to help with lab duties.

  My eyes keep drooping, so I need to go. Mornings come fast here, just like at home. Never mind, it’s already morning. Dawn is around the corner.

  I miss and love you both,


  P.S. Has Rocky had the puppies yet?


  Max read through her latest email, thankful she’d been as reluctant to end the conversation as he, apparently. That helped to shatter the remnants of the negative thoughts Lainy accused him of. KC was just really busy and had needed to go when the wounded came in. He was old enough to understand her work came first out of necessity.

  He didn’t have to like the situation though. Max selfishly wanted all of her time, like he had before she’d been called up. Now that he had to share KC, he wasn’t happy about the circumstances. Other people had more demand on her time than he did.

  But she would only be gone for less than seven months, hopefully. Heaven help him if she was there longer.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Wish we could have talked longer too.

  But I understand your work is important. That’s not saying I like it, but I understand.

  Hey KC,

  I guess you wouldn’t mind if I told you how much I’m missing you? Seems so strange to see your office vacant and your room empty at the house. Definitely a dearth here without you. I never imagined this separation would be so hard. You’re such a large part of my life, and now you’re thousands of miles away. I think the only thing that’s kept me sane is that I have Ryan.

  I’d definitely go crazy without him and Spuds is funny. We’re having a good time together; even sick, but the boys also miss you. You’re too far away, for too long. Ryan is doing much better with you being gone than I am. How is that?

  He called me Dad last night. Before he went to sleep, I asked him to have good dreams and he said, “Okay, Dad.” I’ll be honest to say I had to wipe a few tears away. I’ve always been Uncle Max, but hearing him call me that...

  Do you mind? If you do, I’ll ask him to call me Max again, because he called me Dad this morning too.

  I’m supposed to be in a meeting. Which, being sick is going to be problematic, but I think they’re planning to conference call me. We’ve decided to go with another needle supplier as Sara and I didn’t agree with the previous company’s contract terms. I’ll send you the next contract once we finish it. But, I need to take that meeting call.

  I miss you and love you,


  P.S. No puppies yet. We’re still waiting. Rocky’s as gentle and serene as Lainy. We’re all nervous, but she’s fine.


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject:re: Wish we could have talked longer too.

  Max Micha
el Morrison!

  Don’t you dare tell Ryan not to call you DAD! Don’t even think about it. You, of all men, deserve that title. You’ve got all the responsibility, why shouldn’t you have some of the glory too?

  Right now, Ryan needs you more than I think he needs me, and whenever I think of the male equivalent of me, you come to mind. So, you’ve always had the title, but never heard the words until now. I’m personally very glad Ryan is calling you Dad, and all on his own.

  He already calls your parents Granme and Granpy, right? Therefore, you’ve been Honorary Dad for as long as we’ve known you. Might as well enjoy the status.

  This is all I have time for, but I needed you to know my thoughts. I have to get back to work now, though. More wounded in, for both our site and the other Field Site who is still having trouble. This means our work has more than doubled. We’re staying extra busy! Everyone is exhausted, and the heat index is really high and a sandstorm is expected.

  I probably won’t be able to call. It’s too busy here and I’m afraid this phone frequency might mess up our equipment. If we’re not full, calling shouldn’t be a problem, but with so many to care for, and all the necessary machines, I can’t risk using the phone.



  Max smiled when he read through KC’s message. So, she pretty much demanded he remain Ryan’s dad. Having this precious email from her helped to cement his thoughts about her feelings. She hadn’t come out and told him, but she’d just made him her partner in child rearing. That had to count, right?

  Chapter 26

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Leaf-Raking

  Hello KC,

  Saturday’s leaf raking was a huge success. We’re feeling almost back to normal, although the girls (about a hundred of them, I think) made Ryan and me stop and take a nap. We didn’t argue. (Especially when they gave us cookies to keep up our strength.)

  Ryan did scatter more leaves than he raked, but then he was running with the herd, so that’s to be expected. He also had some trouble with a stump and subsequently has a nice big gash on his forehead. But, Treeny was there, and took care of the problem with ease. Thank goodness!

  KC stared at the last two sentences in horror. Ryan gashed open his forehead? Desperate, she switched over to write an email and frantically dashed it off to Treeny. Deep inside she knew Ryan was fine, but still, the professional in her demanded she speak with the same professional who had treated her son. Treeny would gladly answer and set her mind at ease.

  Even as she typed, KC knew she was acting overly paranoid and perhaps bordering on the verge of psychotic mother. She didn’t care. After rereading the email, she sent it before switching back to Max’s email.

  Mitch seemed to enjoy the day. He and Lainy locked Bentley in the house, and that dog whined the entire time, along with most of the herd, but to no avail. We weren’t about to let him loose. He’s a disaster to leaf piles. (The herd was bad enough!) The teenagers had fun throwing each other in, but they re-raked, so it all worked.

  The herd wasn’t too good about re-raking. (We did pick up a Ryan-sized rake.) He helped every now and then. His rake was popular. All of the herd tried it out. Not for long, but they all took a shot with the pint-sized tool, horse, sword (someone nearly got their head taken off with that one) and various other uses the kids found for it.

  A successful day. Oh, and the bakers assured me there’s another package in the mail. The last one somehow was returned? We’re not sure why, but they scurried around to mail another one out to you. So be on the lookout for a new carton of cookies.

  My cousin, Ben, thinks he might end up close to where you are. He’s going to try to swing things so he can pop in and see you, if he gets as close as he suspects. He told me not to promise he’ll be there, but he’ll try. I assured him that’s all you’d expect, but I did warn him you’d be excited to see him. (I might have promised him you’d share your cookies too.)

  He helped Treeny patch up Ryan. They make a good team, but when I mentioned that to him I got my head bit off. So, don’t say anything to him about her. Something is brewing there, but I didn’t pry. The man’s got a right to his privacy. (Yes, this could just be me being a wimp. About that time, Ryan and I were sent off for naps anyway.) LOL

  Ed and Lainy both ran around with camcorders, so expect more videos. Ed’s been busy with a military project, so he hasn’t had as much time to make videos as he did for Mitch. Lainy has taken over for him, except she’s been puking, a lot, but is still doing what she can.

  Mitch is pretty worried about her, and when I told him about that doctor you recommended, he made an appointment with her. I guess that made him feel better.

  Laurie keeps assuring him Lainy’s sickness is normal, but he’s still going a bit nuts over the whole thing. Lainy’s threatened to not ever get pregnant again, but he doesn’t seem too worried about that. I didn’t ask why. She continues to glow.

  Dory had her baby. A little boy. Aaron John. Please don’t ask for more information, because I don’t know how much the kid weighed or how long he is, or any of that. I know he was born, on November seventeenth, and that’s all. (Why do women find this information so interesting?) We didn’t keep Eliza because we were sick. She went to Mitch and Lainy’s house. Mitch was enthralled with her, apparently, and Lainy says she thinks Mitch wants a girl.

  Ryan’s asked Lainy to have a boy, though. She promised to do what she could, but she couldn’t guarantee anything. And then she reminded him that he likes Eliza. So, he said if she had a girl like Eliza, he’d put up with her. He has no shame. And he doesn’t get that from me!

  Although my mom claims he reminds her a lot of me when I was little. I don’t know. Mom’s memories can’t always be trusted, so I just shrugged and went for another cookie. One good thing about being sick is I wasn’t expected to work as hard. LOL

  Hope you’re not quite as busy. The time will go faster if the pace remains frantic like that, but I know you. You’re frazzled already. So, take a deep breath and relax some, okay?


  Max and Ryan


  When she checked her e-mail inbox after another frantic day KC was surprised to see a bunch of messages but when she saw the title of one, Rocky, she eagerly clicked on that tab.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Rocky!

  Hello KC,

  Just a quick note to let you know Rocky had her puppies. We’re all pretty excited here. She had eight. A couple of them look like Bentley, three look like her, and the other three look like neither of them. They’re very tiny, but cute. Ryan’s been bugging me all the time to go see them.

  He doesn’t have to work to convince me. General Emma is beside herself!


  Max and Ryan


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Hello!

  Hi KC,

  Thanks for your note on Ryan. He’s fine. Just a small gash, that only required cleaning and a SpongeBob Squarepants band-aid. He was the coolest kid on the block with a bright yellow band-aid across his forehead. 

  Did you hear Rocky had her puppies? They’re so cute. I can’t get enough of them! General Emma is such a mother hen, by the way. We’re only allowed an allotted amount of time to visit before we have to leave, ‘cause Rocky just gave birth.

  She’s too funny!

  Miss you!



  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: re: Rocky!

  Dear Max and Ryan,

  I’m so happy to hear about Rocky’s puppies! I’m keeping this short so I can go spread the news! Wonderful!

  Everyone will be exc
ited to hear about those puppies. I know I am!

  Wish I could see them and you.




  The next day KC wrestled with a package, trying to turn it so she could better carry the cumbersome box. Unfortunately, any way she moved the carton proved as useless as the last. Finally she tipped it so one corner pointed north and the opposite pointed south and carried the box that way.

  From the heavy weight, she hoped she would find some cookies inside. Lainy had promised more brownies. Knowing her friend, most of the box would contain those chocolaty treats. KC resolved not to complain if her theory proved true. A woman had to do what she had to do. Besides, Janine would also be happy to see a new chocolate supply.

  Their work schedule had grown ridiculous the past three days. They worked so many hours nearly everyone giggled or cried regardless of the stimulus to relieve stress. Most of them giggled maniacally, sometimes without prompting. A feat which inevitably then set everyone else off.

  Even the Gulf War veterans muttered under their breath and burst into foolish laughter and antics. The lack of sleep, overabundance of heat and patients, and frequent sandstorms all contributed to the silliness.

  The nurses, their rocks, teetered on the same edge. Four of them relieved the stress with emotional outbursts from time to time, at which point one of the male doctors would grab her and ballroom dance with her around the medical building. The dance steps were usually accompanied by a really bad rendition of Barry Manilow or Frank Sinatra. One of the doctors, Dr. Sutter, did a mean Bob Marley, though.

  Most of them tried to time their outbursts around him, since his singing was actually soothing. KC and Janine would grab whoever stood nearby and initiate the fox trot or something. Janine sounded a little like Rhianna, while most told KC not to give up her day job. At which point, she hit the screech zone. Once there, her singing was yet another excuse to go off into raucous laughter.


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