Hearts on Fire 2: Michaela (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 2: Michaela (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He dropped her a few inches above the bed and grabbed for the zipper to her jean shorts, pulling them down roughly. Her eyes were glazed over with passion as he made quick work with his fingers to divest her then him of their clothing. But as he pushed down his pants, stepped out of them, and bent over, Michaela slid off the bed to the floor and reached for his balls and cock.

  “Oh, sweet mother, don’t. Please, Michaela, I can’t.”

  She looked up at him with such a heated aroused expression. Their little inexperienced minx was looking to explore him.

  “I want to taste you. Please you.” She pressed her cheek against his cock as she stroked it. He reached down and ran his hands through her hair as he held her gaze.

  “You do please me. More than anything in my life, ever.”

  She smiled softly and then opened her mouth and pulled his cock between her lips.

  Hal couldn’t hold back the moan or the fire that burned inside of him.

  “Fuck, baby, that mouth of yours is incredible.” He held her face and hand as she bobbed her head slowly up and down on his shaft.

  He was trying so hard not to come inside of her mouth. He needed to possess her, fuck her deeply, and conquer these fears and insecurities he had after talking about Lisa.

  When Michaela cupped his balls and rolled them around in the palm of her delicate hand as she sucked his cock, he grunted.

  “Enough.” He pulled from her mouth.

  She gasped and squealed when he reached down, lifted her up by her hips, and brought her back onto the bed.

  “Fuck, I can’t hold back. You’re too much.” He aligned his cock with her pussy and thrust deeply into her cunt.

  Michaela grabbed onto his shoulders. He felt her climbing his body, crawling, grabbing at him to get his cock to penetrate deeper. He knew in that moment that she was feeling as wild and needy as he was.

  “Mine, all fucking mine.”

  “Yes, harder, Hal, please I feel so needy.”

  “I know, baby. God, I know it’s incredible.”

  He grabbed her hands and pushed them above her head. He locked her wrists in place with one hand and then lifted up to cup one breast as he rotated and thrust his hips against her.

  In and out he stroked her deeply, moving faster and faster.

  She was shaking her head side to side at his relentless strokes. Then he felt her pussy muscles tighten. Her eyes closed and she screamed her release, lubricating his cock even more. He pulled out and thrust back in, releasing her wrists so he could grab her hips and get deeper, as deep as he could go so he could mark her forever.

  “Michaela!” He roared her name and exploded inside of her.

  They lay there together, panting, and she reached up and pulled him down to hug her.

  “I love you, baby. I don’t care if that scares you or not. I honestly love you.”

  She was silent a moment. He felt unsure and almost fearful but then he felt her lips against his neck, next to his ear.

  “You like to be the first at everything, don’t you, Hal?”

  He laughed and rolled her to his side so he could cuddle up next to her on the bed.

  She smiled, her blue eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  Michaela finished taking a shower, and she put on the Engine 19 T-shirt she’d just washed and dried this morning. Jake and Billy were going to be coming by later, they were stuck at work, and Hal left an hour ago. She didn’t see any reason to start working on anything in the house now, and besides, she was feeling content and tired after making love to Hal all afternoon.

  She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes, thinking about Hal as the sun began to set outside her window. It was quiet, and there was a nice breeze drifting passed the cream-colored curtains. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep.

  It seemed as though she had closed her eyes only moments ago, but now her room was dark, and something awoke her.

  She began to sit up when a gloved hand fell over her mouth and a body straddled her waist.

  “Be nice and quiet, little whore, and I won’t cut you.” Her eyes zeroed in on the sharp blade of a large knife, and then the masked man on top of her. He had brown eyes, he was big, but he didn’t appear to be Solomon or the hit man.

  “Are you going to cooperate?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Good girl.” He looked down at her breasts. “I thought that boyfriend of yours would never leave. I guess if you were my woman, with tits like these, I wouldn’t leave you too soon either.”

  He pressed a hand up to her breast and she damned the fact she didn’t wear a bra. His eyes widened and she struggled to push him off of her until the blade poked into her collarbone. It pinched and she knew he cut her.

  “I’ll cut your fucking throat. I don’t give a shit. Now listen to me and maybe you’ll live a little longer. Are you going to scream or try to get away?” he asked, and she shook her head. “Good.”

  Slowly he uncovered her mouth and she swallowed hard, her throat dry from the fear running through her body.

  “What do you want?”

  “Ah, a few things. You see, I need that key your sister hid with you. If I don’t get it, then this very bad man is going to come here and he’s going to kill you for it.”

  “What key?” she asked.

  She never expected him to strike her but he did. Right across the cheek and mouth. She felt the instant pain and cried out.

  “Don’t fuck with me.” He gritted his teeth in a threatening manner.

  “I swear I don’t know what key you’re talking about. My sister and I weren’t close at all. I went to see her and she told me she wanted nothing to do with me.”

  “She left the key with you or at minimum the instructions as to where to find it. Solomon said so.”

  “Solomon? I don’t even know Solomon, and never spoke with him before.”

  He struck her again, obviously not believing her.

  “Stop it. Please stop hitting me. I don’t know anything about a key. My sister didn’t trust me with anything. She wanted nothing to do with me.”

  “You’re fucking lying!” he yelled at her and then raised the knife up above his head, and then struck downward right above her shoulder. She screamed out thinking that he would stab her in the chest and kill her but the blade hit her skin on her shoulder, cutting it.

  She didn’t know what to do and thought she was going to die when suddenly she saw someone enter the doorway over his shoulder. Michaela shoved at the masked man’s chest making him lift upward as someone hit him in the head with a thick piece of wood. Her eyes flashed to Ike, and then her neighbor was holding a gun to the masked man’s head.

  “Are you okay, Michaela?” Ike asked her, a scowl on his face, as he held the gun in a pointed position at her attacker.

  She covered her face and cried as sirens filled the air.

  “Don’t worry, your men are on their way,” Ike told her.

  The masked man didn’t move as Michaela sniffled and wiped away the tears as the pounding of footsteps could be heard from the bedroom.

  “We’re up here. The burglar is out cold!” Ike yelled as Jake and a few other deputies entered the room, guns drawn.

  “Michaela?” he yelled out, returning his gun to his holster as the deputies looked at Ike and absorbed the scene.

  “Baby, oh God, you’re hurt. You’re bleeding.”

  She was shaking profusely.

  “I need an ambulance. Get the paramedic up here now,” Jake ordered. She closed her eyes and covered her mouth with her hand.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you, and that man can’t hurt you anymore,” Jake stated with such an explosive look in his yes.

  She locked gazes with him. Her voice was shaking as she spoke.

  “That’s not him. That’s not the hit man, Dipero. This isn’t over.”

  Chapter 8

  Jake stood at the end of the bed in the emergency room
with Billy, Hal, and Detective Buddy Landers. Jake had called him earlier in the day to discuss Michaela’s situation. When the call came in over the radio that Ike reported a break-in, Buddy responded, as well as over a dozen other law enforcement officers Jake and his brothers were friends with. Treasure Town was that type of community.

  Michaela gasped as the doctor worked on the stitches to the deep cut above her shoulder. Billy was holding her hand, and Hal was caressing her thigh as the doctor worked.

  “You’re doing great, Michaela. Just a few more. I want to be sure to do this right,” the doctor stated and winked at her. Jake just stared straight-faced, filled with a combination of anger, fear, and the need to hold Michaela in his arms. It was overwhelming.

  When they first arrived, he and his brothers were concerned as Michaela couldn’t stop shaking. The bruising on her cheekbone and jaw were fierce, and as Michaela gave her description of the events and how the masked man attacked her, he grew more and more angry. The fear that hit him when the call came into the sheriff’s department took ten years off his life. He had just finished up at work and was heading out of the office. He’d called Hal and Billy immediately.

  He was grateful that Ike had taken his request to keep an eye on things at Michaela’s place seriously. He explained the situation to Ike, and Ike was retired law enforcement from New York. Even in his sixties, the man could kick ass.

  Ike didn’t like that Michaela’s lights remained off hours after Hal had left. But then he walked around the house and noticed the back door lock was broken as if an intruder entered. Then Ike described how he heard Michaela scream. He dialed 911 and grabbed the thick piece of solid wood left from the construction. He also had his revolver on him in an ankle holster.

  Jake was grateful.

  “Did you identify that guy yet? Is he another hit man?” Michaela asked as the doctor finished up.

  “Okay. Keep this ice on that cheek of yours. Try icing it as often as you can at home to keep the swelling down,” he told her.

  She nodded but looked right at Jake.

  “Thanks, Doc,” Billy said. “We’ll go over the instructions with you in a few minutes.”

  The doctor nodded and smiled. “I’ll be out by the front desk getting together the painkiller prescriptions and her release papers. Then I’ll come back.”

  They said thank you and he left the room.

  “Jake? Did you identify that man who broke into my home?”

  Jake kept his hands on his waist and one leaning on his holster. “There’s no need for you to worry about that right now. I’m taking care of it.” Jake stared at her. The bruises were terrible. She didn’t deserve this shit.

  She went to move and cringed.

  The men all reacted with concern, including Jake as he stepped toward the bed. The nurse came in right at that moment carrying a tray.

  “You’re going to have to lie still for a little while until these kick in. They’ll help with the pain,” the nurse told Michaela as she handed her two pills and a cup of water.

  “Will these knock me out? I can’t take heavy pain medication. They make me sick.”

  “You can take these as the doctor recommended while you heal. Besides, if you pass out, you have four men in here who can carry you.” The nurse smiled and winked before heading out of the room.

  “Take them, Michaela,” Jake ordered. He was in a bad state right now. It wouldn’t take much more to throw him over the edge. He didn’t want her to feel any more pain, so if the medication helped, then he would make sure that she took it.

  “Michaela, they’ll help numb the pain so we can get you home,” Billy told her more calmly, as he caressed her thigh.

  She looked at him after giving Jake a dirty look. “I don’t want to go to sleep.” She lowered her eyes to stare at her hands. Hal covered them.

  “The doctor said that rest is good. You need to take it easy so that the stitches don’t come out, and so you’ll heal quickly.”

  She shook her head and Jake wondered what she wasn’t telling them. But then the doctor came back in.

  “Okay. Take those and I can release you from the hospital tonight.”

  “I don’t want to go to sleep.”

  “Why not? Sleep is a good thing right now, young lady. You look exhausted. Anyone would be after such an ordeal. The painkillers will only make you feel drowsy. They’ll help ease your mind, Michaela,” he told her, and she stared at him.

  “Ease my mind? Are you sure?”

  He nodded his head.

  “I don’t want to sleep. When I close my eyes—”

  The doctor patted her hand. “I understand. It will take some time to get those images out of your head. There are counselors you could speak to. They may be able to help.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll think about it.” She took the pills and drank the water after swallowing them.

  “Sheriff, can I see you for a minute to go over some things?” the doctor asked, and they headed out to the hallway.

  “What’s going on?” Jake asked him.

  “I think your girlfriend is afraid to fall asleep and remember the attack. From the details she gave, she was half-dressed in her bed when this man broke in. That’s quite traumatic in itself. She may have nightmares, trouble sleeping, or experience any number of side effects.”

  “Like what?”

  “Shaking, panic attacks, anxiety, and a bunch more. She’s going to need a lot of reassurance and she shouldn’t be left alone. Especially in her house.”

  “We’re taking her to our place. My father is at her house now, cleaning things up and grabbing some things of hers.”

  “Good. You call me if you have any questions or concerns. She’s a brave young woman who survived a lot in her life. More than her share from what I gather. Take good care of her.”

  “You bet, Doc. Thank you.”

  Before he walked back in to help his brothers and Michaela, he thought about what the doctor said. She was trying to be so strong, but really she was terrified. Even to go to sleep. She needed them, and he would be sure to provide all the comfort and safety she needed. If he could just put aside the fear he had in caring so much so soon. It was crazy, but he knew he was being cautious because of Lisa. Michaela wasn’t Lisa though. So when would he let down that wall and let Michaela in?

  * * * *

  Solomon couldn’t believe what happened. Clyde, that backstabbing son of a bitch, double-crossed him. He found Michaela, and he didn’t contact him to let him know. Solomon walked around Michaela’s bedroom, way after the police left and it cleared out. Thank God it was nighttime and he could hide in the shadows.

  As he walked around searching for where she could have placed the key to the safety deposit box, he started losing his patience. The blood on the bed indicated that Clyde had gotten rough. He kind of felt bad for Michaela. But then again, how was he to be sure that Annette and she hadn’t planned this whole thing from the start. Maybe Annette fucked up and hadn’t planned on dying. But the sister now had a safety deposit box key with a quarter of a million dollars in it, multiple thumb drives containing incriminating evidence on three major politicians, and illegal passports for him and Annette.

  As he thought about Annette, he realized that she would have never double-crossed him. Perhaps she really hadn’t expected her long-lost sister to show up at the wrong time. Hell, he didn’t even know that Carlucci hired Dipero to kill him and get the money he owed. He wondered how Carlucci learned of the thumb drives. Then he remembered letting Clyde know. Clyde was going to use them himself. Son of a bitch.

  Just then he heard footsteps and men talking. Solomon panicked and looked around the room for someplace to hide. He didn’t even have a damn weapon. He hurried toward the small window, shoved it open, and began to try and climb out when strong hands grabbed onto him, pulling him backward onto the floor.

  “Who are you?” the older man asked.

  “Don’t move, asshole. The cops are on their way,”
the other one said.

  “I’m a friend of Michaela’s.”

  “Really? Then why are you trying to escape through the window?”

  “I was surprising her. I came in and saw the blood and the mess. I got scared.”

  “You should be scared. Very scared.”

  Solomon stared at the two older men and thought he could take them. But as he looked toward the doorway just as the one man closed up his cell phone, he jumped forward and the other man struck him in the face, knocking him backward onto his ass.

  “Go ahead and try to move again, punk, and watch what happens to you.”

  “Good job, Burt. The cavalry is on their way.”

  “You got a hold of Jake, Jerome?”

  The Jerome guy gave an evil smile. “Sure did.”

  Solomon knew he was screwed. But maybe being in police custody could keep him alive a little longer.

  * * * *

  “I need to go. You two take her to our place,” Jake told Billy as they were helping Michaela into Hal’s truck.

  “What’s going on?” Michaela asked, sounding groggy as Billy buckled her into the front seat between Hal and him.

  “Nothing, baby. I’ll see you soon.” He kissed her and then eyed his two brothers who looked pissed off and concerned. “I’ll call you,” he whispered to Billy, squeezing his shoulder, before he and Buddy Landers then ran toward their police vehicles.

  * * * *

  Jake couldn’t believe that this was happening. His father and Jerome went to Michaela’s house to clean up the mess in the bedroom and by the back door, as well as to grab some of her clothing. He got the call that they caught an intruder. A man claiming to be her friend. He knew it had something to do with this hit man and the Clyde guy they’d caught tonight.

  Clyde was still in the hospital unconscious from the hit by Ike, so questioning him was going to have to wait. Perhaps this new guy, the intruder Burt and Jerome caught, could be of assistance.


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