World War Forever (Highway To Armageddon Book 2)

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World War Forever (Highway To Armageddon Book 2) Page 1

by Harold Bloemer




  Harold Bloemer

  WORLD WAR FOREVER© 2015 by Harold Bloemer. All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, without written permission from Highway To Armageddon Entertainment, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Edition

  First Printing 2015

  Summary: In this action-packed sequel to the dystopic thriller Highway To Armageddon, teen bounty hunters Lance, Boom Boom, and Krystal continue their blood-drenched, suicidal mission to prevent all-out nuclear war between the United States of the Americas and the Republic of China. In order to inhibit this nightmare scenario, the trio must hunt down and assassinate the most powerful and dangerous woman to have ever walked the face of the Earth, United States President Angela Klaxton. In essence, in order to achieve world peace, the president must die.

  But things become much more confusing and chaotic the deeper down the proverbial rabbit hole the trio travel. As Boom Boom, Lance, and Krystal traverse the world looking for their elusive target, they quickly realize China has no intention of backing down from a pending invasion, even if they do manage to take Klaxton out (which is no sure thing). That means the key to warding off nuclear Armageddon may entail joining forces with their most despised enemy in order to thwart a much more treacherous foe. The question is, are Lance, Krystal, and Boom Boom willing to work with Klaxton in order to save the lives of billions? For Boom Boom, at least, that may be a bridge too far. As she’s said several times before, perhaps the world does deserve to burn.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Printed in the United States of America

  Highway To Armageddon Entertainment

  Copyright 2015



  Books by Harold Bloemer




  In the year 2150, the world is on the brink of nuclear war. The United States of the Americas and the Democratic Republic of China are fighting over dwindling natural resources (the result of the planet’s devastation from runaway global warming) and even the slightest provocation is capable of setting off either super-power. One such provocation is China’s belief that the United States is harboring their number one domestic terrorist, Mikhail Rasputin. In an attempt to quell China’s inexorable march toward Armageddon, United States President Angela Klaxton places a $25 million bounty on Rasputin’s head. If Rasputin is in America, Klaxton publicly states, then the bounty will ensure he is caught.

  Eager to cash in on that massive bounty, 18-year old bounty hunters Lance, Boom Boom, and Krystal decide to join forces with their on-again, off-again rivals, 21-year old Arrow and his one-eyed, tough-as-nails mother, Machete, and go after the world’s most wanted man. After countless dead-ends and near-death encounters with rival bounty hunters and sadistic mobsters, the unlikely allies find Rasputin in a secret stronghold outside New Las Vegas, Alaska. They also stumble upon a conspiracy of truly epic proportions, as it becomes apparent President Klaxton is in cahoots with Rasputin. Her Orwellian plot is to plunge China and the U.S. into a new Cold War that will thrust her crumbling, depression-prone empire into a new age of economic prosperity (similar to what occurred when the U.S. went to war with Germany and Japan 200 years earlier). A massive gun battle ensures, one that claims the lives of Arrow and dozens of others. Lance and Boom Boom chase after Klaxton and Rasputin and manage to board their fleeing plane. Rasputin is killed, but Klaxton escapes.

  China, of course, is none too pleased to learn about Klaxton’s deceit, and is seriously considering launching an invasion of America. Such a hostile act, of course, would thrust both empires into a mutually destructive nuclear war. In order to thwart this apocalyptic scenario, the new U.S. president places a $100 million bounty on Klaxton’s head. Lance, Boom Boom and Krystal decide to go after Klaxton for three reasons: one, the money; two, to avenge Arrow’s death; and three, to prevent the commencement of nuclear Armageddon.

  The following tale takes place several months after the events previously outlined.

  Chapter One: Boom Boom

  Sanctuary 41: December 22nd, 2150


  All the drunk gamblers curse and slam their fists on the table, rattling their piles of chips. I chuckle and pull all the chips toward me, basking in the glow of my 17th straight win. When you know how to count cards, the sky’s the limit with how much you can earn.

  The dealer, Jon, flashes me a discreet wink as the crowd of people who have gathered to watch break out in applause. I glance at the security guards at the far end of the casino, the ones who are peering at me over the tops of their shades. They do not appear happy. I’m going to have to wrap things up before I get tossed out. I’m sure Geronimo Blackbird’s accountants can’t be thrilled I already swindled $100,000 from their coffers.

  My target brushes up against me and slides her hand up and down my back. Her other hand touches my exposed thigh, sending chills up my spine. Her fingers are icy cold. I feel like a slut dressed in this flimsy mini-skirt and low-cut blouse, but I had to catch my target’s attention. From the way she’s clinging all over me, my attire appears to be working.

  “You are amazing, Sapphire,” Pocahontas Blackbird purrs, breathing heavily in my ear. It takes everything I have not to shove her away. While Pocahontas is unquestionably beautiful, with her long, flowing blonde hair, toned body, and bronze skin, I am definitely not aroused by the same sex. But I have to convince Pocahontas I am interested in her flirts if our mission is to succeed.

  I turn toward Pocahontas and seductively whisper, “I’m tired of taking these drunks’ money. Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private and have some fun?”

  Pocahontas’ bright blue eyes light up and a devilish smirk creeps across her undeniably gorgeous face. She twirls a strand of my dyed black hair around her left index finger and says, “That’s the most amazing idea I’ve heard in ages. Let’s go.”

  I snap my fingers at Jon. “I’d like to cash out, please.”

  The gamblers at my table sigh in relief. I take it they’re ecstatic I’m about to make a sudden exit.

  “About goddamn time,” some dirty old drunk grumbles. He looks like he’s about to expire from alcohol poisoning.

  “You cleaned us out, you jezebel,” another drunk slurs.

  “I sure am going to miss all you charming old men,” I reply. “You sure do know how to sweet talk a lady.”

  All the drunks grumble some unflattering remarks. Jon shakes his head in mild amusement and hands me a slip of paper claiming I’m $100,000 richer than I was when I first walked through the door.

  I glance over at the guards in the back. They’re staring at me, but they seem content that I’m exiting the game. That’s great. The last thing I need is Blackbird’s goons breathing down my neck.

  I wave the sliver of paper announcing my sudden new accumulation of wealth in Pocahontas’ face. “C’mon, Raven,” I say, calling her by her alias. “Let’s cash this in and head upstairs.”

  Pocahontas grabs my wrist. I wince, as she has
a surprisingly strong grip. “You got it, Sapphire,” Pocahontas says lustfully, calling me by my alias.

  Pocahontas practically drags me over to the cash-out counter. I hand the attendant my slip, she hands me a stack of large bills, and Pocahontas drags me off yet again, this time to the lobby where the elevators are located.

  I can’t help but gaze around the lobby in awe. Every building in Sanctuary 41 is spectacular, but Blackbird’s hotel puts all others to shame. The walls are built out of solid gold. Glittering crystal chandeliers dangle from the soaring ceilings, dazzling me with all their shininess. Priceless paintings from Da Vinci, Monet, Raphael, Picasso, and countless others adorn the walls. There are also a plethora of gorgeous marble sculptures of angels, Greek-style nude men and women, and various endangered and extinct animals like tigers, lions, and polar bears. It’s almost too much for my brain to absorb. Then again, that’s not much of a surprise considering how fucked up my brain’s been acting lately. It’s like I can’t ever concentrate on anything. I’m surprised I’ve been able to count cards as well as I have. I wouldn’t have been able to keep it up much longer, though. It’s best that I ended my little charade when I did.

  I definitely haven’t been myself since I gave up my pills… or since Arrow’s assassination. It’s like my mind has regressed. I need to clear my head fast, though, if I expect to finagle any information out of Pocahontas. She may be a wild and crazy girl, but she’s also cunning, smart, and incredibly ruthless. If she wasn’t, we would have found her way before now. She’s definitely been one of the most evasive targets we’ve ever gone after, right up there with President Klaxton herself. I mean, former President Klaxton. I keep forgetting she’s not in charge anymore.

  Pocahontas drags me into an empty elevator and furiously jabs at the control panel.

  I force a smile. “My, you are quite eager to get up to your room.”

  Pocahontas grins, flashing her gleaming white teeth. “You have no idea, babe. I cannot wait to get you out of that dress!”

  It takes everything I have to keep my smile intact. I have nothing against lesbians, but I’m 100% straight. I’m not quite as excited as Ms. Blackbird is for our prospective romp in the sack. But I cannot allow her to detect even the slightest hint of hesitation. This mission is the culmination of over two months of countless dead-ends and laborious investigations that literally took us all over the American continent. Ever since Klaxton went on the run after all that chaos in Alaska, Lance, Krystal and I have been futilely searching for Pocahontas’ father, multi-billionaire and ardent Klaxon supporter Geronimo Blackbird. He was one of Klaxton’s biggest campaign contributors during her dictatorial 22-year reign as supreme leader of the Americas, so it only made sense we would go looking for him. If anyone on the planet has even the slightest idea of where Klaxton is hiding, it would be Geronimo.

  It would turn out, unfortunately, that finding Geronimo was almost as impossible as finding Klaxton herself. We went to dozens of Sanctuaries where he had various businesses and casinos… we’ve even come here to Sanctuary 41, his home, at least half a dozen times… but no one would talk. It was like Geronimo had suddenly become a ghost. It got to the point where I began to think he might even be in hiding with Klaxton. That’s when we decided to look for his daughter.

  Finding Pocahontas was exceptionally difficult, as one might imagine, but at least we had some leads. After we roughed up some known friends and associates of Mr. Blackbird, we discovered Pocahontas was actually staying right here in Sanctuary 41. But she had changed her name and drastically altered her appearance. Apparently she’s been hiding out in this hotel for the past several months, shielded by her father’s loyal associates. As she’s not allowed to leave the premises for fear of being nabbed and brutally interrogated by government agents, Pocahontas basically stays locked away in her room for most of the day. She is occasionally allowed out to roam the casino and hit on hot girls (like yours truly). I’m assuming she is allowed to do this so she can maintain some shred of her sanity. I would probably go crazy, too, if I wasn’t allowed outside for months at a time.

  So basically Pocahontas Blackbird is hiding in plain sight, right under the government’s very nose. The plan is for me to get Pocahontas alone in her room and persuade her to spill the beans on her elusive father’s whereabouts, by any means necessary. I’m certainly not looking forward to what’s about to happen, but it’s a necessary evil, as Lance likes to keep reminding me. (That’s apparently his new favorite catch phrase.) And I must reluctantly agree with him. Sometimes you must do reprehensible things to keep the world from going up in flames. If Klaxton isn’t located and apprehended soon, the Chinese will invade our shores. They already proved their aggressiveness when they sunk several of our warships out in the Pacific a few weeks ago. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed and nuclear war was averted, but I’m not willing to bet the same scenario will play out if another act of provocation is initiated. America may be quite a bit softer now that Klaxton is no longer in charge (her replacement, President LeBeau, leaves a lot to be desired as a leader), but we’re still not willing to become China’s bitch.

  As soon as the elevator door slides shut and we begin our ascent to the 40th floor, Pocahontas shoves me up against the back of the car and starts sucking my face. I try not to gag as Pocahontas shoves her wagging tongue down my throat. I barely enjoy kissing guys like this, let alone girls.

  Pocahontas must sense my hesitation because she slowly withdraws her tongue and backs away, a look of immense disappointment plastered all upon her elegant face.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks in a hurt-filled voice. “Am I taking things too fast?”

  I almost blurt out the truth, that hell yes she’s taking it too fast, but then I realize the truth will only make an already difficult mission that much more impossible. So I bury the truth into the deepest, darkest recesses of my soul and curl my lips into a devilish smirk.

  “Not quite. You were actually taking things way too slow.”

  I grab Pocahontas by her grinning face, slam her up against the back of the elevator, and shove my own wagging tongue down her throat, nearly choking her. Pocahontas moans in ecstasy as she runs her fingers through my hair. I mimic her outpouring of lesbian affection and rub my fingers through her hair as well. Pocahontas wraps her right leg around my lower body and pulls me closer.

  In between gasps for air, Pocahontas purrs, “You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Where have you been all my life?”

  I’m about to thank her for the compliment (I seriously am not very good in erotic situations, as Lance knows from the handful of times we’ve had sex), but I never get the chance. Pocahontas, apparently far more enamored by me than any man I’ve ever encountered, tears off my low-cut blouse and starts unbuttoning my bra. I step back and cover my bosom.

  Pocahontas smirks and says, “What’s wrong? You’ve never done it in an elevator before?”

  “I can’t say that I have,” I say, suddenly feeling extraordinarily self-conscious. I mean, what if the elevator stops and someone comes in?

  Apparently reading my mind, Pocahontas leans in close and says, “Relax, Sapphire, hardly anyone uses these elevators at this late hour. People are either in bed or downstairs gambling away their life savings.”

  Pocahontas unbuttons her blouse and bra and allows her articles of clothing to fall to the floor. I gulp and gaze upon her perky breasts. The girl’s got a rack, I’ll give her that.

  Still clutching my bra, I back up against the wall and stammer, “Er, if it’s alright with you I’d like to wait until we…mmm!”

  Pocahontas goes back to shoving her tongue down my throat and running her hands up and down my body. Things are seriously getting out of hand.

  And then my worst nightmare is realized. The elevator jerks to a stop, causing me and my ‘lesbian lover’ to stumble into the rear of the car. I spin around just in time to see the elevator doors slide open and an elderly couple attempt to step inside.
When they see me and Pocahontas entangled into each other’s arms, with our clothes laying on the floor, they both gasp and stagger backwards.

  The elderly woman makes the sign of the cross and cries, “Why I never! You kids these days have no self-respect or self-decency! Back in the early 2100’s we knew how to keep our clothes on!”

  Her elderly husband merely smirks and flashes us a discreet thumbs-up. I guess men act the same around young ‘lesbian’ lovers no matter how old they are.

  Pocahontas laughs and gives the elderly couple the one-finger salute as the doors slide shut.

  I smack her hand and chastise, “That wasn’t very nice.”

  “Oh please, did you see the way that old fogey was looking at us?” Pocahontas says in disdain. “He was practically raping us with his eyes.”

  Before I can throw in my two cents, Pocahontas goes back to sucking my face. The 40th floor can’t come fast enough in my humble opinion. Thankfully no one else tries to come in while I’m experiencing my first gay make-out session.


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