Have you Ever...?

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Have you Ever...? Page 4

by Cyan Tayse

  “Cara!” She turns to face Evan, trying to keep a straight face. “She’s lying. I mean, about being around the block a few times. I’m not that easy.”

  I put the can to my lips before saying, “She ain’t no nun either.”

  “Stop, you’re gonna get me in trouble.” She giggles again, and even though I know I am setting myself up for disappointment, I still revel in the fact that I am the one making her laugh.

  “Oh pssh,” I wave my hand flippantly, “like he’s all sweet and innocent.” I aim my can at Evan.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know.” He waggles his eyebrows at me while slurping back another mouthful of beer.

  “Nope, not really,” I say with a straight face. God I love fucking with people, and Evan makes it all too easy. “I’ve never been interested in sloppy seconds.” I wink and watch as his brows shoot up as high as they possibly can.

  “Oh my God, Cara!” She turns to Evan, her cheeks flaming red. “Ignore her, she’s just trying to get a rise out of you.” When her eyes land back on mine, they are glistening with mirth, but all the same, she still mouths stop it, and gives me a funny look.

  “Oh all right, if it’s what you really want, I’ll do you too.” Shaking my head, I ready myself to stand while all three sets of eyes burn into my skull. Looking up with innocence plastered on my face, I say, “What? Did I go too far? Damn it, I did, didn’t I? When should I have stopped? It was sloppy seconds, wasn’t it? They never seem to like that one.” I say the last part under my breath, as if talking to myself. “Maybe I should just set up an assembly line, work my way through y’all, what do ya think?” Planting my feet on the floor, I stand up, brushing my hands down the front of my jeans. “I’ve gotta go break the seal. You guys talk amongst yourselves, let me know what you decide.” I navigate my way across the room and out the door to the bathroom, making sure to add an extra wiggle to my hips for good measure.

  Chapter thirteen


  “She’s fucking with me again, isn’t she?” Evan asks no one in particular.

  With a nod of her head, Brianna confirms it. “Yes, Evan. She’s fucking with you. She’s not going to shag her way around the room. You can relax.”

  “I wasn’t worried.”

  “Sure you weren’t,” she says, patting her hand on his chest playfully. Watching them together gives me hope that I might still have a chance with Cara. Her attraction to Brianna is evident, but it seems that Bri has made her choice. Not to mention, Cara has been getting a little flirty with me.

  It is time to up my game. Bring out the big guns, so to speak. “Is it getting warm in here?” Tugging at the hem of my top, I pull it over my head just as Cara is walking back into the room.

  “Wooh! Get your gears off,” she sings as she sashays her way over to me. “Check out the six pack on this one.” Lifting my tee, she rubs her hand across my abs, and it takes everything to keep my cock from jumping to attention. “Seriously, there’s not an ounce of fat on you, is there?” Her hand slaps down on my stomach before she covers me back up again, throwing her legs across my lap once more. Lifting my arm to throw it around her shoulders, she snuggles in to my side. “So, what’d I miss?”

  Well that was certainly easier than I expected it to be. Should’ve taken my top off earlier.

  “Nothing much, just Evan wondering if you were serious about your offer to do the rounds.” With her in my arms, I feel like I can be more bold. My fingers find their way under her top, gently caressing her velvety skin as I relax further into the couch. Her soft curls tickle the side of my face as I lean into her, my lips brushing along her ear. “Personally, I don’t think he could handle you.”

  When she raises her eyes to meet mine, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth, I can tell she is considering my words. “And you, cowboy? You think you can handle me?” She quirks an eyebrow, her lips pursed as she watches me.

  She is so close it would be easy to kiss her. That thought alone has my heart racing, and all the moisture in my mouth seems to have evacuated, leaving me with the worst case of cotton-mouth I’ve ever had. “Uh… yeah,” I croak, running my tongue along my gums, trying to regain my composure. Pull yourself together, man! “Of course. I can handle anything you throw my way.” Better.

  “Is that right?” Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips as she smirks at me.

  “Ah, get-a-room!” Evan coughs the words into his fist and just like that, Cara turns away from me, poking her tongue out at him. Damn, so close.

  “Aw, don’t be jealous,” she coos, her lips pushed into a pout as she gives him puppy-dog eyes.

  “Jealous? Me? Pfft, what do I have to be jealous of?” Evan folds his arms across his chest, puffing it out proudly.

  She hooks her thumb back towards me. “Have you seen him? He’s like an Adonis, and you…” She trails off, tilting her head as she appraises him. “You’re kinda… what’s the word I’m looking for?” Her mouth twists to the side, her brow furrowed.

  “Masculine? Handsome? Drop-dead-gorgeous, perhaps?” Evan throws the words out there with a chuckle and a wink at Bri.

  “Nope, that’s not it… I mean, you’re easy on the eye, that’s for sure, but it’s more in the adorable, teddy-bear type of good-looking, not the Greek God type like my boy here.”

  I watch with a grin as Evan’s jaw hits the floor, but he’s quick to bounce back.

  “That hurts me, blondie, right here.” He thumps his fist to his chest. “Good thing I’ve got all these furry layers to take the heat from your burn.” And without a word of a lie, he grips his shirt and rips it open, cave-man style, baring his sculpted chest to the room.

  I inwardly groan while Cara bounces up and down, giggling like a mad woman. “Yes! Embrace your inner bear, Ev!” With two fingers in her mouth, she lets out a shrill whistle. “You know, he might actually give you a run for your money. Did you see that? He went all Clark Kent/Superman on me.” She turns to face me. “I think you need to bare all too.” Her finger pushes against my chest.

  “I would, but,” I lower my voice to a whisper, “I don’t think you could control yourself around all this hotness.” I run my hand down my torso in much the same way as she had earlier.

  She peers up at me with those beautiful fucking seas of blue, and with a lift of one perfectly shaped eyebrow, she says the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

  “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.”

  Chapter fourteen


  You should see the look on his face! I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyebrows shoot up so high before, but like I said, boys are easy. I’ll have him eating out of the palm of my hand in no time.

  “Is that a promise?” His voice is husky and I’ll admit, it’s a huge turn-on knowing that I have that much power over him.

  Placing my hand on my chest, I look at him with what I hope is a demure face. “Would I lie to you?”

  “Um, hello? Have you forgotten you have company?” Brianna says, and I’m sure I can hear a touch of jealousy in her tone.

  “Don’t be like that. You can take yours off too,” I say with a wink. “I’m pretty sure I can speak for everyone here when I say, we will happily accept you exposing yourself. Right boys?”

  “Well I’m certainly not going to say no,” Evan says with a grin. “Although, I’d much prefer to have a private showing. I’m not really one for sharing.” He waggles his eyebrows at her and that delicious blush runs across her chest and into her face giving her a soft glow.

  “Uh…” Her eyes flick to mine and I silently will her to say no. “Yeah… maybe we should take this to my room?” Her voice goes higher as if she’s unsure.

  “Would you look at that?” Evan’s shit-eating grin is spread across his face as he turns to look at me. “I guess some chicks dig the cute teddy-bear look.”

  With my hands in the air, I shake my head. “Hey, man, each to their own and all that jazz.” I meet Brianna’s gaze as she climbs off his l
ap. “You two kids have fun now.”

  “I’m all about having fun.” He gives her ass a playful swat as she walks through the door, then turns to us with a thumbs up. Brianna giggles and takes his hand, leading him down the hall and out of sight.

  “You okay?” Dan asks.

  “Me?” I point a finger to my chest. “Couldn’t be better.”

  “You still wanna play?”

  “You know what? I think I’d rather go check out your room.” I swing my legs off his lap and grab myself another bourbon. “I bet you’ve got all kinds of kinky shit in there.”

  He chuckles, the sound so deep and sexy. He’s exactly the kind of distraction I need to keep my mind off whatever is going on down the hall.

  “Lead the way, tiger.”

  With my hand firmly engulfed in his, I follow him past Brianna’s room, noting the soft music playing behind the door. I don’t let myself think about what else is being ‘played’ in there.

  “Here it is.” He sweeps his hand out in front of him. “My humble abode.”

  I saunter through the door, taking in the manly décor. A signed test jersey is framed and hung on the wall directly opposite his bed, which I’m surprised to see is made, and tidily I might add. Various memorabilia are displayed on shelves, along with several books, which I assume by their names, are all about rugby players. His shoes are all lined up neatly along one wall, and nothing seems to be out of place. Neat-freak much?

  “Niiiiiiice,” I say, dragging out the ‘I’ as my eyes scan the room. “You’re very… particular about things, aren’t you?”

  Running a hand through his hair he shrugs with a grin. “I like order. Mess distracts me.”

  “Remind me never to let you see the inside of my room.” He would have a fit! I have a shoe box that is overflowing with shoes, too many clothes shoved into drawers that won’t close, and a pile of ‘can-get-another-day-out-of-them’ clothes on my chair. I also very rarely make my bed, unless it’s clean-sheet day. Hello world, clutter be thy name! I mean, honestly, who can be bothered with cleaning?

  “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

  “Oh, you have no idea.” I can’t help but giggle at the thought of him stepping foot in my room. “So,” I clap my hands, flinging myself onto the bed. “Whatever shall we do with ourselves?”

  Chapter Fifteen


  She’s sprawled across my bed staring up at me with those damn come-hither eyes of hers, and it takes every ounce of my strength to stop myself from mounting her right here and now.

  Instead, I walk my hands up the bed on either side of her, taking in every curve of her body. When I reach the part of her stomach that is exposed, I trail light kisses along her peach-coloured skin. She sucks in a deep breath, goosebumps feathering her creamy complexion. Her nipples are on full display through her thin top and it’s only now I realise she isn’t wearing a bra. How the fuck did I not notice that before? You’re off your game tonight, Danny boy.

  Tugging the flimsy fabric up to let them loose, my tongue darts out, getting my first taste of her. So fucking good. I pull the tight bud between my teeth, eliciting a moan from her as she drags her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer. “Dan,” she croons, grinding her hips against my thigh, almost sending me over the edge. With a growl, I roll onto my back, bringing her to straddle me. “Ooh, a bit of cowgirl action, I’m down with that.” She nips at my mouth before pushing against my chest to sit back. With her eyes locked on mine, she rocks back and forth as she pulls her top over her head, spinning it around in the air like a lasso. “Ride ‘em, cowboy!” she cries out, flinging her top across the room.

  My hands grip her hips as she continues to grind her pussy against my cock, and all I can think about is how much I want to bury myself deep inside her.

  When she reaches up and tweaks her nipples between her fingers, her swollen lip pulled between her teeth, I very nearly come in my pants.

  A thump from the next room makes her stop what she’s doing. She twists her head round to stare at the wall, listening for sounds. My fingers press into her hips, urging her on. “I’m sure everything is fine.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” She turns back to me, her hips picking up where they had left off, but I can see the light has gone from her eyes. She’s just going through the motions now.

  As much as I’d like to make her forget all about Bri, I know I have to let her go. With a sigh, I drop my hands. “Cara, stop. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

  She cocks her head to the side. “I do want to…” Peering back over her shoulder, she raises an eyebrow. “I just need to know that she’s okay.”

  I guess I should’ve seen this coming. I knew there was something more between them, but I let my other brain do the thinking tonight.

  With a pat of my hands on her hips, she climbs off me, her eyes scanning the room for her top. I take in one final look at those beautiful tits, knowing I’ll probably never get a chance to see them again after this.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, I watch her pull her top back on, surprised when she brushes her lips against mine. “Don’t look at me like that, cowboy. I’ll come back, I just need to check on her.” She shrugs her shoulder. “She’s my best friend.”

  Chapter sixteen


  Well that didn’t exactly go as planned. What is wrong with me? Throwing myself at Evan like that. I’m acting just like… well, Cara. It’s absolutely the sort of thing she would do.

  Ugh! She went and got me all mixed up and confused. I have no idea if I’m coming or going, but I do know this; I won’t be coming with Evan tonight, that’s for sure.

  Flopping back onto the mattress, I stare at the wall, wondering how it’s possible to go from thinking I’m straight, to wondering what it would be like to have Cara in my arms. When I picture her tongue raking along her plump lips, I can’t help but let out a tiny moan as I imagine those lips trailing over my body. What would it feel like to have her face buried between my thighs? To have her tongue lapping at my clit?

  God, what am I doing? I’m fantasising about my best friend when she’s probably next door shagging Dan’s brains out. Get a grip, Bri.

  Dragging myself off the bed, I creep to my door and slip down the hall to get a glass of water. The door to Dan’s room is closed, and I’m surprised at the pang of jealousy I feel when I hear the familiar sound of Cara’s voice mingling with Dan’s deeper cadence.

  Pushing that feeling deep down inside, I make my way to the kitchen, ignoring the mess of bottles and cans all over the coffee table. Grabbing a glass down from the cupboard, I fill it with water and lean my back against the sink, allowing the cool water to trickle down my throat.

  “Bri?” Cara’s eyes land on mine as she steps through the door. “You okay?” If I wasn’t paying attention, I might have missed her eyes darting down to rest on my nipples. I hadn’t bothered throwing anything over my threadbare singlet and cotton panties before leaving my room, and it is a little on the chilly side. Who am I kidding? It’s not the cool air that has them standing to attention, it’s the look in Cara’s eyes and the images of her tongue roaming my body that have my heart racing and my panties soaking.

  Clearing my throat, I mumble, “Um, yeah, I’m fine.” Why does it feel like all the air has been sucked out of the room?

  “Where’s Evan?” She steps closer. “Oh no, was he a dud in the sack?” She holds her pinkie finger in the air, letting it curl down with a grin.

  Giggling, I place my glass on the bench behind me. “I wish. That, at least, I could explain.”

  Cocking her head to the side, she juts out her hip, one hand resting on it as she looks me over. “Anything I can help with?”

  If only she knew…

  I shrug, averting my eyes from her intense stare. No one has ever looked at me this way before. It’s as if she can see my thoughts.

  “Are you sure?” she whispers, dropping her hand and moving in c

  “I… um…”

  With her fingers under my chin, she lifts my face to meet her gaze. “He’s gay, isn’t he?” she says matter-of-factly and I can’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.

  “He’s not gay,” I assure her.

  “So… why’d he leave then?” Her eyes bore into mine and there’s no way I can hide it from her any longer.

  “Because I asked him to,” I whisper, swallowing back the words I really want to say.

  Her eyes flick between my eyes and my lips, her thumb caressing my jaw. “Why?”


  “Because?” She raises an eyebrow, the hint of a smile on her face.

  “Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  Chapter seventeen


  Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.

  Her words ignite a fire deep inside of me, and it takes every ounce of self-control I have not to plunge my tongue down her throat.

  “Finally! She admits her undying love for me.” I say, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear with a wink. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  “You have?” she asks, biting the corner of her lip.

  “I have.” Taking the last step in so that our bodies are now touching, I can’t help but groan at the feel of her against me. Trailing my hand along her arm and up to cup her cheek, my eyes flick up to hers, silently asking for permission.

  With a small nod, she closes her eyes, puckering her lips. I have imagined this very scenario so many times in the dead of night, wondering what her lips would feel like. My fingers have done a lot of walking to that vision—believe you me—but now that the moment is here, I’m a little scared. What if she changes her mind?

  My heart almost beats out of my chest as I lean in slowly, brushing my lips lightly across hers, hesitantly. When she doesn’t shy away, and a tiny sigh utters from her lips, my bravado returns, and darting my tongue out, I lick along her bottom lip. She quivers beneath my touch. Pressing my lips to hers with more force, she opens up to me, her tongue duelling with mine as our kiss deepens.


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