HOT MEN: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

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HOT MEN: A Contemporary Romance Box Set Page 73

by Ashlee Price

  Her words were his ending and Caspin drove deep to push his thick seed home. Each hot blast made her body convulse. Caspin kissed her, silencing her whimpers as his cock throbbed deep inside of her. It was too much and she pushed him off of her. “I can definitely see how this can only happen once. I think you would kill me if we did that every night.”

  He growled and pulled her to him. “What if I want more?”

  She looked at him incredulously. “Right now?”

  Caspin chuckled. She was half-asleep, her mouth wide and she had the sweetest look on her face. He did want her again, his cock already starting to stiffen with the thought, her flavor still on his tongue. “Would you tell me no?”

  “Yes, I am too sore for more.”

  He whined like he was wounded and turned her face towards him. She could feel the need pressing against her ass like the first time and her hips moved on their own accord, rubbing herself against him. Kallie couldn’t help it. Grabbing one of her large tits in his hand, he squeezed the tip, rolling them between his fingers. It made Kallie moan, her ass lifting up to slide him inside of her.

  “Do you want more?”

  She shook her head that she didn’t, but her body was trying it’s hardest to take him in once more. It was as if he belonged there and nowhere else would do. “I can’t.”

  Kallie could though, his fat cock finally pushing in slowly as her eyes closed in pleasure. He liked to prove her wrong, but she was quickly begging for him to fuck her faster so she could come.


  She woke up with a start the next morning. When she looked over, his eyes were still on her and she smiled up at him. Her night was over, but it was something that she would always remember, always cherish.

  “Good morning love.”

  Kallie lifted her face up to kiss him. She liked the way it sounded, but she knew that it was not true, he didn’t love her. “Good morning Caspin. Let me get up and get out of our hair.”

  She couldn’t meet his gaze and he stopped her before she could get out of the bed. “Where are you going?”

  “I have to go to work.”

  “The shop will be fine with you gone for just one more day.”

  Her eyes moved to his finally. “Why?”

  “Because I want you to stay with me.”

  “What about your one night rule?”

  He chuckled and pulled her in for a kiss. “I still don’t know where you heard that, but it was never a rule. I just hadn’t met anyone that I wanted to wake up with.”

  His kiss was softer and she found herself melting with the heat. Her heart was pounding, dying to hear the words that she had to hold in. Caspin pulled back and touched her face. “I want to wake up with you every morning Kallie.”

  She bit her lip and looked down. His dark eyes were hard to hold a gaze. Kallie hoped that it meant one thing, but she didn’t want to read into it. Did he want her to move in with him?

  “Say something Kallie. Tell me you feel the same way.”

  “I care about you Caspin.”


  “What do you want me to say?”

  “That you love me like I love you and that you will be my bride.”

  She hadn’t blinked, sure that she was imagining it in her head. “You love me?”

  “Well isn’t it obvious?”

  Kallie couldn’t help but giggle, her arms pulling him down for a kiss. “I love you too, but I was afraid to try and get too close. I knew that if you touched me, I would be lost.” And she was, one hundred percent lost in him.

  “You feel lost, but I feel found. It was like a part of me was missing Kallie and then there you were to show me what I lacked.”

  “So if I only get one night, how many morning do I get?”

  He pulled her on top of him, her legs opening to straddle his hairy thighs. Caspin lifted her up and then set her down to slowly slide over his length. Her eyes closed and she cried out with the sudden upward thrust of his hips. “As many as you can handle.”


  A Note From The Author

  Thank-you for reading HOT MEN - A Contemporary Romance Box Set. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you’re happy with the book, I’d love it if you could leave a review. If you’re not happy and would rather share privately, I’d love to hear from you too.

  You can email me your feedback anytime: [email protected]

  I love hearing from my readers!

  Ok, flip to the next page where you can read two samples of my books: SEAL Me Daddy and Body Talk.

  They’re both books that I worked hard on and were the first two where things really ‘clicked’ between me and my audience.

  Thank-you for reading my books and your amazing support!



  Seal Me Daddy (Sample)

  A Fake Marriage Romance

  By Ashlee Price

  171 Reviews

  4.5 / 5 Stars


  My lawyer says I need a wife to keep my daughter.The perfect girl lives next door. Heck, I think she might be a virgin too. Our marriage is supposed to be pretend. But, what if I don't want to fake it anymore?

  My marriage ended worse than any of my SEAL missions. We never left a man behind, but now my psycho ex has my kid. She's going to take her away forever unless I convince the judge I'm the stable one.

  My lawyer says I need a wife for that. I'd rather do another tour in Afghanistan than walk down the aisle again. But I'll do it for my daughter - and I'll do it to get a shot at Sky.

  She's half my age, hot as f*ck, wants to help and, oh yeah, she's a virgin.

  So we'll fake a marriage.

  But, she won't be faking her moans on our wedding night.

  Chapter One—Linc

  I already had the start of a headache going when I stepped into the second bar of the night; Tulane’s had had last call about an hour before, and I’d finished off my beer there before moving on to Foster’s, which I knew would be open until four. I wasn’t even really drunk—I’d paced myself a bit—but I could walk home from Foster’s if I had to, without breaking too much of a sweat, and the owner there didn’t care if I left my car in the lot overnight.

  Whoever had grabbed control of the jukebox at Foster’s was on some god-awful country music jag, and I walked up to the bar with my ears full of Hank Williams, Jr. and my brain full of Lisa’s most recent bullshit. Mandy, the woman working the bar, knew me, and by the time I took one of the seats at the bar, she was finishing up my first drink: Jameson with a PBR beer back. I looked around the place, trying to figure out if it would be worth it to find someone to chat up and take back to the motel on the other end of the block for a few hours. My new tenant was supposed to be coming in a day or so—and I knew I should probably at least do the normal checking around the unit before she got there—but after the news I’d gotten that day, all I wanted to do was go mindless for a while.

  “You look like a wreck, Linc,” Mandy said as she set my shot and beer in front of me. I took my wallet out and handed her a twenty.

  “That good, eh?” I gave her a quick smile and knocked back the shot, cracking the PBR as the whiskey burned down my throat and catching the first sip of it. “Same old shit. You know how it is.” Mandy and I had had more than a few talks about the shit-fest my life had become in the past few years; she was one of maybe three women I trusted, including my divorce lawyer, Carol.

  “Not so bad that you couldn’t catch a willing woman if you wanted,” Mandy said, giving me a quick once-over. “Of course, most of the willing women here are three sheets already.” I laughed.

  “I dunno,” I told her, taking another, longer sip of my beer. “I’m supposed to meet with someone tomorrow, early morning.” It was the first slot that Carol had had open when I’d called that afternoon after being served the paperwork. The envelope with the thick sheaf of paper in it was still in my car; I’d looked at it when I’d
parked, thinking about whether or not to just call it a night.

  “When has that ever stopped you?” Mandy flashed me another grin and took my twenty off the bar, taking it with her to the register while she checked on the handful of other people sitting there. She brought back my change while I occupied myself looking around. Two girls who were probably only just old enough to be in Foster’s in the first place, a couple of tourists who had delusions of being hikers—Birkenstock sandals, “rugged” cut jeans, crop tops—and a handful of regulars. Foster’s would really fill up in about another hour, after most of the other bars had closed down for the night, and I’d have a better selection to choose from.

  Someone else—thank god—took over the jukebox, and the stream of country tunes gave way to some late Beatles music. It was at least an improvement, and I knew I’d miss it once the kids from the college dragged in. I thought about shoving a few bucks in the machine and putting on some Rage Against the Machine, or maybe Audioslave, something good and gritty and hard, but it was like I was nailed to the stool.

  A few more people came in, and I spotted the one I’d take to the motel up the street: she was petite, with blonde hair in a sharp bob cut, long legs that looked like she might actually hike on a regular basis, tanned skin. She was in a skirt and blouse, showing off enough skin to tell whoever was looking hard enough that she was available without putting the goods completely on display. She’d do. I waved Mandy over when I saw she was free.

  “What’s she having?” I gestured to the blonde.

  “Beers, mostly,” Mandy said. “Stella. Had a couple of shots of Patron silver when she came in, with the other chick.” I nodded.

  “Get her another Patron, and the friend too, from me,” I told her. Mandy rolled her eyes with a grin but nodded and took my money, handing me another Jameson as she did. I thought I might switch to water for the next round—I didn’t want to get too drunk to enjoy things with the blonde if it came to that, just pleasantly buzzed. Enough to fuzz the edges of the simmering rage I felt at my ex-wife.

  Just as I expected, the blonde and her friend—a slightly chubby-looking brunette, a few inches taller, with her face made up and a sundress showing off a sunburn from that afternoon—came up to me as soon as they’d finished their shots. I smiled at them both; the brunette was more confident than the blonde, and I knew immediately that she thought the shots had been for her. “Well, well, well, what have we here?”

  “Linc Hayes,” I said, holding out my hand to shake. “And you two lovely ladies?”

  “Jess,” the brunette said, shaking my hand. “Ooh—you’re strong, aren’t you?” She gave me a flirty look and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her.

  “And you?” The blonde looked shy, but she was definitely interested. Her bright blue eyes had been on me from the moment Mandy had called them to the bar with the shots.

  “Katie,” she said, barely squeezing my hand. Up close she was even more worth looking at than she’d been halfway across the room: little freckles on her cheeks, and her tits pushed up against the loose fabric of her bra.

  “Pleased to meet you both,” I said, keeping my manners as polite as possible—for the moment, at least. I went through the usual, asking about their jobs, about who they were; I didn’t really care, but if years of hookups at base bars around the world had taught me anything, it was that nothing turns a woman on more than a guy who seems interested in who they are. Katie was an aspiring blogger, worked at some call center during the day, and Jess worked at a family business back in their mutual hometown of Arnette, Texas. They’d gotten some kind of deal from a travel agent friend to come to Colorado, and the guy who owned the apartment they were staying in—an Airbnb situation—had recommended Foster’s to them.

  After a while, someone else at the bar started to chat up the brunette, leaving me with Katie, just as I wanted. “So, you got a boyfriend back home, Katie?”

  She shrugged. “Someone I’m seeing off and on.” She gave me a shy little smile. “Right now we’re off.”

  “Is that so? How lucky you’re in a brand-new town, and completely single.” I’d been slowly moving closer to her, drawing her in, getting past that little reserve of shyness she had.

  “I thought so,” Katie said, tilting her head a bit. Her lips and eyes were practically begging me to kiss her. I held back—giving her what she wanted right away was a good way to give her control over the situation—and sipped the water I’d switched to about halfway through our conversation.

  “Katie,” her friend called out, coming back to us. I groaned inwardly. Jess came to her friend’s side and half-covered Katie’s face with her hand to whisper something in her ear.

  “Go ahead,” Katie said. “I can catch an Uber, worst case.” I raised an eyebrow at that. Jess gave her friend a peck on the cheek and a promise to check in, and then she was gone, headed for the door with one of the guys I’d seen sitting at the bar.

  “Where’s she headed?”

  Katie shrugged. “Guy she just left with apparently lives nearby.”

  “Shame on her, abandoning you like that,” I told her, shaking my head, pretending I didn’t approve.

  “I have a code to make her pay for the Uber,” Katie said with a little grin.

  “Smart girl,” I said. “Hey—feel like leaving? This place is getting loud.” Katie gave me a quick look and I thought she’d turn me down, but the next moment she knocked back the last of her beer and put the empty down on the bar.

  “Let’s go,” she said.

  Rico, the night manager of the Motel 69 a block away from Foster’s, looked up as soon as I walked through the door. He raised one eyebrow a fraction of an inch and turned to grab the key to room 142—my room—before I even got to the desk. “You know this guy?” Katie’s voice took on a suspicious note.

  “He’s a bud,” I said, brushing off the question. Rico had become a friend after I started bringing girls to his motel, but Katie didn’t need to know that. I wasn’t about to bring her back to my place, even though it was only a bit farther away; I didn’t need a one-night stand knowing where I lived. Don’t shit where you eat. It had been my old man’s advice, and I’d held onto it my whole life. I’d never hooked up with any of the guys in my SEAL team, no matter how desperate I’d gotten on deployments, and I’d never even hooked up with a Navy chick while I’d been in. Nowadays I never brought a girl back to my place, always either her place or this motel.

  “Room for the night, man?” Rico put the key on the counter, and I nodded to him. “You can leave your check on the bed stand when you head out,” he said, holding out his hand. I shook it. I gave Rico a bit of extra cash to keep my room open for me; he knew that it would be taken at least once or twice a week, and I didn’t have to pay tourist rates, no matter the time of year. It worked out well for both of us. If the owner of the place knew he was doing it, he might lose his job, but in the meantime he made some extra scratch just by not booking it till last.

  I finally made my move on Katie when we got to the room. I pushed her up against the locked door and tilted her face up to kiss her, starting out slow but steady and then sliding my tongue past her lips, letting my hands drop down to her waist. I pressed her body against mine and deepened the kiss, nibbling until she moaned into my mouth, already beginning to squirm. I pulled back and found the key in my pocket where I’d left it. “Let’s go inside before we start attracting attention,” I told the girl.

  I got the door open and pushed Katie through it ahead of me. I was already hard as a rock, and any thought about my bitch of an ex-wife was a million miles away. All I cared about was what this girl felt like, what she tasted like. “You come here often?” I closed the door behind me and tossed the key onto the dresser.

  “Shh,” I said, kicking off my shoes and walking towards her. She’d gone nervous on me again; I needed to keep her occupied, clearly. I kissed her again and took the plunge, bringing my hands up to cup her tits through her blouse. They felt just as
heavy, just as full as I’d thought they would—Katie obviously didn’t stuff her bra—and by her moaning against my lips, I knew the girl wasn’t even thinking about being nervous anymore. I had her shirt off and my hands on her bra clasp before she could even think of slowing me down, and I felt her tugging at my tee shirt, trying to get it up and over my head. I lifted the girl up and she hooked her legs around my waist. Her ass was firm against my arms as I carried her over to the bed and sat down, keeping her on my lap.

  I could feel the heat of her through her panties and my jeans; it felt like I had hot liquid metal pooling along my groin, and my cock was like a hunk of iron in my pants. I kissed her again and then dipped down to her neck, working my way to her tits. Katie squirmed on top of me, rubbing against the ridge at the front of my jeans, and it was like torture to have to hold back at all. I cupped her tits and brought them up to my mouth, claiming one and then the other with my lips and tongue, sucking like a starving baby and flicking my tongue against each hard little nub, making the girl gasp and moan like a whore.

  I teased her for a little while, and then I couldn’t stand it anymore; I needed some relief. I pulled back and looked Katie in her bright blue eyes. “Think you can do me a favor?” I guided her hand down to my crotch and raised an eyebrow.

  “As long as you promise—promise this won’t be it,” Katie said. I laughed.

  “Babe, I can go all night, trust me. Even if you get me off by accident I’ll be recharged in five.” She climbed off of my lap and I stood up just enough to undo my fly and push my jeans and jockeys down over my hips, freeing my rock-hard cock. Katie’s eyes widened at the sight of it, and she looked up at me for a second, like she had no idea what she was doing. Either she’s impressed or she really doesn’t know what she’s doing, I thought. I almost told her to get up, that we’d just get to the main event; but I figured I could stand the amateur thing for at least a little while. Besides, her lips were thick enough that even if she’d never gone down on a guy before, there was no way it wouldn’t feel good to be inside her mouth.


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