The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues Page 19

by Ron L. Carter

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  Mandy also gave Doug the list of several other top suspected terrorists from different places such as Texas, Oregon, and other parts of the United States. She told him, “This should keep you busy for a while, just don’t let anyone know I gave it to you.” Doug said, “No problem Mandy, I’ll make sure I keep it to myself.” He thanked her and told her he would be leaving soon with Terry and Krista and may be gone for several weeks. He told her that he would let her know how things turned out with her list, when he got back. He also told her that if he didn't come back to make sure she disposed of the rife and the pistol, so it couldn't be traced back to her.

  The next day Doug got in touch with Terry and told him he had some names of people and places that he wanted to go after. Terry cleared everything with Sam and he and Krista were soon ready to go. Doug told them his first stop was Detroit Michigan and then they could head west to San Diego, from there.

  Doug built a secret compartment inside his suitcase where he hid his FBI identification pass to get in and out of the building, plus the potassium chloride and syringes. He also rolled up the Garrote and stuck it in inside the secret compartment. He placed a spoon and fork he took from the cafeteria, on the outside of the hiding area as a diversion for the metal detectors. He figured that if they scanned his bag with a metal detector he would just pull the spoon and fork out and say that’s what set it off. If he had to, he’d give up the Garrote.

  When they left the building, he didn’t have any trouble getting out because he was with Terry and Krista and the guard didn't scan the suite case. They were used to seeing Doug come and go from the building. He waived them on through the check point as they went to Terry’s car and threw Doug's suite case in the trunk with theirs. Doug told them he wanted to head to the Southwestern part of Detroit and then they could get a room near-by. While they were driving to the location, he told them about a suspected terrorist by the name of Abdul-Aalee Rahma. He told them everything he knew about him and what his plan was to catch him with his propaganda material. He wanted to see if he could catch Rahma in the act of plotting some type of terrorist activity from his home.

  Terry asked Doug where Rahma lived and Doug told him it was on Oak Park street near downtown. Terry said, “Wow! I know that area and it’s really rough. Are you sure you don’t want to skip this one Doug?" Doug laughed, “Hey, you only die once, right?" Terry knew Doug wasn’t going to back down from this target, he’d been in some pretty close calls during his missions and he wasn’t scared of much of anything.

  When they arrived at the hotel and checked in, it was early afternoon. Shortly after they settled in Doug told them. "If it's okay with you guys, I’m going to take a cab to the area where Rahma lives and check out his place. You stay here and I’ll be back before it gets too late.” He changed into his Muslim clothing and let his hair down. Krista looked at him, “Well Doug, at least you look the part. Just be careful out there.” Doug laughed and said, “If I don’t make it back tonight, or at least in a few nights, it’s not because I don’t like you guys. It just means I'm working on something to get the information you need. If I don't get back in four or five days then you know I'm in trouble.” Making sure they didn’t see him, he went to his suite case, took out the syringe, a vial of the potassium chloride, the Garrote and stuck them in his large pockets. He also put some money and one of his Muslim I.D.’s in his other pocket. As he left, he said, “Well, here goes nothing.” That's kind of how he felt since he wasn't supposed to kill anyone, like it was a total waste of time for him.

  He hailed down a cab that had an African-American male cab driver. Doug asked him if he knew where Oak Park street was located and to take him there. He told Doug that he did know where it was, but had a strange look on his face as he looked at him. Doug asked him if he could drop him off close to the 1200 block and asked the driver how hard it would be to get another cab back from there at night. The cabbie looked at him in his rear view mirror and raised his eyebrows, “Are you kidding me? You aint getting a ride back out of there man, especially if it’s after dark. You better be careful you don’t get yourself killed while you're there. Are you sure you want me to drop you off there? If the people don't kill you then the stray dogs might.” Doug just nodded his head, "Yes, I'm sure." He was already dreading having to walk back out of there late at night.

  Once he was at his location on Oak Part street he paid the cabbie and thanked him for the ride and the information. It was just starting to get dark when Doug made it to Rahma's house. It was just like Terry said, a run-down neighborhood with several vacant homes along both sides of the street. Most of them had their windows knocked out and the front doors missing. Doug picked the vacant house across the street from Rahma’s where he could watch what was going on. He slowly made his way inside the vacant house and started looking around to see if anyone had seen him enter. He quickly went to each of the rooms and checked to make sure no one else was inside the house. Not seeing anyone, he took a position in the front room so he could keep an eye on Rahma’s house.

  He'd been there a few hours when he saw Rahma and another man come out of the house and get into a car. They left and were gone for about an hour, before they returned. Doug found a spot on the wooden floor of the living room where he felt comfortable and waited. He stayed there the entire night just watching. All the next day, he kept looking to see if Rahma would leave the house. It was about the same time as the previous night that Rahma and his friend came out of the house and left again. Doug had gone all day without food or water and was getting dehydrated so he decided he would go across the street and see if he could get inside Rahma's house. He figured he had about an hour to get in and out without getting caught. He went to each of the windows and looked inside to see if anyone else was left behind. He also checked to see if any of the windows were unlocked and they weren’t.

  Not seeing anyone else in the house, Doug found a rock and broke a corner of one of the windows in the bedroom. He carefully reached in with his arm and hand and unlocked the window. He slowly began to raise it up. When he had it all the way open, he lifted part of his upper body inside and looked around the room. Not seeing anyone, he hoisted himself the rest of the way up and into the room. Once inside, he made it to where there was a light on in the living room. He silently moved through the rest of the house, going from one bedroom to the next. Not seeing anyone, he found one bedroom that only had a desk with a couple of computers and a copy machine sitting on it. He turned on a light and looked over some of the propaganda papers lying around. He could tell from the writing that it was the kind of hate propaganda he’d seen many times before. It was just what he was looking for. He took some of them, folded them up and stuck them in his pocket.

  He slipped into the kitchen and drank a few full glasses of water and went to the refrigerator to see if there was anything he could eat. He didn't see anything accept an almost full carton of milk. He grabbed it and drank about a third of it before putting it back. He found some crackers in the cabinet and began to eat some of them. It was at that time that he heard the car pull up in front of the house. They had only been gone about fifteen minutes.

  Doug ran back into the room where he'd turned on the light and turned it off. He didn’t have time to escape when he heard the two car doors shut. He quickly went to the room where he had broken the window and shut it. He had just made it to the bedroom closet, where he could hide, when the front door opened. He heard the two men talking and they were making their way toward the kitchen. They had brought back food with them and sat down at the table to eat. Doug was seized by fear as he hid in the closet. He was hoping that one of them didn’t find the window he’d broken and start looking through the house for an intruder.

  Silent and still in the closet, he began to formulate a plan. He knew he couldn’t leave the closet hiding place or they might catch
him and kill him. He decided he would wait until they went to sleep and then he’d see if he could kill them. It was almost midnight before they finally went to their bedrooms to go to sleep. Rahma's bedroom was the room where Doug was hiding in the closet. Doug waited about an hour when he felt like they were in a deep sleep before he crept out of the closet. He then took the syringe that was filled with potassium chloride and took off the protective cap. He tiptoed over to Rahma's bed and he was laying on his side facing the wall. Doug quickly stuck the needle in the vein of his neck and gave Rahma a full dose of the poison. When he first felt the needle prick in his neck, he let out a yell like he had been stung by a bee.

  Doug quickly took out the Garrote, put a handle in each hand and hid behind the door. It was only just a few seconds when the other man came running into the room trying to find out what was wrong with his friend. Just as he started to move toward him Rahma was still lying in the bed. Doug swiftly put the Garrote around his neck and pulled as hard as he could with both hands. The wires tightened with a death grip around his neck. It only took a few seconds and the man’s jugular vein was severed and blood started spouting all over the room and all over Doug.

  When he finally lost consciousness Doug dropped him to the floor. He waited until the man stopped kicking around on the floor and taking his last breath before he did anything. Once both men were dead he went to the kitchen sink and washed some of the man's blood off of him and his clothes. He also washed off the Garrote, then took his time and dried it off with a towel. He then wrapped the wires around the handles and stuck it back in his pocket.

  The entire time he was trying to figure out the best way to leave the house without being seen. He started taking deep breaths to calm himself. He was debating whether he should take Rahma’s car, but after thinking about it, decided against it. He didn't want to have any witnesses that may be able to identify Rahma's killer.

  He left through the same window he had broken earlier. He crept his way to the front of the house, making sure no one had seen him. Once he felt safe he headed down the empty sidewalk in the direction of the hotel where they were staying. He dodged from empty house to empty house as an occasional car would pass by. He continued to hide until he was about a mile away from Rahma's house.

  When he finally got a chance to take a breather, he decided to stop at one of the empty houses and sit on the front steps while he caught his breath. He had just sat down on the front porch and had his back to the front door, when he heard something rustling from inside the house. He instinctively jumped up and faced the sound. He soon heard the low muffled growls that came from within the darkness. It was, the all too familiar sound of two huge and scruffy wild mongrel dogs, and they were coming through the missing front door. They were headed straight for Doug. Suddenly, Doug's mind was no longer on the two men he’d just killed and real fear had now set in. He had experiences with dogs on several occasions and knew they weren't easy to distract or stop once they decided they wanted to attack someone. These two dogs reminded him of the guard dog that had followed him back home from Fish Camp.

  By the time he realized the dogs were going to attack him, they were only about eight feet away and growling viciously. As they emerged from the darkness, all Doug could see was their big white fangs as they showed their teeth to him. He looked around to see what he could grab to try and fight them off with. He saw that part of the hand rail of the front porch was just hanging by a few nails. He was able to get his hands on a two-by-four that was about three and half feet long. He kept his composure, as he very carefully began to back away, and the entire time, trying to talk the dogs down. The dogs must've believed they had what they thought was an easy meal right there in front of them so they began to come at him in an all-out attack mode. Doug began swinging the two-by-four with both hands to beat them away. They kept attacking and he just kept swinging the board as he continued to back his way into the street. The dogs weren’t giving up as easy as he had hoped, as he continued to hit them anyplace on their body where he could make contact.

  During their attack, one of the dogs got a hold on his right forearm and ripped open a gash a few inches long. Doug could instantly feel the warm blood start gushing out of the wound as he continued to fight the dogs off. The other dog was able to quickly reach in and tear a gash in Doug's leg while he was hitting at the other dog. Now he had two places on his body that were ripped open, stinging and bleeding. After several minutes of fighting for what Doug thought, was his life, he was able to hit one of the dogs in the head hard enough to get it to stop attacking. It immediately went down from the blow. Almost instantly, the dog got back to his feet, but it seemed to be dazed as it turned and ran down the street and into the darkness. The remaining dog realized he was now all alone so he decided to retreat from the attack along with the other dog.

  After they gave up the fight, Doug left in the opposite direction as quickly as he could get out of there. His forearm and leg were both bleeding so once he was far enough away and felt safe, he sat down and ripped off part of one of his sleeves from his shirt. He then wrapped it around each wound and tied both of them real tight to stop the bleeding. He held onto the two-by-four until he made it back to an area where he felt there weren't any more wild dogs and it would be safe to walk the rest of the way back to the hotel. While he was walking back he said, “Man, that’s about as close as I’ve come to buying the farm in a long time. Those dogs really meant business and they just about had me.”

  When he got back to the hotel it was almost daylight and when he went inside the room it woke Terry. He had blood soaking through his shirt bandages and dried blood on his clothes. Terry looked at Doug and said, “What in the hell happened to you, did someone beat you up or something?” Doug replied, “Let’s just say it’s been a long two days”. Terry immediately ran to their vehicle for the first aide kit. As Terry started patching him up he told Terry the entire story of what had happened. He told him how he was trying to gather evidence so he could bring it back to give them when he got caught in the house and couldn’t escape. He told him that he had to kill Rahma and another man in order to get out of the house with his own life. He threw the papers on the bed that he’d gotten near Rahma’s computer, “It’s all right there That's the kind of crap these people are spreading around our country. This guy was exactly who we thought he was, a radical Islamic terrorist.

  After I escaped the house on foot, I also got attacked by a couple of wild dogs on the way back here. They're the ones that ripped my arm and leg and they almost had me. Right now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to take a shower and wash some of this blood off of me.” Terry replied, "I don't mind at all, you go ahead and take a shower and I'll look over these papers while you're doing that. We’ll talk about everything later, after you get some sleep.”

  After Doug got out of the shower, he slept for a few hours before they gathered up their things and left Detroit. As they were leaving, he also told Krista the story of what had happened to him. Of course he didn’t tell Terry or Krista about the potassium chloride and the Garrote he’d used to kill the two men with. He just told them he had to kill them and that was all he told them. Krista told Doug, “I was worried about you going out there alone. We shouldn't have let you do that, but I’m just glad you made it back alive.”

  When Doug was in the other room Krista looked over at Terry and said, “I wonder what we should tell Sam. He’ll want to know what happened to the two guys that Doug killed?” Terry raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes as he replied, “We’ll just have to tell him the truth and see what happens.”

  They were already heading west toward Doug's next target by the time they got in touch with Sam. They told him what happened to Doug and after he heard the entire story he asked, “Is he alright?” Terry said, “Yea, he just has some bite marks on his arm and a leg, but other than that he’ll live." He laughed as he said,
"I just hope he doesn't get Rabies.” Sam replied, “Wouldn't that be ironic if he died like that? Did he find out if Rahma was doing any terrorist activities? Terry said, “Yeah, he did, he got proof from Rahma’s house that he was involved in some type of terrorist plots and activities, we just don't know everything he was involved in. When we get to our next stop I’ll fax all the papers to you.” Sam replied, “Well okay then, it looks like you’ll be on to your next stop in San Diego?” Terry said, “If that’s okay with you, boss, then we'll be on our way.” Sam replied, “Yeah, sure, but you guys be careful out there and don’t get hurt.”

  While they were driving to their next target, Doug was sitting in the back seat, pretending to be asleep. He had his head leaning up against the window as he looked out at the passing houses. His thoughts were bouncing back and forth inside his head, he seemed pleased with himself as he smiled and whispered, “That’s two more terrorists for you Michael.”



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