Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1)

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Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1) Page 24

by Nicki Ruth

  “Tell me,” she said. “If you wanted me dead, why didn't you kill me before? You had plenty of opportunity.”

  “Well, that's a good question.” Amelagar turned and eyed her from the side. “It’s simple. I wasn't ready for you yet. And I still needed to confirm whether you have what I've been looking for.”

  “We know why you are after Davina. It won't go well for you,” Alexios said.

  Amelagar flicked his gaze to Alexios, annoyance flashing across his face. “Do you have what it takes to kill your own sire, Alexios?”

  Alexios growled, and Davina felt his anxiety.

  “Alexios, the noble. Ah, but not so noble, are you? How many have fallen by your hand?” Amelagar taunted. “You’re just like your sire so don't play pious with me. I didn't kill you all those years ago, but I won’t make that mistake again. Don't get in my way.”

  “Whatever your plan is, I’m going to—”

  “Kill me? We have already established you won't be doing that!” Amelagar snapped. Then he leveled his slithery gaze on Davina. “Your presence here is an enigma, cousin. But you have something I desire, and I intend to retrieve it. The Zharoil belongs to me, not a naive child.”

  She shrugged. “I care not about your beliefs. If it was meant for you, it would have been yours.”

  Amelagar stared at her for a moment before his features became distorted with anger, stretching his otherwise handsome face into a mask of ugliness. He was enraged, battling his impulse to lash out. A flare of energy shot out from him, knocking them back a step. But then he carefully retooled his expression back to one of calculated indifference.

  “Does that disappoint you?” she asked, trying to provoke him.

  Amelagar glared at her, but then shrugged. “It doesn't matter,” he said in a clipped tone. “I will have it for myself one way or the other.”

  “You’re welcome to it,” Davina replied. “It’s been nothing but an inconvenience to me.” She wasn’t lying. She did have a difficult time of controlling her blood inheritance.

  But that much power would be even more dangerous in Amelagar’s hands. It was the only reason she was relieved to be the heir, not the callous fiend before her.

  “Oh? In that case, why don’t we wrap up this tedious standoff? You will come with me, and we’ll rectify the situation.” He flashed her a fanged smile that made her skin crawl.

  “And how will we do that?” she asked, ignoring Alexios’ murmur, her gaze on Amelagar.

  Alexios placed a hand on her shoulder, but he didn’t have to worry. She had no intention of making any deals with Amelagar, but as long as she kept him talking, they could learn the details of his plan. She would see an end to this. Already tonight, she learned just how strongly gifted she was. She hadn’t even broken a sweat putting down the mercenaries earlier. Her ability to manipulate blood gave her an unfair advantage.

  Amelagar chuckled. “A simple transference ritual. Then we all go home, and this is over.” He waved his hand as if what he had said was a matter as simple as breathing. Alexios frowned beside her. She was confused as well. Was there a ritual to transfer one’s bloodgifts to another?

  “Amelagar, you toil foolishly. There’s no such ritual.”

  “Oh, I assure you there is. I’ve even used it before, but on a much smaller gift. For you, it’s a bit more complicated, but the principles are the same. Like the exchange of blood, bloodgifts can be shared between vampires under certain conditions, but it’s temporary. I’ve discovered a way to make it a . . . permanent exchange.” He grinned. He offered her his elbow. “Shall we go?”

  Davina glanced at Alexios, who looked tense and grim. Don't worry, Alexios, I’m not fooled by him. He speaks folly, she said into his mind.

  Suddenly, a strangled cry came from Alexios’ lips. He fell over, his body stiff and taut, all but his veins, which pulsed furiously under his skin.

  “Alexios!” Davina cried. She sank down next to him, trying to find the cause of his pain. His eyes bulged and his mouth made rasping sounds as if he were struggling to breathe. From his shoulders down, his body was still, arms pinned to his sides.

  “It’s a type of muscle paralysis,” Amelagar said matter-of-factly, looming above her. Lost in her worry for Alexios, Davina hadn’t heard him come closer. “A gift of mine. If not for the Dāmming, I would be able to keep him that way for an extended period. But even at reduced strength, I can incapacitate him. He will eventually die as his lungs slowly fail him. Unless, of course, I release him.” He grinned.

  Davina glared at Amelagar, who said calmly, with a sly smile and a raised eyebrow, “Just in case you needed some persuading.”

  She seethed. Enough was enough! She would pull every drop of his blood from his body and leave his empty shell to burn! She raised a hand. “Release him and I’ll come with you.”

  Amelagar moved to speak, but he jerked suddenly, brows pinched. Davina clenched and yanked her hands downwards, urging the blood to follow. He let out a pained grunt and clutched his neck. She had him right where she wanted him.

  Her confidence was short lived when he broke free of her hold and backhanded her across the face, sending her flying through the air. She slammed through a glass wall and into another brick wall. Her breath was torn from her. She rolled to a halt, fighting the blackness overcoming her. She gulped to fill her lungs, and struggled upright, shards of glass jutting from her body, funneling out streams of her blood. Davina moaned, coughing up blood that had trickled into her throat.

  “That. Was. Not. Wise. You foolish girl!” Amelagar’s steps crunched the glass, the sound causing her to wince.

  She tried to stand but stumbled. Her skull had fractured. She had several broken bones and a busted eardrum, but her body had already begun to heal itself.

  Amelagar gripped her by the hair and dragged her like a rag across the blocks and glass, more shards slicing her skin open. “I thought we could play nice, but you're nothing but a naive child.”

  She groaned with each step he took, until he hauled her to her feet before him, his grip painful on her hair. She cried out and clawed at his arm, desperate to loosen his hold.

  “Now, where were we?” he snarled as he leaned forward, his fangs dangerously close to her neck. “You will do exactly as I say. You’re no match for me, though I’m impressed you can tap into the power of the Zharoil, if just ever so weakly. You know nothing about the enormity of the power that will soon be mine.”

  He poked her face with one of his claws as she struggled against him. “Tonight everything ends. . . and everything begins,” he said with a laugh.

  They were back on the street, she realized. Alexios lay stiff on the ground, motionless but for the fury on his face.

  Amelagar looked down at him. “My son, I bid you adieu.” He brutally kicked his sireling in the ribs, sending him crashing down the street.


  Alexios woke on the ground to a sharp pain in his side. The last he remembered, he had been covered in rubble after Amelagar’s brutal kick. He rolled to his feet; then he grimaced and swallowed a cry of pain. His left tibia was broken. The Dāmming hampered his recovery, but he couldn't wait around to heal.

  He felt a squeeze on his shoulder, and to his surprise, saw Brandr. Alexios hadn’t even sensed him near.

  “How are you doing?” Brandr asked.

  Alexios grunted in response.

  “If you need to drink, I can find you a meal or I can offer you my vein.”

  Alexios straightened to his full height. The bone in his left leg was stitching itself back together, albeit sluggishly. He was grateful; if he’d been younger, his leg wouldn’t mend at all. Even so, it would take several hours before he was healed.

  “I can’t delay. Need to get to Davina,” he ground out.

  Brandr hesitated.

  Seeing the folds etched on Brandr brow, Alexios limped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I need to go,” he rasped. “I’ll be back, don't worry.”

p; Brandr nodded. “I’ll watch over Jason. He’s not doing well.”

  Alexios closed his eyes. Marius was missing and now Jason’s transformation. Alexios let out a ragged breath—one thing at a time. “I’ll be back, once this is over, and make us whole again.”

  Brandr opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and simply nodded. “We’ll be waiting,” he said then disappeared.

  Alexios concentrated on his bond with Davina. Thankfully, his ability to sense her had not diminished. He reached out through the bond and found her at the other end. She was afraid and frustrated but unharmed so far. He tugged at their connection to let her know she was not alone—he was coming for her.


  Davina finally felt Alexios across their bond and breathed a sigh of relief. She had cried in horror when Amelagar had sent him through multiple buildings with a single kick. The force of the kick would have given Alexios serious injuries. Maybe she had underestimated Amelagar, but she wouldn't again.

  If she had a chance to, that was. She was securely fastened to an ornately carved stone altar in an ancient cave, somewhere in the mountains. It had obviously been a place of worship long ago, but it had lain unused and forgotten probably for millennia. Several small caverns made a large cave, the walls of which were wet with seeping blood. Torches lit the interior, revealing steps carved into the sides of the stone walls, leading to where she could not tell. It had probably been a beautiful place before it had been abandoned to the ravages of time.

  She felt sluggish, as if drugged. She tried again to free herself from the restraints, but they wouldn't budge. She heard Amelagar’s deep whisperings somewhere nearby. He seemed to be repeating the same words over and over. Chanting?

  “You’re a fool!” she shouted. “You cannot get what you want from me. Even if you are the last of our line, it won’t pass to you!”

  He ignored her, continuing his chant.

  She cursed again. She was unable to free herself. The restraints must have been imbued with magic. Her strength was no match for it, and the drug coursing through her system dulled her even more.

  I’m waiting. The raspy voice chuckled softly in her ear.

  Davina stilled. No! she would not give in to it. She would not allow the dark being, the Zharoil, to take control. It was a part of her, but it wanted to take over, to unleash its venom into the world. If the images she had seen in her dreams were any indication of what it wanted to do, she could never allow it to have free reign.

  “Are we ready?” Amelagar asked.

  “Yes. Everything is prepared,” came the reply. She couldn’t see but recognized the voice. Sandar! He was truly an ally of Amelagar.

  Davina sagged. Her heart dropped at yet another betrayal.

  “Excellent!” Amelagar loomed above Davina. “Now the fun begins, young one. Prepare yourself.” He smiled, stroking her hair.

  “Go to hell!” she spat.

  Amelagar chuckled. “No, thank you. But I will be having your blood.” He struck into her neck too quick for her to prepare. She cried out, shocked by the unwanted invasion. She gasped as he roughly pulled large gulps from her, pain radiating from her neck down her spine.

  After what seemed like forever, he threw his head back, savoring her taste and leaving her slightly nauseated. He produced a large, ornate dagger and sliced his hand open.

  “Drink!” He shoved his hand in her mouth, blood flooding the back of her throat.

  She gagged and choked, much of it getting into her nose and face, but he didn't let up.

  “Come on, take all of it.”

  Davina thrashed, choking on his blood even as it lit up her body. Her body was regaining strength, burning away the drug poisoning her system. The blood of an ancient vampire like Amelagar was intoxicatingly potent and—though it pained her to admit it—pleasurable.

  “That’s it. Drink!”

  Davina tried to suppress a moan as she strained against him.

  He laughed. “Delicious, I know. Cured over countless centuries.”

  With her strength replenishing, Davina sensed Alexios nearby and felt his rage. She prayed he didn’t do anything foolish, but then Alexios was also an ancient who had survived many battles and conflicts. He wouldn't charge in recklessly.

  “Release her!” Alexios’ bellow rocked the cavern.

  Davina closed her eyes and shuddered. Oh gods! Alexios was losing control. She needed to let him know she was all right, but their bond vibrated his outrage at seeing Amelagar poach her blood and forcing his blood on her. For a vampire, this was a violation, akin to rape. To make matters worse it was Amelagar’s blood—blood that Alexios had been denied—that now mingled with hers.

  Davina felt the pain of his injuries still trying to mend. She cried out for him to get away. He wouldn't last against his sire. She renewed her struggle against the bindings. Amelagar’s eyes gleamed as he laughed, delighted by their anguish.

  Alexios appeared behind Amelagar, snarling in rage, arm raised to drive a dagger through his sire’s chest. But Amelagar, with lightning speed, pivoted, plunging his claws into Alexios. It happened so fast, the movement was a blur. Alexios’ blood gushed forth, but he held on to Amelagar’s hand thrust into his chest.

  “Idiot! How did you even find this place?” Amelagar barked, face twisted in anger. Both he and Alexios clasped each other tightly in a death grip.

  “We will die together. You will pay for all you’ve done!” Alexios hissed and sunk his claws into his sire’s neck, reaching toward cord and bone. Blood soaked them both. Amelagar strained against Alexios, his free hand pulling against the claws at his neck.

  But Alexios had lost too much blood and was quickly weakening. Davina pulled at her restraints, which gave a little but still didn't let her free. Alexios was going to die before her eyes!

  She felt it across the bond, his strength waning, their bond snapping and dimming. She screamed, begging for Amelagar to stop, but both vampires were focused on each other, locked in a battle of hatred and vengeance.

  Then Alexios shifted his gaze to hers, and she saw it in his eyes—the realization and regret that he wouldn't be there for her. That he failed her. She screamed her despair, and like an avenging vortex her blood responded. Molten heat ignited across her skin, causing her to arch off the altar. Flames bloomed across her vision, and she cried out again before everything went still and blackness snatched her senses.

  I am here, child, as promised. To answer your call. To save your lover and yourself. I am your heritage, your destiny. Damu’s will has tied us together as mated souls in blood union, forever. Now, banish your fears and join with me. Let us truly become one. Shall we?

  “Yes . . .”

  Chapter 35

  “Yes . . .” As soon as Davina whispered the word, black waves leapt from the darkness and tumbled over her. Cold arms weaved their way around her, caressing her in their hold. She moaned as pain flitted over her, fire searing her skin and flesh, which seemed to melt away from her bones. The metallic tang of blood entered her mouth, her nose, her throat, and she struggled to breathe, drowning in blood.

  But she wasn't drowning. The blood was spreading through her with the might of a river escaping its dam, opening every pore, every cell of her body, magnifying her senses. It was the blood of those who had come before her, vampires ancient and powerful, wicked and repentant, imbuing her with their formidable strength. Their essence overwhelmed her, quenched her.

  Small, crimson lights began to dance before her, each pulsing to its own rhythm, bound by luminous threads. The lights illuminated the void around her, and one by one they flickered and glided toward her in celebratory greeting, entering her, sending waves of heated energy through her. It was as energizing as it was erotic. She moaned as they continued to move over and through her, each one imprinting on her its unique offering. She was becoming one with the glimmering lights, marking them as they marked her, bloodties forged intimately and inextricably—now until the end of
her days.

  The lights faded. A gush of coolness washed over her, extinguishing the flames that had ignited. Davina breathed in slowly. All was still. Light shone against her eyelids and she opened them.

  She hovered several feet in the air, streams of blood meandering around her, snaking around her limbs and head. Blobs, large and small, separated from the bloody streams intermittently and hung suspended in the air, defying gravity just as she was. The cavern was deathly quiet.

  Davina felt lightheaded, intoxicated, but this feeling lifted as soon as she saw Alexios. He was on his knees staring up at her in a pool of blood. His mouth moved, silent words reaching out to her. Davina smiled. Alexios was right to be on his knees, worshiping her, adoring her. As they all should be. Would be.

  Her gaze then met Amelagar’s, who stood in dreaded defiance. He narrowed his eyes, mouth pinched into a thin line. He was the one who had taken from her, wanted to steal what was hers. Now she would take his blood and snap his bones.

  A low, menacing growl erupted from her throat, and both men flinched. The cavern shook, shuddering against the maelstrom she unleashed. She drifted to the ground, her bare feet gingerly coming to rest on cold stone.

  She would collect her retribution.


  The ground trembled, and blood gushed forth from the fathomless depths of the planet , heralding Davina’s awakening. Alexios’ face-off with his sire had been all but forgotten when she had ascended into the air on a torrent of blood that had broken free from the walls of the stone cave, embracing the one who called. The energy that flooded the cavern pressed like a leaden weight on him, robbing him of breath.

  When Davina looked at him, he gasped, transfixed by her majesty, yet gripped by terror. Gone were the golden eyes whose gaze he coveted. In their place was a frightening blackness like the void he had encountered before in her mind. A fiery, orange glow pulsed under her copper skin as if she was ablaze from within. Her hair had transformed from black to deep, crimson red like the blood that swirled around her.


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