Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1)

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Dark Blooded Desires: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 1) Page 26

by Nicki Ruth

  She opened her eyes and found herself back in the room with Brandr, who had risen from his seat. At her throat was Alexios, awake and drinking deeply. She sighed with relief. Her guardian was returned to her.

  Chapter 36

  Alexios regarded Davina’s indifference as Trella and the other women fussed over her, putting the final touches on her coronation gown. It was going to be an extravagant affair; he had insisted on it. Damurios would have a new queen after centuries without a royal presence. Davina was reluctant to have, or even attend, a royal ceremony, preferring to simply accept an honorary role as the last surviving member of her royal line. But Alexios insisted on it for the damunaki. A coronation followed by a month-long celebration was just the thing to take their nation’s mind off the near catastrophic disaster that had threatened the planet.

  Alexios only had to make one call to set off the excitement over the new damunaki queen. Councilor Morel Trakkian was disbelieving at first. After all, the Zharim line had long been extinct, relegated to historical tomes. But after one look at Davina, Morel had taken the knee. The ancient markings were given new meaning on Davina and would forever denote who she was. The markings only existed in ancient texts and holy sites—as well as on a certain, reclusive mystic. They were the distinctive symbols of the divinely gifted–vampires singularly entrusted with the extraordinary power bestowed on them.

  The political elite had likewise been skeptical. Some refused to acknowledge the royal claim, and even those who did were wary, having seen many before making similar pronouncements. But after a few words from Sandar, the damunaki accepted their queen.

  Even with the celebrations underway, a dark cloud continued to hover over them. Marius’ disappearance was like an open wound to Alexios. Davina had assured him that the fae, who had also mysteriously vanished, would find him and bring him home, but Alexios needed to search himself.

  Unfortunately, the universe was vast, and without a lead, it would be near impossible to find him. But time was something Alexios had, and he wouldn’t rest until he found his sireling and friend. Marius was of his blood; he was strong, smart, and resourceful. He would endure, wherever he was, until Alexios reunited with him.

  The other troubling issue was Jason. Whatever was awakening inside him grew stronger by the day, and the changes that had come about Jason were startling. Gone were his gentle brown eyes. They were replaced with yellow-green, bird-like eyes that were mesmerizing and soul-piercing, and spoke of a depth of mystery within.

  But these days they rarely got to see Jason’s eyes; he had taken to his rooms and refused to leave or allow anyone to enter. Alexios was unable to sense how Jason felt since the Dāmming had begun. Davina cautioned them to give Jason his space, trusting he would emerge when he was ready.

  Brandr, on the other hand, was quite cross with Alexios for forbidding him to search for Marius on his own. Technically, Alexios had no real hold over Brandr’s movements, but he believed Brandr had acquiesced to Alexios’ request because he didn't want to worry him further. Once the royal celebration was over, they would search for Marius, together.

  “How does this look?” Davina twirled before him.

  Alexios rose from his seat and stepped toward her, admiring her shapely form. The gown was fine, and it suited her. It had a high collar and a fitted, sleeveless bodice which flared into a skirt at her hips. The front of the skirt was short, ending mid-thigh, revealing her sleek legs in skintight, black leather leggings and knee-high boots. The back was full and long to the floor, ending in a two-foot train behind her. The entire ensemble was made of embossed black fabric with gold trim and rubies running down either side of her collar to the base of the dress. Her curls were swooped atop her head, and a simple golden circlet rested on her forehead. She was radiant and every bit a queen.

  “Regal and utterly irresistible,” he answered her. The other women tittered in approval.

  “Is this really necessary? I would have thought in the years since I’ve been gone that we would have evolved past outrageous displays of extravagance and overindulgence.” Davina sniffed. “I cannot bear the thought of spending hours being fawned over by Minister this or Lord that.”

  Alexios chuckled and trailed his fingers up her arms, drawing her closer. “Your subjects are excited to see you and know you. You cannot begrudge them that. Everything will be fine,” he said.

  She sighed theatrically. “Well, at least my body is not obscenely displayed this time,” she said, quirking her eyebrows at the women.

  “You chose well with this gown. You look beautiful.” He raised his hand to tuck an errant curl behind her ear. “So very beautiful.”

  Davina grinned up at him mischievously. “You know,” she whispered sultrily, “we have time before the ball is to begin. As queen, I can be as late as I want.”

  Alexios smiled and flicked his eyes to the other women in the room. “We have an audience,” he said, nudging her.

  Without turning around, Davina waved a hand dismissively behind her, and the women hustled out of the room. “As I was saying – ”

  Davina didn’t have to finish. Alexios seized her, descending on her mouth with hungry passion. They tumbled together on the sofa, Alexios intent on tasting every inch of Davina. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues plowed into each other.

  “Wait!” Alexios reared back, panting. “Your gown. Let’s get you out of it.” Alexios’ hands shook in anticipation as he turned Davina around to undo the multiple hooks and buttons.

  “Hurry,” she said, wriggling impatiently.

  “There’re so many blasted hooks on this dress. No, stay still or it’ll rip,” Alexios muttered. His mouth practically watered thinking of tasting her warm, coppery skin.

  Finally, Davina was able to step out of the gown and leggings. She stood naked before him, and he could only stare wordlessly at her flawless form. The markings imprinted on her arms and legs seemed to move, intertwining and weaving around each other, gliding across her browned skin like puzzle pieces finding their place. Her dark lashes fanned out against her cheeks as she looked up at him.

  His heart hammered in his chest, overcome with an emotion he recognized before, only this time the enormity of it threatened to unman him. He loved Davina—always had.

  The feeling was intensified by the knowledge that he was also in love with her. Alexios was not one for poetry or philosophizing—he was a warrior, after all, and now a guardian. But in this moment, as he gazed into her golden eyes, there was nothing he wouldn't do, nothing he wouldn’t sacrifice for her. Blooming under the moonlight, his love had flowered colorfully, rich and vivid and full of splendor. It imprinted onto his heart a masterpiece only Davina could gift to him.

  What would life have been for them if they had known each other on Earth, when things were simpler and Earth-bound damunaki remained in the shadows? Maybe they would have explored green Earth together, swam in her vast, blue waters, or climbed her snowy peaks. They would have ushered in new technological ages and witnessed the rise and fall of nations.

  He had once been reluctant to embrace his feelings, sown when he had first glimpsed her laughing one sunny day in Zhar. He’d thought himself unworthy of her; him a lowly soldier while she a beautiful princess. Now, he couldn't imagine the absence of her warm flesh against his or forgoing the delicious flavor of her blood. Feelings that were sown now blossomed, laden with his love and devotion and ripened for her harvest.

  He would be forever thankful to fate for returning her, for gifting him with a vampire’s long life to serve at her side. He was her guardian, bonded to her by choice and duty, and he would hold the ravages of her immense inheritance at bay, keeping her safe from the lurking darkness within, allowing him to once again admire her radiance.

  “Alexios,” she whispered, caressing his face gently, “less daydreaming, more . . . everything else, hmm?” She purred, melting into his arms.

  Alexios grinned, fangs gleaming in the light. “Yes, my queen.”
br />   ∞∞∞

  The coronation was everything Davina feared. Overly ornate, hot, and overbearing, with too much pomp and boring formality. Worst of all, it was full of people who fawned over her, jostling for her attention and favor. Security was tight, and unfortunately, only those with the noblest of blood were allowed close to her. She disliked this, preferring the simplicity of common folk to the pretentious nobility.

  But Alexios insisted it be done with all the formality befitting her title. Davina sat poised on her golden throne, which apparently had been taken from a museum and dusted off for the reestablished queen. Below her dais, at least five hundred people had gathered to gaze upon their queen, waiting in long queues for their chance at an introduction.

  They gawked at her beauty, her exotic markings, and her spectacular fangs. She was all the rage, Davina thought in dismay. It wasn’t only Damurians who had come to pay homage, but also leaders of other imperial nations. She noticed with curiosity several strange species dressed in regal splendor.

  The coronation and subsequent royal banquet were held in a modern, glass-and-steel-domed building that Alexios said was a common venue for high-rung events for the nobility. Fountains of red sent the enticing smell of blood into the air, which was also available in several forms including by glass or vein for the damunaki.

  The jostling crowd made Davina’s fangs lengthen. She longed to sink them into warm flesh and feel hot blood spurting into her mouth. She shifted in her seat as the urge to rip into skin and revel in screams continued to build.

  A low growl escaped her throat, and she felt her eyes darkening with yearning. A hand squeezed her shoulder. She glanced up and caught Alexios’ steely gaze. He had stood at her side throughout the day.

  Davina closed her eyes and exhaled, then gave a small smile in acknowledgment. She still had a lot of work to do to suppress the unspeakable urges that resided in her. But the bond with her guardian ensured she would not be alone.

  “Your Majesty, it's such an honor to have you restored to us.” A beautifully dressed, distinguished-looking woman with hawk eyes took to her knee before her.

  Davina nodded and smiled at the woman. Then she signaled to Councilor Trakkian—who had not only organized the whole affair, but now stood as her honored liaison between the throne and the empire—to put an end to the introductions. She desperately needed a break. Alexios escorted her toward the gardens, where few were permitted.

  “I’m so glad to get out of there,” she said.

  “I know. Very stuffy and pretentious. I can't stand these high-rung events,” Alexios replied as he led her to a secluded bench behind a cluster of shrubs.

  Davina’s head whipped toward him. “Then why did you insist on having . . .” She trailed off, annoyed as she caught Alexios stifling a smirk.

  The jerk! Before she could deliver her tongue-lashing, a well-dressed male emerged from the shadows and bowed so quickly she didn’t get a good look at him.

  “My queen. Forgive me this impertinence, but I so desired to meet you. I was willing to wait my turn, but you called for an end to the introductions, and I feared I may never get the chance again.” He hurried on, “I mean no disrespect, but I desired to gaze upon the beauty of my queen in the Damurian light.” He had a smooth drawl, deep and enticingly masculine.

  But Davina was already irritated by the long day and Alexios’ teasing. She was about to dismiss the male, but the words died on her tongue as he straightened from his bow.

  He was gorgeous! Swarthy, with a molten, copper complexion similar to hers. Thick, dark waves tumbled about his shoulders, and a sultry smile hung on his lips, which were surrounded by a dusting of facial hair along his jaw.

  “I also couldn’t let Alexios have all the attention of our beautiful, young queen.”

  Davina was so lost gazing at the fine specimen before her that she almost missed the change in Alexios’ demeanor. Aggression poured off him, and he stepped forward, placing himself protectively between her and their unexpected visitor.

  “Amir.” Alexios growled out the name. “Can’t say it’s a pleasure to see you’re still alive.”

  “The Dāmming brings good fortune at times. It has given Damurios a queen,” Amir replied, suavely.

  Alexios growled again. Clearly, these two were not friends, and Davina wasn’t in the mood for a testosterone-fueled pissing match.

  “Your name is Amir?” Davina stepped around Alexios and stood before her guest.

  He smiled and bowed again, eyes twinkling. “It is, my queen. I'm also known as the D’hagar, one who is as deadly with the sword as the tongue. An assassin, spy, or whatever, whoever you desire. I serve Damurios, and I am here to pledge my skills and service to you.”

  “The queen is not interested in your tawdry skills.” Alexios sneered.

  “Alexios, please!” Davina sighed. She was intrigued by Alexios’ hostility to the newcomer, but she was also tired and thirsty.

  “Please forgive him, my queen. Alexios has never forgiven me for taking his woman. He fears I come to do the same again.”

  This time she had to hold on to Alexios as he took a step toward Amir, who remained unflinching.

  “Thank you, Amir.” She nodded to him. “Come see me in three days, and we can discuss how you can best be of service to me.”

  She suppressed a gasp when Amir smiled widely, showing off pearly white fangs that contrasted beautifully with the twilight around them.

  “As you wish, my queen. I will eagerly await our next meeting, and I bid you a wonderful evening.” Amir returned to the shadows just as stealthily as he came. Davina could only faintly sense his aura as he slipped away.

  “Really, Alexios? You bicker over a woman. Bit mundane, don't you think?” Davina chuckled and continued walking down the garden path toward the bench.

  “It’s not about a woman! He tried to kill—”

  Davina dismissed whatever he was about to say with a wave. She had other things on her mind and motioned him over to sit with her on the bench hidden in the brush. Alexios sat beside her, a scowl still marring his handsome face.

  “You can tell me all about you and Amir later, but right now my mind is on other things.” Davina smiled and snuggled closer to his side, plastering herself into his warmth. He turned to her and saw the intent of her gaze. One day she’ll probably have to give Alexios a reprieve and drink elsewhere but for now . . .

  He chuckled and bared his neck to the pale pink luminescence of the evening. A gentle breeze played against his skin. She sank her fangs into him as blue yuil spores drifted around them, dancing into the twilight.


  Davina gazed out into the everlasting twilight, watching countless stars twinkle against the deep blue-and-purple sky. She still couldn't believe this view or her new life on the vampire planet. It was peaceful now, the bloodties of her people securely connected to her, singing with life and new optimism.

  Looking back, Davina supposed fate’s plan had been best. She was the reigning queen of Damurios with a powerful gift that only her innermost circle knew she wielded. Among those was Alexios, her most trusted friend and adviser. He also eagerly filled the role of guardian and lover, coming to her every day to sate her desires of both flesh and blood. She wanted to take their relationship slow to allow them to fully settle into their bond. She didn't want him to treat her as a queen, but as a friend. And more.

  Had they met in Zhar all those centuries ago, they would have failed fate’s mission. Alexios had been young, still trying to quiet the bloodthirst he suffered as a result of being sireless. He had needed the years to cultivate unremitting inner strength to help guide her battle against the warring thirst within. This was a burden he had experienced and understood.

  She was sure she would have never taken a liking to Alexios if she had known him in Zhar, not because he wasn’t charming or handsome, but because she was not interested in a life of responsibility, rules, and duty—all that life as a soldier represented. She
had wanted to travel, have adventures, and see the world.

  Now, she could travel among the stars, and the universe was laid out at her feet. She was queen of a nation, responsible for her people during their most vulnerable time.

  The irony was not lost on her, but if she could prevent any more horrors like that terrible night in Tairos, she was glad to be so uniquely gifted. But sometimes, the constant need to guard herself against the burning inferno within her was exhausting, even though Alexios assured her it would get easier.

  Alexios. He was as caring and doting as he was determined and ruthless. Her desire for him had not waned, and she was amazed how easily they came together. He was still overbearingly protective at times, but she was working with him on it.

  Davina smiled to herself as she remembered their plans. He was going to let her pilot his ship as they set off to another planet in search for Marius.

  Alexios wasn’t particularly happy about this trip. He was torn between his eagerness to find Marius and his desire to help Jason through his first Dāmming and the changes he was experiencing. But Brandr was staying behind with Jason and would check in regularly, and, she was told, the ship was equipped with some type of advanced machinery so they could return quickly if need be.

  Davina observed with veiled fascination Alexios’ irritation over her inclusion of Amir on their journey. It turned out Amir was not only skilled with almost every weapon and poison imaginable, but he had also been to many far-flung regions across the cosmos. She had made him part of her personal retinue. She'd argued to Alexios that Amir’s skills and knowledge would help with their search for Marius, though admittedly Amir also intrigued her. His blatant flirtation with her vexed Alexios, and the rivalry between the two was highly amusing.

  Apparently, Amir had once been commissioned to kill Alexios and came incredibly close before the bounty was called off. So began their acrimonious relationship.


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