When Worlds Collide

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When Worlds Collide Page 7

by Jordan Silver

  “Not to worry, your mom will be looking for a replacement any day now.”

  “But, then they’ll be out of a job, I can’t…”

  “Calm down, what do you take me for? I already have some ideas but I need to talk it over with your dad first. I don’t want you to worry about anything, I will take care of it all,

  I promise. Now show me that smile and then we’ll go see your parents.”

  Her lips twitched and her eyes filled again so I took her lips to stem the flow of her tears. Her lips were soft and sun warm as I nibbled at them before feeding her my tongue.

  The kiss soon grew very heated very fast and we were soon ravaging each other’s mouths.

  My hand found its way under her shirt to cup her breast while both of hers fisted my hair as she rode the ridge of my cock.

  I was close, damn close to releasing my boy and letting him have her. All the day’s pent up emotions; from fear of losing her to confronting a thirty-year old stumbling block, not once but twice. And lastly, putting my ring on her finger were culminated in that moment. I needed release in the worst fucking way.

  You can’t fuck her here Ethan, you fucking promised. The warm firmness of her tit as it plumped under my hand was the best fucking thing I’d ever felt. Her tongue was soft and wet in my mouth as I pulled on it, and those soft animalistic cries she made into my mouth were almost my undoing. Still I didn’t bring it to an end, too greedy for the taste of her.

  She ground her ass into my hardening rod and I enjoyed the feel until I felt pre-cum gathering at the tip of my cock. My free arm tightened around her and I teased her nipple into hardness to bring her off. It was only then that I eased up my hold on her.

  “We have to stop before you make me cum in my damn pants.” Wouldn’t her parents appreciate that? She of course found that shit hilarious but we’ll see how funny she finds it on her wedding night.

  She wasn’t quite done with me though, that fiery passion that I always suspected her of having hidden in her compact little body had been ignited. So I let her continue to ride my cock through our clothes, which she did on the sly, pretending to rough house with me, but I knew what she was up to.

  I caught her moans in my mouth when she came again and slumped against me expended. We were both fighting to breathe and I had to grit my teeth and repeat my little mantra to gain some semblance of control. If I’d had a hard time keeping my dick away from her before, it was going to be damn near impossible after what just happened.

  Once my mind cleared and the ringing in my ears subsided, I realized that she wasn’t moving. She was just a dead weight against my chest, kitten soft and sweet. I ran my hand up and down her back tenderly until she came back.

  “You okay little baby?” I had my arms wrapped around her now, holding her close to my heart. She nodded her head shyly and I sat up still holding her and got to my feet.

  “Do you need me to carry you again or can you walk, faker?”

  “Nope, you have to carry me all the time now.”

  “Fine by me.” I carried her as far as the path where she asked to be let down before her parents saw her. I didn’t have the heart to tell her they’d already seen me carting her off.

  She ran ahead to where they were still standing close together talking. I met her there and signaled for her dad to follow me. “When you’re done come up to the house, Lucia, and bring your mother.”

  Her dad followed me back to the house and into the study where I led him. I hadn’t passed anyone on the way and figured mom was upstairs packing. At least she wasn’t tearing the place down brick by brick. I didn’t fool myself though, that I’d heard the end of it. She wouldn’t be mom if she gave in that easy.

  “Sir, Thomas, I guess you’ve heard already, but I wanted to formally ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.” I offered him a drink, which he accepted before taking a seat. It was the first time he’d been farther than the kitchen I think.

  “My wife told me what you were up to. You sure you know what you’re doing? My kid’s a handful.” He was so relaxed and convivial, nothing at all like my parent had been at the news.

  “Yep, she’s my handful now.” I sat back in my chair with a grin.

  “Suit yourself but we don’t do returns.”

  “I see where she gets her sense of humor. I will take very good care of her Thomas, I give you my word.”

  I knew that that would be important to a man like him. A man who obviously loved his daughter and wanted only what was best for her. He didn’t give a fuck about my money.

  “I give you my blessing willingly, but I have to tell you. I’m not sure about your mother and your other connections. As the groundskeeper you’d think I would be out of the loop. But I’ve seen and heard some things that tells me there might be trouble. I don’t see them accepting her. Just so you know, I won’t stand by and watch my kid be hurt.”

  “You and me both sir. Believe me, I know where you’re coming from and I’ve already taken steps to make it right. I need something from you though, I don’t know if mom will give up easy. If she says or does anything to you or your wife I need you to let me know.”

  “I can take care of my wife and myself, don’t worry about us. Just make sure that my kid is taken care of and we’ll be fine. Now about my work here. Linda told me you told her to look for a new housekeeper. I guess I’ll be looking for something else as well.”

  “You misunderstood. I wanted to talk to you about that. I know how proud you are, but I also know my wife will not be happy living here in this house with you and her mother serving us and neither for that matter would I. Indeed she’s already said as much. I have an idea about that.” I had to word this next part the right way or it will all blow up in my face.

  “You can stay in the cottage. It’s a nice home by anyone’s standards. I also know how much you like working in the gardens. My idea is to open a flower shop, your flower shop. You can hire another head gardener if you’d like or continue to do the work yourself, but you’ll no longer be working for me so you’ll have to find someone to take care of the grounds.”

  He thought for a while and I tried to put myself in his position. He’d been hurt in the field, nothing too serious, but I knew he had problems with one of his legs. I don’t know what else he’d faced, but I was sure that he was a very talented man who could be doing anything he wanted if given the chance.

  “Of course if there’s something else you’d prefer…”

  “No, no, it’s not that. I like working with the plants; it’s very therapeutic. But I don’t know about taking handouts.”

  “It’s not handouts when it’s family. Think of it as a dowry of sorts.”

  “I thought the woman’s family was the one who’s supposed to do that.” His eyes squinted in concentration. How is it that this man who has so little, can only think of giving? While those who had so much fought so hard not to give?

  “In some cultures yes, but I don’t think that’s the way it was in the beginning. Didn’t Jacob have to work seven years for his wife because he showed up empty handed or something like that?”

  “You read scripture?”

  “Sometimes a man needs to find solace in the desert.” He smiled knowingly and I saw him relax back in his chair. After that things grew lighter between us and talk became freer, more relaxed.

  I got him to agree to the florist idea with a lot of out maneuvering, but I had a feeling he let me get away with it. Once that was out of the way, I found that I liked talking to him and my assumption of him had been spot on. He was indeed a very honorable man.

  We talked about serving and some of the places we’d been without giving too much away. I knew from his skirting the issue that he’d been Special Forces. That was something else we had in common. That and our love for his daughter.


  As expected, mother was being her usual pain in the ass self. She’d locked herself in her rooms according to the servants and wouldn’t allow them to pack
any more of her stuff. That’s okay, I have a key. I sent them to finish what they could. The movers would be here in the morning to help her on her way.

  I wasn’t feeling that heavy burden of duty any longer. That weight had been lifted thank fuck, and I didn’t realize that I’d been carrying it all this time. Now that I’d broken things off with Helen, and told mom what was going to be, I felt physically free.

  Not normal I think, for a man who’s about to be married. But that’s the difference between marrying for love and not duty. Thomas had reiterated before he left that he was going to be keeping an eye out to make sure nothing happened to her, and I can’t fault him for that, but she was my responsibility now.

  I ignored and avoided my mother’s wing of the house for the rest of the day while I sat and planned. I had a list of names that I needed to call and put the fear of hell into. In war you must always know your enemy. It’s the only way to win.

  I didn’t want to strip my mother of her dignity, didn’t want to show the world that she had no real power. Something like that would destroy her. But I knew if I went around her and let them all know what would happen if they messed with Lucia, they’d be of no help to her. In short I was about to cut her legs out from under her.

  I didn’t call the women, but their husbands. The men who do business with my family. After the first six or so calls I was sure the word had gone out. Mom’s hands were now officially tied and there was nothing she could do, short of making my life miserable. That I could deal with, as long as she left my Lucia alone.

  I opened accounts for her with all the reputable establishments, using my mother’s list as a guideline. Wherever she shopped, the bills will be sent to me, and she was to be treated with the respect due my wife from here on out. I let it be known in no uncertain terms, that one false move on anyone’s part would spell danger for that establishment.

  Yes, I was using my money and power like a whip, but it was for a good cause. Lucia had done nothing wrong but be born on the wrong side of the tracks, for that she should not be made to face ridicule and disdain.

  As my wife, no one would dare fuck with her, not if they wanted to stay in business. And I have no problem taking that stand. Whereas mom and her cohorts had used their influence for evil, I was using mine for the good of my future wife and her family.

  Once that was taken care of and I was assured that all would be well on that score, I was able to relax completely. I knew she would be dealing with a lot of those people in the next few weeks or months while planning the wedding and I wanted this to be a time of joy for her. As any bride should have.

  It was that old world, genteel character of hers that was so well hidden behind her brash attitude that I wanted to protect. Mom had never had the chance to see that the girl she was so opposed to, was imbued with all the characteristics of her ideal. That in fact, Lucia, had more of an aristocratic bearing than even Helen.

  I’d seen it. It was one of the things that first drew me to her. That air of sophisticated dignity, and that beautiful heart of hers that I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life protecting.

  That night, I invited my fiancée and my new in laws to dinner. Thankfully, mom didn’t put in an appearance but chose to take her meal in her rooms, which was fine by me. It must be hard for her, me not pandering to her as I always did.

  For a man who’d learned honor and respect all my life. Something that had been expanded on during my years in the service, it was no small feat not to give my mother what she wants. I’ve taken care of her since dad died, and for a very long time she was all I had.

  It was easy to spoil her, she’s my mother after all. But I see now that all I’d done was feed the monster. All those times I’d sat back and watched her do the things she did, because of my own disinterest, were now coming back to haunt me.

  I don’t think I’d ever quite forgiven her for Daniel’s wife. That one was a hard pass for me. I’d learned to value life since my first years in the marines, and to see one ended over such frivolous bullshit hadn’t set well with me. She doesn’t know that I know about her part in that whole ugly mess, but it’s one of the reasons my decision is so easy to live with now.

  I knew she’d give it at least one last try before she left, but my mind was already made up. I had a choice to make and I chose Lucia, plain and simple. As far as I’m concerned it was a done deal. Already the house had a different feel to it. It was lighter somehow and I enjoyed my first meal in years since dad died.

  The conversation was light and happy. I didn’t see any difference between them and the many dignitaries who’d sat at this very table over the years. I watched the easy play between her parents. Something I’d missed with my own parents. Dinners with them were usually quiet and stilted.

  I played with her fingers under the table like a lovesick schoolboy, until she trailed her hand up my thigh. I gave her a look, not wanting to bring her parents’ attention to what we were doing and she smiled at me with a mischievous gleam in her eye. I raised my brow at her and mouthed the word ‘behave’ which made her laugh out loud.

  “Can I go see Bridget now?” She was like a little kid asking for a treat.

  “Sure, I’ll come with you. Would you two like to come with us?” Dinner had been over for a good twenty minutes and we’d just been sitting there talking the four of us, like we’d done it a hundred times before.

  Her parents declined the offer and said they would see us in the morning. They were ready to go back to their cottage for the night. They didn’t seem to mind that she was staying behind with me even though I had all intentions of taking her home later. I knew if she stayed I would break my word to myself.

  I took her hand and led her from the room and we made our way all the way to the other side of the house. The place was big enough that I could’ve invited her parents to move in with us, but I knew a man like Thomas would never go for that, so I wouldn’t even offer.

  Over dinner it had been obvious that the three of them were waiting for the other shoe to drop even as we laughed and talked. It was plain to see the my mother’s influence and reputation had not been exaggerated in my mind. I guess only time will put their fears to rest. And to think they didn’t even know the half of it.

  She was tense as she walked beside me and her hand still held a slight tremble. I’d seen her sneaking around these hallways more times than I can count, and she seemed more hesitant now that it was going to be her home than she did then.

  “Why are you so afraid baby? Don’t you trust me to take care of you?” She had every right I guess. I’d been an ass this last year, denying my feelings and hers. Letting my mother run my life, even bringing another woman here in her face.

  I’d been so stupid, I’d allowed the bands of duty and honor to some outdated ideal rule my life and actions. My lack of interest had a lot to do with it I know, but once I realized my feelings for her were more than just a passing fancy, I should’ve acted. Instead, I’d gone along with the same old same old, and my mother had tried to destroy her. That too was on me.

  She probably saw all that as weak, she had no idea of what I’d been trying to spare her. Maybe I’d gone about it all the wrong way, and it was I who hadn’t trusted her to be strong enough to deal with whatever came our way.

  But that specter of a young girl taking her life had never truly left me. It was the perfect lesson to keep someone like me on the ‘right’ path. The thought of my little angle suffering at the hands of anyone while I wasn’t there to protect her was enough to make me want to commit murder.

  If anyone did to her the things that had been done to that poor girl, I wouldn’t stop until I’d destroyed them completely. So in my mind, it was better to leave well enough alone, even if it meant denying myself the joy and love I saw reflected in her eyes towards me.

  I didn’t fool myself that everything was going to be smooth sailing from here on out. I know my mother and her reach. I know that I’ll have to be on full alert until she
was settled in here. Until I was sure she could hold her own I won’t rest easy.

  I might’ve warned off the others, but there was always someone willing for the right price to do my mother’s bidding. My biggest fear still was for those times that I might have to leave her. I guess it would be a long time before I got over that. I’d do my best before that day to arm her as best I could.

  By marrying her I was in essence raising her above the station of all my peers. Something I am sure would stick in the craw of many. Had I gone ahead with the farce of a marriage to Helen, things would’ve continued as usual.

  But I was muddying the waters, I was letting in someone they would never have accepted did I not have the power to keep them in check. I knew enough about them, the so-called elite, to know that they wouldn’t be as accepting of her if I didn’t let it be known that there would be dire consequences.

  In the great hall we stopped in front of the life size portrait of Bridget. I knew why she liked this particular image so much. The woman in it bore a striking resemblance to her. The dark locks and those grey eyes that held so many secrets. I’d seen it the first time we met.

  It wasn’t just the facial features that they shared though. There was strength in the bearing of the woman in that portrait. Her very stance, her regal beauty, the look in her eyes, was one of strength and spoke of the hurdles she’d had to overcome. I imagine that their story, hers and the earl’s had been very much like our own.

  As the story goes, no one wanted those two to marry either. He being a nobleman and she, the lowly daughter of a warrior from another people no less. They’d fought the world they lived in to be together. Had gone against everything and everyone to preserve their love for one another.

  We stayed there for the longest while, neither of us saying anything as she studied the beauty in the portrait. When she finally started asking questions I was only too happy to answer and the more we talked, the more similarities came to light.


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