When Worlds Collide

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When Worlds Collide Page 9

by Jordan Silver

  She might put up a good front, but I know no one likes to feel that kind of resentment aimed at them. Especially not when she’s supposed to be enjoying one of the happiest times of her life; planning her one and only wedding.

  She argued to no avail as I walked her home in the moonlight. “Lucia I said no.” She whined and called me a bully, not the first time. I called her a brat and we argued back and forth, just like old times.

  I was happy to see that nothing had changed now that she was going to be my wife. I should’ve known it wouldn’t, that she would always be my Lucia. Irreverent little pain in the ass.

  When we reached her door, I took her in my arms for one last kiss goodnight. It was all I could do not to turn and take her back to the house with me. I’m sure I have enough control to sleep next to her without taking her.

  Better not risk it. She seems to be the only one who can destroy that control I’ve always been so proud of. What a thing for a grown man, a man who’d fought in two wars to be led around by the nose by a slip of a girl.

  “I love you. Sleep tight. I expect you for breakfast in the morning before I take you to class.” That pleased her enough to let me go even though it was hard on both of us. I stole one last kiss before pushing her through the door and forcing myself to walk away.

  I spent the walk back home thinking of ways to keep her with me at night without compromising her. Maybe tomorrow I’ll keep her with me. I’ll just have to find a way to keep my dick from entering her.

  In the morning when I made it downstairs she was there and so was her mother. I’d thought that by telling her to hire someone else it would be done immediately. “I thought I told you to hire someone else.”

  “It’ll be at least another couple weeks before we find the right person. I don’t mind taking care of the house until then. Plus I’ll have to train whoever you hire.” I forgot these things take time. I’d also forgotten to tell her the night before that I was getting rid of my mother’s entire staff so she’d need to fill those roles as well.

  “You’ll need to hire a whole new staff, I’m sending the others with my mother.” I saw her smile and knew she understood.

  “Unless you want to hire your own staff.” I addressed that to Lucia who was busy stuffing her face. She looked fresh and well rested this morning, but her appetite was a dead giveaway to what we were doing last night.

  I couldn’t keep the stupid smile off my face as I watched her put jelly on another scone and bite into it appreciatively. My heart hadn’t felt this light in…ever. She made me forget about all the shit that was out there beyond these walls. If I could begin every day sitting across the table from her like this, I think I would be the happiest of men.

  I could hear all the hustle and bustle going on in the rest of the house as my mother prepared to leave. We’d had another conversation early this morning when she barged into my room to make her case. I can’t imagine the shit storm that would’ve ensued had she found Lucia in my bed. I wasn’t worried about her, but what her reaction would’ve done to my girl.

  She’d made one last play for my understanding reminding me of my duty to her as a son. Even had she stayed on that track I wouldn’t have changed my mind, but she launched into another attack on Lucia and her family that sickened me.

  There was so much prejudice in her every word that had she not been my mother I would’ve banished her from my presence. I don’t think she was as worried about being away from me as she was about losing the house. The home she’d ruled for some forty years.

  She still didn’t realize that it was her very words that made that impossible. Maybe she thought I was like her. That I could stand there and listen to her berate the woman I love without batting a lash. But each time she said something derogatory about my sweet girl, it drove the nail deeper into her coffin.

  Her last threat was that I would never be happy, because no one would ever accept my choice for wife. I knew by that she meant that she would do everything to turn others against Lucia. She could try, but the winds of power had changed and before long everyone will know that I was the one with the power, and not my mother no matter that she’d worn that mantle for so long.

  I let her have her say without replying, the time for that was long gone. The only reason I hadn’t closed my door to her completely is because I was partly to blame. But the truth is I didn’t have anything to fight for before. Now I’ll take them all on to protect her and I was sure I would win.

  After her every complaint had been rested I stuck to my guns and told her once more that she couldn’t stay, that it was best for all if she took up residence in the apartment in town. I warned her one last time of what would happen if she interfered and hoped that she heard me this time.

  After breakfast, my first in the kitchen since I was a very young boy, I had some last minute things to take care of before I took Lucia to school; another first. I didn’t want to leave her in the kitchen while mom was still about so I sent her back to the cottage to get her books.

  I took her to class when she was ready and after extricating myself from her, got back to the house in time to hear my mother berating hers. I stood outside the half opened door leading into my study and listened. I should never have left her here, but I’d been more interested in getting Lucia away. I was not in the least bit surprised that she’d pulled a stunt like this. I half expected it.

  “I will destroy you. I know all about your husband and his drinking. How long do you think he will hold onto those medals once his superiors learn of his proclivities?” Pure venom and spite dripped from her voice with every word.

  “My husband had a problem with drinking when he came back from Iraq. It was his way of dealing with the pain. He’s never harmed another soul so I don’t see how that can be of any use to you.” Linda on the other hand remained calm. I wonder if she can give some of that calm to her daughter?

  “I can make it matter. Just the right words in the right ears and he’d lose everything. His benefits…” My mother really knows nothing about the armed forces and how they work. But I’m sure she’d give it a good try. I started to intervene but Linda answered her for me.

  “Do your worst. If you think that I, or my husband would stand in the way of our child’s happiness to spare us some embarrassment you’re sorely mistaken. There is nothing that will make us betray her like that so I suggest you save your threats for someone else.”

  “How dare you speak to me like that? Who do you think you are? You’re a servant. If you think I’m going to stand idly by and watch your trollop of a spawn destroy my son I assure you you’re the one that’s mistaken.”

  “My daughter is no trollop. She’s just as worthy of him as anyone else you can think of. If those two love each other, and if you cared enough to look you’d see that they do, then why should you interfere?”

  “Because the Sullivan name means something in this country. Because we’ve been the premier family in this town and the surrounding area for centuries. My son will not be the one to destroy that. I don’t know what my son has promised you and your family, but I suggest you enjoy it while it lasts.”

  “You really are a sad cold old witch, aren’t you?” I chose that moment to make my presence known before things escalated. Mom looked very pleased with herself, as I’m sure she knew I’d heard that last comment.

  “Are you going to stand for this? Did you hear what this maid said to me in my own home?” If she had a walking cane she would’ve thumped it on the floor. I opened the door wider for Linda to leave. “If you’ll excuse us Linda. I need to have a word with my mother.”

  I waited for her to leave before closing the door behind her and turning back to mom. “So, you’re not going to leave this alone. You’re still intent on going after Lucia.” It wasn’t a question and I didn’t need her to answer. I’d heard all I needed to.

  This was it then, she obviously had no intentions on letting up and it was too late for her to change. There was no use going over t
he same shit again, so I did what I’d been trying hard not to. She’d forced my hand, not taken my words with the seriousness intended.

  All those years of staunch prejudice couldn’t be wiped away so easily, I saw that now. The thing is, I no longer cared enough about pleasing her, and there’s where she was mistaken. She’d let my past indifference convince her that I would cave this time as I’d done so often in the past.

  She’d underestimated my love for Lucia and my need to protect her from everything, including her. It would be hard for her to accept that I could place anyone’s needs above hers. I would’ve gladly kept things as they were had she been different. But for Lucia’s sake, I have to do this.


  “You’re my mother, I owe you honor, love and all that the title of mother entails. But please believe me when I say, that if you do anything to harm them I will destroy you.” She recoiled as if I’d struck her.

  “How dare you? As you say, I am your mother and I demand respect.”

  “I dare because unlike you, I know what it means to love. I won’t warn you again mother and do not cross that line from which you can never return. If you cross me in this, you’re the only one who’s going to lose.”

  “I do not appreciate being threatened by my own son.”

  “Then don’t do stupid shit to piss me off. You think because you’re my mother, because you bear the Sullivan name that you can get away with whatever you like? I’d remind you that you’re a Sullivan by marriage, it’s in my blood and you know as well as I what we’re capable of. Let it rest I beg of you and do not cause me to turn my back on you completely in your old age.”

  She reached for a chair and sat down heavily. She looked worn, tired. Nothing at all like the regal being I am accustomed to. It was finally getting through to her that her reign here was over. I had no doubt those phone calls I’d made the night before had something to do with it.

  “But why her?” The fight was gone from her voice but she still had to give it one last try. I didn’t expect any less from her.

  “It’s simple, I trust her, more than I’ve ever trusted anyone in my life.” It was true. I would trust her with my very life and that’s not an easy thing for a man like me. Love is easy, but trust, trust is something I never thought I could give.

  I felt just a little sadness leave me at the look of defeat on her face. I wanted to go to her and tell her that it was going to be okay, but I knew any show of softness now would only give her the wrong idea.

  “I love you mother, and I wish that you’d stop this way of thinking, but if you don’t the choice is yours. I’ve made mine.” I know there was some good in her somewhere. My childhood hadn’t been all-bad. We’d spent some pleasant moments together in the past.

  But she was so blinded by all that other crap that she couldn’t see what she was costing herself. My children will have loving grandparents in Linda and Thomas, so if she never came around they wouldn’t be missing out on much. But I would love for her to be part of our lives.

  “Well my son, I hope you know what you’re doing. I’ve only ever tried to do what’s best for you and the family.” I’m sure she believed that.

  “I’ll come by and see you in a couple days.” I walked her to the door and watched her leave, hating myself for feeling the weight lift even more.

  I soon put her out of my mind and got down to the business of the day. You’d think with all this shit that I did nothing more with my days than try to make peace between the women in my life, but I had a corporation to run.

  I got so caught up playing catch up, that I lost track of time. I only picked my head up when I heard her voice outside my office door. My cock came awake right away and there was a smile forming on my face even before she opened the door and walked in.

  “You forgot me.” She gave me a mock pout as she made her way around the desk and plopped her ass down on my lap.

  “I’m sorry baby I lost track of time. I’ve spent the last few days dealing with a little hellion who took me away from my work.” I kissed her nose to let her know that I was teasing just in case she mistook me again.

  “Likely story, slacker. Now kiss me, I have homework.” I did as she asked and was pleasantly surprised when she got out her books and moved around to the other side of the desk to do her work.

  I went back to what I’d been doing before she came in and it felt as natural as breathing to have her there across from me, both of us lost in what we were doing. Every once in a while I’d pick my head up to find her watching me with a dreamy look on her face. No need to guess what she was thinking.

  That night after dinner I took her out for a drive. Her parents hadn’t joined us at the dinner table, claiming that we needed time alone with each other. It was a good thing too, because we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. The drive was more to cool me down than anything else.

  “So, have you any idea where you want to have the wedding? I made a list of all the reputable places for you to choose from, but if there’s some place else you have in mind…”

  “It should be in the great hall with all your ancestors. And we’ll open the doors into the gardens and have the reception there.” I smiled at her as we came to a stop sign.

  “I see you’ve given this a lot of thought.” I brought her ring finger to my lips, very pleased with her at that moment. It was a great idea, why hadn’t I thought of it myself, knowing how much she likes it there?

  “I thought of nothing else all day. See, I knew I should’ve stayed home. I didn’t get anything done. All I did all day was stare at my ring and plan the wedding. Can’t I stay home tomorrow? There’s only one week left of school, I’ve taken all my tests already.” Out came the pout, soon to be followed by the whine I had no doubt.

  “Anything to get out of school huh. I guess you’ve decided you’re not going back next year. The choice is up to you of course, I just want you to be happy.” If mom tried anything I’ll be there to prevent her. I just didn’t want her to have to deal with any nonsense leading up to her wedding. But I should’ve known she’d be too excited to concentrate in class.

  “I know exactly what I want to do. I thought about that today as well. You see all those papers you say you have in the vault, I want to organize them. You know how much I love that stuff.”

  “Yes I do, and if that’s what you want then so be it.” We drove in silence just taking in the starry sky until we reached the ocean which was my intended destination. As a marine I have a special love for the water. What better way to spend the night than with my two favorite things?

  She played in the water like a child, getting her feet wet before running back to my arms and back again. Each time she ran to me laughing, I’d pick her up in my arms and swing her around, letting her laughter and joy wash over me.

  We talked and planned for our future under the stars until it got too chilly to keep her out any longer. Back at the estate I took her home with me instead of dropping her off at the cottage. “Okay, I’m going to let you sleep with me tonight, but you have to promise to behave.” She gave me one of her sassy looks and ran on ahead of me up the stairs.

  She was stripped by the time I made it into the room and I soon joined her, leaving a trail of clothes on my way to meet her on the bed. “Is this what you call behaving yourself?” I fell into the arms she held open to accept me.

  She carried the scent of the sea and the wind on her flesh as I brushed her short curls back with my hand. “You’re very beautiful, Lucia.” I smiled at her shyness as she tried hiding her face from my eyes. Her cheek was soft under my kiss and my heart full. I was completely delighted with her, my woman of a thousand faces.

  In one minute she can play the vixen, batter me with her defiance, or be the sweet shy siren who lures me to her bed. I love every single one of her varying demeanors. But this, this new side that I had never seen before, tugged at my heartstrings.

  “So shy in my bed.” I kissed her eyes closed before moving on to her
pert little nose and then to her lips. She opened and accepted my tongue while my hands roamed until I found the heat between her thighs. “Ahh…” I couldn’t contain the sound of relief and pleasure.

  She was already wet and hot for me in anticipation of what was to come. “What makes you so wet little princess?” I pulled my tongue from the depths of her mouth long enough to ask. Her face heated and she tried to hide from me again, making me laugh lightheartedly as I nuzzled her before drawing her tongue into my mouth this time.

  I let my fingers play teasingly in the soft heat of her pussy until she moved restlessly against my hand. With my thumb on her clit ever so gently, I eased two fingers into her tight heat and fucked her with them softly, not daring to go any deeper. If I felt the evidence of her virginity again, I know I won’t be able to stop myself from plucking the prize.

  “Cum for me baby.” I left her lips and suckled her breast while my fingers brought her off. She arched and cried out, filling my palm with her juices. I didn’t leave her until her body was once again replete.

  Easing my long thick fingers from her sex, I licked her essence from my hand while looking into her eyes before making my way to her other as yet unattended nipple. She jerked and clutched at me as she purred in her lungs, her hips moving seductively against the sheets.

  “So responsive.” I barely have to touch her before she ignites beneath me. I’d almost given this up, given her up. The thought was just slightly less than frightening as I eased my fingers back into her.

  I’d come so damn close, too close to making the biggest mistake of my life. To losing what I knew would always be my most cherished possession.

  Each time I put my hands on her I feel ten feet tall. Like the first man and woman. Knowing that she’s innocent that no other man has ever had her and never will has a strange power over me. It was as if her innocence added somehow to her natural beauty.


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