Just Wait For Me (Highland Gardens Book 3)

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Just Wait For Me (Highland Gardens Book 3) Page 14

by Dawn Marie Hamilton

  With a grumble and a moan, he backed out of the thicket, receiving more scratches for his trouble. Stephen better appreciate my efforts on his behalf. And as for Caitrina—

  A shrill sneeze cleansed the stench of burned flesh from his nostrils. He needed to concentrate on just one scent. With a sharp inhale, he spun and spun and vanished on the breeze, following Ciaran’s trail through the wood.

  * * *

  Stephen drew aside the bed curtains. His heart lurched. Desire spiked. Jillian reclined on the mattress, eyes closed, silky brown hair—now much longer than when she appeared at the Caves of the Gray Women—fanned a pillow. Exquisite. Her state of undress combined with the scent of their previous lovemaking made him hard and wanting; tempted him to join her for another tumble in the furs.

  She slowly opened her eyes. A tired gaze touched him, made him rethink the carnal impulse. Instead, he assisted her from the bed. “Come, lass, your bath awaits.”

  “Thank you.” She leaned on him and clambered into the tub.

  “Shall I summon a woman to attend you, or might you honor me with the task?”

  She squeezed his fingers. “I’d like to just soak a bit and think.”

  “As you wish.”

  Stephen made busy tending the fire so he wouldn’t act upon the longing to drag Jillian to the bed for another round of lovemaking, though that was exactly what he wanted to do. He couldn’t get enough of her. When he turned back to the tub, she was leaning against a wet drying cloth, eyes closed, arms hanging limp on the rim. He should have realized how tired she’d be after their trek and given her time to rest before coming to her like a rutting beast. Though she’d seemed to enjoy their loving.

  He rubbed an ache in the center of his chest. This woman had come to mean so much to him. He couldn’t imagine a life without her smile, her scent, her touch. He wanted to go with her to the future.

  Mayhap she feared asking him to join her, uncertain of his intentions as he was unsure of hers. He needed to declare his love. But how? He’d never been so powerfully charmed by a lass. Never before had his stomach been knotted with self-doubt.

  What if she rejected him? It would tear his heart asunder. A risk he must take. “Jillian, I—”

  “Stephen, I was…” Jillian chuckled. “I’m sorry, what were you about to say?”

  “Nae worries. It was not important.” Although it is of the utmost importance to me. “You?”

  “I was wondering. Do you think I could take Keita with me through the time gate to the future? I believe the doctors—healing men and women—of my time could fix her mouth. Make her look normal.”

  His heart tripped. She has decided to leave with no invitation for me to join her?

  “I dinnae ken.” He rubbed a hand over his face. He hated the thought of being left behind. He’d be a shadow of a man without her bright light. “You should speak to Keita. She may not want to leave Duff. And what would you do with her once she is healed? You might not be able to send her back. The faerie knoll is a fickle place.”

  He should know. He’d tried to follow after his cousin many times and failed.

  “I’d treat her as my daughter, of course. Adopt her if need be. I can give her a better life.”

  “You ken naught of her past.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Only her future matters.” Lovely shoulders set firm, Jillian seemed determined to take the lass.

  “What of Duff and the other lads?”

  “I’m willing to take Duff, also, if he wants to come, but I can’t take them all.”

  “Ach, well, then you best speak to Keita and Duff. The full moon is two days hence.”

  A smile lit her face. “Thank you, Stephen. I feared you’d nix the idea.”

  “There is nae need to thank me. It is up to the children to decide if they want to join you.” What about him? How could he garner her love? He grabbed a washing cloth from a nearby table, needing something to do while his thoughts whirled. “Lean forward, sweetling. I will scrub your back.”

  His hand shook. She glanced at him strangely, brow furrowed, then did as requested. With a deep breath, he went about the task at hand. His mind was in such turmoil he hardly noticed the glorious curve of her neck. The softness of her skin. The scent of lavender wafting from the water.

  Jillian had such a kind heart, he couldn’t help but love her. And that was both a pleasure and a problem. He needed to convince her to take him to the future. To be his forever and always love. There must be a way to make the faerie knoll accept all of them. He couldn’t lose Jillian now that they’d found each other.

  Mayhap she was the key. Mayhap together they could make the faerie knoll work.

  Yet guilt gnawed. Conflicting emotions near to choking him. What of his handfasted wife? He’d never believed he’d lain with Calyn. She couldn’t be carrying his bairn. If he left with Jillian and the children, disappeared from Scotland as he knew it, Calyn would find another in which to sink her claws. He brushed away the niggling remorse.

  Ach, his dithering would drive him mad.

  “I ken I am being presumptuous.” He hesitated, unsure. Mouth suddenly dry. What if Jillian didn’t feel the same for him as he felt for her? Grrr! Just ask. “Would you consider taking me along?”

  Relief swept over Jillian. Stephen wanted to come, too. She’d hoped. Prayed. Even considered remaining in the past with him, but wasn’t sure he’d wanted her to stay. Might he feel the same for her as she felt for him? She’d fallen heels over head in love.

  “If your answer is nae, I understand. I ken I dinnae have much to offer you in your time. But I have a strong back and am willing to work hard. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my days and nights with you.”

  She stood and lunged into his arms, water sloshing over the side of the tub and onto the floor. She kissed his face. His lips. Hugged him tight. “I love you, too.”

  “Easy, lass, I dinnae want to slip and drop you.” He stepped away from the wet floor, swung her in a circle, kissed the tip of her nose, and deposited her on the rush mat.

  She accepted the large towel he offered and wrapped it sarong-like, tucking the ends at the top. Joy made her giddy. “Of course I want you to come with me.”

  “I am glad.” Stephen hugged her, holding her close for several breaths, then he stepped into the tub, a large smile curving his lips. “Now ’tis time for my bath.”

  “You can’t mean to use the same water. It’s become cold. And it smells of lavender.”

  He laughed as he sat in the same water she had bathed in. “’Tis common to share bath water. Though usually men bathe first, then women, and lastly bairns.”

  “I’m happy you want to go forward with me. I’ve been agonizing over the matter for days. I think I would find it difficult to live here permanently. Life in my time is very different. Easier. But if you wanted me to, I’d stay.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Truly?”

  In answer she kissed the tip of his nose, as he had hers a moment before, then skipped away.

  “Easier you say? How so?”

  “Well, it is and it isn’t. It’s hard to explain. We have many conveniences that make life easier. Yet many people are overly stressed due to the fast pace of the time.”

  “Was it my willingness to work hard that made you decide in my favor?”

  She danced back to the tub and squeezed the muscle in his bicep amazed at how well he’d healed since they’d met. “Do you think the children will want to go with us?”

  He climbed out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist. “Shall we dress and go find the bairns to learn their answer?”

  A timid knock had them both turning toward the door.

  “Aye?” Stephen stalked across the room and partly opened the panel, protecting Jillian from prying eyes. Keita scuffled through the gap, hugging a bundle of cloth to her chest.

  “What have you there?” Jillian crouched in front of the child.

  “Lady Isobell sent the most beautiful ga
rments.” A pair of kid slippers slid from within the bundle. “And pretty shoes.”

  Jillian picked up the slippers and took the clothing to the bed. She held up the embroidered burgundy gown. Breathtaking. She carefully laid it across the mattress.

  “Sweet pea, come sit by the fire. We need to talk to you.”

  Keita climbed up onto one of the chairs, and calmly waited.

  Jillian didn’t know where to start. How to explain. Finally, she just spoke from the heart.

  “I’m going home soon and I’d like very much for you to come with me. You would become my daughter. There are men and women with great healing powers I believe can straighten your mouth. Stephen is going, too, and if you want, we can ask Duff to join us.”

  Keita just stared. Eyes wide. Several minutes passed then she smiled. A beautiful crooked smile. Her nod was abrupt, but melted Jillian’s heart.

  Suddenly, the tapestry on the wall behind the little girl moved. The massive peridot-colored dragon undulated as the fabric wavered. She stepped closer to inspect the heavy cloth.

  “Duff!” Jillian jumped back and clutched her chest when the boy popped out from behind the tapestry. “Where did you come from?”

  “How did you find the secret passageway?” Stephen asked, voice gruff.

  “There are many in the castle.” The lad shrugged, feigning innocence. “Even one behind the carved wooden wall in the council chamber.”

  “How much did you overhear?” Jillian asked.

  “All of it.” He raised his chin. “I go wherever Keita goes. I am her champion.”

  Stephen patted the boy’s shoulder. “As you should be.”

  “I would love for you to come, too, Duff. Where I live is much different than here. You would become my son. Live with me and Stephen in a small house.” She glanced at her man hopeful he was onboard with living together. His nod and grin released a knot of tension within her chest she hadn’t realized she’d harbored. She returned her gaze to Duff. “No more living in the woods.”

  “Will Keita be even prettier if she gets her mouth fixed?”

  “She will.”

  “Then we both are coming with you.”

  “It is settled,” Stephen said. “We leave in two days’ time. You cannot take aught from here except the clothes you wear. And ’twill be our secret. Aye?”

  Both children nodded, expressions earnest.

  “Good. Now scoot along and allow us to get ready for the evening meal.” He wrapped his arm around Jillian and elation made her buoyant.


  Stephen escorted Jillian into the great hall. He teemed with pride as clansmen’s heads swiveled, following their progress across the chamber to the dais and head table. Beautifully garbed in a burgundy gown, Jillian’s skin glowed with health. Beams of amber candlelight streaked her brown hair with gilt, making the locks glisten. And she smelled of heavenly lavender.

  He couldn’t help but chuckle; he also carried the feminine scent.

  “Welcome to my board.” Isobell smiled in greeting. “I hope you find dinner pleasing.”

  “I’m sure we will,” Jillian responded with genuine warmth as he seated her to the right of Isobell as honored guest. Stephen sat next to his lady. Duncan took the seat to Isobell’s left, providing protection seldom required within the walls of Castle Lachlan.

  Although, not long ago, Archie’s sister, Elspeth, had been kidnapped from her bedchamber by way of a hidden passage. Duncan, as MacLachlan captain, took nae chances with his chief’s lady-wife in Archie’s absence.

  Their hostess leaned close to Jillian and whispered, “I requested Cookie make something similar to what you might find in your time. Will venison stew baked in pastry and stewed apples appeal?”

  “You needn’t have made a special effort.”

  “Nae trouble.” Isobell waved a hand. “It is our desire to make your stay at Castle Lachlan pleasurable and memorable.”

  Jillian glanced at Stephen, her lips curved in a satisfied smile. He grinned, wondering if she, too, recalled their earlier loving upon the furs.

  Several young ghillies served dinner. He took little notice of the meal, content to be with Jillian. As they served the last course, the tower horn bellowed a warning. A party crossed the bay headed for Castle Lachlan.

  “I do hope it is Archie.” Isobell rose. “Please, finish your meals.”

  Stephen frowned. “You ken the horn would have blown a different sequence of notes to announce the chief’s arrival.”

  “He may be traveling with others. In secret.”

  “It is late.” Duncan stood. “If it please you, Lady Isobell, I will go and greet the newcomers.”

  “Aye, that would be best,” she conceded with a sigh, and dropped back to her chair.

  They waited in tense silence. A short time passed and a group of men stomped into the hall with Duncan. The Sheriff of Bute and several of his guardsmen. What the hell was Ninian Stewart doing at Castle Lachlan?

  Jillian stiffened at his side as the man approached the dais. Stephen grasped her hand under the table, hoping to ease her concern. He didn’t care for the presence of the sheriff either. Seemed odd considering they’d left the man at Dunoon Castle mere days ago and there had been nae mention of planned travel to Castle Lachlan.

  “Good eve’n, m’lady.” Ninian bowed over Lady Isobell’s hand then an inscrutable gaze took in each individual at the high table in turn. “Lady Jillian.” He nodded in her direction. “MacEwen.”

  “What has you traveling north again?” Stephen asked, working to keep his voice dispassionate.

  The sheriff ignored the question. “Lady Isobell, please excuse my arrival at this late hour. It is with great urgency I must speak with Archibald. Is he here?”

  “My husband is away, patrolling our borders since no one seems capable of bringing the fugitive Maclay to justice.” The lady’s voice dripped scorn.

  Ninian stiffened at the taunt, but kept a cordial smile in place. “Then may I confer with you in private, m’lady?”

  “You cannot,” Stephen blurted.

  “As you are championing the lady, I will take nae offence. Howbeit, keep your head, MacEwen. Lady Isobell is perfectly safe with me.”

  Isobell raised a brow before standing. “My woman, Aine, will accompany me. You can say what you will in front of her. And Duncan will stand guard at the door.”

  “As you request, m’lady.” The sheriff assisted her from the dais. Then he pinned Stephen with a hard stare. “You and Lady Jillian are spending the night?”

  “We are.”

  “Then I look forward to breaking my fast with both of you on the morrow.” He gave Isobell a coy smile. “That is if you will offer me and my men hospitality for the night, m’lady.”

  Isobell regarded the man, eyes narrowed, lips thinned. “We are naught if not purveyors of Highland hospitality.”

  “So right.” Ninian waved an arm toward the north door. “Shall we?”

  Isobell lifted the hem of her gown and marched across the hall, the sheriff keeping pace, a flustered Aine and a frowning Duncan in their wake. Near the door, one of Ninian’s lads handed him a leather-wrapped parcel as the foursome departed the hall. Two of the sheriff’s guards followed while the remaining lads took position flanking both exits.

  “What is going on?” Jillian’s voice quavered.

  “Dinnae ken, but whatever the sheriff is about cannot be good.”

  Clansmen voices escalated with conjecture, sounding like a gaggle of geese. Maclay’s name uttered by many. Stephen didn’t like the direction of his thoughts. He had to believe the sheriff’s sudden arrival had naught to do with Maclay and everything to do with Jillian and her unique origin. Shite!

  Jillian pushed food around in circles on the trencher before them. He stilled her hand with a light touch. “Nae longer hungry?”

  She shook her head. “Lost my appetite.”

  “They may be sequestered in Archie’s study for a lengthy time. Shall
we retire for the night with hopes the morrow arises a sunny day?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” They left the chamber to the buzz of speculation. Jillian stopped him a short distance along the passageway. “Why do you think the sheriff is here?”

  Stephen shrugged, keeping his features blank. “Could be anything.”

  “You don’t believe that any more than I do. It’s about me.”

  “Dinnae jump to conclusions.”

  She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. “I’m not.”

  “If ’tis about you, we will deal with what may come. Dinnae worry.” He squeezed her hand and they ascended the circular stair. He protecting her back.

  They reached the bedchamber, and he sought something to distract his lady. The bathing alcove’s curtain hung open, and his gaze lit on the table containing a bowl, razor, and scissor. He should look his best when arriving in Jillian’s future time.

  “Lass, might I ask a favor?”

  “Of course.”

  “Would you be so kind as to trim my hair and shave my beard? I could summon a ghilllie, but would prefer your gentle touch.”

  That put a smile on Jillian’s lips as he intended. “I’ve often done the same for my brother. His hair and beard have never been quite as long as yours though.”

  “So you cannot handle this mess,” he teased.

  “I think I can manage. Sit.” She shoved him onto a chair near the grooming table. He dropped the plaide from his shoulder and tugged off his leine, tossing the garment aside, his chest bared to his lady.

  She arched a feminine brow. “You sure you only want a haircut?”

  “Aye. And much more later.” He winked.

  Jillian smiled and slipped nimble fingers through his hair, kneading the scalp, sensitizing the flesh with the tips of her nails. He leaned into the sensual touch. A thrill spiraled down his spine, pooling low in his gut, making him hard. He choked on an abrupt intake of breath.

  She laughed, well aware of her effect on him.

  Perhaps he did want more sooner. He hadn’t meant for her to incite his sexual desires so quickly, yet his ploy had worked. His lady’s sweet chuckles lightened his heart. She nae longer seemed overcome with fearsome thoughts of the sheriff. Stephen shifted his weight on the chair. Would be hard to sit still with her so close, with her touch driving him mad, but he would make the effort to keep a rein on his urges for her sake. Besides, dragging out this moment of intimacy would make their lovemaking all the more urgent and fulfilling later.


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