Space Fleet Sagas Foundation Trilogy: Books One, Two, and Three in the Space Fleet Sagas

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Space Fleet Sagas Foundation Trilogy: Books One, Two, and Three in the Space Fleet Sagas Page 34

by Don Foxe

  ☀︎Dr. David Burton became acting Chief of Medicine for the 109. He had four nurses. The remaining science team members volunteered as orderlies and aides.

  ☀︎Cooper in the command chair of the 109 had the flag. This meant any and all allied space ships, including those belonging to Rys and the Fellen, acted under his orders. When he told someone, anyone, where to go and what to do, they obeyed. Period.


  Cooper order Kennedy to open communications across all channels.

  “Ready, Captain,” she replied.

  “We do not know when the Zenge will appear, but we are certain they will,” he said from his chair. “When anything comes through the wormhole gate do not, I repeat, DO NOT take any action. They will likely send a scout through first.

  “The 109 and Demon will park on the third planet. The gate will sit between us and Rys. When they come, they will be boxed.

  “Kennedy will relay the final initial contact rules of engagement and mission strategy to each station. Each commander must decide how best to prepare their people and equipment. But everyone must prepare to act according to the mission strategy. Normal communications will continue on and around the planet and moons. The 109 and Demon will remain dark. Stations on the moons, the platforms, and the planet are not to make any attempt to contact either ship. If no probe occurs within seventy-two hours, we will re-evaluate.

  “If anyone has anything to say, send it to my coms. I’ll reply before we go silent. Kennedy, close outside channels.”

  Cooper addressed his ship. “Kennedy will assume systems control for the 109. The kitchen remains open, and will be the only operational section on the ship. Crew aboard the 109 will rest as best you can, and eat when you need. When the probe arrives, Kennedy will alert us with lights only.

  “Battle station crews have your assigned shifts. When the lights signal an arrival, initial battle shift personnel are to report to your assigned stations. Unless conditions force a change, shift changes every six hours following the initial alert. There is prepared, and there is over-anxious, so try to relax while you have the opportunity.

  “Good luck to us all. Captain Cooper, out.” He waited a moment to allow the in-ship coms to close. He then ordered, “Kennedy, relay final battle plans and rules of engagement to designated commanders.” To those on the bridge with him, he said, “Command crew, please exit the bridge. Find something mindless to occupy your time.” He remained in his chair as everyone left.

  Coop keyed a command channel. “Loba, prepare for departure. I will inform Commander Cornitsch to launch Demon immediately following the 109’s exit from the docks. Loba, find a nice dark valley on that rock of a third planet, and settle in.”

  “Will do,” Casalobos replied. “Mags found a real deck of cards. We plan on teaching Storm the finer points of gambling.”

  “They tell me I have to learn how to ‘raise the stakes’, and recognize a ‘bluff,’ if I am to continue to live with a human male,” Storm interjected.

  “I’ll see all of you on the other side,” Cooper replied, ending transmission. His attention now directed to his ship.

  “Kennedy, as of this moment, you maintain complete control of the ship until I tell you otherwise. Send disembarkation request to the platform control, and get us into space. Have Cornitsch confirm Demon’s departure. I want to locate and settle into a hidden cranny on that planet, before something comes through the wormhole.”

  “Yes, sir,” the simple reply. “Kennedy has control.”


  A Zenge ship, designated a Primary, exited the gateway twenty-two hours after the 109 settled into a ravine on the third planet.

  It entered natural space, but remained near the wormhole event. An hour later, it re-entered the gate.

  Coop sat alone on the bridge when lights flashed, warning of an event. He ordered Kennedy to open video, but no scans. As he watched the Primary, the initial battle-shift personnel began entering and taking posts. No one booted systems. They sat and watched the video feed with him.

  The PT-109 employed cameras with extremely high resolution and zoom capabilities. The technology copied optical systems used by the Star Gazer, and improved upon by the Fellen. The system expended minimal power, making it doubtful general scans by the Zenge would detect them. Demon utilized the same tech. Coop assumed they watched the same preliminary probe from a slightly different angle.

  The planet, and off-world sites, would activate scans. The Zenge would expect those. To not scan a wormhole event for a ship’s signature would appear odd. No cannons fired upon the lone ship. They needed the Zenge to believe the wormhole too distant for surface-fired weapons to reach.

  The wormhole now resided eight-million miles from Rys. A ship traveling an average of 40,000mph would take eight-days, eight-hours to complete the journey. Not too far for a trade mission, but much too far for a sneak attack. Coop believed the Zenge would attack with their faster ships, perhaps Mischene battlecruisers stolen from the Aster system. The cruisers operated at vastly faster-than-average speeds. These first-wave ships would be supported by the slower vessels transporting troops. He planned to destroy as many of their top-line ships as possible. Surprise the key.

  If they did not task their best ships to invade Rys, then whatever sent would still be removed from their arsenal.

  Fourteen-hours following the scout ship’s exit, the gate reopened, and ships emerged. The first four ships through were Mischene battlecruisers. Battleships acquitted with assorted torpedoes, missiles, eighteen laser cannons and two space-to-surface pulse cannons each. They could cruise up to .0035ls, or 234,716 miles-per-hour. The four ships were capable of reaching Rys in thirty-four hours.

  The shovel-headed ship’s command bridge and force field generators sat on top. They employed elevator systems to drop the dynamos, needed to create electro-magnetic force fields, into the bowels of the main section of the craft to prevent targeting by enemy ships.

  Twenty-eight ships followed the battlecruisers.

  “Kennedy?” Coop expected his AI to anticipate his query.

  “Four Mischene Battlecruisers, and twenty-two Zenge Primary. An additional six unrecognized ships, with unknown functions. All six are of similar design. They are larger than a Primary. Similar airframe to the mothership which escaped the Star Gazer battle by creating a wormhole. Similar, but one-quarter the size.”

  That made them one-third of a mile in length, width, and depth. They looked like ancient American footballs, with the bottoms sheared flat, and a com tower on the top, near the middle-line.

  “No cargo or supply vessels,” Kennedy added. “But the six we cannot identify could provide those services.”

  “Sky, anything familiar about the six ships?” Coop asked.

  “Sorry, no. I agree, they look like the mothership. I would guess they are Zenge, not stolen from another world, but I have no idea of their purpose,” she replied.

  The battlecruisers, speeding toward Rys, outpaced the other ships. They moved ahead quickly, already coursing at top speed. Distance rapidly grew between the former Mischene ships, and the remaining battle group.

  “Genna, soft scan only, speeds on every ship, and ETA to Rys,” Coop ordered.

  “The lead cruisers average 234,700 mph. If they maintain speed, they will arrive in thirty-four hours. The second wave of eighteen Primary ships travel at 150,000mph, and fifty-four hours out. The final group, at 120,000mph, and sixty-seven hours from Rys. Four Primary currently maintain pace with the six undesignated,” Genna replied, and turned off scans.

  “One-day ten-hours, two-days six-hours, and two-days nineteen-hours,” Coop converted times. He considered the pre-arranged mission parameters, and determined actions the other locations would initiate.

  “The battlecruisers reach optimal tachyon range in thirty-two hours. At 500,000 miles, a tachyon burst from the planet’s surface will still produce maximum effect. The bursts will hit them before they can react,” Coope
r mused aloud.

  “Genna, on their current course, and ETA, how many of the planet’s new tachyon cannons will have line-of-sight on the cruisers?” he asked.

  “Three,” she answered immediately. Anticipating the follow-up query, added, “Both orbital platforms, and one moon station will also have actionable angles of fire.”

  “General Postatoon will use the three surface sites, and the cannons on the two platforms,” Cooper said. “He’ll hold the moon installations as back-ups. The two orbital sites combined to target a single battlecruiser, leaving one each for the surface cannons.”

  On his command, Kennedy opened ship-wide PA. “All hands. We are entering hurry up, and wait mode. In one day Rys will test their new tachyon weapons against four Zenge-operated battlecruisers. If they do not work as well as hoped, we will depart at best speed to attack the cruisers from the rear. If they are successful, we will use the distraction to attack the trailing ships of the Zenge battle group. We do not know capabilities of the six mini-mothers. I expect everyone ready to make adjustments on the move. Cooper, out.”

  Risking a low-band, quick message, augmented by the ship’s power, Cooper activated the personal channel on his translator/communication bracelet. “Storm, thirty-two hours, Coop out." He shut the com to Demon down without waiting on a reply.

  “Mini-mothers?” Kebede asked.

  “Fits,” Coop answered.


  The battlecruisers maintained course and speed. General Postatoon waited for the initial wave of ships to arrive at a point half-a-million miles out.

  Zenge battle tactics remained rudimentary. The four ships should use their maneuverability, and the expansive nature of outer space as advantages. Attacking the planet from multiple directions, and presenting dispersed targets would increase their odds of success. Instead, they remained bunched, operating on the concept of overwhelming an enemy with numbers.

  On the General’s order, five tachyon cannons let loose on the four warships.

  Tachyons particle beams travel faster than light, and create spatial distortions upon target contact. The target destabilizes at a cellular level, and literally flies apart.

  When a tachyon beam encountered a cruiser’s force field, it dispersed the electro-magnetic fields. Enough force remained to impact the ship and potentially breach the hull. The damage consequential, but quick action by a commander and sections could be closed. The dynamos would have the time needed to regenerate the damaged shield.

  Unbeknownst to Cooper, Manny Hernandez convinced the Lisza Kaugh commander to interpolate plasma bursts with the tachyon beams. The slower plasma round followed the tachyon beam through the breach. The super-heated projectile, though slowing over the distance, still arrived at incredible speed. Without a force field to deflect or dampen the effects of the plasma-delivered load, it blew the cruiser into pulverized metal. The intense heat and the subsequent explosions vaporized organic material. To the unaided eye, the result appeared as a red-tinged dust cloud.

  Cooper witnessed the destruction of the battlecruisers before ordering the pilot to enter space-fold. The 109’s array engaged and the ship raced toward the Zenge rear guard at a speed of .07SL. They would catch the enemy within fifty-minutes.

  “Holy hell,” he said aloud. “Tachyon cannon can do that?”

  Kebede explained the total destruction of the cruisers. No longer required to remain stealthy, she had activated all scans, at all levels.

  “Plasma loads rode the tachyon beams,” she informed him. “The tachyon beam tore through the shields, opened a breach, and the plasma round did the rest.”

  “Somebody is on their game,” Coop said. “Whoever came up with that combo, and I’m betting on Manny, created a game-changer weapon. Are we receiving readings on the remaining ships?”

  “Yes, sir,” Kebede answered. “Scans work fine in space-fold. Demon is also in fold and headed on our course. The battlecruisers are toast. Nothing left larger than a land speeder. The second wave of Zenge Primary ships are slowing, and the rear guard has stopped. We will exit into natural space in fifty minutes, 10,000 miles behind the rear guard.”

  Coop ordered, “Sky, I need the railgun prepped to deploy and laser cannons ready. We will hit the first ship with the standard one-two; railgun, followed by lasers on a three-second delay. Torpedo Room!”

  “Ensigns Stanton and Nelson here, sir,” came the reply.

  “You already have four in the tubes. When they go, continue to load replacements in the same mix unless you hear otherwise.”

  “Copy, sir.”

  The following minutes passed in silence. Time ticked by slowly, adding to the tension. Minutes filled with anticipation, fear, doubt and excitement.

  “Exiting space-fold," Kebede finally announced.

  A mini-mothership appeared on the SHD. Coop said, “Fire.”

  Sky loosed a burst from the ship’s railgun, barely deployed from its interior hull compartment. A salvo of laser bursts followed from the keel-mounted cannon.

  The combination wounded the big ship. Electrical fires sparkled in the dark vacuum. The ship lurched to port. “Report,” Cooper ordered.

  “Penetration. Damage to multiple decks,” Kebede replied. “Massive chatter inside and cross-channel to the other ships. The damaged sections are being sealed. Laser cannons tracking to our position, preparing to fire.”

  Kebede added, “Demon is on site, sir. Loba engaging the Primaries leading the mini-mothers.” Despite the tension of battle, the Ethiopian shook her head and smiled after saying, ‘mini-mothers,’ aloud.

  “Drop beneath it,” Coop said, and Johnson began to act, only to discover the AI already had the ship coursing ahead and down. “Sky, calculate time needed for torpedoes in tubes one and two to make contact. Fire a tachyon beam to impact target five-seconds before they arrive.”

  “A variation of what Rys did to the battlecruisers,” she said, grasping the plan. A few seconds later, “Ready,” she called.


  “Torpedo one, away. Torpedo two, away." A pause, longer than anyone thought should last, and, finally, she called, “Tachyon burst, away.”

  The tachyon beam traveled at incredible speed, forcing Sky to wait until both torpedoes just about reached the target before firing. The injured Zenge ship fired random laser bursts in the direction of the 109, but ignored the torpedoes. The commander expected regenerated force field to mitigate their impact.

  What he did not expect was a tachyon beam wiping out the force field, creating another hull breach, and two torpedoes ramming through, then into the ship.

  Torpedo two tore through hull, bulkheads, and decks, rearranging the interior of the ship. Torpedo number one came to rest one-hundred feet on the far side of the ruptured hull. The nuclear load exploded, disintegrating half of the ship, leaving the other half open to space. Secondary explosions and implosions completed the destruction.

  “Report,” Coop ordered.

  Kebede provided a litany. “Mini-mother destroyed. The other seven moving to a defensive, close-quarters formation. Demon destroyed a Primary and is engaging the other three.

  “The first wave of Primary ships are approximately three-million miles from Rys,” she continued reporting. “Planet and space platform tachyon cannons have recycled and are firing in sequentially. The distance is six-times the optimal effective range. Even at the extended range, they have destroyed or disabled six of eighteen. The other twelve have changed course. They are now moving toward our location. Only planet-based weapons appear able to utilize the tachyon-plasma combination. Regardless, the distance is now too great for a plasma load to maintain the necessary thermal component.”

  “Genna?" Coop expected tactical information from the avatar.

  “The five remaining mini-mothers are setting a defensive posture. They have stacked themselves to protect potential angles of attack. Demon is taking hits from the remaining three Primaries. She’s getting in her shots, but the odds are
beginning to show. Their sonic shield is holding, but they are taking a beating inside. Incoming fire is bouncing the fighter like a speed-bag. Demon is faster and more maneuverable, but the Zenge have a lot of firepower to throw around. Only one-in-ten shots hit, but they are firing hundreds of times.”

  “Lt. Johnson, get us to Demon,” Coop ordered. “If the mini-mothers want to circle the wagons, then let them. We’ll engage the Primaries. Let’s give Demon a break, before those other five ships make it back.”

  “Yes, sir,” Lt.JG Jon-Jon Johnson answered. “Primary ships are already within range.”

  “Sky, tell Loba to back off and take a breather. Genna, when you see an opening, take it. Jon-Jon get us in tight, and keep us in tight. Okay, people, let’s kick a little ass.”

  As Genna initiated target lock with the tachyon cannon on one of the three remaining Primaries, Coop gave a questioning glance to Dr. Aziza, monitoring vitals. She gave a thumbs up and a smile. The crew fit to go.

  Genna’s fingers flew across the Operations/Tactical computer. She remained in constant contact with Kennedy. Timing meant everything.

  Johnson flew the 109 between two Primary ships, and Genna fired a tachyon burst, followed by lasers at the vessel on her port. The enemy ship on starboard received a railgun kinetic round, followed by four projectiles. The 109 passed the ships, descended steeply, and then executed a one-hundred-eighty-degree pivot. Behind and above them, everyone watched the two Zenge vessels fragment. With their force fields off-line, the lasers and dense rods either seared the inner workings, or smashed them to pieces.

  Both methods proved equally destructive, tearing the two ships apart. Crews aboard the crippled Primaries could not seal every breach. Implosions and explosions ensued. Crews died with their ships.


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