Space Fleet Sagas Foundation Trilogy: Books One, Two, and Three in the Space Fleet Sagas

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Space Fleet Sagas Foundation Trilogy: Books One, Two, and Three in the Space Fleet Sagas Page 53

by Don Foxe

  Huard drove the smart missile into the center of the plasma cannon fortification and followed Angel 7 southwest. Behind them a mushroom cloud billowed, and debris joined the rain, both falling on the obliterated target.

  Sites at the peninsula and the SCoslene coast pinged the two ships as they crossed the ocean. Mags kept them just above wave tops, making it difficult for the enemy’s targeting software. As they crossed the major meridian Sky opened fire on the peninsula site. The fighter arched across the base and headed south. Unable to stop themselves from addressing the first threat, the second base left themselves exposed just long enough for another TNW to terminate their existence.

  During all of this, not one word passed among the crews of Angel Wing. Not one person spoke to another aboard any of the ships.

  The cannon on SCoslene was lined up and ready to fire as Angel 7 crossed the coastline of the super continent. Watching her head’s up display, Mags pulled back and took Angel 7 high at a sharp angle, and then straight back down. She was on top of the camp before they could reacquire from a horizontal firing solution to a nearly vertical one. The kinetic load Sky triggered hit the base so squarely, the follow-up by Sabre only finished killing the Zenge soldiers not finished by the initial detonation.

  Mags continued across the huge island before turning back across the southern polar region of Fell. She came at the final encampment from mountain top height, occasionally dipping into valleys to disrupt their timing and force them to guess at her final flight path. She also had the dark behind her and the stealthy design of Angel 7.

  When Angel 7 entered the daylight, she did so with wing-mounted laser cannons firing and the railgun laying down a double dose of nymphs and projectiles. Later, the Fell hunkered within the bunker-tech lab said it looked like a god throwing lightning and screaming thunder.

  While Storm reported the damage wrought by their attack, Mags contacted Demon 2.

  “Sabre, hold off on TNW. There are civilians within the area. Complete the run with lasers and tachyon cannon. Clear the base. Wipe it clean,” she ordered.

  “My pleasure, Magpie,” came the reply. Demon 2 followed Angel 7’s flight line and opened fire on everything and everyone left standing at the site.

  Fitz and Rain followed, bored and impressed.


  The Zenge mothership, more likely a Mischene design assigned to the Zenge for transportation of large numbers of soldiers, and to provide overwhelming firepower, seemed to float serenely in the ocean.

  At the watermark she measured one-point-two-five miles across. An oblong design, with gentle slopes leading to a less-rounded upper section three-quarters of a mile long and a half-mile wide. The bridge-command tower on top deserted.

  Angel Wing’s four remaining ships sat on an outcropping along the western coastline of the eastern continent. The mothership lay 2,500 miles northwest of their position.

  The cruise ship, Star Gazer and the Parrian cargo ship continued to circle in space-fold, waiting for the final results of phase one of the mission to free Fell. Phase two could not begin until the mothership and other enemy aircraft had been eliminated.

  “Thoughts?” Elie asked to anyone and everyone.

  “Wish you were here,” Mags said. “Ordering orders, planning plans, and piloting at the same time are giving me a headache.”

  “We could ask for a surrender,” Harper Leigh, call sign TRINITY, said from Angel 5. “If the Mischene are in control of the ship, they may be more likely to accept defeat and less likely to fight to the end.”

  “Valid thought,” Elie agreed. “Storm?”

  “I’ve been sending contact requests for over an hour,” the Fellen replied. “They refuse to acknowledge. I’ve even had time to figure out the crazy Zenge language. It’s all in impossible pitches, but I configured my com-tac to use Zenge-basic to request contact. Nothing.”

  “At least we can better understand the chatter between the Zenge camps,” Sky said. “But that doesn’t help us now.”

  “You blasted one to bits the last time you were here,” Fitz said. “Can’t we just do it again?”

  “We surprised it, and came in from underneath,” Elie said. “This one isn’t going to be surprised. The electro-magnetic force field is huge and multiple dynamos regenerate damaged sections quickly. The ship has a dozen plasma cannons above the water line, and another dozen laser cannons. They show torpedo tubes that could send just about anything at us. And we don’t have a force field of our own within the atmosphere.”

  “Time for the tachyon cannon,” Paré said. “We’ve used them sparingly since we arrived because of the reverb they cause, and the heat generated. They make better surface cannons, or work better in space aboard a much larger ship, but they still have the biggest punch.”

  “Agreed,” Noa Tal said from Demon 2. “We’ve used tactics and strategy so far. We’ve used speed and smarts. We’ve outflown them, and out-maneuvered them. Now we need to pound them into submission. Demon is gone, and her crew needs us to quit screwing around out here and go get them. Angel 6 . . . Sam, Jim and Michael are dead. If we rattle some screws loose and pop some bolts to get it done, I say we do it.”

  “Set timing with your computers,” Elie ordered. “You need to fire projectiles, then time the railgun to follow with a kinetic round that reaches the target ahead of the bullet. Time a tachyon burst with a plasma load to hit within three-seconds of the projectile hitting the hull. You only get one tachyon load every ten minutes.”

  “Jab, cross, and a kick to the nuts,” Mags said. “I like it.”

  “The mothership is the center of the compass. Demon 2 north, Angel 5 east, Angel 4 south, and Angel 7 west. 2,500 miles out. Pilots handle avoid and evasion of incoming fire, regardless of the type. Co-pilots are in charge of shooting down anything solid they throw at you; torpedo, missile or plasma load. Com-tac will control offensive strikes and timing via the computers. Once you start, you finish. Copy?”

  “Demon 2, copy, north.”

  “Angel 5, copy, east.”

  “Angel 4, copy, south.”

  “Angel Wing, I wish so badly I was there with you,” Elie said. “I expect everyone on their spots in twenty-minutes. Target acquisition and firing sequences begin on my mark. Good luck, good hunting, Flag out,” Captain Casalobos finished.

  Thousands of miles from the action, Elie, Folly, Sparks and a lot of Fell freedom fighters watched thanks to a satellite optics emission hacked by Sparks.

  Twenty-one minutes later four small Earth space fighters converged from points of the compass. They hovered in the thick atmosphere of a planet Trillions of miles from home. The pilots made small, precise changes to their position to allow laser bursts to pass by their ships harmlessly. It was a deadly dance of cobra and mongoose.

  Co-pilots used line of sight and advanced computer tactical software to pick and shoot down anything solid that appeared to track their position. Smart-guided torpedoes and missiles were the priority, as their ships were too small for many of the plasma bursts to accurately target them.

  Four com-tac officers began a heavy barrage of combined weapons fire. The jump of each tachyon burst and the constant hum of the railgun made it more and more difficult on the pilot to fly and co-pilot to target incoming enemy fire. As the offensive rounds made multiple contacts on the huge water-bound spaceship, return fire lessened.

  Fellen resistance fighters and civilians hiding from Zenge patrols on two continents and the island of Scoslene later reported the sky above the great ocean was on fire. The clouds reflected red and yellow, and the rumble of weapons fire lasted for hours without a single break. People over two-hundred miles from the coast saw the atmosphere alight with flames, plasma, lasers, and lightening set off by the air-to-sea battle.

  When the mothership finally blew, whether it was from their armament storage being hit, their engines destroyed, or the crew committing ritual suicide, the resulting explosive blast sounded across half a planet, and ocean wav
es lashed three coastlines.

  Anything remaining of the mothership, and anyone left aboard alive, sank in the salty sea.


  After being called by Elie, Star Gazer and Morgan exited into natural space 40,000 miles above Fell. Both ships warned to watch for surface lasers capable of firing bursts that distance.

  As the two ships descended into a closer orbit, a wormhole gate opened over a half-billion miles away, beyond the first planet in the system. Ion disruption would not allow for penetrating scans, but the Star Gazer’s advanced optics picked up a ship as it entered the gate and disappeared.

  “Captain Casalobos, this is Commander Sonoritsch. A Mischene patrol ship exited the system via wormhole channel,” he informed Elie, who continued to monitor events from the resistance camp.

  “Thank you, Commander,” Elie replied. “They must have been sitting out there observing. Nothing to do about it now. Please maintain your current orbit until you complete enhanced scans of the surface.”

  Demon 2, Angels 4, and 5 rendezvoused with Star Gazer and docked inside the ship. Angel 7 made a landing in a small field next to the Fellen resistance group. As soon as Sky deployed landing gear, a couple of dozen men and women began throwing camouflage netting over the ship until scan deflectors could be raised.

  The crew exited out of the back ramp and into the waiting arms of Storm’s father.

  “AStermalanlan!” yelled a large blue Fellen with grey streaks in his auburn hair, and one arm in a sling, and ran toward them.

  “Father!” Storm yelled equally loud, meeting the man half way in a hug of emotions and tears.

  “ASkiilamentrae,” the man said, holding open his good arm, even as he was somehow able to hold onto his daughter. Sky joined the reunion.

  “He asked me not to tell them he was here,” Elie said to Mags, after joining her a few steps beyond the family embrace. She wrapped her arms around her team mate and friend. “He wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Sparks and Folly?” Mags asked.

  “In the camp,” she replied. “All the action, the crash landing, and the escape to here was taxing. They’re both asleep,” she explained.

  “We had just entered camp when ASkiiumterel, Storm’s father, saw Sparks and just about jumped out of his blue skin. We told him about everything Storm and Sky had accomplished. He knows about his sister and brother-in-law and their family on Rys. They were all told the counterstrike was due to a bargain made between Earth Storm and Sparks.

  “My understanding is the stories have been circulating throughout the camp. We have three celebrities on Team Angel Wing now,” Elie concluded with a smile.

  “And you, Mary Margaret Moore, are incredible. Who knew the smart mouth, no worries fighter jockey had so much leadership potential?”

  “YOU!” Elie looked up to see Sparks running in their direction. He noted Elie move a half-step away, still grinning.

  “YOU ARE AMAZING.” The Fellen reached Mags and pulled her into a swinging embrace. “Who is the most incredible space pilot in the galaxy? Captain Moore of Earth, that’s who. Welcome to Fell, Mags”

  Before joining everyone for a fire-roasted meal, Elie entered Angel 7 to send a message to Star Gazer letting Sonoritsch, Cornitsch, and Gregory know everything was okay. She made sure they forwarded all reports to Admiral Patterson, and asked she send back an update on Coop.

  Gregory let Elie know they were in a fixed position over the equator and allowing Fell’s rotation set the timeline for a slow, high definition scan of the planet’s surface activity. It would also allow the Angel Wing team members on the ground and those now aboard the converted cruise ship a much needed break.

  Four hundred Fellen made up the resistance group that recovered Captain Askiiumterel’s escape pod and freed him from the wreckage. Some of these same fighters responded to Storm’s request to help the downed crew from Demon. As Elie crossed from Angel 7 to the gathering, she was back-slapped and greeted by just about all four hundred before making it to the circle of bodies circling the central campfire. Storm and Sky made it obvious that they had saved a place for her between them. She took a moment to stop and drop into a lotus position in front of Mags and Folly. Sparks sat next to Mags, smiling.

  Elie spoke quietly to Mags and Folly, allowing only Sparks to overhear as she told them of her pride, commended them on their actions, and commiserated over the loss of Demon and the crew of Angel 6.

  The next two hours were spent eating, mainly roasted wild vegetables, which were tasty and filling, and listening to war stories. The chief story teller turned out to be one of the resistance fighters who had been among the group that had gone to rescue the downed Demon crew, who ended up protected by Elie.

  After Rain decimated the Zenge ground units on their trail, two dozen of the lizard-like soldiers continued to track the nine Fellen resistance fighters and the three Space Fleet flyers. The resistance sent a small squad to collect the downed flyers, believing they would attract less attention, and move more stealthily through the heavy forest.

  The heavily armed Zenge, rededicated to the task of overtaking the escaping team, following the elimination of so many of their fellows.

  AShaanart, the story teller used a stick to draw in the dirt.

  “We were here, maybe a half-mile in front of the Gadiles.” (Gadiles were large lizards that lived in swamps on Fell. They were considered ugly, bad tempered, and inedible. The Fellen resistance fighters called Zenge soldiers Gadiles as a show of contempt.)

  He made deep grooves between two lines. “The deep ravines with steep slopes made it difficult to move quickly through the forest. We tried to stay quiet, but the Gadiles did not care about moving silently. They followed, using laser rifles to down trees in their way. Screaming in their high-pitched voices that shatter glass. Catherea [Elie’s new moniker among the resistance.] would disappear. Each time she did, those following lost one or two of their number. She had only the two blades she wears on her belt.” He pointed at the rubber grips of the sheathed knives.

  “I personally witnessed her cross over a ravine by climbing and running along branches of trees that created a canopy over the coulee Over three hours, Catherea single handedly slipped around and through the Gadiles. She killed all of them, without one of them getting off a shot at those she was protecting.”

  At the end of the meal and tales, Storm’s father and two others, a male and a female, motioned for Elie, Mags, and Folly to stand and join them in front of the fire. Each Fell placed a necklace over the head and around the neck of the two humans and the Bosine.

  Sky joined them. “Each necklace has the emblem for a tribe inscribed on a stone native to each tribe’s homeland. The AS, the CH and the TR tribes have made you honored members. You are now as much a citizen of Fell as anyone else here.”

  Soon after that the party broke up, guards were set, and others left for tents and shelters to rest. Folly was provided a private shelter made of logs with a thatched roof and comfortable bedding. Sky and Storm left to join family and tribe. Elie decided to bunk in Angel 7 where she could be alerted by com-tac if needed.

  Mags left with Sparks.



  Angel 7, with Elie, Sparks, and Folly also aboard, docked with Star Gazer. After greeting the remaining Angel Wing members, and a few sad moments remembering the crew of Angel 6, they walked together to meet with Anton. They were joined by his top officer, Captain Cynthia Shah, along with Hiro and Senait in a conference room set aside for them by Commander Cornitsch.

  Lt. Commander Sonoritsch and Captain Hollisvey joined them a few minutes after they sat.

  “Sorry to be late,” the Bosine said on entering. “I was compiling the last of the data from the surface scans. I have everything loaded for the wall monitor,” he said, pointing at the front wall, which came on displaying an image of Fell in two dimensions.

  “We cannot be sure how many Zenge troops or Mischene advisors began the invasio
n of Fell, but we have an accurate count and location on what is left of their forces,” he said and began to highlight areas on the global map.

  “The six space ports located across the planet still have eight Parrian cargo ships parked at each landing field. Each location is the base of operations for an average of 5,000 Zenge soldiers.”

  “That’s quite an increase from the five hundred we counted during the initial recon,” Elie interrupted.

  “We believe operations have changed for these bases,” Anton answered. “They were transport hubs and prisons before. Now they have become the centers for search and destroy missions.”

  Sonoritsch resumed the briefing. “The 5,000 represent fighters and support personnel. As Colonel Gregory says, they appear to be replacement divisions for groups sent in-country seeking civilians and resistance groups. The three coastal ports have 15,000 additional troops in the field within 1,000 miles of their base. The three inland ports have 20,000 additional troops. Again, they operate within 1,000 miles of their bases.”

  Gregory added insight. “The armies are sweeping the immediate geography around the base camps. Once they have cleared these areas of Fell, I believe they will begin to mount forays deeper into the continents.”

  The Bosine LCMD had the six ports circled with red rings indicating the 1,000-mile radius from each camp. The number 135,000 in the bottom right corner of the display, noted the number of total Zenge fighters located within those six circles.

  He continued by highlighting the large island of SCoslene. “On SCoslene there are four armies of 15,000 each. They have established support bases on the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern coasts of the island and are working inward. Their plan is to herd and then capture people as they move to meet in the center of the island.”

  The number 60,000 appeared in green, and 195,000 in red.

  “There are 5,000 in the Northern Crown. I believe these are remnants of the larger force assigned the tech lab you destroyed,” Sonoritsch said to Casalobos. The red number changed to 200,000.


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