The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1)

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The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1) Page 6

by Riki Bishop

  “What the hell is going on? Levi you can’t expect me to stay here. I must help others get to safety. I am their Luna. It is my job!” I said.

  “They know to get to the panic rooms in their homes and those who aren’t at home are to go to one of the panic rooms around the grounds. You are not to leave this room. Any of you. Don’t argue me on this Willow. You are pregnant. All of you are. We will be back as soon as it is over.” Levi said.

  “Levi…” He gives me the look of ‘don’t start right now’. “Come back to us. If you don’t I will kill you myself after bringing you back to life.” He gives me a nod before kissing my lips and he and the guy’s head out locking the door behind them.

  I rush over to my computer and turn it on. I have access to our cameras around the border and the pack. “Will…what are you doing?” Shay asks.

  “I’m looking at the cameras. I want to know who the fuck this is and what the hell they want.” I said. Both Alexis and Shay pull up the chairs in my office around my desk and watch the screen. I must say that I am glad we held the warrior games. It seems that our warriors are kicking ass. We weeded out the weak and made them stronger. I see Levi in his wolf form. He’s massive. That’s when I see he’s trapped. Six other wolves are circling him. I let out a shriek. I can’t lose him. I feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. One of them nips at his hind legs before Ryder and Jason can come over. That’s when I see it. A figure just watching the destruction in front of him. “I have to get out of here. He needs my help.” I say.

  “Will…you can’t leave. It’s locked from the outside and only Levi, Ryder, or Jason can unlock it with their handprint and eye scan.” Alexis says. I know she’s right, but the man that ruined my wedding night is standing right there and I know what he wants. He wants my sister and myself.

  “Shay…it’s the man that claims he is our father…”


  We’re sitting here, in my office, all huddled up around my computer watching the scene in front of us. I still can’t believe he’s starting a war with us. Well, I can, because that’s what our enemies want. How does he expect us to even talk to him if he is going to be doing this to our pack? To my pack? I am a leader and sitting here isn’t doing anything about it. We have lost a few of our guys, but we are still on top and I don’t think that the supposed sperm donor is taking that to well. By the looks of it he only brought around a hundred men and we have more than that. Then, he shifted and went right after Levi.

  “NO!” I feel sick. I can’t sit here anymore I need to help him.

  “Willow, you need to calm down. It’s not good for the baby.” Alexis said.

  “You would be acting the same way that I am if it were Jason that was being charged at. I know he can handle it.” I snapped. I looked at the screen to see that he had his teeth dug into Levi’s leg. Levi is trying to get him off, but he’s struggling. Ryder and Jason flank him and manage to distract him long enough for Levi to kick him off and have the upper hand. He switches back to his human form and he’s saying something to the guy, and he changes too. Two warriors step up after being told something by Levi and take the guy somewhere, which I’m assuming the cells. All the while, our warriors are taking out the last of the other pack that was here.

  “We have been waiting for an hour since they ended the battle. Do you think they forgot about us?” Shay asked.

  “The better not have.” Alexis said. We can’t even look at the cameras because my stupid battery died on the laptop and I forgot the charger at home.

  “They may be leaders in this pack and Levi is the father of my child, but if they don’t hurry the hell up and get us out of here I’m gonna…” I started.

  “Gonna what?” I turned around and Levi was standing there along with Jason and Ryder with a stupid smirk on their faces.

  “I’m gonna cut you off. You fucking left us in here for an hour after the fight ended.” I said.

  “Oh baby, you couldn’t cut me off, even if you wanted to.” Levi whispered in my ear. I knew he was right and so did he, but that’s beside the point.

  “Try me, asshole!” I said pushing out of the office. It’s about time I get some damn answers.

  “Where do you think you’re going and how did you guys know that the fight was over?” Levi said.

  “I’m going to get some damn answers and I had the camera feed on my computer.” I said opening the door and walking towards the cells.

  “You’re not going down in those cells Willow.” Levi said from behind me.

  “Watch me. I want answers and I’m going to get them. I’m over this cat and mouse shit. I put up with it for two years of my life. I’m not doing it anymore. You want to dictate what I can and cannot do, then you can sleep your happy ass on the couch!” I snarled. He has some nerve. Goddess, he infuriates me to no end, but I love him anyway. My stomach starts to churn, and I run over to the bush and release everything that I have eaten throughout the day. Damn morning sickness.

  “Willow…baby are you okay?” Levi asks while holding my hair back and rubbing my back soothingly.

  “I’m fine Levi. Your kid just doesn’t want mommy to hold anything down.” I said with a chuckle. “Now, you can either come with me or not, but I’m going down there and I’m getting some answers.” I said as I opened the door to the cell. I heard Levi mutter something under his breath, but he followed along. We walk down to the end of the tunnel and there he is. Chained up to the wall. The man that claims to be mine and my sister's father.

  “Well…well…well…I was wondering if you were going to show up or if you were going to let your husband take control.” He sneered.

  “Clearly you don’t know me, but I don’t let any man dictate my decisions. I am a free woman, married or not.” I said looking at him with disgust.

  “Strong and independent. Shocking. Especially after what you let Jake do to you for two years. Oh, and when you got home. I have been keeping an eye on you and your sister for a while now. There’s not much I don’t know.”

  “What’s your name and why in the hell do you have this insane notion that you are my and my sister's father?” I asked.

  “Josiah is the name and I am your father. Your mother and I met years ago. Before she met your father of course. We hit it off and became good friends and then I asked her to be mine and she said yes. We had you and then we had Shay a year later. After Shay was born she met her mate, your father, and ran away with him taking my daughters with her.”

  “What did you do to her to make her run away? There had to be a reason. I know my mother and she wouldn’t have run away, even for her mate, if she was as in love with you as you say.” I asked.

  “I didn’t do anything to her. I treated her like my queen and gave her everything her heart desired.” He said. Could my mom have really done that? Was it possible that she wasn’t the woman that I grew up thinking she was? I’m going to have to talk with her and my father.

  “What do you want with Shay and me? Why attack our pack and risk our lives and the lives of our mates?” I ask.

  “I’m trying to keep you girls safe. There is a threat out there.” He said.

  “What threat?” Levi snarls. “You think that I can’t keep them safe? You attacked MY pack and you expect me to believe that you were trying to protect them?”

  “So, he knows how to speak.” Josiah said. “I thought you were going to let her run the whole thing.”

  “Answer the question, Josiah. What threat and why come into our territory and attack our men? Putting us in danger.” I asked getting tired of this shit.

  “There are two men that came to me saying you and your sister were promised to them and that they would do anything to have you and your sister. So, I came here, as a warning trying to get you and your sister to somewhere where the king's sons couldn’t find you.” He said. I was shocked. The king's sons are after us. If we don’t go with them…it’ll start an all-out war. “As for attacking your pack, I want
ed to test your borders again and see how strong your warriors are. I commend you, Levi, you do have some strong warriors, but not strong enough, nor plenty enough to go to war with the king.”

  Levi looks pissed. No, not pissed, irate. Should I even believe Josiah? I don’t even know him. “Why should we believe you?”

  “Because, if I wanted to, I could have told the king where you two were and just said to hell with it. Instead, I am here to offer a truce and alliance with my pack. I want to get to know you and your sister, but your safety is the first thing on my mind.” Is it a bad thing that I do believe him? Yeah, he is a stranger, but he is right. He could have just taken us that night and given us to the king, but he didn’t. Am I pissed that he attacked my pack? Hell yes.

  “Levi, I believe him.” I said turning to face him.


  “DON’T you raise your voice at me, Levi Andrews! I am your wife and I am the mother of your child. You will NOT talk to me that way. Unlock him! Now and then meet me at the house. We have some things to discuss.” I said turning back to Josiah. “You can sleep in the packhouse. I will have an Omega set up a room for you, but if you try to do anything funny, I will castrate you and then skin you alive, using your pelt as a rug on my floor.”

  “Willow. Are you sure? This could be dangerous, and I want you to be safe.” Levi said pulling me into his chest. I take in his scent that instantly calms me.

  “Yes, Levi, I’m sure. Now please just unchain him. Shay and Alexis are going to the doctor with me to get some more bloodwork drawn.” I said kissing him before walking back up the stairs. Now I must explain everything to my sister. This is going to be fan-fucking-tastic.

  I mind-link Alexis and Shay and the doctor and we meet at the office to get my bloodwork done. It takes about thirty minutes to get through the waiting process and the lab process before we are ready to leave. “Let’s go to the Packhouse. We have an emergency meeting to discuss some in formation and safety issues.” I said.


  We get into the meeting room and everyone is waiting on us women. “Sorry we’re late gentlemen, but we went to the doctor to check on your future alpha.” I know I just told everyone that I’m pregnant, but they were going to find out soon enough anyway. I sit next to Levi, who pulls my chair out for me and kisses me on top of the head before sitting down himself. After all the congratulations to the Alpha pair, Beta pair, and Gamma pair, Levi starts the meeting.

  “As you all know we were attacked this morning. The leader of the pack that attacked us will be staying in the Packhouse per the orders of your Luna. He is her and Shay’s father. He has given us some valuable information and I would like you all to remember that Willow is your Luna and even if you don’t like her decision, you will respect it. If you do not, then you will be punished. I will not have anyone disrespect my wife and your Luna. Now, Josiah has said that he was trying to take the girls somewhere to keep them safe from the kings' sons. Apparently, they were promised to them at a young age. However, we plan on sitting down with their mother and father and second father after this meeting. This meeting will consist of the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma pair.”

  I look around and there are some angry looks that are glaring my way. I can tell that they’re not happy, but I don’t really care. I’m taking this threat seriously and trying to make Josiah comfortable, so he won’t hesitate to tell us more information. We all know about the King and his sons. Jackson and Taylor Hayes. They are known as playboys and are always in trouble. Personally, I have never met them. I mean, clearly since I found my mate and am not with whichever one I’m supposed to be with. I’m brought back to reality with the sound of arguing.

  “What do you mean she let him stay here? He should be in the cages or dead!” One of the Elders says.

  “Just as I said, Francis! She made the decision and I will follow that decision. She is my mate and the Luna of this pack. I highly doubt she would do anything to hurt this pack. Now, you need to watch how you talk to me. I am still the Alpha of this pack and I will be respected.” Levi sneers.

  “Now, after we have the meeting with Josiah and Shay and Willow’s parents I will have another meeting to discuss everything we find out. I am not letting them get to either of these girls. Meeting dismissed until I call for another one later.” The glares don’t stop, and I am starting to get irritated.

  “Do you have a problem, Francis? If you don’t wipe that smirk off your face I will gladly do it for you. You have been glaring at me since this meeting started. That goes for all of you glaring at me. You may not be happy with MY decision, but you WILL respect it. I will not put up with disrespect.” I stated. Levi looked shocked that I would blow up like that. I don’t see why as I was blowing up at him after I got out of the hospital. Everyone leaves except for myself, Levi, Ryder, Shay, Jason, and Alexis. “What Levi? Wipe the shocked look off your face. I’m emotional and I don’t want to deal with stupid wolves that think they can intimidate me with their glares.” I tell him. His shocked face turns into one of lust and his eyes darken.

  “Baby girl, you should really watch your tone before I fuck you in front of everyone in this room.” He says and my panties instantly drip. Not about everyone watching, but when Levi fucks, he fucks.

  “I don’t think you will. I’m your equal and I am not going to cower down to be some obedient bitch. Maybe I like to defy you occasionally. I mean it is a great fuck.” I say staring right into his eyes, not backing down. I know it’s dangerous to stare at the Alpha as their wolf takes it as a challenge, but I don’t care. I’m hormonal and horny as fuck. I know he can smell my arousal as can everyone else in this room. I look away to see everyone staring at us. “Don’t look at me that way you guys. I’m not the only one that is horny as fuck right now. I can smell it!” I say.

  “Out! Be back in an hour for the next meeting.” Levi says not taking his eyes off mine. Everyone leaves and I know what is about to happen. Levi drags me from my chair and into his lap so I’m straddling him. “So, you like to defy me, huh? Maybe I should show you what happens when you do that.” He says, sending shivers down my back. His lips meet mine in a hungry desire filled way. I moan into his mouth giving him access to roam around my mouth with his tongue. He stands up and lays me against the table. It takes all of five seconds before he has my clothes off and his as well. I can’t help but admire his body. “I’m not going to be an easy baby girl.” He says before he plunges into me until his balls are touching my ass. I let out a loud moan as it exits and slams into me again.

  “Fuck, Levi.” I moan out. He keeps pounding into me and I feel the warm sensation of ecstasy building in the pit of my stomach. I can tell he’s getting close as well. His grunts get faster. I clench the walls of my pussy together making him growl.

  “Fuck baby girl, if you keep doing that I’m not going to last much longer.” He says through gritted teeth. So, I do it again and again.

  “That’s what I’m hoping for.” I smirk at him. He slams into again and again until I burst at the seams with my own orgasm as he cums with me.

  “What are you doing to me woman?” He asks as he leans over me kissing me softly.

  “Giving you a run for your money, Mr. Alpha.” I say. We lay there for a few minutes trying to calm our breath and he pulls out of me getting dressed. I get dressed as well and sit on his lap in his chair. “What are we going to do babe? I believe him, but I don’t want to.” I ask.

  “I don’t know baby girl. I just know that you must trust your gut and if that is trusting him, then I trust you and will follow your lead. Now, let’s have your parents come here so we can get this meeting over and then the other one so we can go home and get you to bed and make plans tomorrow.” He says. I love this man and I am glad that he supports my decisions as much as I do his.

  I call my parents and ask them to come in for a meeting and Levi calls his Beta and Gamma to
come back as well. He sends for a warrior to go get Josiah and our friends are the first ones to show up. “Why did you guys have to fuck in here? You couldn’t have just done it in your room as we did? It reeks of sex in here now.” Ryder says.

  “We couldn’t make it that long.” Levi says to his brother.

  “Dude it’s literally upstairs. You know two doors down from mine and one door down from Ryders?” Jason chimes in.

  “Yeah, well. I can’t help it that Willow is just so fucking sexy I couldn’t wait. Besides, it’s not like you haven’t had sex in this room. Remember when I walked in on you and a certain lady.” Levi says.

  “LEVI!” I say slapping his arm, laughing. Before we can continue our banter our parents walk in and shortly after so does Josiah. This should be interesting.


  Josiah enters the room and his eyes instantly fall on myself and Shay. He then looks at my mom and anger and hurt cross his eyes. “Hello, Willow. How are you feeling? And you as well Shay. I must say it’s nice to finally meet my other daughter.” He says. I look at Shay and she looks confused and hurt. Much at how I am feeling. I feel betrayed and I just want some answers as to why my mom did what she did. Maybe once everything is confirmed and settled we could all have a relationship.

  “Don’t you dare talk to my fucking daughters.” My dad sneers at Josiah.

  “Nicholas. Watch your tongue, the Alpha is sitting right there.” My mother scolds my father. He doesn’t look as if he cares.

  “I don’t care at this point, Leslie. Those are my daughters and not his. I raised them. I put a roof over their heads. I fed them. I was there and he was not.” He sneers at my mother.

  “ENOUGH!” I yell out. “I do not have the patience for this now. Everyone sit down and take a fucking seat. I want answers and I want the truth. Before we begin, I have some news to share with you.” I say.


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