Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories)

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Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories) Page 3

by Christie Sims

  Lia held her breath in anticipation as the minotaur pulled backwards. She knew that the next move would be when it thrust its humongous cock deep inside her and while she couldn't wait to feel such ecstasy she was also terrified at just how big he was.

  "Be gentle" She whispered to the creature and it seemed to understand as it leaned forward, parting her pussy lips with the tip of his cock. He slowly leaned in to her, stretching her snatch little by little until she was accommodating the entire width of his cock and she found herself impaled upon him.

  Lia could feel the warmth radiating from the creature's skin as he leaned over her, rocking back and forth slowly, teasing her with every inch of his cock, knowing just how much he wanted her. The creature was breathing heavily, its deep chest rising and falling and pressing against Lia's naked breasts as it did. He could feel her perky nipples budding and it only served to excite him even more! The minotaur began to thrust deeper inside her tight pink pussy, he could feel her squeezing him with her snatch, begging him to make her cum. Never had he felt such a tight pussy before!

  "Make me cum!" Lia whispered in to the creature's ear, her hands reaching up and grabbing on to his horns. They were hard and warm to the touch and offered great resistance for her to push against as the minotaur thrust deep inside her once again. Lia pushed back, forcing his cock in deeper and as she did she felt her pussy tighten around him. Her grip around his spiraled horns grew tighter and she cried out loudly as the minotaur continued to thrust its giant cock deep inside her. There was no holding back now and Lia rocked with his movement, feeling herself mounting that peak, her pussy becoming tighter than it had ever felt before as it sucked hard against the creature's huge member.

  The minotaur pulled his cock almost all the way out of her pussy before sliding forward hard, ramming his cock so deep inside her that it pushed Lia over the edge in a second.

  "Oh fuck!" She cried out as her pussy started to squirt juice all over the creature and as it did the creature too let out a grunt. As she sprayed her pussy juice everywhere, Lia could feel the creature's cock throb, building up until finally she felt him too begin to climax, filling her with his creamy cum. "Ohhh yeah!" She rocked against him, tightening her pussy around him, squeezing every last drop out of his monster cock, hoping to make the moment last forever.

  The minotaur stilled and lifting its large eyes to hers, he slid his still throbbing cock from inside her and backed away. As his cock slipped out of her pussy, Lia felt the void and ached once again to have him inside her. She lay back watching as the creature stood up, his thick shining cock still standing to attention. She licked her lips, wanting to taste him once more but the creature looked in to her eyes and turned away, walking from its lair and out in to the confusion of the maze once again.

  Lia lay naked in the hay after the minotaur left, she listened to his hooves walking away on the stone ground. She wanted to shout after him, to ask him to stay, to fuck her again, to make her his sex slave. After she could no longer hear the minotaur's feet on the stone, she stood up slowly. Her head was spinning and she reached out to steady herself on the rock wall behind her. As she stood she could feel the creature's cum slipping out from inside her, running down her legs, mingled with her own cum. She could feel her pussy already aching from being pushed so hard to her limits and yet her heart ached for more. Never before had she felt so incredible.

  The stone felt hard under her bare hand as she steadied herself in the hot sun.

  "Lia!" The voice was a familiar one but she couldn't make out which direction it was coming from. She couldn't see who it was coming from either. "Lia! Are you okay? Lia!" Lia cracked her eyes open just slightly and saw a pair of dark brown eyes staring in to hers, it was Anthony. "There you are! Here, drink some water." He offered her his water bottle and Lia took it, her hand still shaking and gulped down half of its contents. As she handed the bottle back she realized that she must still be completely naked, but as she let her eyes wander down over her body she could see that she was very much clothed, although her dress did have a rip along the side. "Oh God, I was so worried!" Anthony guided Lia down to the ground. "Sit down for a few minutes and drink some more water." He shoved his water bottle back in her hand and sat beside her. "You were gone for three hours! I had everyone looking for you! I mean, I know you're up for a challenge but three hours in the hot sun just to prove a point is going a little far don't you think?" He chuckled and Lia smiled faintly back at him before taking another drink.

  "Shut up!" She drained the water bottle and Anthony brushed her hair from her eyes.

  "Did you at least see the ghost?" His eyes were big and bright and she could see that he hoped that the answer was yes, but she knew that if she told him then he would ask questions and she certainly wasn't about to give up the answers to those questions.

  "No." She wasn't lying after all, she hadn't seen a ghost. There had been absolutely nothing ghostlike about the creature that she had run in to in the maze. This had been a living breathing solid muscular beast with a cock like she had never seen before. "Sorry, Anthony, no ghost." Anthony scrunched up his nose and made the effort to stand up again and help Lia to her feel.

  "Oh well, I still think he's out here somewhere, but let's get you inside in the shade and get you some more water. You must feel awful." Lia didn't feel awful, she couldn't tell Anthony why, but she definitely didn't feel awful, in fact her pussy was still throbbing in anticipation of the beast returning for her. "Come on." Lia stood up beside Anthony and as she did she felt something thick and sticky slide down her leg, she knew that it was the creature's cum. Leaning down she wiped it off her leg and on to her dress hoping that Anthony wouldn't notice. She had the inclination to suck it from her finger but that would certainly get his attention.

  As they began to walk out of the maze Lia could swear that she heard hoof beats behind her, quiet at first and then growing louder.

  The End

  An Unusual Vacation

  Copenhagen had never particularly been on Danielle's list of places to visit during her lifetime. It wasn't that she had anything against the place, rather, she had a list of places she would rather visit Las Vegas. She supposed however, that visiting more cultural places came with the territory of dating one of her professors.

  "You will love it, Dani, I promise! And it'll give you something to do while I get my ass bored off in lectures?" Danielle took the brochure for the Zoological Museum reluctantly.

  "Fine, but you owe me BIG TIME." She flashed her baby blues at Dr. Wiseman and he nodded knowingly.

  "I know. To be fair though, you did know I was coming on school related business, Dani..." She glared at him and he stopped talking. The thing about having an older man, Danielle had realized a long time ago, was that you could pretty much get everything done your way, and when it wasn't done your way, you could always get something out of it.

  Danielle had always been the popular girl in high school and she'd found herself just as popular in college as well. With her perfect pearly white smile, her enormous boobs and a flawless face to match, Dr. Wiseman couldn't believe it when Danielle had approached him for some "after class tuition." At the time, Danielle had been failing his class and Dr. Wiseman soon found out that if he wanted to continue to receive Danielle's affection, there was a price to pay. At first she was cute and coy, she wanted her A and she knew how to get it. Then she stuck around after she realized that she could get just about anything she wanted on his dime. Still, Dr. Wiseman didn't care all that much, in what other arrangement was a forty something balding college professor going to get a girl like Danielle?

  "I guess I'll go check out this museum thing, but I can tell you now, I'm not going to like it. Isn't there like, some pot bar or something I can go to?" Dr. Wiseman raised an eyebrow as he watched her from the mirror while straightening his tie.

  "Go. You'll like it."

  "Fine!" Danielle huffed and threw herself dramatically on to the bed. "I'll need m
oney to get in, and for lunch and stuff." Dr. Wiseman had known that this demand was coming and reaching in to his jacket pocket he pulled out a small wad of bills.

  "Take what you need, just leave me some for cab fare." Danielle picked up the wad of bills that he had thrown on to the bed and looked at them quizzically.

  "I don't even know what I need, Allen. This isn't even real money." Dr. Wiseman laughed and took the money from her hand.

  "Here, this will be enough to get whatever you need ok?" Danielle took the cash and shoved it in to her bra.


  "Okay, I have to get going, take a cab if you want but the museum is only a few blocks down that way." He pointed to the street behind the hotel. "Have fun. I'll be back by 7 at the latest."

  Danielle walked up the street in the general direction of the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. She had never particularly enjoyed zoo's or museums so she was quite set on the idea that this one was going to be a bust. As she approached the museum she wished she had taken a cab, it hadn't been that long of a walk but she had (and always did) worn heels which had made the trip uncomfortable. Danielle was never one to dress the part and for her a trip to the museum meant a mini skirt, a cleavage bearing shirt and a pair of her favorite red high heels.

  The outside of the museum looked plain, an omen that Danielle was sure would not bode well for her day out, still, she had walked all the way there in her heels and she sure as hell wasn't going to walk back yet. As she walked in she was greeted by the usual stupid smile of a man distracted by her tits and as usual, Danielle reveled in the attention. As she stepped up to pay her 75 kroner for admission, the man noticeably stared at her tits once more before taking her money and handing her a ticket along with a map of the museum. Danielle took both from him with a flirtatious smile and followed the direction of his pointed finger. She couldn't understand a word anyone was saying but she seemed to get along fine with smiles, cash and pointing.

  The first few exhibitions that Danielle walked through seemed nothing particularly spectacular, in fact it was the same type of thing she'd seen on a fifth grade trip to the science museum. There was one thing, however, that caught her attention, a large grey door with the word 'Eigen' marked on it in red letters. Danielle reasoned that it meant one of two things, 'Exit' or 'Private.' She was rooting for the latter as she pushed against it while looking around to make sure that no one saw her.

  Fortunately for Danielle, the museum had few other visitors, none of whom seemed interested in what this very American looking girl was doing. As the door opened and Danielle stepped inside, she found herself in a large room with a vaulted ceiling and steel beams on the walls. It looked like a warehouse of sorts and she found herself surrounded by stacks of boxes and exhibit artifacts. This was more like Danielle's idea of fun, she could take a look at all of the "off limits" artifacts and as boring as they might be, she reasoned that they would certainly be more interesting based on the fact that they were off limits.

  The large room was dimly lit by a few naked light bulbs that hung from the ceiling and the towering stacks of boxes hide most of that light as she weaved between row upon row of unique and dusty things. As she was about to give up hope of finding anything worth truly investigating, Danielle came to a large trunk that sat in the corner of the room away from any other exhibit artifacts. There was a large rusting lock on the front of it and the chest itself was made of dark worn wood. She had to know what was inside, after all, this was the type of chest that generally held untold treasures. Danielle reasoned that if the chest did hold treasure she would, of course, be its rightful owner after going to all the trouble of finding it in the warehouse. At least, she could grab a handful of it without anyone knowing.

  The rusted lock wasn't locked, but it was shut and it took Danielle leveraging her weight with her feet against the chest to finally get the lock to pop open. As it opened shards of rust flew off the lock and Danielle grunted at the release. She looked around to make sure that no one was coming before she slipped the lock off the chest and flipped open the lid.

  Danielle stood in awe. There were no coins. There was no treasure. Instead, standing in front of her was a very large, very strange looking creature. It blinked one of its eyes at her.

  "Holy shit!" Danielle tried to move backwards away from the creature but as she did it stepped out of the chest and walked towards her, backing her in to the wall. The creature pressed its large eye up to hers, its beak nudging her shoulder as it did so. Danielle winced, anticipating the creature ripping in to her, or at least pecking her quite forcefully. Instead, the creature stared, its warm breath condensing on her bare chest. She had never seen anything like this creature before and she had certainly not expected anything living to step out of the chest when she opened it. "Nice...birdy..." She muttered as she tried to pull back from the beady eagle eye that stared in to hers. The creature backed up slightly, lowering its head between its large lions paws. Danielle wanted to run but looking at those large clawed feet she reconsidered the idea quite quickly. Instead, she reached out a hand and patted the creature's head. It lifted its head again and as it did, Danielle could see a large cock hanging between the creature's legs. The eagle head came forward again, nudging Danielle in the stomach gently but forcefully enough that she lost her breath for a moment. "Yes, nice birdy." She repeated and petted its head again as she tried to slide sideways away from the creature.

  As she managed to slip free, Danielle walked along the wall for as long as she could before her route was blocked by a tower of boxes. She was beginning to panic just a little, that she was on the lunch menu for this unknown creature and she had to find a way to get out of this musty smelling storage room before that happened. The creature placed its beak between Danielle and the boxes and nudged her away from them, back towards the chest. She tried to maintain her balance but she couldn't and she fell on to the hard concrete floor. As she fell, the creature stepped closer, stepping over her with two feet until it stood towering over her. Danielle couldn't move. The creature was making the kind of noise she'd heard birds make before, almost a cooing, and it stepped forward, nudging her, trying to help her to her feet. At least, that's what Danielle thought it was doing. As it turned out however, as soon as Danielle was on all fours, the creature had what it wanted and crouching the rear end of its body down it thrust its giant cock against her from behind. Danielle didn't move.

  The creature's cock was huge and its body was heavy, Danielle was trapped, leaning back would impale her on the massive cock but trying to escape could result in her getting crushed by the giant beast's lion like body. The large lion paws stepped forward just a little and the eagle head bowed down again. Danielle tried to crawl slowly, but as she did her skirt simply inched up around her waist giving the creature instant access to her lace panties. She hadn't imagined that morning when she dressed in her black lace bra and panties that she would be seducing a griffin.

  On her hands and knees with her ass in the air, Danielle could feel the flesh of the creature's shining cock slapping against her bare ass. She was sure that there was no way the creature could figure out how to take off her thong panties but then, as the creature's cock slid against her ass once more, she wasn't sure that she wanted to deny it access. Certainly she'd never imagined being in a situation like this one, but now that she was, now that she was feeling that giant cock slapping against her bare ass...well, she had to admit that it even made her horny.

  The creature screeched in a muted voice, showing its frustration at the tiny panties that denied it access to Danielle's tight hole. Danielle slapped her hands over her ears, causing the front half of her body to lower down to the ground on to her elbows. As the front half of her body lowered, her ass raised up even more and for a split second she felt the creature's big cock brush against the crotch of her panties. It was in that very moment that she knew that she wanted this. She wanted to feel her sweet pussy getting stretched wide by this incredible creature's cock until she
couldn't take it anymore. Who was she to deny anyone an orgasm after all? With one hand she slowly reached back and tugged her panties, she managed to get them down to her knees with one hand before the creature realized that it now had unfettered access to her. With one thrust forward the griffin had slid its giant cock deep inside Danielle. Danielle leaned forward trying to protect her tight pussy from being torn by the creature's massive cock. As he thrust forward again, Danielle felt a pop as the head of his cock slipped inside her. She felt every inch of that massive cock stretching her tight pink hole and she could barely take anymore. She heard the creature sliding his cock back and forth, her pussy juice sucking him back in as soon as he was almost out of her. He was stretching her so wide that it hurt but with each thrust he was fucking her deeper and it made her want to scream with pleasure at the same time.

  The creature's course fur scraped along her back, her shirt had ridden up as the griffin straddled over her with its thick cock inside her pussy. Danielle could feel her big tits coming out of the neck of her shirt, she could see her nipples, poking out, hard and budding. She wished that Dr. Wiseman was there to suck on them, to tease her nipples while this giant creature filled her with its monster cock. As she thought this the door through which she had entered the room opened and at the sound of the creature, a pair of footsteps hurried towards the back of the room. From between the creature's legs, those giant paws on either side of her, Danielle could see the feet of a man. She lifted her eyes enough to see the face of the man who had greeted her at the front desk, his eyes were wide. Danielle could say nothing as she took each thrust of the creature's cock deep inside her pussy and for a moment she thought that the man was going to fight off the griffin. Instead of fighting him off though, the man backed up against the wall. He slid the zipper down on his pants and pulled out his own cock in his hand. With his eyes firmly planted on Danielle getting fucked, he started to stroke his cock with a smile. Danielle could see just how hard he was at the sight of her getting fucked and it only served to make her wetter.


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