Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories)

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Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories) Page 5

by Christie Sims

  "I have something I can give you in exchange for the chalice!" Morgana shouted up in to the hole above her. Within moments the greedy dragon had doubled over and was peering down at her.

  "And what...would that be?" He asked in his deep reverberating voice.

  "This..." Morgana lay her face down close to the creature's cock and in one smooth motion she slid her tongue along the thick throbbing shaft. The salty taste of Draul's cock made her pussy ache and she knew then that whether he took the offer or not, this was something that she had to have.

  "Mmmmm, very interesting..." Draul hummed beneath her tongue. Morgana knew that she had to be more convincing and steadying herself she stood gingerly and slid down her pants and panties letting them, along with her shoes, fall to the ground below. At the sight of her pussy, Draul took a sharp breath inward, Morgana could see his nostrils flare as he did. Sliding back down, she straddled his huge cock and rubbed herself along his massive shaft. He hummed again and this time Morgana felt the vibration against her clitoris. It was she that cried out this time around. "It seems..." Said Draul, "that this may be mutually beneficial..." He sucked another sharp breath inward as Morgana slid herself to the tip of his thick red cock.

  The entire length of the creature's cock was vibrating beneath Morgana now and every movement she made only intensified the buzzing that grew between her thighs. She wrapped her arms under the helmet of his cock head and with her hands she began to gently rub him. A deep sigh released from Draul's mouth as she squeezed the warm shining flesh of his cock. Her pussy was aching so much now that it hurt and she could feel her wetness lubricating her as she slid along the dragon's member.

  Morgana didn't know how she was going to make this work, just the width of Draul's cock alone would stretch her pussy beyond any point she had ever known and yet, the thought of that only turned her on more. Slowly and carefully, Morgana turned herself around held the head of Draul's cock with her hands. She slid herself over the head of his cock, sliding her soft wet pussy against his velvet like cock. She began to lose her grip though and as she slid down she wrapped her arms tightly around the giant cock, tugging him as she slid.

  The fall to the ground had not been as scary as she had imagined and Morgana had landed in a pile of gold coins that, although hard, had somewhat cushioned her fall. She looked upward to Draul as he began to snake back down the hole from whence she came. It wasn't until his giant cock came to rest in front of her that Draul stopped moving again. Morgana took a deep breath inward, spreading her legs. She knew that this would hurt like hell but she wanted it, she wanted to feel Draul inside of her. Her fingers slid down to her pussy lips, parting them gently and as she did Draul inched forward until the very tip of his cock was pressing against her. Morgana could feel the pressure as he pushed against her tight hole. The slickness from her pussy helped as he inched inside her little by little. It wasn't long before Morgana found herself with her legs spread wide and the biggest cock she had ever seen was sitting between them. Draul hummed, a deeper hum than before as he pushed forward, driving himself in to her. The searing pain as he stretched her pussy wide open was almost more than she could take but when Morgana felt the head of his cock finally "pop" in to her she felt a relief as well as the most incredible sense of fullness she had ever felt before.

  The cave wall pressed against her back and the gold coins stuck to her ass as Morgana found herself pinned against the wall. Draul pushed deeper in a rhythmic motion, driving himself in to her perfect tight pussy and sliding out again, always careful not to let the head of his cock come out of her incredibly tight pussy. Morgana could already feel herself reaching the apex of another climb as Draul pushed her hard against the wall, his giant cock throbbing inside of her. Morgana closed her eyes as she got tighter around the head of Draul's cock, she could feel every rippling vein, every smooth inch of skin between them and she knew that she couldn't hold this back anymore. As Draul thrust forward, pushing her back once again against the hard cave wall, Morgana cried out and her pussy tightened to a point of no return. Her toes curled and with her legs spread just as wide as they would go, Morgana came. The rippling of her pussy as it sucked against his cock was enough to send her eyes back in to her head and for a brief moment, Draul stilled inside her to feel the rhythmic motion of her velvet snatch.

  Morgana's body ached and yet her tired pussy still begged for more as Draul remained still inside her. As the rippling swells of her pussy began to slow, Draul hummed from deep within again and pulled backwards allowing his cock to slide to the very tip of her opening. Morgana felt her body relax just a little and then, with one huge thrust forward, Draul buried his cock in her pussy. Morgana cried out but mixed among the pain she felt such an incredible feeling of pleasure as Draul's cock took over her pussy. Leaving his cock deep inside her, Draul thrust his whole body forward. Morgana's mouth dropped open in pleasure, yet no sound came out as she found herself pinned to the wall by the biggest cock she had ever seen. Her breath came fast, her breasts rising quickly as she felt Draul pushing his body in to hers. She did not know just how much more of this she could take, Morgana was sure that her pussy would split in two if she so much as moved. It was as she had this thought though, that Draul let out a thunderous roar. The cavernous ceiling above them lit up with fire as it streamed from Draul's nostrils. Morgana felt the swell of Draul's cock inside her as he shuddered. Suddenly the tightness of her pussy felt even more obvious as Draul's giant member began to throb and jerk, filling her with jets of hot cum. The very feeling of him filling her up made her pussy start to twitch again, sucking in every drop he had to offer until she was full to the brim. Draul was not finished yet though and as the jets of sticky dragon cum continued to spill forth, Morgana could feel them beginning to leak out of her and form a pool on the gold coins beneath her.

  Reaching down, Morgana dipped her fingers in the thick creamy cum that leaked from her pussy and scooped some up. It felt no different than any other cum but there was definitely tons more of it, she though as she brought her fingers to her lips. Morgana dipped her tongue in the salty cum and as she did, Draul pulled his cock out of her pussy and let one final jet of cum spray all over Morgana's pretty face. She swallowed what had gone in her mouth and set about wiping the rest off and licking her fingers clean. Draul slowly withdrew his cock back under his body and snaked downward, bringing his face in to the light. Morgana could finally see his thick scaled head as he peered at her, the trace of a smile on his lips. Morgana smiled back.

  "It has been such a very very long time..." His breath was smoky and his breathing still fast.

  "Mmmm," Morgana sucked her fingers clean and cocked her head to one side. "You know...I might be able to visit you quite regularly if there is something in it for me..." Draul laughed, a deep laugh that echoed around the cave's chamber.

  "I was quite certain, Morgana, that you got just as much from our I did..." Morgana couldn't deny that was true, her body still ached and she wasn't entirely sure that she would be able to stand, let alone walk back down the mountain.

  "Mmmm yes...only, I can get that anywhere I choose...I don't exactly see women beating down your door?" Draul stopped laughing and his nostrils flared. "I mean...I am not complaining, and I would relish the opportunity to do this again...but, it is quite a hike for me to get up here." Draul grumbled and he brought his face closer to hers.

  "And I suppose that my chalice would just about meet your needs?" Morgana smiled sweetly and Draul released two small streams of smoke from his nostrils. He then pulled his body backward in to a dark tunnel behind him. Morgana could hear movement as gold coins shifted, sliding downward as Draul rooted around in the darkness. Morgana knew that she would get exactly what she had come searching for no matter how long it took Draul to find it.

  "Your chalice, Morgana." He shuffled the chalice forward to her with his snout and Morgana picked it up with a smile. "Just remember that this is my side of the deal, you owe me your
s..." Morgana looked up from the chalice and nodded.

  "Believe it or not, I won't forget. I wasn't exactly displeased with what just happened. I have never had sex like that in my life." Morgana couldn't help but laugh and a red blush rose in her cheeks. Draul rested his head down in front of her and sighed heavily.

  "It has been so long, Morgana. So, so long." He blinked slowly and Morgana leaned forward, running her hand down his warm scaled snout.

  "It won't be that long again, I promise." Leaning down Morgana pressed her lips to his snout.

  As she walked back down the mountain, Morgana could feel her pussy throbbing and aching with every step she took. She knew that she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow, but as she thought of how incredible he felt as he slid deep inside of her, she knew that it was worth it. As she walked she planned just what it was she would tell those who had cheered her on and wished her luck. She surely would tell them that she had just been fucked by the biggest cock of her life, or that she planned on going back for more. She did plan on going back for more though, in fact she couldn't wait to go back for more and as she got half way down the mountain she contemplated turning around and going right back up. She wondered just what it would be like to live a life as the sex slave of a dragon...would it really be such a terrible thing? She kept walking though, heading back home to let her aching body heal and to admire the golden chalice she held in her bag.

  The End


  "Beth, listen to this...the manticore is a Persian legendary creature similar to the Egyptian sphinx. It has the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth (like a shark), sometimes bat wings, and a trumpet-like voice. I mean what the fuck..." Celia sat in front of her laptop, scrolling through images of the mythological creature.

  "Seriously? Did someone just say 'let's throw together all the weirdest shit possible and see what it looks like in the end?" Beth leaned over her shoulder to look at the pictures on Wikipedia.

  "I dunno but sounds like it could be an interesting project for your mythology class?" Celia had been reading off mythological creatures all night in hopes that she could help her roommate to find one worthy of an A + presentation.

  "I guess...but I hadn't even heard of it until now so I'll have to do a lot of research which totally blows." Beth walked over to the bottom bunk in their small dorm room and flung herself pathetically on to the bed. "Why is college so much work? It was supposed to just be partying!" Celia laughed at her.

  "You're almost done but if you don't ace this presentation then you're going to have to retake the class and then you won't be almost done." Celia had always been the more logical of the two of them.

  "Urgh, okay, fine. I will go check out some books in the library tomorrow and see what I can find. But only because I want to get out of this fucking place!" Celia laughed again.

  "My brother said that and now he has a real job he wished he was back in college." Beth sighed exaggeratedly.

  "Don't tell me that! I just want to graduate and be some rich guys willing sex slave..." Beth leaned over the end of the bed and looked to Celia who was still researching the manticore on her laptop, "do you think that kind of thing really happens?"

  "Hmm?" Celia turned to look at Beth.

  "Were you even listening to me?" Celia have her a half smile.

  "No, I was reading about this crazy ass creature thing. This says that the manticore would devour its prey whole, it didn't spit out bones or leave the persons stuff behind or anything! It just swallowed them..." Beth didn't look as impressed by this tidbit of information as Celia was.

  "You could write this presentation for me, you know..." Beth was always trying to get other people to take on her projects for her.

  "What's in it for me?" Celia scooped back her long black hair and bunched it in to a rubber-band. "I might be interested in writing it for you but I'm not about to do it for free or anything..." Beth scrunched her mouth to one side as she thought about a decent proposal.

  "How about...I will do your stats homework for the next three weeks." Beth knew that this would be a winning proposal because as a math major she could fly through statistics in no time and there was little that Celia hated more than math.


  The mythology books were always on the very last row on the very top floor of the library and the floor was always empty. Few people were as stupid as Beth and sought out mythology as an 'easy A' because everyone but Beth knew that Mrs. Pasternak was an impossible professor to please.

  The majority of students were crowded around the shelves in the basement of the library, scanning through news articles and journals. Compared to the top floor where Celia now found herself, the basement was like the mall on Christmas Eve. Looking over the well of the stairs, Celia could see the students, like ants, scurrying from one stack of magazines to another. There was something otherworldly about being above them all though, standing above them in the silence while they chattered like monkeys below.

  It didn't take long to find a few books on mythology but finding one that included the manticore proved to be much more difficult. Celia was beginning to wish that she had suggested a unicorn for Beth's final project when she alighted upon a shabby book wedged underneath the shelves in the mythology section. The cover looked aged and as Celia reached under the shelves to scoop the book out with her fingers, she could feel tears along its spine. She pulled out the book, leaving it resting on the floor and she cracked it open. A cloud of dust arose as the cover flipped on to the carpeted floor. Celia coughed and turned her head away to give the dust a chance to settle. She had seen plenty of dust clouds come out of books on TV, but she'd never actually seen it happen in real life.

  The paper of the books pages was yellowed and the corners of pages were torn or dog-eared. As a bookworm herself, Celia was always saddened to see books that had been so poorly cared for and gently she wiped her fingers over the first page.


  The title of the book was typed in a scripted font and the front pages held no more information than that. There was no publisher, no published date, no dedication...just the single word title, 'Legends.'

  Celia leafed through the pages gently as she sat on the worn carpeted floor. Chapter upon chapter of strange and mysterious creatures of mythology greeted her along with hand drawn illustration of each. Were it a younger book, Celia would have been tempted to flick through the pages in search of the familiar and unusual face of the Manticore, but given the books age and the brittle pages, she leafed slowly through them until she came to the Manticore.

  The illustration looked unusual, not like the others in the book, this one looked almost three dimensional as Celia leaned forward towards it. She blinked and the picture seemed to move. Celia rubbed her eyes and looked closer again. Reaching her fingers towards the page she stroked the lines of the drawing, only as she did she felt her fingers move through the page and inside the book. Celia reached forward, now her entire arm disappearing within the books page. Taking one deep breath Celia leaned her entire body in to the book and in one smooth and strangely graceful motion she felt herself getting sucked in to the book.

  The world around her was sepia toned as Celia looked around. A large rocky cave entrance stood before her with patches of grass drawn skillfully at either edge of the caves mouth.

  "Umm...hello?" She called in to the cave and was greeted by her own voice calling back. Celia took a step forward, the sepia colored ground feeling solid beneath her feet. She peered in to the cave, seeing the glint of sunlight dancing within it. Stepping inside, Celia walked towards the opening where the sunlight flickered on a large pile of dried grass. She looked around for any signs of life but saw nothing. "Hello?" This time her voice did not echo back, the large gaping hole in the roof of the cave made sure of that. "Is anyone here?" Celia wasn't sure where she was but stepping out of the cave she was faced with a blank sepia colored canvas. There was no entryway through which she had come and there wa
s no exit marked. She saw only the mouth of the cave and within the cave was the bed of dry grass and the gaping hole in the roof.

  While most would be panicked by the strange turn of events, Celia sat down on the pile of grass and looked skyward.

  "I must be asleep" she told herself as she watched the sepia colored clouds passing overhead. Leaning backward she let her body fall on to the rough dry grass and closed her eyes. The only thing to do, she reasoned with herself, would be to go to sleep until the real her woke up, and so that is exactly what she did...only she didn't.

  "Wake up." The voice wasn't Beth's and it certainly wasn't one that Celia had heard before. It was rich and velvety and most of all, it was masculine. "I said, wake up!" The voice was louder now and Celia felt something nudge her in the ribs. She cracked open her eyes.


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