With Love

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With Love Page 2

by J. L. Langley

  His mate frowned. “What the hell is so funny?”

  “I’m sorry, it’s not you. It’s just that Victor has screwed himself this time. You’re freaking huge. And strong too, I can sense it. You are way stronger than Victor.” He burst into giggles again, before slapping a hand over his mouth trying to stop.

  Finally, the man started chuckling too, and he glanced down. The scent of arousal in the room increased.

  Laine peered down and realized his shirt was ripped. His gold nipple rings were showing. Did the man like his rings? Laine loved his rings played with. Wait, I saw the gold of my rings. My eyes changed. Laine looked back to the man. His eyes were copper-colored, his hair a soft black. He was darkly tanned, with a square jaw. His whole face transformed when he laughed. This man may be big, strong and fierce, but he was gentle too. “Oh.” Laine’s fingers were itching to touch. He reached towards his mate’s cheek, hesitantly. He bit his bottom lip, his hand trembling slightly.

  The man grabbed Laine’s hand and laid it against his cheek.

  Damn if Laine’s cock didn’t jerk at the contact. “You have a lovely face when you smile. Your eyes twinkle.” With his fingers, he traced the darker cheek, chin and jaw, learning his mate’s face by touch. “You’re very handsome.”

  The big man leaned into the caress. “Thank you. You aren’t bad yourself. What’s your name?”

  “Laine. My friends call me Lainey. What’s yours?” Laine came to his knees, both hands now tracing his mate’s face. He couldn’t help it, he was mesmerized. This big, handsome, masculine man was his.

  “Dev. Devlin actually, but everyone calls me Dev.”

  Laine leaned forward ever so slightly, his breath fanning across Dev’s face, his hands going to Dev’s shoulders. “Dev. I like that. You look like a Devlin.”

  “Yeah?” Dev leaned forward too.


  They tipped their heads to the same side at the same time, then tilted their heads the other way at the precise moment. They did it once more.

  Laine frowned and huffed out a breath, blowing his bangs off his forehead. “I want to kiss you,” he groused.

  Dev smiled and grabbed Laine’s chin, tilting it opposite of Dev’s.

  Laine whimpered and closed his eyes. Yes. This was what he wanted.

  Dev chuckled.

  Laine’s eyes popped open. “Why aren’t you kissing me?”

  “Because you were nodding your head.”

  Laine felt the heat surge up his cheeks. Geez, one of these days he was going to learn not to do and say everything on his mind. He shook his head at his own idiocy.

  Dev wrapped his free hand around the back of Laine’s neck. “Lainey?”


  “Be still.” Dev pulled him close and captured his mouth.

  Chapter Three

  Dev’s cock jerked at the complete abandon at which Laine gave himself over to the kiss.

  Laine went all soft and compliant once Dev’s lips settled on his. He whimpered and moaned, leaning into Dev, kissing back but following Dev’s lead. Laine was sensual, such a hedonist.

  Dev couldn’t remember ever having a lover lose themselves so completely. He gave into what he’d been wanting to do all night, his hands going right to those little gold hoops in Laine’s nipples, tugging and twisting gently.

  Laine came unglued. He moaned against Dev’s lips, arching his back, pushing closer. He practically panted. He’d given up trying to kiss back and just stayed where he was, letting Dev have his way with his mouth. The man was very responsive. It was a complete turn-on.

  Laine pulled back, his face flushed, his lips swollen. “If you keep that up, I’ll come.”

  Now that, Dev would love to see. “From just me messing with your nipple rings?”

  Laine bit his bottom lip and nodded. “I come real easily. Maybe I should just touch you for awhile? Actually, that might not help, I might come from that too. But I’m dying to touch you.”

  Dev groaned. God, what a confession. The man was great for his ego. “I have a better idea. Why don’t you strip. Then I’ll decide what we’re going to do.”

  Laine whimpered and the smell of arousal increased.

  Yes. He likes to be told what to do. Dev groaned again. He wasn’t all that surprised—Laine was an Omega wolf, after all—but Laine wasn’t the only one turned on. Dev had always liked to call the shots. He gave Laine’s nipples one last tweak. “You like that? Like me telling you what to do?”

  Laine whimpered, nodding enthusiastically.

  “Good, then get your clothes off and lay down and put your hands over your head.”

  Laine hurried off the bed and started tugging on his shoes, eager to comply.

  Dev grinned and began to take his own clothes off. By the time he was finished, Laine was in the middle of the bed, hands over his head, legs spread, watching Dev’s every move. Dev’s eyes nearly shot out of his head. Damn, his mate was a fine specimen.

  Laine was pale all over; his body toned and slim, almost lanky. For such a short man, he had surprisingly long legs. The muscles in his belly were so evident you could scrub laundry on them. Red hair, a little darker than on his head, trailed a line between his prominent hipbones. And his cock… Good Lord, the man was not small everywhere. Geez. He was actually bigger than Dev. Not a lot, but certainly wider. Nice flared head, alluring vein down the… Wow. Dev’s mouth watered.

  “You like what you see?”

  “Hell yeah, Lainey, you are a beautiful man. No doubt about it.”

  “So are you. Can I touch you? Please?”

  Dev climbed onto the bed, straddling Laine’s hips. “Not yet.”

  Laine whimpered, but he didn’t move, nice and obedient.

  “Is there anything you don’t like?”

  Laine shook his head.

  “No. That isn’t acceptable. I need to know if there is anything you are dead set against doing.”

  “I don’t like extreme pain. And I’d prefer no defecation or urination, but other than that, I’m pretty open.”

  Yeah, Dev would just assume not have any of those things either.

  “And monogamy.”

  Dev’s brow furrowed before he could stop it. This could be a problem. He was already feeling more possessive over Laine than he had over anyone else. “You want an open relationship?”


  The knot forming in Dev’s belly gave way to relief.

  “I mean, I want monogamy.” Laine blushed. “I’ve never really cared before, but…I don’t want to share you, Dev. I mean, I’d prefer…I mean, I’m not…I mean—”

  Dev stuck his finger to Laine’s lips. “I know what you mean. And that’s fine by me. You’re my mate and I don’t intend on sharing you. From here on out, it’s just you and me, Laine.”

  Laine nodded, smiling at him. “Good, can we have sex now…please.” He reached up, holding his arms out to Dev.

  Dev chuckled. “Put your hands back over your head.”

  Laine made a little whimper sound, his cock jerked and his legs moved restlessly, but he put his hands above his head. The man really did like being told what to do.

  Dev smiled. This had real possibilities. He was going to enjoy this immensely. Now where to start? Oh fuck it, he’d been hard all evening, his balls were ready to explode. He was going to cut the foreplay short. He slid down, settling between Laine’s legs.

  Laine shifted impatiently, a little moan escaping.

  Lord, the man was beautiful, all that milky white skin. Even the skin on his cock and balls was lighter than Dev’s. Dev laid down on his stomach, pushing Laine’s knees up as he moved. He didn’t waste any more time. He bent and licked a long line up Laine’s balls, feeling the soft wrinkly skin on his tongue, then trailed down past them.

  When his tongue touched Laine’s hole the man bucked and moaned.

  Dev inhaled deeply, the scent of his mate strong here. His teeth dropped and his eyes shifted. He didn’t care, apparen
tly that was going to be the norm with Laine around. He swirled his tongue, circling the tiny opening, and moved up Laine’s balls again.

  Laine’s hips bucked, his testicles pulling in tight, away from Dev’s attention, then he let out a ragged moan.

  The smell of semen flooded Dev’s nose. He looked up in time to watch the first drops of cum splash on Laine’s belly.

  Laine’s eyes, his wolf eyes, flew open, making contact with Dev’s. His fangs dug into his bottom lip and he writhed.

  Fuck. That was hot. Dev closed his eyes, dropping his forehead against Laine’s thigh. Boy howdy, Laine hadn’t been kidding when he said he peaked easily. Dev couldn’t remember ever having a lover climax from something so simple. It was almost enough to make him lose it too. He took a deep breath and realized his hips were moving against the mattress. He stopped before he climaxed.

  “Sorry.” Laine panted. He reached down, running his hands through Dev’s hair and over his cheek.

  Dev leaned into the caress for a few seconds, kissed Laine’s hand and sat up. “Hand’s back over your head.” He slapped Laine’s thigh gently in reprimand.

  Laine groaned. His eyes fluttered, then closed. He clasped his hands together over his head.

  Dev dipped his head, licking the spunk off Laine’s belly, enjoying the salty taste of his mate.

  Laine’s eyes flew open. “Oh God.”

  Oh God was right. Dev straddled Laine, reveling in the smooth hard ridges of Laine’s belly teasing his balls and ass as he inched his way up Laine’s bare body. He grabbed his cock in one hand, leading it to Laine’s mouth. Laine, bless him, opened right up with an eager little moan.

  “Easy, Lainey. Fangs…remember the fangs.”

  Laine nodded. His hands curled around Dev’s hips, pulling him forward. Laine engulfed him, humming happily around his cock. He squeezed Dev’s ass, nudging him closer, giving Dev no choice but to fuck his face.

  Dev wasn’t going to last. Good Lord, his mate could suck cock. Laine was making these soft little whimper/moany noises, sounding happy and turned on as fuck.

  Laine’s eyes went wide, his body stiffening for a few seconds and then Dev smelled cum again.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh damn.” Dev wrapped his hand around his prick and balls, squeezing hard, pulling himself out of Laine’s mouth. He didn’t want to come yet. He was dying to bury himself in Laine’s tight little body. He wanted to come in his mate’s ass, but damn if Laine’s orgasm didn’t almost send him over the edge. The man had not been exaggerating about spewing with barely any stimulation. Hell, Dev would have never believed it was possible to come again that quickly if he hadn’t been here and witnessed it.

  “Fuck me…please,” Laine pleaded, his wolf eyes boring into Dev’s.

  “Damn, you’re good for my ego.” Dev chuckled. “Tell me you aren’t like this with everyone.”

  Laine shook his head. “I don’t usually stay hard. I have a pretty short recovery time, but I don’t—”

  Dev groaned, sliding down the slim, lithe body. He gathered the semen off Laine’s stomach, using it to lube up his cock.

  Laine looped his hands under his knees, opening himself up. His prick was still hard as a rock, dripping again. Or was that from the last time he came?

  Dev reached out, intent on capturing the thick piece of meat.

  Laine squeaked and quick as lightning, batted Dev’s hand away. “Not yet. Fuck me. Please, please, please.”

  The begging was almost more than Dev could take. He reached down, circling Laine’s hole with his index finger before pushing it in, then decided the hell with it. As turned on as Laine was, he probably didn’t need much preparation. Dev added another finger then another. When Laine’s only response was to whimper and push towards him, he pulled out and lined his dick up to that little pink hole.

  Dev pushed in.

  Laine pushed towards him.

  Dev barely made it. He only just managed to get all the way inside his mate’s tight, hot ass. He was actually dizzy. The breath whooshed out of him, his hands turning to claws on Laine’s hips. Stars danced behind his eyes and a tingle shot up his spine as he emptied himself into his mate’s body. He’d never come so fast and unexpectedly in his life.

  Laine cried out beneath him, tightening around him.

  Finally, when he came back to himself, he realized Laine had come too. “Jesus, you’re going to kill me.”

  Lainey giggled and pulled him down, wrapping him in a hug.

  “Uh, Lainey?”


  “You are supposed to have your hands over your head.”

  “Oops.” He didn’t sound repentant in the least.

  “Lainey?” Dev brushed the dark rust-colored bangs off Laine’s forehead and kissed it.

  “Yes?” Laine sighed and snuggled in closer to Dev’s side, his fingers lightly tangling in Dev’s chest hair.

  “Why would the Alpha, uh, Victor, want to beat me up? I called to make an appointment with him two days ago and he ignored me. Then tonight I was at Ganymede’s Grotto enjoying a beer and watching the show when he called me out of the blue.”

  Laine’s yellow eyes fluttered as he looked up at Dev. “Because he’s a real dick. He always initiates new pack members that way. Says it keeps them in line and lets them know who’s boss. So far no one has fought back. But you’re going to aren’t you?”

  Dev didn’t want to fight, he always tried to make violence a last option, but he’d be damned if he sat by and watched that tyrant beat up innocent people. He was shocked that no one had ever challenged the asshole. How many people had Victor abused? What was it Laine had said about getting his ass kicked again? “Lainey, honey? Does he try to beat you up and rape you often?” What if he’d raped Laine before tonight? He’d obviously already beaten him up. The thought made Dev’s teeth grind together. But he wasn’t about to lose his temper. Not with Laine around. It wasn’t Laine’s fault and from the sounds of it he got enough anger and hostility already.

  Laine moved himself further on top of Dev, linked his fingers together on Dev’s chest and rested his chin on his entwined hands. “He’s never tried to rape me until tonight. Thank you for helping me, by the way.” Laine shuddered. “Ick, just the thought… Yeah, just, ick. He’s always tried to…” He dipped his head to the side in a sort of shrug. “I don’t know, flirt? Come on to me? But he’s never forced the issue. He’s not gay, but…” Again Laine shrugged, this time his overlong bangs fell into his eyes. “I don’t know really; he’s never done anything in public. Every other time it’s always been just me and him, except for tonight.”

  Dev nodded and brushed his mate’s hair back again. He liked seeing Laine’s face. Not that he didn’t like the red hair, but his mate’s face was spellbinding. Victor’s actions made perfect sense. Of course Dev didn’t agreed with them, but Laine was a beautiful man. And tonight had been about control. It had been a way for Victor to get two things at once. Laine’s sweet little body and the pleasure of punishing him, in front of others, for his disobedience. “What did you do to piss him off?”

  Laine grinned really big, his eyes dancing. “Same thing I always do. I opened my big mouth and told him what an ass he is. I can’t seem to help myself.”

  Dev chuckled. Oh Lord, Laine was mischief incarnate. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that Omegas aren’t supposed to talk back? Your job is to quietly support your Alpha and make sure the pack is happy. You’re supposed to be an ambassador of sorts, a go-between for Alpha and pack.”

  Laine snorted and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, like a First Lady. I get it, but I can’t support what I don’t agree with. The man is a dick, plain and simple.”

  “I got that impression. Are you okay? I mean that was pretty scary tonight…”

  Laine blinked, looking surprised, then his face lit up in a big smile showing off straight, even, white teeth. “I’m fine. I’ll be even better if you tell me that you are going to stick around, I mean…” He ducked his head and s
tarted drawing circles in the hair on Dev’s chest with his finger, getting shy all of a sudden. “I know you’re moving here, but I mean…”

  A bashful Laine? Dev hadn’t thought that possible. He was actually surprised the spitfire could be shy. Laine was a bit on the submissive side in bed but the man was no introvert. In truth, he was just the opposite. Dev was pretty certain that anything Laine thought automatically flew out of those pretty lips. It was something Dev was going to have to watch. Something told him that Laine’s alligator mouth was going to get his cute little tadpole ass in trouble frequently. Oh well, Dev was a sucker for firebrands. “Honey, are you trying to ask me if I’m staying with you?”

  He worried his bottom lip with those attractive white teeth, as he peered up from under his lashes and gave a short crisp nod.

  “Hell, yeah. I’m not going anywhere. Why would I? Wolves mate for life. Sorry, Lainey, but you’re stuck with me. And furthermore, Victor is going to have to answer to me if he so much as looks at you the wrong way.”

  “Yay.” Laine lunged forward in an attempt to kiss Dev and bonked their heads together.

  “Ow.” Dev rubbed his head, then Laine’s.

  “Sorry, I was happy that Victor is finally going to get what’s coming to him. I feel like dancing around the room and singing.”

  Dev laughed. His life was never going to be the same. Laine was such a delight. “Only if you do it naked.”

  Laine giggled and shook his head. “I can’t dance. In fact, maybe I should warn you that I’m a bit of a klutz.”

  Dev was going to have his hands full. Laine was a spitfire, klutz, and said whatever was on his mind. Watching over Laine was going to be a full-time job. Dev did his best to hide a grin, but failed completely.

  “I’m glad you’re smiling, because I’m totally serious.” Laine kissed Dev softly. “I better go clean up.” Laine sat up and headed for the bathroom. Only he didn’t make it.

  The bedding pulled tight across Dev and Laine landed on the floor with a muffled thud.

  Dev sat upright, concerned about his mate. Before he even peered over the edge of the bed he heard giggles.


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