Second Chance at First Love

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Second Chance at First Love Page 6

by Mandy Baxter

  His arms wound around her waist and settled at the small of her back as he hauled her body against his. She let out a low moan that heated his blood and he slanted his mouth over hers to deepen the kiss. His tongue traced her bottom lip and hers darted out to meet him. If he let things progress, it would ruin him. It felt so good—so damned right—to have her in his arms. Maybe total ruination wasn’t such a bad thing if he could have her like this. Even once.

  “Emily.” Her name was a prayer that he murmured against her petal soft lips. He wanted her so bad he hurt. This moment with her—every moment with her—was heaven and hell at once. He put his forehead to hers. This had to stop. Another kiss. One more touch and it would be impossible to walk away from her.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered as though she sensed his hesitation.

  Her lips found his again. A soft, tentative kiss. Another. The sweetness of her mouth tempted him. Beckoned him to her. He was a hopeless addict and she was his drug. Chance cupped the back of her neck in his palm. He answered her tentative kisses with hungry ones. He devoured her mouth, thrust his tongue against hers, nipped at her bottom lip. His blood pulsed hard and hot through his veins as his need for her built.

  Did she understand the effect she had on him?

  Chance took a step forward and Emily stepped back. He didn’t break their kiss, couldn’t bear to be separated from her for even a moment as he guided her toward the bed at the far side of the villa. When the backs of Emily’s legs met the mattress, they stopped. Chance plucked at the string from her bikini top at the back of her neck and the knot came loose. He hooked his fingers through the string and pulled, allowing the two strands to dangle on either side of Emily’s shoulders. His mouth followed the path of the ties, over one shoulder, across her delicate collarbone, to the other shoulder. She shuddered in his embrace and her breath came in quick little pants that drove him wild.

  He reached under her tank top and untied the string there as well. He gripped one end and pulled the top free of Emily’s body, sliding it from underneath her shirt. Her back arched, pressing the soft fullness of her breasts against his chest. Chance let out a low groan as her nipples hardened from the contact, barely concealed by the thin fabric.

  “If you don’t want this, you need to tell me.” He pushed the fearful words from between his lips, terrified of her answer. It was only a matter of time before Emily realized this was a mistake a put an end to it. Hell, maybe it would be better for the both of them if she was the voice of reason because he obviously couldn’t be.

  “I want this.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper. She came up on her tiptoes and kissed his throat. “I want you.”

  Those three tiny words took root in Chance’s chest and expanded to the point that he thought he might bust. I want you. How many times had he imagined her saying that to him? How many times had he hoped she’d see what he’d known all along: they were perfect together. It wasn’t “I love you,” but that was okay. In this moment, she’d chosen him. That was all that mattered. The rest could wait.

  “I want you, Emily.” Chance didn’t think he could properly convey to her just how much he wanted her. It burned through him like a fire, fully involved and eating everything in its path.

  She pulled back and met his gaze. Something shone in the depths of her hazel eyes that he’d never seen before. As though she were finally seeing him in a different light. Not just as her friend, but as a man, and that made Chance want to crow. Emily reached between them and grabbed the hem of her shirt. Chance’s mouth went bone dry and his heart leapt into his throat as she dragged the garment up her body and over her head, baring her to his hungry gaze. Not an ounce of shame painted her delicate features, no fear or doubt crept into her eyes. Instead, he saw heat, conviction, and passion.

  She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  This might be the one and only time they’d be together. If that was the case, Chance needed to make the most of it. There was no need to commit the details of Emily’s face to memory. He’d done that a long time ago. He cupped the softness of her breasts in his palms and her gaze went liquid. The perfection of her body couldn’t be denied. Creamy smooth skin kissed by the sun, the delicate upturn of her full breasts tipped with the tight beads of her rosy nipples. Her torso that curved into hips that fit perfectly in his grip. He knew that the roundness of her thighs would cradle his weight just right and that her ankles hooked around his calves would be the best thing he’d ever felt.

  It was Emily’s heart and soul that he loved more than any of those other things, though. And that’s what he wanted her to know in this moment that might be as fleeting as the tide that washed back out to sea.

  He eased her down onto the bed. She stared up at him, wide eyed, a smile curving her mouth as he shucked his T-shirt and discarded it to the side. Anticipation tingled down his spine and over his hips, settling between his thighs. His swim trunks went next and Emily sucked in a sharp breath that sent his heart to hammering against his ribcage.

  This was his one shot to win her over. The prize was his to lose.

  Chance crawled onto the bed and planted a light kiss to her bare shin. “I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember, Emily.” He continued an unhurried path up her body, pausing to taste all of the spots he’d only dreamed of touching. “I love your heart. Your bright soul. Your sense of humor and the way you roll with the punches.” She came up on her elbows to look at him, her brow furrowed. He kissed her hip and his tongue darted out at the skin there. “I love that you’re a klutz and that you spill food on your shirt every time you eat. I hate pizza and every time I suggest By The Slice for lunch it’s because I know you love it.”

  “Chance…” Her voice hitched. She gave a slight shake of her head but he silenced her when his mouth met the sensitive skin near her bellybutton.

  “I was offered a job in Seattle last year.” He’d never told her about it because he knew she would have encouraged him to take it. “I turned it down because I couldn’t leave you. I didn’t want to leave you.”

  His mouth moved over her torso, over each individual rib. Emily’s back arched when his lips touched down on the swell of one breast and she let out a gust of breath as he worked his way across her chest to the other side.

  “You’re the first thing I think about every morning and the last thing every night before I go to sleep.” His breath brushed her flesh as he spoke and she shivered. “I’ve been counting down the days to this week for months. Hoping that pretending to be a couple would show you how perfect we are together. Every time Brad looked at you it tore me up. He doesn’t deserve you, Emily. He never did. I’ll never leave you. Never hurt you. If you let me love you, it’ll be forever.”

  Emily reached down and cupped his cheek in her palm. His eyes met hers and she gave him a soft smile that twisted his gut into a tight knot.

  “You’re such a good man, Chance.” Her words sliced through him. “The best man I know.”

  “I love you, Emily.” Now that he’d made the admission, Chance couldn’t wait to tell her over and again. “I’ll spend all night proving it to you. Let me.”

  “Yes.” The word was nothing more than a whisper.

  For tonight, she was his.


  Emily stretched along the crisp, cool sheets of the king-size bed. Early morning sunlight filtered in through the blinds. They’d forgotten to shut the blackout drapes last night and it was probably a good thing. She could have easily slept the day away. She’d never been more content than she felt right now.

  Chance slept soundly beside her. For a moment she watched the even rise and fall of his wide chest with appreciation as memories of the previous night flooded her. The bright intensity of his gaze trained on her. The way he’d touched her. The glide of his mouth over her skin. His breath, hot in her ear. The words he’d spoken that filled her with so much tender emotion it was almost more than she could stand to hear. He’d bared his heart and soul to
her. And she’d returned his grand gesture by saying absolutely nothing in return.

  Her emotions were a tangled mess. Why did it feel so impossible to weed through them all? Of course she loved Chance. They’d been friends forever. He knew everything about her. And she knew everything about him. Except…that he’d turned down that job in Seattle. She reached out and let her fingertips wander the sculpted hills of muscles that covered his shoulder and chest. A job at a big department would have been a huge step in his career and he’d turned it down. For her.

  Chance loved her. But she could she love him back in the way that he deserved?

  She wanted to. Oh, man, she wanted to. When they’d fought yesterday, he’d been harsh with her. Everything he’d said had been true and his words had stung. But he hadn’t said anything that she hadn’t needed to hear. Emily needed a wakeup call. Chance knew that and he’d given it to her with both barrels. Total honesty. Chance deserved total honesty in return.

  He stirred and let out a slow breath.

  A flutter of anticipation gathered low in Emily’s stomach. She realized, as she watched him that over the past several months, that sensation had been growing and building in intensity every time she saw him, talked to him, texted him. Chance had been on her mind more times than not. He was always on her mind. She couldn’t wait to share her day with him, or blow off steam with him when her day hadn’t gone as planned. She wanted him to be the first person to hear her good news. She wanted him to share in her accomplishments.

  She was in love with Chance. She’d always loved him, too.

  “I love you,” she whispered into the quiet.

  He rolled onto his side. Emily put her head down on the pillow and forced her eyes to shut. Admitting her love to a sleeping Chance was far easier than saying the words while he looked into her eyes. She wasn’t ready for that. Wasn’t ready to take the next step with him. There was still too much at stake if things didn’t work out. Her own fear wouldn’t allow her to trust in their relationship.

  It could all go south and then she’d truly be alone.

  Chance shifted on the bed. His clean, masculine scent carried to her nostrils and Emily drew in a slow, deep breath and held it in her lungs. The mattress shifted under his weight and she fought the urge to open her eyes. His mouth touched down on her bare shoulder, warm and wet. A chill danced over Emily’s skin and her stomach muscles clenched. His teeth grazed her skin and she swallowed down a moan.

  Emily fought to stay still under his unhurried assault. His mouth explored every inch of her not covered by the sheet: her shoulder, neck, collarbone, one arm all the way to her wrist. He kissed each of her knuckles. And where his mouth had been, his fingertips followed. Tracing a path that blazed over Emily’s skin leaving her flushed and panting.

  Chance’s breath was hot in Emily’s ear when he murmured, “I know you’re awake.”

  She never could get anything over on him. Apparently her acting skills weren’t quite as good as she’d given herself credit for.

  A slow smile spread across her lips. “I’m not,” she said. “I’m asleep.”

  “Are you sure?”

  The low growl of his voice sent chills dancing over Emily’s skin. His hand slid under the sheet to cup her breast. She sucked in a sharp breath as her heart kicked in to high gear. “Positive.”

  Emily had worried that things would be awkward between them this morning. She felt absolutely silly for making that sort of assumption. In fact, waking up next to Chance seemed so right. As though this was where she was always supposed to be. There was nothing awkward about the way their naked bodies twined together under the sheet. Nothing uncomfortable about the way his hands wandered with familiarity over her body.

  The time for playfulness passed as Chance continued to touch her. One eye cracked and then the other to find Chance watching her as his hands explored her body. Emily drew in a shuddering breath. Heat gathered in her limbs from the intensity of his expression. A slow smile spread across her lips and she said, “I think I’m awake now.”

  Chance’s head dipped and he kissed the flesh between her breasts. “Good.”

  For long moments the only sound in the villa was that of their racing breaths. Chance made love to her slowly, as though they were the only two people on earth and had all the time in the world to pleasure each other. He brought Emily to heights of passion that she didn’t think were possible. Wave after wave of intense sensation crashed over her. Her voice became ragged from her impassioned cries. Chance’s name burst from her lips and he swallowed the sounds of her passion as he put his mouth to hers.

  In the aftermath of their lovemaking, Emily lay in the crook of Chance’s arm, her palm resting on his wide chest. She felt his heartbeat, strong and fast and she smiled. “That was quite the workout.”

  Chance laughed. “It was. Give me a second and I’ll be ready for round two.”

  Emily’s own husky laughter echoed in the quiet villa. Another round and she wouldn’t have a choice but to stay in bed all day and recuperate. In hindsight, she wished they’d never come here. Her own stubborn reluctance to let go had prompted her to drag Chance to the Casablanca Resort. She should have torn up the invitation like Chance told her to and let Brad fade off into her past. Then again, if she hadn’t come—if she hadn’t counted on Chance to be here whether—last night would never have happened. If anything good came from her stupid decision to confront Brad, it was this. She knew now without a doubt that Brad Harris was her past. A part of her life she’d never look back on. Emily’s future was right here with her nestled under the covers of the king-sized bed. She didn’t want to look back. From here on out, Emily vowed to only look forward.

  Emily nuzzled closer to Chance. “If you want to stay in bed all day, I’m more than ready for round two.”

  Chance rolled to his side and put his mouth to the sensitive skin below her ear. “That sounds perfect.”

  Yes it did. Nothing could be more perfect.


  The only good thing about tonight’s rehearsal dinner was knowing that this trip was almost over. In a little over twenty-four hours, Brad would be on his honeymoon, and Chance and Emily would be on a plane headed home. Hopefully to a new life together.

  Chance tried to temper his optimism but damn it was tough. Especially when the past day and a half with Emily was everything he’d wanted and more. Things could change, though. Once they stepped off Mimosa Key, all bets were off. There would be no one to put a show on for. No more pretending. Emily could decide that their time on this island would be all they could have.

  “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled anything so delicious!” Emily squeezed Chance’s hand as they walked down the beach to where the rest of the wedding party had begun to gather. “I’m starving.”

  The caterer had really gone all-out and set up quite the elaborate spread. Tables had been set up along the beach as well as a long buffet that was piled with fruit, side dishes, and desserts. At the far end of the beach, a whole pig was being roasted over a spit. Chance’s stomach growled as he breathed in the scent of roasting pork. They’d worked up quite the appetite throughout the day. Chance was pretty sure he could eat the entire pig himself if they gave him the opportunity.

  They continued to walk as curious eyes turned their way. Soon, the entire wedding party broke out into applause. Chance’s gut tightened as Emily leaned in close. “Looks like word of your heroism got around.”

  Oh man. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate it, but helping people who were in trouble was something Chance didn’t do for accolades. The applause meant little in comparison to the satisfaction he got knowing that he’d been there for someone when they needed him. That he’d saved a life.

  “Get over here and have a beer, man!” One of Brad’s groomsmen waved them over. He popped the cap off a bottle of Corona and handed it over.

  “Thanks.” Chance looked around at the smiling faces before his gaze landed on Brad. Not everyone was interest
ed in giving him a pat on the back it seemed. Brad’s eyes narrowed and his jaw squared as he folded his arms across his chest. The guy was getting married tomorrow for shit’s sake! It was a little late to have second thoughts—or regrets—when it came to Emily.

  Jealous much?

  Emily accepted a glass of champagne from one of the servers as she was drawn into conversation with a group of women. Chance recognized a couple of them, but he couldn’t remember their names to save his life. Man he was bad at this whole socializing thing…

  “So what happened? We’ve got to hear the whole story.”

  Chance turned his attention to the guy who’d handed him the beer. He was pretty sure his name was Steve. He recounted the story—though there wasn’t much to tell—but his mind couldn’t focus on the words coming out of his mouth. Emily had his undivided attention.

  She was the most beautiful woman on the beach. Hell, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. He wasn’t the only person whose interest she held, though. Chance caught Brad from the corner of his eye, slowly making his way toward the group of women. Amberly played hostess while Brad put on a convincing show of being an equally good host. He stopped and chatted, shook hands, joked around, and laughed. But his attention never strayed from Emily for too long.

  Chance took a long pull from his bottle of Corona as he tried to quell the jealousy that rose up within him like a tide. It was going to be a long damned night.

  A loud bell rung at the far end of the beach. A cheerful woman with a bright smile and flowing blond hair stepped up to address the group. “Okay, everyone! If the bride and groom would like to grab a plate and step up to the buffet, we’re ready to serve.”

  Thank God. Brad’s expression fell but he recovered it quickly enough when Amberly sidled up to him and hooked her arm with his. He gave Emily one last look that she was thankfully oblivious to before heading to the buffet with his fiancée.


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