Jaded Jewels (The Coveted Saga #2)

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Jaded Jewels (The Coveted Saga #2) Page 17

by C. M. Owens

  He turned toward me one last time and winked at me before disappearing into the passenger seat. Then they sped off, squealing tires out of the driveway. I was sad to see him go, but at the same time, I was relieved. I knew it was hurting him to be around me when he knew I was in love with Tallis.

  Gear raced down the yard yelling, distracting me. I saw Jared's ride reappear into sight. They whipped back into the driveway and raced in. I moved in until I could hear what was being said.

  "Sorry," Gear said, "but you need to stay another night. The militia is planning an attack close by, and they won't get here until tomorrow. They said they would just meet up with you here."

  I felt my heart start pounding. I was almost happy that he was going to be staying another night now that we had talked, but at the same time... it was all so confusing.

  Jared looked toward me smiling pleasantly as he spoke to Gear. "That sounds like a plan to me."

  He made his way toward me, intentionally strutting as his grin grew. "It looks like we may have been a little premature with our farewells. I told you that you would be seeing me again."

  I just laughed and covered my smile with my hand, feeling bashful all of the sudden. "It seems you were right."

  He took my hand and pulled it in his.

  "So, friend," he said teasingly, "what do you say to two friends watching a movie tonight? No tricks. I promise."

  I sighed in defeat and smiled at the same time. "Sounds good."

  Everyone had left to go into town, leaving me alone with the blazer. They felt confident that there would be no threat, especially with Jared there with me. Amelia had given me an approving look that insinuated too much before leaving.

  I had just rolled my eyes. It was hard not to feel something for Jared, though. I suppose it was just nice to have him filling the void that Tallis had left behind. Even though it was selfish of me.

  Jared plopped down on the couch beside me and kicked his feet up on top of the table. "All right, love. I got us a chick flick and some seriously cool movie snacks."

  My laughter came out hard and unexpected as I looked at his grinning face.


  "That's just the start of things. I also got us a horror movie for after the tear jerking love story." He waggled his eyebrows at me. "You might end up in my lap after getting all emotional and terrified."

  I rolled my eyes. "I thought you said no tricks."

  He laughed and shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a man with a plan."

  I laughed again. Then I look at him as my stomach growled. "Any popcorn in that bag of snacks?"

  He smiled very big as he pulled out a bag. "As a matter of fact, there is."

  Snatching the bag of kernels from his hand, I stood up. "I'll heat it up for us."

  He took it away from me as he pulled me back down to the couch.

  "No need for that. I got it." He placed the bag in the palm of his hand and I watched the bag rising, the sound of pops creating a rapid melody.

  I couldn't help but find that pretty awesome. "Well, I'm officially impressed."

  He just chuckled. "That's the blazer in me. If that impresses you, then I bet I could rock your world with the real thing."

  "Yeah, I bet you could," I murmured, unable to stop grinning.

  Maybe I needed this. A night without drama or a heart-wrenching obsession.

  He popped in the first movie and sat down as it came to life on the screen. I propped up on the back of the couch as he sat down right beside of me. Our sides were touching, which I'm sure he did on purpose. He pulled my legs into his lap as he grabbed some popcorn. Though I should have drawn away, I didn't.

  "So, obviously you grew up in Ireland, but tell me something I don't know about you."

  He shrugged while feigning interest in the beginning of the movie. "Well, you're right about me growing up in Ireland. I left the guardianship at sixteen, and moved back into my coven.

  "My coven was actually not too far away from the guardianship, which is unusual. I transformed at nineteen, as you know, and then I traveled for a bit. I made London my home for a few decades, and adopted some really bad habits."

  He smiled at what I could only assume was fond memories. Then he continued with a more serious tone. "After my parents died, I joined the Corpus family, and then the light militia shortly after. Gear and I were quite the pair while he was part of the militia. When he met Olivia, he became a lover instead of a fighter. It happens with everyone eventually. We're a team of stags."

  He snickered lightly as I settled into the couch a little better, adjusting my feet in his lap.

  I frowned as I processed his last words. "So no women are allowed to be a part of the militia?"

  He chuckled, finding humor where there wasn't any.

  "You want to join? We could really have some friendly fun on the road." He raised his eyebrows and smiled provocatively, daring me to take the flirtatious bait.

  I stared expectantly, doing well not to bare my stupid grin as I crossed my arms under my chest. Finally, he answered me.

  "Yeah. There are women. By stags, I mean that none of us have found our mate."

  I reached into his lap to get some popcorn, feeling better about the militia now. "What else is there? What about all the women?"

  He blushed. Hmm. A blazer blushes prettily.

  "Well, there have certainly been some women along the way, but I've never been too serious with anyone. Until I met you, I never envisioned more."

  I squirmed a bit uncomfortably as his eyes locked with mine. Then he smiled his boyish grin and looked back down.

  "I go back to the Corpus house fairly regularly to check in on my sister, Emma, and the others. They're constantly taking in new refugees that don't have the protection of a coven. The Corpus family has a very large heart—just like Iris. They also formed their own scouting team, like your family has. They inform the militia of new and small threats regularly. They also always make sure to inform any surrounding families. They actually live in Salem. That's how I ended up in the states. That about sums me up. Short and sweet, huh?"

  "I doubt that. I'm sure there is quite a bit that you are leaving out," I said, staring directly into his deep pools of blue.

  He smiled as he leaned closer, letting his breath graze my cheek. "I have to keep some of my mystery. That's half my charm."

  I rolled my eyes as I blushed. "I think you have a little too much charm if you ask me."

  His cocky grin only grew. "Oh really?"

  "Really," I muttered dryly, working hard—really hard—not to smile.

  He nodded, seeming proud of himself. "Good to know."

  The movie finally made it to where the romance was getting started, and Jared sighed happily while leaning back.

  "Prepare to get emotional, love. I'll be here when you need me."

  He patted his shoulder suggestively. I shoved him playfully, and he laughed as we both nestled in closer to each other. It didn't take him long to put his arm around me. I looked at him and he just smiled and winked at me. Since he was being so cute, I let it slide.

  The first movie was a bit boring, but it did have some moments that reminded me of the triangle that we were in. I was sure that was why he had chosen it. Especially since the girl chose the less obvious guy. Jared wasn't good at being subtle, I decided.

  We were watching his horror flick when suddenly he grabbed the remote and paused it. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, pouting his disappointment. I stared at him, a little confused.

  "Not once have you grabbed my leg, or squeezed my hand, or buried your head in my chest. What's up? It's supposed to be one of the scariest movies out there."

  I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, well, I guess when you've seen the real scary things that go bump in the night, the fake stuff just doesn't scare you so much. In the past year I've been shot at—twice; I've had some creepy men try to suck the life out of me; I've had a girl send in some losers to drag me back to their leaders; I had t
he hell beat out of me by a group of jerks; and I watched a pool come to life and kill a man right in front of me. Oh, and I had a secret dark member of my family who came to warn me of imminent danger, while also telling me that he planned to kill me sometime in the future. So, I'm a little immune to the normal version of scary, I guess."

  He frowned. "You've had a busy year. I guess it's kind of hard to compete with that." Then he laughed lightly.

  I raised up and stared into his eyes. "Thanks for this. It's been nice to have a normal night. I really needed it a lot worse than I realized."

  He smiled warmly. "Any time, love. You deserve a little bit of normal sometimes. It keeps you sane."

  "I agree," I said through a long breath.

  His lips tightened as his eyes shifted to a new gaze, telling me he was about to flip this conversation.

  "Just hear me out on this, will you ?" he asked.

  I knew this wasn't going to be a friendship conversation. I tried to sound like I wasn't dreading whatever he was going to say. "Okay. What's up?"

  He hesitated, but finally answered. "Just for tonight, will you pretend that you never met Tallis? Tomorrow I will leave and never think of this night as anything more than you doing me a favor. I just need this right now. I have a lot going on right now, and tomorrow is going to get intense. If you would do this for me, it would help me leave with a little more clarity, and not make me feel like things are so unfinished between us. It'd be nice to feel satisfied and have a clearer mind than I've had in the past few months. Just for tonight, please pretend as if I mean more to you than just a friend."

  I took a deep breath. He was begging me to return his affection, just as I had begged Tallis. One night wouldn't kill me. I knew he was being sincere, and I owed him that much. I knew what that longing felt like, and I also knew the sting of rejection.

  It was tormenting him the way it had tormented me. Jared deserved much more than me, but it was me he wanted.

  "Okay. Just don't leave here thinking this is going to continue—"

  He didn't even let me finish. He had his hands in my hair and his lips were pressed hard against mine. This time I let him. It wasn't like it was a horrible sacrifice. I was enjoying every move of his skilled tongue.

  My first kiss had been with Tallis, and then my second with Henry, my third had been Jared already. This was just the kiss he would remember me by. This was a one time deal. I couldn't help feeling like I was cheating on Tallis, but I cleared my mind the best I could.

  I was a teenager, dammit. This was supposed to be a part of being a teenager, and so far, my love life was rivaling every Shakespearean tragedy known. Maybe I needed this as much as Jared did.

  I deserved to feel like this for one night. I deserved to be wanted and not have to fight so hard for the affection I desired. He wasn't the right guy, but he was right enough.

  When we finally had to come up for air—well, when I needed air, rather—he pulled me to his body and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his blazer body getting warmer. It made me smile to know how much he genuinely cared for me.

  It was a battle of reluctance and willpower when I told him our night was coming to an end. He walked me to my room after the movie finished, and I held his hand, acting as though this had been a date.

  He stared at our joined hands as he said, "I'll be leaving in the morning. Will you see me off, or is this the last time I'll see you for a while?"

  I grinned and nudged him. "I'll come see you off. We're friends, after all."

  He forced a smile. "I hate that my one night with you has to end so soon." He pulled my lips to his again, and just as before, I returned his kiss. One night. He deserved that. Maybe now he could move on instead of wondering what it would be like. But that kiss suddenly heated things between us, and I learned the true meaning of teenage hormones.

  Before I knew it, we were crashing through my door, and my bed was catching us. I pulled his shirt off without even realizing it. His breaths were heavy and electrifying. I could feel my body bend, contorting to move in sync with his, and my pulse was pounding all over.

  His body's temperature continued to rise, passion filling him to the brim. I could feel his desire for me with each fervent kiss. I didn't have to fight anything I was feeling for one night, I kept telling myself. His touch was so soft, and yet so forceful. And I pulled him closer instead of pulling away... until my mind chastised me for being so crazy.

  I pulled back slowly and stared into his enticing eyes that were begging for more. Then I kissed him again, aiming for chaste, but failing miserably when he deepened the kiss. He climbed over me, pinning my hands into the mattress as he devoured me with a kiss I'd never forget.

  His blazer body was heating up again. It was almost too hot to touch now—much too hot. I chuckled while wriggling free, and he let me go, but refused to remove his lips from mine.

  "You're too hot," I said through a giggle.

  He smiled against my lips while smugly replying, "Thanks."

  The feral kiss continued until I couldn't breath against his heat. He seemed to be oblivious to the fact that I was being literal.

  I pushed against his chest, and he moved immediately, considering I couldn't exactly budge an immortal on my own. "No. I mean you're hot. As in fire hot."

  He pulled back and stood up, his eyes noticing the beads of sweat that had formed all over my body, and my dampened hair. The man was like a sauna.

  He laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking at me but not at my eyes. "Oh. My mistake. I lose temperature control when things get intense. Never happened in this sort of situation, though. It usually just happens in battles. This isn't awkward at all. I guess that was a buzz kill."

  I touched his skin, letting my fingers trail over his arm as I smiled up at him. He was gradually cooling down. "I need to go to bed anyway."

  He groaned, but leaned down to kiss me softly and quickly. He really didn't want to leave, but he was too respectful to push for more.

  "Good night, love."

  I hugged him without hesitation, though I felt a little differently now. "Good night."

  Engines were roaring and idling, making it impossible for anyone in the house to sleep this morning, but I was awake and dressed already. Sighing, I decided to head down the stairs to see Jared off.

  He was laughing as he talked to some of the new guests as I came down the steps, smiling when his eyes found mine.

  His soul-stealing grin spread, and I closed the distance between us.

  "Hey, love," he said softly, thumbing my chin.

  I smiled somewhat bashfully as I thought of the night before. "I was worried you would leave before I got to say good-bye."

  He picked me up as he hugged me, forcing a breath to rush from my lips.

  "Not a chance." He looked down while keeping me in his arms. "So I'll be gone for a while, you know. I hope when I get back I can see you."

  I smiled. "You can see me anytime you want to. I will always be your friend."

  He shook his head. "So you still love him, eh? Even after last night?"

  Last night... I couldn't even process last night yet. It was my night of being a teenager, but there was no doubt in my mind where my heart belonged. I was a mess, but I was in love... just not in love with Jared.

  "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say."

  He smiled while sighing. "You don't owe me anything. I asked for one night and you gave me that. I'm leaving very happy. I'd be a little happier if you were to change your mind; however, I'm not in a position to complain right now. I hope I see you soon."

  Another guy ran up, drawing Jared's attention. He smiled and waved him over to us. The guy was very built and had shaggy hair that looked wet. He spoke with a British accent.

  "You want to ride with us?" the guy asked Jared.

  "Nah, I have my jeep now. Jake brought it." Then he pointed to me. "Evan, this is Aria." Evan smiled and nodded in acknowledgement at me.

; But Evan's smile and steady gaze made me feel a little... weird. "You were right. She's cute."

  Jared elbowed him in the ribs, and Evan gasped a little. But then he laughed as he continued in a teasing tone, "It's nice to finally meet the girl that Jared refuses to shut up about. I swear I feel like I already know you."

  I felt a shade of blush crawl over my cheeks and stake their claim. Jared started to chase Evan, but he flashed away, his laughter lingering in his wake.

  Jared turned back around, muttering curses.

  "Well, that was a bit embarrassing."

  I laughed a little and fidgeted around nervously. "Don't worry about it."

  He rubbed my hand in his as he spoke softer. "I hope this isn't the end of our story together. I don't feel like it is."

  If only Tallis would be this simple. Then again, we always want what we can't have—which was probably why Jared was so fascinated by me.

  "I guess we'll find out one day." I tried not to let him see the emotion I was truly feeling. I wanted Tallis, and only Tallis. Jared was special to me, but not in the way my exploding half changer/half witch was.

  He grimaced, though I wasn't not sure why. "Well, I should probably get going, as badly as I hate to leave you right now."

  I smiled as I nudged him with my elbow. He relented, moving his body so that my elbow didn't get hurt.

  "I'm sure you guys will have fun blowing off some steam. Then you can hang out in some random town and break some hearts. That's the normal way of doing things, according to Gear."

  He laughed nervously as he responded a little less playfully than I had expected. "It used to be easier to break hearts. Now... not so much."

  I looked at him with guilt-ridden eyes. "Jared… I—"

  He stuck his fingers to my lips. Then he spoke softly. "I'm allowed to care about you, even if you don't want me. I'm fine with that for now. I got to have you in a way that he couldn't. Personally, I feel like a king. Right now I have hope—hope that you'll one day see the true match for you."


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