JOKER_An Evil Dead MC Story

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JOKER_An Evil Dead MC Story Page 21

by Nicole James

  “Lovin’ ain’t the problem. It’s diaper changin’ and two a.m. feedings.”

  Mooch poured himself a shot. “Hell, you’re up then anyway.”

  Undertaker rolled his eyes.

  Mooch lifted his glass in a toast. “Here’s to brotherhood, babies, and the next generation pushin’ us old timers out.”

  Undertaker clinked glasses with him. “It’s been one hell of a ride, hasn’t it?”

  “That it has, Brother. That it has.”

  Undertaker stood and pulled his VP in for a backslap. “Thank you, VP.”

  “Anytime, Prez.” With his arm around Undertaker, he turned him toward the door. “Walk downstairs with me and let the men see you’re handlin’ this shit.”

  “AJ needs me.”

  “It’ll just take a minute.”


  They walked down.

  Mooch patted his president on the shoulder and looked at Blood. “I think I finally got Undertaker calmed down.”

  “How’d you do that?” Blood asked, grinning.

  “A quart of scotch.”

  “What?” Holly squeaked.

  “Just kidding. Half a bottle.”

  Joker chuckled, and Holly shook her head.

  Undertaker laughed along with the boys in his club who gathered around him. His gaze took them all in. “This is a special time for me and my ol’ lady. Glad you’re all here to share in it. ‘Preciate you showin’ your support.”

  There was a round of cheers and glasses raised.

  Mama Ray dashed halfway down the stairs and yelled, “Undertaker, get up here! Now!” Her eyes sought out Blood and Cat. “Cat! We need you upstairs. AJ’s havin’ the baby right fucking now!”

  Undertaker looked white as a sheet as he took the stairs two at a time.

  Cat’s eyes got big, and she pushed her beer into Blood’s hand and looked up at him. “Oh, God. It’s your president’s baby, Blood. What if I screw up?”

  Blood set her bottle down and took her face in his hands, tilting it up to his. He stared into her panic-filled eyes. “Look at me. You’re a goddamn great nurse, Cat. Ain’t nobody better under pressure. I’m livin’ proof of that. You got this.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too.” She turned to Holly. “Call 911.”

  Holly nodded, already taking her phone out as Cat dashed up the stairs.


  Little Miss Delilah Deschaine made her screaming entrance into the world ten minutes later. The paramedics arrived just in time to cut the cord and take mother and daughter to the hospital.

  As they rolled AJ out, her baby in her arms, she twisted her head, making sure Undertaker was with her. “Derek Deschaine, don’t you dare stop to pass out cigars now! You’re riding with us in the ambulance.”

  His grin was huge as he got a hundred backslaps on his way through the cheering crowd of brothers.

  “I’m coming, Allie,” he called out to her, following in the wake of the stretcher as it rolled out. He paused and shouted out to the club, “It’s a girl!”

  The clubhouse thundered with another cheer.

  Joker pulled Holly tight to his side and looked down into her smiling face. “She’s gonna have him wrapped around her finger before they bring her home from the hospital.”

  “That she is,” Holly agreed. “She’s going to be a very loved little girl.”

  “The woman who’s got me wrapped around her finger is a very loved girl, too. I hope she knows that.”

  Holly smiled up at him, feeling her eyes sting with tears at his words. “She knows, baby. She knows.”

  The End


  Three months later—


  I surveyed the people scattered all around our place. Sandman manned the grill on the back deck, a star-spangled bandana tied around his head and a beer in one hand, tongs in the other; shorts and biker boots completed the outfit.

  “You got some white-ass knees, Sandman,” Blood chuckled.

  “Bite me,” Sandman replied and pointed the tongs at him. “No steak for you.”

  “Steak Nazi,” Blood grumbled.

  “Sandman, those cannot be your only boots.” So-Cal chuckled.

  Sandman looked down at his right boot where silver tape wrapped around the toes and sole.

  “Duct tape—really?” So-Cal asked sarcastically.

  “Hey, that shit fixes everything. These boots are perfectly good.” Sandman pointed the tongs at So-Cal. “No steak for you.”

  I laughed. The antics of these men who had become family to me never ceased. My sister sat cuddled on Blood’s lap, her arms looped around his neck. She kissed his cheek and stole his beer, taking a drink.

  He smiled at her and let her have it, reaching down into a Styrofoam ice chest next to his chair and grabbing out another. Cat kissed him, and he settled a hand on her stomach, looking up at her with adoring eyes.

  I was happy for them. I knew their love was strong and true and would last a lifetime.

  Undertaker sat in a chair with his baby girl in his arms. AJ sat next to him, smiling at her new family. I was happy for them, too. The feelings I’d had for Undertaker had been real. He was a good man, but I let those feelings go. I would always cherish the time I’d spent with him, and I would forever be grateful for everything he’d done for me. As if feeling my eyes on him, he glanced up and winked. I smiled back.

  I looked over at Joker in the lounge chair next to me. He was totally relaxed, his head resting back and his shades on. He now had enough orders for our new business to keep us busy until next year, and word was still spreading.

  Things were good. They were very good, and I didn’t take a moment of it for granted.

  I was still amazed that this man I’d disliked so much the first day I’d met him was now the center of my world. It hadn’t been easy to get here, but we’d done it.

  I’d lied to him, tried his patience at every step, mouthed off to him, yet despite it all, he’d stuck with me, and I’ll admit, I had some anger issues and some growing up to do. His unwavering will to fight for me, for us, gave me the courage to let that anger go and to believe in myself, to believe in people again and to believe in a future he saw even when I couldn’t.

  If I needed him, he’d proven he would stop at nothing to get to me—move mountains if he had to, and after what I had been through, that was a good feeling; one I didn’t take for granted. He was the love of my life, a man who would do anything for me, and I knew I could trust him, especially with my heart.

  I also knew I’d never retreat to that dark place I’d been.

  Yes, life was good. It was very good.


  I watched Holly through my shades. She was happy, and it was good to see her that way after everything life had thrown at her. She’d made it through it all to the other side. Now was her time to have the life she’d always dreamed of, and I intended to make those dreams come true. She wanted to study interior design, and with the advance I’d gotten on our first barge order, I’d gone down and paid her tuition to enroll her at a nearby college that offered an interior design program.

  She was already working well with the clients we had, and I knew she had talent. Her future in design was bright.

  As she settled in with me, I knew, too, that at some point down the road once our business was solid and her schooling was finished and she was ready, we’d start a family, but that could wait. Right now we were young and in love and enjoying our days with just the two of us.

  The club still took up a good chunk of my time, but she never complained. And now that she had put all her childish behavior and the acting out behind her, the boys were growing to like her. It would take time for her to completely overcome the reputation she’d acquired as a difficult brat, but she’d already been enfolded into the family.

  And as for my family, my mother and sister loved her.

  We relaxed into a happy, carefree, e
asy, trusting relationship, and I knew it was a whole new kind of safe haven for her. I was glad I could provide that.

  I was still extremely protective of her; it was just my nature, but she accepted it and indulged me by never complaining because I kept such close tabs on her. I checked in with her often when club business took me away, and she knew to always keep me posted with her whereabouts.

  We’d started this relationship with me watching over her, and it just felt natural that we continued our close contact. If we weren’t together, we texted or called often, and no more than a few hours went by before one of us would check in with the other. I knew that type of relationship wouldn’t work for a lot of couples, but it worked for us.

  We’d also started this relationship fighting like cats and dogs, but in the end, we’d found something in each other we both were missing. She needed me, and that was a powerfully good feeling, especially for someone like me. My mother had always told me I was a born protector. Apparently she was right.

  Holly was a challenge, and I loved a challenge. She kept me on my toes, and I knew with her I’d never be bored.

  We were happy. What more could I ask for?

  Well… there was one thing.

  I looked over at my love and gave her my best cocky grin. “Get me a cold one?”

  She rolled her eyes, blew me a kiss, and got me a beer.

  I pulled her on my lap.


  “Yes, baby.”

  “Do you know how much I love you?”

  She made a face as if considering the question. “You may need to remind me.”

  I chuckled. I’d remind her all right. After the boys left and we had the place all to ourselves again, I’d remind her all night long.

  Preview of HAMMER—

  Hammer watched Tink strut past him without so much as a glance. She’d been giving him the cold shoulder for a while now, and it was getting on his nerves. His eyes moved over her hot little body—a body that had been driving him crazy and keeping him awake at night.

  His brothers ribbed him endlessly about her—the one chick he’d been infatuated with for months and who wouldn’t give him the time of day. They found that hilarious.

  Hammer, not so much. He found it irritating, exasperating, and annoying. He just didn’t get it. After all, he was a big, muscular man who turned female heads wherever he went. Tattoos covered the skin of his sculpted body, and that combined with being a patched member of the Evil Dead MC did it for most women who were into bad boys. Not Tink, though. Unfortunately for Hammer, the one woman he wanted more than any other seemed to be immune to him.

  Well, he’d had about enough of her snubbing him like he didn’t even exist. That was all about to change, because Hammer had decided he’d pussyfooted around her long enough. He was going after what he wanted, and what he wanted more than anything was that hot little girl with the short white blonde hair. The one so petite, the guys in the club had nicknamed her Tinker Bell.

  Yes, that sexy little sprite was going to be his.


  Tink was totally aware of Hammer’s eyes on her as she walked past. Warmth flooded her body, like it did every time she was near him and he looked at her that way, like he was undressing her with his eyes and imagining all the sordid things he’d like to do to her.

  Things she lay awake at night imagining as well.

  But Tink wasn’t willing to risk her heart; not for a man who could hurt her like he could, a man who’d already been with her sister. Raven always got what she wanted, and that usually was anything she thought Tink might want. She’d beat her to it every single time.

  Tink had learned long ago not to even try to compete with her sister. It was pointless. So, she’d carved out a life for herself surrounded by the men of this MC and the women who’d become her best friends. It was a world she thought her sister would never be interested in, and she’d never have to compete with her in.

  Apparently, she’d thought wrong.

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  Red Dog




  And coming soon…





  And coming soon…






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