“Coral?” Joyce answers sounding concerned.
“Joyce, I'm outside the building. Did you want anything picking up?” I ask sweetly.
“Actually darling, if you have the time and you don't mind. I really fancy one of those Frappuccinos from Starbucks.” I smile to myself Joyce is rarely naughty.
“Yep, that’s no problem,” I answer. “Oh Joyce, while I’ve got you can I have five minutes when I get back?”
“Of course you can. I’ll call you through when I'm free.”
“Thank you,” I answer and hang up.
Walking into town, I make my way over to St James’s Street. I go straight to the place I need for Tristan’s present, and get that organised. I'm surprised it only takes a few minutes to do then I head over to Starbucks.
I can’t help checking my mobile for a call from Tristan or Karen – Nothing? I hope Tristan’s ok? As I step inside the coffee house, I see there’s a queue, so I stand next in line. I'm about to try Tristan again, but the conversation going on in front of me has side-tracked me.
They are evidently a couple of gay guys, the one is telling the other about his friend finding out that the guy he had been seeing for five years had, in fact, been secretly married for ten years to a woman and had three kids.
“How did he not know that?” the one says to the other.
“I don’t know, but Kevin is well and truly cut up about it. I'm just glad he found out now and it didn’t drag on any longer.”
“That’s awful! How did he find out? I bet that wasn’t pretty?”
“Funny you should ask, he thought he was shagging someone else, but he didn’t want to start going through his phone or following him, he thought that was a bit desperate and stalkerish…” Yes, it is!
“So what did he do?” the other asks.
“Got a P.I on it.” He says. My ears prick up!
“You’re kidding?” The other chokes.
“No, she’s the one that found it all out for him.” He says.
“Never would have thought to do that,” he says shaking his head. “Bet that cost a fortune,” he adds.
The other shakes his head. “She didn’t cost that much actually, which I was surprised at, and they were really quick apparently. He made the call and within a couple of days he got the answer he needed.”
“Well, I suppose it’s better than snooping around yourself,” he says.
“Yeah, I guess,” says the other, nodding in agreement.
“Hello Miss?” I look up and see I'm next in line, moving forward I stare blankly at the menu. My stomach is rumbling at me, but I really don’t feel that hungry. Then I spy the Sticky Chocolate Brownie Swirl in the pastry section.
“Miss, can I take you order?” The staff member looks a little annoyed. I guess I'm holding the queue up.
“I’ll take Mocha Light Frappuccino a regular Cappuccino and a Chocolate Brownie Swirl to take out.” She nods in response and I pay for my order. The two chaps who were talking have gone to sit down. The conversation they had has got me thinking...
“Miss, heellooo?” I turn and look up. Damn it! She’s talking to me. “Your order?” she says a little sarcastically.
“Thanks.” I take it off her and walk out the coffee house. Just at that moment, my mobile starts ringing. Damn it!
Stuffing my swirl into my bag so I have a free hand, I answer the call. “Hello?”
“Hi Coral it’s Karen.”
“Hey, thanks for calling me back.”
“It’s no problem.”
“Are you sure you want to talk about this?” I don't want her to feel like I'm pressuring her.
“No, really it’s fine. So who’s she upset?”
“The receptionist Joe, don't get me wrong she is a little bit ‘nice but dim’ at times but she wouldn’t hurt a fly. She certainly didn’t deserve to be belittled like that.”
“No, well that’s Susannah for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Look, between you and me, I can’t stand her, and Claire in Birmingham doesn’t like her either.”
“Why, what’s she done?”
“It’s not really what she’s done. It’s how she is. You see, we all keep it zipped when it comes to her, because for some reason Mr Freeman – with all due respect to him, he’s a brilliant boss – for some reason he seems to think the sun shines out of her arse. I’ve seen it first hand, she is so different with everyone when he’s around, then the moment he leaves she goes back to being...I don’t know....just weird,” she huffs.
“Yeah, weird seems to be the right word.” I have a thought. I decide to put it out there, question it see what Karen’s reaction is. “You know, the way she talks about Mr Freeman, you’d think she’s in love with him, not her husband.” I say artlessly.
“Coral everyone knows she’s is in love with him, it’s written all over her. It’s a little bit freaky to be fair, but it doesn’t seem to bother Mr Freeman so...did you say husband?” Oh My God! I’m right and I'm not the only one who’s thinking it either!
I swallow hard. “Yeah, why?” I say, trying to sound casual.
“You know, none of the girls believe she’s actually married?”
“What?” I chuckle. That’s a little odd.
“No, seriously they don't. Everyone thinks she’s made him up. Ask her about it, she instantly clams up. She doesn’t talk about him at all,” she says.
“But she’s got rings on?” I blurt.
“Coral,” she chuckles. “Anyone can wear a ring and pose that they are married.”
“Well…yeah I guess, but why would she do that?” I mumble trying to get my head around it all. That’s weird?
“No idea,” she says. “When she supposedly got married all the girls in the London office we’re waiting for her to bring in her wedding photos, but she never did. The last person that asked about them, she snapped their head off and it all got dropped, which we all thought was odd. Most women can't wait to show off their wedding photos, so why didn’t she?”
That’s true, I remember when one of the secretaries got married, she went on about it for months and she did bring photos in, in-fact I think she brought a video too? Ok this is getting weirder by the minute.
“Ok, so you’re saying most people think her husband is fictitious?” I ask hardly able to believe my own words.
“But why would she do that? It doesn’t make any sense?” I ask, frowning deeply.
“No idea, like I said she’s weird.” I get the feeling Karen and Susannah have had a run in at some point.
“She told me this morning that she’s getting divorced. And that she wants to relocate,” I say quietly.
“Careful there Coral, she’ll be after your job,” she says.
I try not to panic. “You think so?” I ask squeakily.
“Look, I know Mr Freeman is relocating down there, he told me this morning. It doesn’t make any difference to me, I’ve still got my job, which I love. Claire’s cool about it too, but I can’t imagine Susannah being satisfied with only seeing him once a month, if that!”
“No, I don’t suppose she would be,” I whisper racking my brains for a logical answer to all this. Ok so married women are women of value. They must be a good catch if a guy has snapped them up. Maybe she is playing that card to make Tristan jealous? I shake my head at myself, that doesn’t make sense! Ok so she pretends to be married so she can fake a divorce and....and Tristan will comfort her in her time of need, console her...No!
My mouth suddenly goes dry and my throat constricts.
“You there Coral?” Karen says.
“Yeah…sorry, just trying to work it all out,” I whisper, my mind already elsewhere.
“Don’t waste your time on her. You’re best to steer clear.” I nod in agreement.
“Has she ever been funny with you?” I ask.
“Loads of times but I just ignore her, she’s not worth it. Besides I don't have to see her too ofte
n, and I'm not going to leave a job I love because of her.”
“Don't blame you.” As I look up, I see I have reached work. “Karen I have to go, I'm back at work she might overhear us.”
“Yeah no problem, call me if you need anything.”
“You’re calling on your mobile?”
“Ok, I’ll programme you in and ditto, ever need anything just holler.” Karen chuckles.
“Good luck for the rest of the week.” She says.
“Thanks, I think I'm going to need it,” I say brightly, trying to make light of a bad situation.
“Oh Coral, just for the record if I knew there was training going on, I would have volunteered. I’ve never been to Brighton,” she says enthusiastically.
“Well, you’re welcome anytime. If you want a break for a weekend or something, just come on down. You can stay at mine, I think we’ll have a good time,” I offer, knowing somehow that we will, I can tell. Probably because she reminds me of Harriett – I quickly quash those thoughts.
“Really?” she says excitedly. “Coral, that’s really nice of you. I’ll take you up on that offer.”
“Great.” I giggle, feeling lighter for the friendly chat.
“I’ll see you soon then,” Karen chuckles.
“Definitely. Take care,” I say. “And thanks for talking to me.”
“You’re welcome,” she chuckles. “See ya.”
“Bye Karen.” I hang up. Wow, she was so nice, like normal nice, not weird nice like Susannah. Why the hell didn’t Tristan send Karen to me?
I instantly feel miserable that he didn’t. This week could have been so much fun, and Karen would have taken my mind of the fact that Tristan is not here. I look solemnly behind me, almost hoping that he’ll appear out of thin air and start walking towards me, that deep dimpled smile on his face, his eyes shining brightly for me.
Shaking my head at myself I walk the few steps needed, and push through the glass door…
I KNOCK ON JOYCE’S DOOR. I hear her call me, so I go through and pass the Frappuccino to her. She’s on the phone, but gestures for me to sit down. I pull my swirl out of my handbag and pull a piece off, placing it my mouth I start chewing. This does not taste like cardboard, it tastes absolutely delicious. Maybe I can just survive on these until Tristan’s back? I’d have no problem doing that.
Picking up my Cappuccino I take a long drink and continue to devour the Chocolate Swirl. By the time Joyce has finished her call, I have finished my swirl and my Cappuccino.
“Have to be quick sweetheart.” Joyce says sipping her drink.
“Ok. Firstly, someone tried to get into my studio last night.” Joyce spits her Frappuccino out in shock. Luckily I moved out of the way just in time, so it sprays the table and not me – Oops!
“Coral!” She scolds. “You can’t just say something like that without warning me.”
“Sorry,” I say apologetically. Then as I'm helping her clean up the mess, I tell her what happened, the full story. Then I tell her what Karen has told me about Susannah, she looks just as puzzled as I feel, but she logs it all on the file.
Just as I'm leaving Joyce insists I stay with her tonight. I decline gracefully, explaining that I have George tonight and I’ve got Bob to look after me.
“If you change your mind, even if it’s in the middle of the night. Just come over ok?” Joyce tells me worriedly.
“Ok.” I half smile at her. If I'm truthful, I don't want anyone but Tristan. Only he can take away the fear of someone getting in, no one else can do that.
“Promise?” Joyce asks. Grrrr I hate that word – I nod silently and head out of her office.
As I walk down the corridor towards the ladies, I get another call on my mobile. As I check it, I see it’s the gym, it must be Will. Answering the call I find it is Will and I go through the details of last night’s events.
“You need some magnetic door sensors, moment the handle is moved the alarm will trigger and they’ll go running,” he tells me. Thank you Will!
“Where will I get those from?” I ask.
“Argos, Amazon, B&Q. Depends how quickly you want them?”
“Tonight,” I answer. If they make me feel more secure why wait?
“Well you won’t get it from Amazon till tomorrow’ –“I know,” I interrupt. “I’ll take a look online, probably Argos, I can pick them up on my way home.”
“As for panicking, most people do Coral. You have to be the one that beats the fear, control it don't let it control you.” I nod vigorously as I listen to Will. “Stay focused. Think of the weapons you have at your disposal.” Huh?
“Weapons, what weapons?” I question.
Will sighs then rushes his words out at lightning speed. “Coral come on, haven’t I taught you anything? Hands are for?” Oh, ok now I get what he means!
“Pushing the nose up into the brain,” I answer.
“Good. Fingers?”
“Pushing the eyes into the socket or ripping the throat out,” I answer, squirming slightly at that one – I hope I never have to use it, that’s Rambo shit!
“Body weight?” He questions.
“Use my weight like you taught me, throw them down,” I answer.
“Good, legs and arms?”
“Again, use them to take down assailant,” I breathe.
“Yes. See you know what to do, you’ve just got to stay focused and not panic.”
“Easier said than done!” I snap.
“Coral, use what I’ve taught you, even if you get it slightly wrong it doesn’t matter. You don’t need to stay and fight. Just remember to protect yourself from getting hurt with a calm focused mind then once you have them down, run. It’s simple.” No you make it sound simple!
“If you can take them down, quickly and safely then you’re done.” He adds.
“Ok, thanks Will. Listen I’d better go my lunch is nearly over,” I tell him.
“Ok see you Thursday.”
“Yep, see you then.”
“Oh Coral, I'm on till 9pm tonight you need any help fitting the alarms, just let me know. I’ll pop over when I'm finished.”
“Will I could give you a big kiss right now, you know that?”
“Eh, less of that I'm a happily married man.” He teases.
I roll my eyes and chuckle. “I didn’t mean it like that,” I smile.
“I know you didn’t. I'm just pulling your leg,” he laughs.
“Will!” I scold laughing as I do. “I’ll call you if I need you,” I chortle.
“Be safe,” he tells me then the line goes dead.
I use my mobile to search for Argos, locating the Brighton branch I start my search. I find a Yale easy fit door and window contact at £22.99 adding two to my cart, I think about what Will has said to me about weapons – Right, I know what’s a good weapon!
Searching Baseball Bats, I quickly add one of those to my cart too, I use the check and reserve system, thankfully they have them in stock at the Brighton Branch, so all I’ve got to do is pick them up and pay for them tonight.
As I come out of the ladies, and head back to my desk, I decide to text Tristan. He hasn’t tried to call me today, and I haven’t had another text from him either, which I find strange.
*Tristan, I haven’t heard from you today. I guess you’re really busy. I just wanted to let you know I miss you, badly, and I can’t wait till you’re home. Be good baby Xxx I love you Coral xx*
Putting my mobile back on silent, I place it in my bag and go to open my in-box when I see a note from Susannah – Gone to Lunch back at 2pm – Just as I read it, I hear really loud laughter coming from Reception. Picking up the handset, I dial Joe.
“Hi Coral,” she whispers. Yay! She got my name right!
“What’s with all the laughter?” I ask.
“She’s going out to lunch with them,” Joe murmurs. Ah, the other secretaries.
“Really?” I squeak in surprise.
“Yeah, she’s the on
e with the cackling laugh,” she giggles.
“So much for heartbreak…” I mumble.
“What?” Joe asks, intrigued.
“Nothing Joe, I’d better go. See you later.”
“Bye.” We both hang up.
I shake my head in wonder. How can anyone with an actual husband who is getting divorced be laughing and joking as though they haven’t got a care in the world? You know why – I snarl at myself. Brushing the thought away I open my in-box and start on the letters Joyce has sent across. Just as I'm finishing off the second letter the line starts ringing.
“Garland and Associates, Coral speaking,” I say as I continue typing.
“Hello beautiful.” Tristan! I almost drop the phone. Hearing his voice is like hearing an angel come to comfort me.
“Tristan,” I whisper, feeling all the stresses and strains fall away.
“Gotta be quick baby, I'm about to go into another meeting. I got your text, just wanted you to know I’ve been thinking about you all day.” I close my eyes and sink back into my chair.
“You have?” I smile.
“Of course I have,” he chuckles.
“It’s so good to hear your voice,” I tell him, feeling tears bubbling up – Damn it!
“Same here baby. You ok?”He asks in his low, sexy voice.
“I am now.” I sniff. Tristan chuckles, he sounds in high spirits. “You?” I ask.
“I have a beautiful fiancé to come home to. I'm on top of the world.” I smile like a love struck teenager. “Baby, I have to go, call you tonight?” he asks.
“Ok,” I whisper. Then I remember about Saturday. “Oh Tristan, don't make any plans for Saturday.” I groan.
“Why’s that?” he questions.
“We’re going to Gladys’s,” I grumble. “That’s if you want to go.”
“Yes, I do. What’s the occasion?”
“She’s getting all the family together for some pre-wedding dinner thing. Malcolm’s family will be there too.” I add.
“Introducing me to your family already, must be serious,” he says. I can't help laughing at that one.
“Tristan, it’s not funny,” I chuckle. “It’s going to be such hard work,” I grumble.
“It’ll be fine baby. You’ll have me with you.” Yes, yes I will.
CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) Page 22