CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)

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CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) Page 24

by Delaney, Clair

She smiles warmly at me. “Yeah, I’m good thanks.”

  “Good.” I try to smile back at her.

  “Oh Coral! She’s already in,” she whispers to me. Ugh! Susannah!

  I smile and roll my eyes in annoyance, making Joe giggle and walk up the stairs, but I’m actually feeling really nervous, and I can't work out why?

  Walking across the hallway towards my desk I see it’s surrounded by all the other secretaries, and they’re all laughing. I can guess who they are laughing about, and who’s initiating it all. Squaring my shoulders, I march straight over to them all.

  “Morning ladies,” I say loud and clear.

  They all turn in one and stare at me. I sigh inwardly – It’s just like being back at school. I spy Susannah sitting in my chair, flicking her long blonde hair. Some of them leave, a couple of them start tittering between themselves, and the other’s go back to whispering with Susannah.

  I decide to leave them to it, and march off to the ladies. It’s the only way I'm going to keep my cool. If I have to wait for her to get out of my god damn chair, I swear I’ll yank her out of it by her perfect hair. It’s long enough to get a good hold of – Stop it Coral!

  As I stand washing my hands, I can't help thinking back to the dream and my Mother. My stomach rolls just thinking about it, I fight back the bile that has risen – Oh God not today, please not today!

  As I work on calming myself down, the sickening feeling slowly subsides, thank god! Then stalling for more time, because I don't want to go back to my desk until they have all gone, I check my make-up and my bun. Jeez, I look really tired!

  Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly make my way back to my desk. With my coffee in my hand, and my chair vacated I sit down at my desk and open my inbox, nothing! – Great!

  I smile hesitantly at Susannah, as I watch her walk along the hallway back towards me. I guess she went down to the communal area, where all the other secretaries are. I wonder what she’s up to? She grimaces at me as she takes the seat next to me, and opens her laptop. I frown at my computer screen. What is she’s doing?

  “So,” she says turning to smile at me. “What’s his name?”

  “Who?” I ask, reluctantly turning to face her.

  “Your boyfriend,” she nips. “Who else?” She adds sarcastically. Fuck! Quick Coral any name, top of your head.

  “Justin!” I blurt. Why did I just use my ex’s name?

  Susannah nods then crosses her arms. “So what do you think of Tristan?” She asks. That’s the second time she’s used his first name – I hate her using it!

  “I can’t really say,” I answer, she cocks her head to the side. “I don't really know him,” I add, feeling all the blood drain from my face.

  “Oh, I didn’t mean as a boss. I meant as a man. He’s sexy don't you think?” she questions.

  I turn in my seat and frown at her. “I hadn’t really noticed,” I say being careful to keep my voice steady. I turn back around, and keep my eyes fixed on the computer screen.

  “Funny, I thought I saw him wink at you on Monday.” I feel my eyes widen with fear – Fuck! What do I say?

  “Did he, I hadn’t noticed,” I calmly reply. Eyes straight ahead Stevens!

  “Is it right you live at the Marina?” she asks. How does she know that?

  “How do you’ – “Janice told me,” she interrupts. Who the fuck is Janice?

  “Y-yes,” I stutter, wondering if I’ve done the right thing.

  “Coral, I don't want to get you into trouble, but’ – “Trouble about what?” I snap, my head whipping round to her.

  “Well, I know about the Google page you see. I don't think Tristan will be very impressed if he finds out, I’m pretty sure he’ll have no choice but to let you go,” she says vindictively. I feel a shiver run down my spine. Shit! She did delete it!

  Susannah continues. “Besides, do you really think he would be interested in someone like you?” She adds icily. What! How dare she say that!

  I glare back at her, she’s got that weird look in her eyes again. I decide in that very moment, I'm better off keeping my mouth shut and reporting all this back to Joyce, even though I want to punch her in the face for saying that.

  I turn back to my screen. “I think we should get on with the training, don't you?” I say glancing across at her, she’s smiling an evil wicked smile at me.

  “Yes let’s,” she says sweetly. I can't help shaking my head, as a sarcastic snigger falls out of my mouth – She’s unbelievable!

  “Something funny?” she asks sweetly again. I turn and give her my arctic, ice cold, no nonsense glare – I know your game lady!

  “No, nothing at all,” I snap and grit my teeth as I glare at my screen. I swear to god, if she lays one finger on me, I will break her nose…

  I AM HAVING A TERRIBLE morning and Susannah knows it. All of the work I have done over the past two days seems to have filtered out of my brain, like it was never there. I can’t remember how to do anything that she showed me, and if I’m correct, it was all pretty simple. Of course, I know it’s because I can't concentrate, there’s just too much going on right now. And I have a sinking feeling she’s going to go back to Tristan and tell him I'm crap, and that he needs to get someone else – Well Bollocks! – If that’s what he wants to do then so be it, there’s not much I can really do about it.

  “Coral, will you please concentrate. I don't want to have to show you this again,” she spit’s at me. I turn in my seat and glare at her. Keep your cool Coral!

  “You know… if I remember correctly. You are here to train me, and in doing so, you will show me what I need to learn, even if it means showing me over, and over again until I get it right. That’s what training is, right?” I smile sarcastically at her.

  She flicks a piece of fluff off her skirt as though she hasn’t heard a word I have said. My anger turns to full scale rage. I can feel the adrenalin pumping through my veins, I’m ready to smack the shit out of her. I haven’t felt this angry, this explosive, since I was at school. I’m not sure how much more I can take. I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.

  I look up at the clock it’s 12.15 – I'm lunching early, if I stay I swear I’m going to split her nose open. I stand pick up my bag, and stand.

  “Where are you going?” She snaps.

  I completely ignore her and walk over to Joyce’s door. I knock the door and see if she wants anything, she’s on the phone, but shakes her head at me. I nod, shut her door and head back past my desk.

  “Coral, I asked you a question. Where are you going?” Susannah snaps.

  “To lunch,” I growl carrying on down the hallway, glad to be getting away from her. I feel her yank my arm, I snap it out of her grasp.

  “Don't touch me,” I threaten my hands bunching into fists. She crosses her arms and stares down at me – I hate that she’s taller than me!

  “Nice little place you’ve got,” she tells me.

  I frown at her in confusion. “What?” I snap.

  “That little studio,” she says.

  My eyes widen, and my heart triples it’s beats. Stay cool, keep focused!

  “How do you’ – “I’ve seen it,” she whispers leaning closer to my face, her eyes darkening. Holy crap, she knows where I live? My suspicions to who was outside my place Monday night come rushing to the surface – It was Susannah, I know it was!

  “Stay away from him,” she hisses. What the fuck is this about?

  “Who?” I snap, trying to feign innocence because I’m sure she means Tristan.

  “Tristan of course,” she says, glaring quizzically at me, almost as though I should know this, then Susannah starts to laugh, leaning her head back as she does; it’s a strange crazy kind of laugh. My instincts kick in again, warning me she’s dangerous. I instinctively take two steps.

  I frown back at her. “You and Tristan are together?” I question.

  Her face falls, that crazy look appears in her eyes. “Yes, but we’re keeping it a secret, at
least until the take-over happens. You see Coral, we’re engaged, we just couldn’t help ourselves. He actually has taste, he knows what’s good for him’ –“Let me guess,” I snap. “You’re what’s good for him?” I say gritting my teeth. She nods her head several times, her lips curling up into a strange smile. “So much for your husband,” I hiss.

  “He’s mine.” She states firmly, flatly, almost threateningly. Then she starts twisting her hair around her finger in a childlike manner as she stares down at the floor. “He loves me’ – her eyes dart up to meet mine – ‘I know he does.” She starts twisting her body to and fro, rocking herself. This woman is crazy!

  “Right,” I say as sarcastically as I can. Coral, be careful!

  I realise I am right to warn myself, this is not normal behavior, even for a crush, this is strange, totally loosing it behaviour. In a flash she moves towards me and cricks her neck from side to side, now she’s closer, I can see how her eyes have changed, her pupils are so dilated it’s making her eyes look like black coal – Just like my Mother’s used to, and in that moment I know, I can't feel it – She really is dangerous! Shit!

  “I wouldn’t mention this to anyone,” she hisses. “After all, who will they believe? Me, or a freak like you that needs constant therapy,” she adds. Fuck! She knows I'm in therapy?

  Moving closer to me, she tries to run her forefinger down my cheek, but I slap it away and take a step to the side. “Don’t touch me!” I hiss.

  “You just broke my nail,” she growls menacingly, her lip twisting up over her top teeth. She looks just like the crazy Susannah from my dream – Ok that’s it!

  Stepping forward so I'm right in her face, I take a deep breath and try to keep my voice steady. “You better get something straight lady. You don’t scare me, and you’d better not even think about threatening me again, or you’ll wish you hadn’t you crazy fucker.” Susannah takes a step back in surprise. “That’s more like it. Oh and I see you anywhere near Joe, I’ll rip your fucking head off, got it?” She starts smiling at me – Fucking Crazy Bitch!

  I shake my head at her and stomp out of the building with the force of a tornado. I'm so fucking angry right now; apoplectic with rage is more like the right phrase to use. The adrenalin is still kicking through my system, making me shake from head to toe. I can't believe she knows where I live. And how the hell does she know I'm seeing George? The only one that knows about that at work is Joyce, so how did she find out?

  I really need to tell Tristan about her behavior, but I don't think he’ll believe me. She’s worked with him for too long, and she’s got him thinking the sun shines out of her arse. Once I clear the corner, I lean against the wall and take a few minutes to calm down and forget about her – it takes a while…


  FEELING A LITTLE BETTER I carry on walking, I have no idea where I'm going. All I keep thinking about is the fact that Susannah knows things about me that she shouldn’t, and I don't like it, I don't like it at all – And that’s when I get a light bulb moment, two can play that game!

  I hear those guys from Starbucks talking ‘Got a P.I on it, she’s the one that found it all out for him’ and in that moment I know that is what I have to do. I wonder if that’s what Susannah’s done to find out about me?

  Grabbing my mobile, I get straight onto the web and search P.I’s in Brighton. Choosing the first one that comes up, I put my bag down and plunge my hand inside to find my little notepad so I can write the number down. I locate a pen, but no pad?

  My tiny little notepad has disappeared? I search again. Nothing? I see a bench nearby so I walk over to it, sit down and take everything out of my bag. Nope it’s definitely gone….and so have my keys? I feel all the blood drain out of my face. This isn’t happening!

  I swallow hard and try to think back to this morning. I definitely put them in my bag after I locked up. So where are they now? I feel the tears bubble up to the surface, but I push back at them. I have to think logically about this.

  Ok, as far as my notepad goes, maybe I dropped it at Tristan’s or something? But as for my keys?…I feel a strange tingling sensation start at the top of my head and wonder all the way down the length of my spine – Susannah has them! – My inner voice says. I shake my head at that thought. No, no way, I would have seen her take them out of my.... Oh shit! I had a bathroom break while she was still at my desk.

  I close my eyes and push the thought away, I can't even bare to think about it. I'm sure I’ll find them, I tell myself trying to ease the panic, but I know deep down inside, my suspicions maybe right. Shaking my head, I shove everything back inside my bag, and get back to the task in hand.

  Re-awakening my mobile, I commit the number to memory then check out the address, it’s not far at all. Calling them up. I check to see if I can come straight over, I'm told I can but I’ll have a half an hour wait. I put the call on hold and make a call to Joyce; she agrees to give me the extra time. I thank her and hang up. Going back to the call I tell them I’ll be there in twenty minutes. As I’m stomping through town, and trying not to freak out about Susannah, and my keys, I get a call on my mobile – Tristan!

  Oh, no, no, no! Really bad timing! I actually feel reluctant to answer it. I'm worried, and I don't want my voice to give me away. I know I need to tell him what’s going on, but I’d rather do that face to face, so I take a deep breath and press answer.

  “Tristan,” I pant, as I'm walking so quickly.

  “Coral is everything ok?” he asks.

  “Um...yeah. Why?” I ask.

  “Susannah just called me’ – my heart sinks and a lump forms in my throat – ‘she’s gone back to the hotel.” I clear my throat.

  “Really, why?” I ask trying to sound nonchalant.

  “Migraine, she gets them now and again’ – I feel myself instantly relax – ‘but she did say that your training isn’t going too well?” he adds – Cheeky Bitch!

  “Well maybe if she had a little more patience’ – I stop myself from going on a rant – ‘I'm tired Tristan, I haven’t been sleeping well,” I say hoping he’ll believe me.

  “Me neither,” he says. “Can't stop thinking about my beautiful wife to be.” I smile for what feels like the first time in a long while. “I miss you,” he says all huskily.

  “Me too,” I croak feeling melancholy again.

  “Don't cry baby,” he soothes.

  “I'm sorry,” I choke again, pushing back the lump stuck in my throat. “I'm just...I want you here with me,” I whisper.

  “I know. I wish I were there too baby.” Tristan softly says.

  I stop walking and close my eyes. “Where are you?” I ask.

  “Leeds, hold on baby’ – I hear him talking to someone in the background – ‘Gotta go, I’ll call you tonight,” he tells me.

  “Actually I’ll be at Gladys’s, I don't know how late it’ll be,” I say.

  “Call me anyway,” he says. “I want to know you got home safely,” he adds.

  “I will,” I answer softly.

  “Bye gorgeous,” he croons.

  “Bye baby,” I croak. I hear the line go dead.

  Taking a deep breath, I carry on walking, determined to complete my mission...

  AS SOON AS I’M BACK AT WORK I run through reception, up the stairs and along the hallway. The only thing I have on my mind is searching for my keys, as I reach my desk, I'm about to wrench open the top draw when I spy a post-it note, underneath the note are my keys.

  Found these on the floor. Susannah.

  Yeah right! I rip the note of them, and place the keys inside my bag. Just at that moment, Joyce comes out of her office. “Susannah’s gone home,” she tells me.

  “I know,” I answer. Joyce cocks her head to the side. “Tristan called me,” I add.

  Joyce smiles warmly at me. I try to smile back and sit at my desk, expecting Joyce to go back into her office but she’s hovering.

  I look up at her, she seems miles away.“Joyce. You ok?” I a

  Joyce nods once. “Susannah was acting really oddly again today. Came in a couple of minutes after you left, said she was going on lunch, twenty minutes later, she was back telling me she was leaving for the day? She looked all worked up, she really is an odd ball,” she says with her hands on her hips, staring down the hallway. “Well, she gone for now, I suppose.” Joyce adds.

  I nod silently as I half listen to Joyce. I'm too busy thinking about my keys, and trying to work out how they magically jumped out of my bag onto the floor.

  “Are you alright Coral?” Joyce asks, pulling me from my musing.

  “Of course.” I answer. “Can I get you anything?” I quickly add as Joyce is gazing quizzically at me.

  “Yes. Tea please Coral.” I nod in reply and watch Joyce walk back into her office.

  As I'm in the kitchen preparing her tea, I wonder if my keys really did fall out of my bag. Maybe I didn’t do the zip up properly or something? Sleep deprivation can do that to a person. I shake my head at myself, no good trying to work out what happened, point is, I have them back safely.

  The rest of the afternoon goes by swimmingly without Susannah here. I decide not to tell Joyce about Susannah threatening me, I think she will freak out about it, and I don't want her to. If Joyce is right, and Susannah is playing some sort of game, the last thing I'm going to do is let her get one over on me. I stay past finishing time, all this training has meant I’ve gotten behind with my usual work, and I like feeling as though I’m on top of things – Control freak!

  FINALLY FINISHING UP FOR THE DAY, I decide to get a taxi and head straight over to Gladys as it’s already 6.30pm, there’s no point going home. I must remember to have it out with Gladys tonight. I want to know what’s being hidden from me. I will find out tonight, by hook or by crook, she will tell me.

  In a daze, I head out of work, walking up St James’s street I locate a taxi and head over to Gladys’s. As I reach the front door I knock three times, I don’t want to catch Gladys and Malcolm at it again.

  The door flies open, Gladys beams brightly at me and throws her arms open wide.


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