CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)

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CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) Page 29

by Delaney, Clair

  “No, it can wait till Monday,” Joyce answers waving her hand at me, but her attention has gone back to staring down the hallway, her eyebrows pulled together as though she’s concentrating really hard on something.

  Picking up my handbag, I stand up walk over to Joyce and kiss her goodbye.

  “Have a great time tonight,” she beams.

  “Thanks,” I squeak and smile like a love struck teenager – Tristan’s coming home!

  Joyce chuckles at my reaction then turns and heads back into her office.

  I take a deep breath then head down the hallway. Reaching reception, I see that Joe’s already gone, walking round the desk I pick up Tristan’s present. As I reach the doors to the building, Tom wanders over and holds it open for me.

  “Thanks Tom, have a great weekend,” I tell him, he smiles fondly at me.

  Stepping into the warm afternoon sunshine, I begin walking towards the main road, almost dropping Tristan’s present twice, it’s so big and cumbersome. I definitely need to get a taxi home tonight!

  As I attempt to get my mobile out of my bag, whilst keeping a grip on the present, it slips from my hands again – Shit! As I reach down to catch it, strong hands encase mine, stopping the present from hitting the floor. My eyes dart up – Tristan!

  “Hey beautiful,” he croons. My Hero!

  His eyes crinkle, and his dimples deepen as his enigmatic smile captures me, I feel all the air leave my lungs. God he looks good!

  His crisp white shirt is folded up at the sleeves, with the top three buttons open, giving me an eyeful of his strong masculine chest, he’s wearing those dark blue suit trousers that make his legs look long and lean, and his aviators are tucked into his shirt pocket. My heart has stopped, then restarted at a ridiculous rate – Oh I’m so in love with you Tristan, so in love…

  Like an idiot, I just stand there, totally paralysed. Then my brain fires up.

  “Hi,” I squeak, reflecting his deepening grin.

  Tristan’s smile gets broader, his dimples on full wattage. “Need some help?” he asks all husky and sexy.

  “Yeah, I think I do,” I chuckle. Tristan takes the present out of my hands and leans it against his leg. “Thanks,” I whisper.

  “You’re welcome,” he teases.

  “Shall we go?” I ask. Hoping he’ll say yes – I want him and I want him now!

  Tristan shakes his head at me and softly caresses my cheek.

  “First, I want a kiss,” he murmurs, his thumb tracing my bottom lip, he slowly leans down to reach my lips. I'm instantly overtaken by his hypnotic scent, it invades my senses again, making me loose all thoughts. Then softly and slowly his lips meet mine – All the worries, the anxiety, and the fears I’ve had over the past week, simply disappear as his soft, full, warm lips brush tenderly against mine.

  I close my eyes and surrender to it. “Tristan,” I whisper against his lips. I'm so glad he’s home.

  “Missed you,” he whispers against my lips.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I answer softly, tears pooling in my eyes – Fucks sake!

  “Hey.” He gently wipes a stray tear away. I shake my head and laugh at myself. “That’s better,” he coos. I smile up at him, but as we stand gazing at one another, I'm suddenly gripped with the fear that Susannah may have seen us – We need to get out of the public eye!

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, taking my free hand in his and squeezing it tight. I shake my head, I can't tell him about Susannah, not yet.

  “Just want to get you home, so I can have you all to myself,” I tell him.

  “Ditto,” he breathes leaning down for another kiss.

  I smile against his lips. “You really have missed me,” I say, wrapping my arms around him.

  “More than you will ever know,” he answers softly, embracing me tightly. Then he pulls back, and we smile broadly at each other, like two loved up fools.

  “Come on,” he says and picking up the present, he tugs on my hand and we start walking.

  I grip his hand even more tightly, and hope that Susannah, or any of the other secretaries aren’t around to see this.

  “I didn’t think you’d be back this early?” I say. Glancing across at him - Damn he looks too good to be true! So sexy!

  “I managed to leave early,” he answers smiling broadly at me.

  “Oh!” I murmur.

  “What have you got in here?” he asks, struggling a little with the awkward shape of the present.

  “You’ll see,” I say sweetly, batting my lashes at him and wondering what his reactions going to be.

  He chuckles at my vain attempt to be flirtatious, and we head down towards the coolness of the multi-storey car park. Reaching his F-Type, he places the present in the boot of the car, then opens my door for me – He’s such a gent.

  Smiling broadly at him, I take his hand and he helps me slip into the low seat. I watch him walk around to the driver’s side, and sliding gracefully into the driver’s seat, he starts the engine. I feel its low rumble vibrate beneath me. Tristan slips his aviators on, pulls out of the dark car park and heads into traffic.

  Taking my hand in his, he squeezes it tight. “Do we need to stop at yours?” he asks.

  I nod at him then start giggling.

  “What?” he chuckles.

  I shake my head. “Nothing, I'm just really glad you’re back.”

  He brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “Me too,” he says.

  When we reach the Marina. Tristan parks the car at the gym, turns off the engine and comes round to help me out of the car. We walk hand in hand down the concourse, stealing glances at one another. Finally reaching my studio, I pull my keys out and unlock the patio door.

  “Have you packed for the weekend? Tristan asks as we step inside. I nod shyly at him and smile, his answering grin is infectious. “Where are your bags gorgeous?” he asks, pulling me into him.

  “Upstairs, on the bed,” I whisper.

  “Ok,” he says. He kisses me briefly and goes to move, but I stop him. “You ok?” he questions.

  I swallow hard against the lump in my throat, being here back in the studio with Tristan next to me, it all comes crashing down on me, everything that’s happened this week.

  I shake my head and crush myself against him, my head on his chest, my arms wrapped tightly around his back. Tristan doesn’t say anything, he simply wraps his arms around my shoulders, squeezing me tightly and resting his cheek on my head, then I feel him kiss the top of my head several times. I close my eyes and surrender to the feeling – This is what I need, what I’ve missed. I sigh blissfully – I could stay here forever.

  “Baby,” he croaks, rubbing his hands across my back. I don't want to open my eyes, but I do and look up at him.

  “Yeah?” I croak.

  “It’s really hot in here,” he says. I look up at him, and see he’s melting. His cheeks have flushed, and tiny beads of sweat have formed across his brow. Then I realise he’s right; the studio has got toasty hot without the air-conditioning on.

  “Oh, sorry,” I chuckle and release him from the hug.

  “Don’t be,” he laughs. “That was really nice, let’s get going so we can do it again,” he adds tracing a finger down my cheek.

  I nod and pull on his hand, Tristan follows me up the stairs.

  “Now there’s a site I could look at forever,” he says with delicious delight.

  I stop halfway up the stairs and turn to him. “What is?” I chuckle. Tristan cocks his head to the side, leans forward and bites my right butt cheek.

  I yelp in surprise. “Tristan!” I scold in laughter.

  “What? You have the most amazing ass, it’s the perfect shape,” he tells me.

  I shake my head at him and feeling a little self-conscious, I run up the last few steps. Tristan laughs even harder and follows me up. “Now what?” I chuckle.

  “Looks even better bouncing up and down,” he chuckles cheekily.

  My mouth pops open
in shock. I go to mock punch his shoulder, but he grabs my wrist, twists my whole body round and pulls me into him, so my back is against his chest. With his arms wrapped tightly around me, he leans down and whispers into my ear. “If we don’t get a move on, I'm going to take you in here woman,” he says, his voice low with sensual promise.

  “Then do,” I challenge and lean my head back giving him full access to my neck.

  “Don’t temp me,” he growls huskily and pecks my neck, then releases me. I cross my arms and pout; I hate it when he says no.

  “Hey,” he softly says. “I want to, but not here ok?”

  “Why?” I question.

  Tristan runs a hand through his hair. “Because it’s hot, I need a shower and I’m hungry,” he says, frowning down at me. “And you need to eat,” he adds, his eyes full of some emotion I can't name.

  “Oh,” I sigh.

  “Yeah, oh,” he titters – I can't help it, I smile back at him.

  Tristan picks up my weekend bag and the bag of lingerie. I'm so glad it’s folded over so he can’t see what’s inside. I pick up my dress.

  “What’s in the bag?” he asks gesturing to what I have in my hand.

  “You’ll see,” I smile then peck him on the lips, and head down the stairs with Tristan following me.

  “Got everything?” he asks as he reaches the bottom step.

  “Yep.” Reaching up onto my tiptoes, I peck him on the lips again. Tristan smiles, readjusts my bag on his shoulder and scans the room. Suddenly his gaze stops, and his body goes rigid. I watch in horror as his face falls and his eyes darken.

  “What’s that?” he asks in a deep, low voice as he gestures with his chin to the alarm on the front door – Shit! What do I say? I don't want him to know what my real fear is – That I think I know who it was! – That someone already got in!

  “N-Nothing, one of the neighbours had a little trouble with a drunken idiot, so I got one of those,” I stutter.

  He turns and stares blankly at me for a moment, his cheeks have blushed red and his eyes have gone really dark; he does not look happy – Shit!

  “Is that an alarm?” he asks, his voice low and dark.

  “Yes,” I answer smartly. Tristan closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and slowly shakes his head. I can tell he’s mad, and he’s trying to reign in his temper.

  “If there was some trouble, why didn’t you go and stay at ours?” He snaps, glaring down at me, frustration rolling of him.

  I sigh heavily and look up at him. “Because there’s too many memories there Tristan, and I didn’t want to be rattling around that big house on my own, besides I was fine,” I gripe and swallow hard – I hope he can't tell I'm keeping something from him. Tristan frowns and narrows his eyes at me, scrutinizing me – Shit!

  “I can take care of myself Tristan,” I huff.

  “I don’t doubt that,” he says between gritted teeth then he looks at the door again – Great!

  “Come on,” I try to usher him out the door, but I can't budge him.

  “What are those?” he asks, his chin pointing towards my Eskrima sticks that are lying on the sofa.

  I roll my eyes at him purposely. “Will’s teaching me a new technique,” I say nonchalantly. Tristan’s eyes narrow as he looks back at me. “I thought you said you were hot,” I add, trying to get him out of the studio before he puts two and two together.

  Pursing his lips he hesitates for a moment then turns to walk forward, just as Bob comes walking through the patio door.

  “Hey Bob,” I smile, glad for the interruption; but he doesn’t smile back at me. Instead, he makes a beeline for Tristan and shakes his hand – That’s odd!

  “You tell your fella about someone trying to get in?” he asks.

  Tristan’s head whips round to me. I feel my heart sink to the pit of my stomach, and all the colour drain from my face. God damn it Bob!

  “No Bob,” I sigh in resignation – The cat’s out the bag! “Not yet,” I add.

  “Oh!” Bob looks a little embarrassed.

  I stomp out of the studio and wait for the two of them to follow. Bob is first, he mouths ‘sorry’ to me as he passes me, I shrug and try to smile at him, I guess he didn’t know I’d be keeping it a secret. As Tristan follows Bob, I see he looks mad, really fucking mad, but he’s hiding it well – Oh well that’s just bloody wonderful, Bob I could kill you for this!

  With fumbling hands, I lock the patio door and turn to Bob. “See you Sunday,” I tell him.

  “Coral you don’t need to do that,” he tells me. “Gladys is having me over,” he adds.

  “Oh...well, ok then. I’ll see you soon, take care.” Bob smiles apologetically at me. I lean in and kiss his cheek, then turn and start walking along the concourse.

  I hear Tristan’s footsteps easily catching up with me. “You weren’t going to tell me?” he snaps, almost shouting. Damn it! – I keep my eyes forward and shake my head.

  “Why not Coral?” Oh boy, he’s fuming!

  “Because I knew you’d worry,” I answer, staring straight ahead.

  “When we get back to the house, you’re telling me everything!” He’s practically bouncing from one foot to the other, he’s that mad. I stop walking and glare up at him. He silently glares back at me – two angry fools neither wanting to back down.

  “No-one tells me what to do Tristan. I get you’re upset about it, but I’ll tell you in my own damn time, when I'm ready!” I shout, feeling like I want to stamp my feet.

  “You should have told me’ – “I’m going back to the car. Are you coming?” I interrupt. Ok, he’s seething!

  Shaking my head at him, I stomp off in the direction of the car park. Tristan silently follows me. Reaching the car, he opens the boot and places my bags next to his. I lay my dress across the top, then he shuts the boot, we glance at one another at the same time.

  Tristan shakes his head, takes two quick strides and crushes me into him, squeezing me so tight, I almost can't breathe.

  “I'm alright,” I say trying to reassure him. Tristan leans back and looks down at me, his expression is one of confusion. Then his eyebrows knit together, he sighs heavily and looks up over my head, as though he is searching for something, when his eyes reach mine again, he frowns even harder.

  “What’s wrong?” I whisper.

  He shakes his head at me and stares out so sea. I swallow hard – Fuck he’s changed his mind about us!

  “I wish you would tell me,” I say. “You know how I worry, and right now I'm thinking you’re changing your mind about us. I will tell you what happened. I just didn’t want you to worry at the time. Besides, you were away there was nothing you could have done.” I end on a whisper.

  Tristan’s head whips down to look at me, he shakes it three times, then sighs heavily. “You’ve lost weight,” he softly says, his brows still knitted together.

  I stare back at him in wonder. I got that wrong, I thought he was still mad about my not telling him. Then when I really look at him, I see he’s lost weight too. His face looks slightly thinner, and back at the studio I noticed his trousers were hanging a little lower.

  “So have you,” I answer back. Tristan nods then smiles, my favourite cheeky grin appears, he chuckles once his dimples deepening then he frowns again.

  “Not as much as you. You look like you’ve dropped a stone in five days Coral,” he admonishes. I shrug and smile, not really much I can do about it.

  “Coral please try’ – “Tristan, I can't help that I’ve lost my appetite!” I glare back at him. Are we really going to start fighting already, can’t we at least have some more kisses and sex first?

  “No...” he sighs. “I suppose you can’t, haven’t had much of one myself,” he says, taking my hand in his and kissing my knuckles. My stomach muscles clench as I get a vivid image of us, naked, having hot steamy sex –Whoa! I want him and I want him now!

  I look away to try and calm my beating heart. “We can make up for it tonight, when we eat out.�
� I tell him. But now he’s here I don't want to go out and share him with the rest of the world, I want to stay inside, eat Chinese food, drink wine and have all night sex – Yes, that’s what I want. “Or not,” I snort nervously.

  “No?” Tristan’s fingertips pull on my chin so I have to look up at him. Leaning forward so our lips are almost touching, my breath catches; the sheer proximity of him is enough to make my legs tremble. I instantly moisten down below. “What do you want to do?” he asks brushing his lips softly against mine, teasing me.

  I close my eyes fully expecting him to kiss me, but he doesn’t, I open my eyes just as Tristan takes my face in his hands. “What do you want Coral?” he asks, trying to read my expression.

  “You,” I gasp and tug on his open shirt, so he has no choice but to lean in. “All night long,” I add panting heavily – Jeez he hasn’t even kissed me!

  His lips reach mine, and I feel it right down there, instantly. I gasp against his lips, and he groans a low, deep sexy sound, his lips parting, then his tongue is in my mouth.

  My hands knot in his hair and I pull him harder against my lips, kissing him back, claiming him, possessing him, binding him to me…oh Tristan, I have missed you so…

  His arms wrap tightly around me, one around my shoulders, the other around my waist, pressing me forcefully against the length of his body, I can feel his erection growing against me…Whoa! – I want him in my bed. I want him to take me over, and over until I can't take anymore. I need to get this raging, passionate feeling out of my system.

  Unfortunately, we hear a bunch of kids whooping and laughing, so we quickly pull away. I look across and see they are school kids, still in their uniforms. A couple of the boys start clapping and laughing as they pass us – Not good, now I’m embarrassed.

  I smile shyly up at Tristan, my breathing heavy, blood pumping loudly in my ears. He is staring down at me. “You want to stay in?” He pants.

  “Yes.” I stare up into his wide eyes that are heated and filled with desire. Yes!

  “You don't want to go out?” he questions.

  I shake my head. “No.” Screw the dress!

  “Alright,” he says, measuring my expression. “But don’t think you’re getting away with not eating,” he admonishes. “Your frame is too small,” he adds, his eyes blazing.


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