“Hey,” I say sitting next to him again.
“Mrs Freeman,” he teases – My heart stutters hearing that said…Whoa!
The waiter comes over for the fourth time asking if we are ready to order, I think he’s getting impatient with us. Tristan offers for me to go first, picking up the Menu I blast off the first thing that catches my eye.
“I’ll have the Langoustine & Scallop Ravioli,” I say glancing at Tristan; he seems to have recovered and is back to his old self.
“I’ll have the pan fried Beef and a side of Pont Neuf Potatoes,” he says in a firm, authoritative voice.
“Any sides for you madam?” the waiter asks.
“No, no thank you,” I say.
“For you sir?” Tristan is gazing at me with the most ridiculous smile on his face. He shakes his head at the waiter. “Very good.” The waiter takes our menus and walks away.
“I was thinking,” I say. “About what you asked me,” I add.
Tristan looks intrigued. “Go on,” he prompts as he tops up our wine.
“Well, since I have the money from Gladys, I was thinking about what you said about what career I really want.”
“You have?” he smiles, my heart starts to beat rapidly.
“I just thought…as I'm so interested in cooking, maybe I could take a course or something?”
“Or go back to school,” he suggests.
“Give up my job?” I question.
“I thought that’s what’ – “No Tristan. I was thinking more of a hobby, you know a couple of nights a week or something.” Blondie is not getting my job!
“Not full time?” he clarifies.
“No,” I bite, wondering if he’s suggesting that because of what I’ve just told him.
“Hey,” he says softly. “I was only asking.”
I smile nervously at him, laughing a little as I do. “Sorry, I like my job, I don't want to give it up,” I say hesitantly.
“Then don't,” Tristan chuckles lightly, I relax into my chair. That was a bad idea, I'm obviously still reeling about Blondie – I need to get her out of my head.
“But I think you should take the classes, I think you’ll love it,” he tells me.
“I’ll look into it,” I tell him, then my other idea comes up, but I'm not sure if Tristan will want to do it.
“There’s something else too, something I’ve wanted to learn for a really long time. I was going to ask Rob to go with me, but with everything he has going on with Carlos....” I drift off feeling a little melancholy. I’ve missed my friend, badly, and I’ve missed Carlos too. It’s been really strange not having them around, it’s like they’re my family.
“What is it?” Tristan asks pulling me from my musing.
“Salsa dancing,” I blurt, but I don't think he’ll want to do it.
Tristan starts chuckling. I sigh inwardly. “It’s ok. I guess I can go on my own. I just don't want to end up with some creepy dance partner!”
“You’re not going alone,” Tristan snaps. “The last thing in the world I want is another man’s paws all over you,” he adds. Oh!
“You…you want to...to go?” I squeak in amazement.
“Hell yes! Seeing you in one of those little dresses, salsa dancing around the room’ – Tristan’s cheeks have flushed –‘I can just imagine how well you’ll do, and how gorgeous you’ll look.” Tristan’s eyes dance with hunger. I did not expect that!
“Really?” I laugh excitedly.
“Yes,” he chuckles.
I lean forward, take his face in my hands and kiss him hard. “Thank you,” I say then clap my hands together in glee.
Tristan laughs hard at my expression. “Like a kid in a sweet shop,” he says. “So you’re going to have some pretty busy evenings, cooking and dancing?” I nod in excitement. “That’s good baby,” he says his eyes all warm, melting me into the seat.
Our meals arrive taking us by surprise. As we tuck in and try a little of each others, I ask Tristan what he fancies doing tomorrow. Apparently, he already has something planned.
My heart flips with excitement, and no matter how hard I try I cannot get him to tell me, much to Tristan’s amusement and my annoyance. I'm still not too comfortable with not knowing what’s going to happen.
As we both finish our meals, and sit gazing out at the setting sun Tristan turns, smiles adoringly at me then looks down at the ring, the diamond sparkling brightly at us both. I lean forward to kiss Tristan, but his sharp intake of breathe stops me.
“Susannah?” He breathes. I flip my head round and see her kissing some man on the cheek as they both sit down at a table. What the hell is she doing here?
I immediately hide my left hand. I wonder for a moment if she somehow knew we were in here? Maybe she’s been following me? I swallow hard at that thought.
Susannah is immaculately dressed in a long black evening dress, with a split along the right leg that goes right up to the thigh – Ugh!
Her make-up is perfect, her long blonde hair shining brightly in the soft lighting. Maybe divorce suits some people?
“I’d better go and say hello,” Tristan says. What?
“Fine!” I mumble childishly. I watch Tristan stand, then walk across the restaurant to Susannah, my heart in my mouth the whole time.
When he reaches her, she smiles warmly at him, her eyes shining brightly. They kiss on the cheek and she gazes adoringly at Tristan as he talks to her, suddenly her head whips round to me. I glare at her, then Tristan looks my way, so I quickly throw in a fake smile.
Susannah nods and smiles at Tristan, then takes her seat again. As Tristan walks back over to me, I see her glare at me with that really weird look she had on Friday.
I subtly shake my head at her – Now we both know who’s playing games.
“Who was she with?” I ask Tristan before he’s even sat down.
“Her solicitor,” he says sitting back down. “For the divorce,” he adds. Yeah right!
“Why isn’t she using someone from the company?” I ask.
“I have no idea Coral,” he answers dryly.
“Shouldn’t she be back in London?” I ask feeling more and more irritated by the minute.
“She’s free to do whatever she wants at the weekend,” he tells me firmly. “Did you want a sweet?” Tristan asks, trying to change the subject.
“No thanks. You?” Tristan shakes his head – I want to get out of here.
“What’s she still doing in Brighton?” I ask as calmly as I can.
“I don't know Coral.” Tristan’s answer seems sincere.
I don’t want to argue about her, or have her come between us, especially after Tristan’s proposal, this should be a special night.
“Shall we go?” I ask softly, moving my hand towards his arm, trying to act as though I'm not bothered that she’s there.
Tristan pulls his arm away and leans back in his seat looking uncomfortable. “She thinks I’ve taken you out to say thanks for your hard work, purely platonic.” I frown deeply at him.
“Why would you say that? Surely she just caught us kissing?” I say feeling bruised. Tristan says nothing. “What! She can't keep a secret for you?” I add snorting sarcastically at him. Maybe he does have feelings for her?
“Coral’ – “I'm going to the ladies then I’d like to go home,” I say, trying to sound normal but my throat is thick with unshed tears. I calmly walk away, I don't want anyone to see we’ve been arguing – especially not Blondie.
I storm into the restroom and stand in front of the mirrors. I take a deep breath and stare back at my own reflection. Keep it together Coral!
I shake my head at myself in exasperation. Ok, let’s think about this logically, there has to be are several options as to why she is here. I nod in agreement with myself and begin my assessment.
Ok, firstly, it could be that she really is getting divorced, and that’s why she’s got a solicitor with her, but I’ve never heard of a solicitor taking a client out for a mea
l to discuss their divorce?
I shake my head at that one.
Secondly, it could just be coincidence. I have to question that. Could it be she just happened to be in the same restaurant? Somehow, I doubt that. No, no, no, I shake my head, remembering what she said – ‘Tristan and I are engaged…we just couldn’t help ourselves’ I think there’s a real possibility that she knew we were here. I shake my head again, she can't be feeling too good right now seeing me with Tristan – I can't help smiling at that one.
Ok, so the only option left is that she knows we were here so she followed us. A shiver runs down my spine at that thought. Ok, I’m definitely going with stalking. There isn’t another explanation for it, but how did she know we were here?
I picture her in my studio again, trifling through my belongings…stealing my belongings – Get back to Tristan Coral!
Sighing heavily I stare back at myself in the mirror. It’s no good, I need to tell Tristan everything I know, everything that’s happened. I need to trust that no matter what, he’ll believe me, stay with me, choose me, not Susannah.
I instantly picture his face, his angry face, ok, not tonight, but definitely tomorrow. Forget her Coral, take a deep breath and get back to your man!
I stare at myself in the mirror again. I decide to be brave, walk out there and take my man home. I look down at my myself, I have a dress on for the very first time in my life – Don’t let Susannah ruin this night!
I nod in agreement with myself. I’m wearing a dress and I feel really good in it, then I think about the sexy underwear I have on, and what Tristan’s reaction will be to it. I picture us going home, Tristan stripping this dress off me, his eyes lighting up when he sees the sexy underwear have on. I instantly imagine him making love to me, on the floor, in front of the fire. My stomach flutters with desire. Whoa!
With that idea firmly set in my mind, I quickly wash my hands, being careful with my new ring and head out of the ladies. Rounding the corner, I look down the restaurant to where we are seated, Tristan is gone and so has his jacket – Fuck! He’s left me….I feel all the blood drain out of my face.
I search the room frantically looking for him, when I locate him I feel my heart drop into the pit of my stomach – He’s sat next to Susannah and she looks like she’s crying – and he has her hand in his!
I take two steps back, shaking my head in disbelief – No, no, no, no, no! This is not happening!
Susannah glances up, I know she’s seen me, she purposely starts choking back tears, Tristan looks a little lost and just as I thought, he tries to comfort her. He puts his arm around her shoulder, she leans into his chest and puts her arm around his waist – That’s it, I’m done!
I stomp out the Restaurant, down the gangplank and head in the direction of the Marina, my heels clicking loudly against the pavement.
I should feel nervous, it’s gone dark and I’m on my own, but I’m too mad to think about that. Besides, they are loads of people out tonight, enjoying the warm evening, and the street lamps are lighting up the pavement and the roads. At least there are no dark alleyways I have to walk down!
A slight breeze kicks up, it makes me shiver slightly, I wrap my arms around myself and quicken my pace. I’m so mad at Tristan I can’t believe he would do that with any woman, let alone Susannah. This is supposed to be our night, he just proposed to me for Christ sake!
Five minutes into my walk, I hear my mobile buzz in my purse. I know it’s going to be Tristan. I wonder for a second if I should answer it, I instantly picture him holding Susannah and change my mind. He can just stew for now!
Just as I pass Brighton Pier, I notice a bunch of men walking down the pier towards me, they are loud and definitely pissed up.
My mobile buzzes again, I picture Tristan’s face, his frantic look as he searches for me – God damn it! I stop walking, open my purse and pull my mobile out. I look at the screen – Yep its Tristan. I feel torn, on the one hand, I want him to stew, on the other I don’t want to worry him, I don’t like causing him pain.
Reluctantly, I answer it. “What?” I snap.
“Where the hell are you?” he snaps back.
“I’m going back to my studio,” I bark.
“Coral’ – “Don’t,” I say, my voice shaking.
“I don’t understand’ – “You’re a smart man Tristan, I’m sure you’ll figure it out!” I say hanging up on him.
“Alright sexy!” I hear a man shout, slurring his words.
Keeping my head down I glance to the right and see the bunch of men have nearly reached me. Ignoring them, I carry on walking.
“Ah don’t be like that.” A different one shouts. Just keep walking, I tell myself, but I hear them all laughing, egging each other on, their footsteps following me – Shit!
I search the roads, hoping I’ll see a taxi that I can flag down, but wouldn’t you know it, not one passes me by. My heart starts to hammer against my chest, and my mouth feels as dry as a bone. I wonder for a second if I should call Tristan? I’m starting to feel a little panicky, and I have every reason to, because just as I think that one of them grabs my arm.
“Come on sexy, come out with us.” Spinning round to face them all, I yank my arm out of his grasp.
“Don’t touch me,” I threaten, feeling my blood boil within me.
They all look at each other, and smirk. There’s five of them, and I notice two of them can barely stand up straight, they are so pissed – Ok, stay calm!
I go to turn around, so I can walk away from them, but they surround me, like a pack of wolves ready to take down an injured animal.
“Don’t be like that,” the leader says. I try to shove past one of them, but he laughs and pushes me backwards. Shit!
All the training I’ve done with Will has disappeared; literally fallen out of my head, my mind is completely blank. I try not to panic, but I don’t think I would if it was just one of them, but how the hell am I meant to protect myself from five?
“What’s your rush?” the other one asks, mock punching the leader. They both start laughing again. I need to get out of here!
The leader takes a step closer to me. I take a step back and come up against the chest of one of them. I spin around and using both my hands I slam into his chest, he staggers backwards, leaving an opening. I push past the other and out of their circle. Thank god!
I want to run, but I don’t want to show them how threatened I feel, quickening my pace, I make the stupid mistake of looking behind me. I see the leader laugh and slap his friend on the back, then they both start jogging towards me – Shit!
“What’s your name?” the leader asks as he reaches me.
I keep my eyes forward and ignore him.
“Oi I’m talking to you,” he shouts and grabs my arm again.
“Get off me!” I screech and try to pull my arm out of his grasp – Right at that moment he’s yanked away from me, and I’m pushed to the side. Tristan!
Tristan growls and punches the guy so hard I think I hear bones crack. He crumples in a heap on the floor. His friend launches toward Tristan, but he’s taken down just as quickly, then Tristan’s head whips round to me.
“Get in the car Coral,” he growls and turns back to glare wildly at my would be attackers. I hear him say the words and I know I should, but I feel frozen to the floor.
In a daze I turn and see Stuart get out of the Jag, he walks around car and opens the back passenger door for me; he doesn’t seem to be concerned about Tristan at all.
The leader stumbles back up, his eye is split, blood pouring from it and I think his nose is bleeding too. He wipes his nose with his hand, sees the blood and bunches his hands into fists.
“I wouldn’t,” Tristan warns.
The guy turns and glares at me. “Fucking dick tease,” he spits. Dick Tease? I’m a dick tease for saying no to you? Anger rears up inside me, I feel livid. My training comes back into play and all I want to do is hit the guy.
I drop my bag, clench my
fists and take two steps towards him, but Tristan steps in front of me, effectively blocking me. No!
“Come on then!” He shouts, stepping towards me. I try to step around Tristan, but he yanks me behind him keeping his eyes locked on the guy. “Fucking whore!” He spits, blood splattering the ground in front of us.
Tristan hits him again, it happens so fast it’s almost a blur. I stare at him, lying face down, out cold on the floor. The other guy stumbles up to his feet, just as his other friends start making their way over to us – Uh-oh!
“Move,” Tristan growls yanking me by the arm, he quickly bends down and picks up my bag. My steps falter as I try to keep up with him marching us over to the car. With the door already open, Tristan shoves me inside and slides in next to me – Holy fuck!
Stuart slams the door shut, jumps into the driver seat and instantly drives away, tires squealing as he does. We drive back up to the house in complete silence. Stuart pulls up in the driveway, keeping the engine running. Tristan steps out then leans inside with his hand. I silently take it, sliding across the seat in a daze. Tristan helps me to my feet then he leans down and nods to Stuart who pulls away.
We silently walk to the front door. Tristan unlocks it and gestures for me to go first. I take a step and stumble in my heels, my legs don’t feel like my own. Tristan wraps his arm around my waist, and slowly walks me inside. I hear him shut the door, and punch the code in for the alarm.
“Coral,” his voice is firm and sharp. He comes and stands in front of me, assessing me. “Are you alright?” he asks frowning down at me.
I don’t have any words, but I’m shaking from head to toe.
“Coral?” I go to speak, but my mouth just opens and closes, I feel really weird?
“You’re in shock,” he says, then scooping me up into his arms, he walks over to the sofa and gently sits me down. “Please don’t move,” he adds.
I watch Tristan walk into the kitchen, removing his jacket as he does. Returning to me he places a can of Pepsi in my hand, I shake my head at him. He rolls his eyes at me, takes the can off me, opens it up and places it back in my hand.
CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) Page 38