“Jesus...Oli,” he whispers. Does he mean Olivia?
Bile rises in my throat, if Olivia still loves him…and he her…my stomach twists with anxiety.
No, stop this Coral!
I take a deep breath and think about my next question. “How did Susannah react when you turned her down? You told me she was ok about it, was she?” I tentatively ask.
Tristan shakes his head. “No she wasn’t, she was a little snappy, erratic. I gave her some time off. When she came back she was good as new.”
“It was Susannah who told you about Olivia, wasn’t it?” I say.
His head snaps up. “How do you know her name?” he asks his voice icy cold.
“I…I spoke to her,” I whisper, instantly feeling guilty.
“You did what?” he growls launching himself up from the coffee table, his hands balling into fists. “How could you Coral,” he adds then starts pacing the room, up down, up down – This is going nowhere!
“Tristan, please sit down,” I plead.
He shakes his head and carries on pacing, his jaw tensing every now and then. “How did you get her number? Did you get information on her like Susannah?” He’s not going to let this go.
“Yes, I asked for her info, I wanted to speak to her. I was suspicious that it might have been Susannah who split you up,” I say, feeling downhearted.
“You shouldn’t have done that Coral,” he says between clenched teeth.
“Tristan, I am sorry I did this behind your back, but my intentions were good. You have a mentally unstable member of staff who has close access to you…I…I was afraid…afraid she would hurt you, hurt me, I just didn’t know. Olivia clarified it for me, I’m sorry I called her, ok?”
Tristan turns away from me, shaking his head as he does, then he crosses his arms, and stares out the window – Now I’m getting mad with him!
“Was it Susannah?” I ask again. He doesn’t reply, he doesn’t even turn around to look at me. “Fine! You don't want to talk to me about it, I may aswell leave.” I stand up from the sofa.
Tristan is instantly over to me. “Don't go,” he pleads.
“Why not, there’s no point staying,” I choke. “You won't listen to me, just like you didn’t listen to Olivia.” I turn on my heel and storm towards the door – I’m so mad at him right now.
“Yes!” he shouts, stopping me in my tracks. I turn and face him. “She told me,” he says hanging his head.
“You lied to me!” I bark.
“How?” he questions.
“You told me that Susannah didn’t know anything about you and Olivia.” I snap.
Tristan hangs his head in shame. “I know,” he says staring down at the floor.
“How can you ever expect me to trust you if’ – “Trust me?” he shouts, his hands balling into fists again. “And how am I supposed to trust you? I think that’s a bit hypocritical of you darling, considering how much you’ve been keeping from me,” he snaps. Ok, he’s got me there.
“You’re right,” I say running my hand through my hair, trying to figure a way of getting us back on track.
“I was going to tell you,” he says surprising me.
“Oh really, and when would that have been?” I ask, trying not to sound sarcastic.
“After your training Coral, you don't like her and I couldn’t tell you something like that incase...” Tristan puts his hands on his hips and looks up at me.
“Incase what Tristan?” I snap.
“In-case you fucked it all up,” he shouts.
“What?” I screech. “That doesn’t make any sense?”
“Coral, anytime her name has been mentioned you go off at the deep end, I know you do. You might not say it, but I can see it in your eyes.” I cross my arms and huff loudly – Ok, he’s right about that part, but right now we’ve got bigger issues.
“Fine! What did she say?” I ask walking back over to him.
“Who?” He snaps.
“Susannah, when she told you about Olivia?” I bite.
“Why?” He asks looking exasperated.
“Because I'm curious how a woman you’d known less than a year, could convince you that the woman you loved and shared a home with, was seeing her ex behind your back.” I bite.
Tristan stares up at the ceiling for a moment then sits on the edge of the sofa with his face in his hands. “What did Olivia say?” he breathes. What? Why does he want to know what she said? My heart instantly sinks into the pit of my stomach – He does love her still, No!
“Why?” I tremble.
“Just curious,” he says.
“Can we get back to us?” I say a little harshly.
Tristan glares up at me. “You want to know what she said?” he snaps.
“Yes,” I say a little exasperated.
“She didn’t say anything,” he snaps. “She showed me a photo.”
“A-a…p-photo?” I whisper, stuttering slightly.
“Yes, when she saw it was Olivia, she took out her phone and...” Tristan trails off. I think hard for a moment and quickly come up with a plausible scenario. Yes, of course, that’s easy to do!
“What!” he barks at my smug expression.
“Photoshop,” I answer crossing my arms in defiance. He’s not going to like this.
“What?” He snaps, crossing his arms.
“Tristan, all she had to do was take an innocent picture of two people kissing each other goodbye, pull it up on her laptop, and change the image.” I tell him, crossing my arms too.
Tristan shakes his head in disbelief.
“That’s why you were so adamant it was true, you thought you had proof,” I say.
“I did have proof!” He booms stepping towards me. I stare back at his wide eyes, I can see he’s angry, but I can also see pain and regret behind the anger.
“How long did Susannah wait before telling you that she loved you?” I ask ignoring his anger.
Tristan laughs sarcastically and shakes his head at me, then runs both his hands through his hair. “I know she said she was in love with you Tristan. She got rid of Olivia and you were a free man, how long?” He sighs heavily, wraps his hands around his neck and stares up at the ceiling.
“A year,” he finally whispers.
“So she leaves it long enough so it doesn’t raise your suspicions and you have some time to get over Olivia,” I mumble to myself.
“I need a drink, you?” I shake my head and follow him into the kitchen.
“Do you know if she’s still in Brighton?” I ask.
“No, Sunday morning she called me asked for some time off, I said yes.” Is that why he was so happy, because he’d spoken to her? I shake off the stupid thought.
“Did you tell her you’re moving here permanently?” I ask.
“No, not yet. Only Karen and Claire know. I was waiting to speak to Susannah,” he answers.
“Then why is she making plans to move here....” I’m suddenly filled with a dreadful thought. I think I know the answer. “Can I have your mobile?” I ask.
“Why?” He snaps.
“Because it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s bugged you’ – “Enough!” he bellows.
I cower away from him. “I can’t take anymore Coral.” I wince at his words. “I’ve just found out the girl I trust, who has been the best member of staff I have ever had, is a complete lunatic who sabotaged my relationship with Olivia, who…” He squeezes his eyes shut, his hands bawling into fists again. In his anger, he reaches up and slams both fists down on the kitchen counter.
Ok I think I need to go!
“Look, I know this is’ –“No you don't know!” he bellows. He storms off, picks up his jacket and heads for the front door.
“Where are you going?” I call out walking round the breakfast bar.
Tristan stops and slowly turns to me, his jaw tense, his eyes full of pain. “I need some space from you...I need to get out of here,” he chokes.
“Tristan,” I shout stopping him f
rom walking any further. “I know you need time to process this, but I’m warning you now, if you walk out on me, I won’t be able to trust that you’ll stay if we get back on track. It’ll feel just like it did when my Dad left, please don’t do that to us,” I tremble, praying he stays.
“You’re already waiting for that to happen anyway,” he snaps. Ouch that hurt!
I know what I need to do. “You know what, don't bother leaving, I’ll get my bags,” I snap.
Running up the two flights of stairs, I grab my overnight bag, shove my toiletries and some of my clothing inside, then I pull my mobile out of my bag and call Rob. Running back down the stairs I wait for him to answer.
“Ola’ – “Can you come get me,” I croak fighting against the waterfall that’s breaching the gates.
“Oh…of course,” he solemnly answers.
“Thanks,” I croak and hang up.
I spot Tristan leaning against the breakfast bar, his head hung low. I tentatively walk over to him. “Are we through?” I tremble. He doesn’t answer me, he just stares straight ahead, his jaw clenched.
I grit my teeth and take a deep breath. “Here,” reaching into my bag I place Olivia’s paperwork on the counter. “Olivia’s number,” I tell him, his eyes shoot up and meet mine.
“She’s still mad at you, I can’t say I blame her, maybe you should call her and apologise… Oh, and she said to mention Cathy, Rebecca and Sarah, apparently Susannah screwed those potentials up for you too. And now you’re letting her do the same to us,” I say, my voice trembling.
Tristan clenches his jaw several times and glares back at me. “Just go Coral,” he snaps.
Oh my god, we’re through, it’s over!
I take one last look at the man that I love, that I adore, the man I was about to marry and walk silently out of the house – I feel numb.
I have no tears, I know the emotions of anger, hate and fear so well. Where is the rage that should be pulsing through me? I have lost another person that I loved. I should have unbelievable, unimaginable pain lancing through me, just like I did when I left him, but I feel nothing, nothing at all.
I look up and see Rob’s car coming up the hill. I start walking towards it, he pulls up beside me and I get inside.
“Hey,” he softly says. Reaching for my hand, he squeezes it once.
I don't look at him and I don't say anything – I have no words.
“Back to mine?” he asks, I stare straight ahead not really registering his words. “Ok,” he says. The car moves forward and we head back into town.
I feel like I'm in some sort of weird dream, nothing seems real, not the drive over, getting out the car, or the elevator ride up to Rob’s apartment.
I barely register Carlos sitting in the room when I walk in, but he walks over to me and hugs me tightly. “If he doesn’t believe you, he doesn’t deserve you” he tells me, but again I feel like I'm in a completely different dimension, not of this world. They walk me over to the sofa and sit me down between the two of them.
“Do you want a drink?” Carlos asks, but all I can do is stare blankly ahead.
“Would you like something to eat? Rob asks.
I look up at him and shake my head. I shiver slightly, I feel so cold. I know somewhere in the back of my mind I shouldn’t, we are having a really nice summer, but it doesn’t really register.
Kicking off my shoes I pull my legs up to my knees and hug myself tightly, trying to hold myself together. Then I curl up on the sofa, trying to generate some heat. I feel something heavy and warm being placed across me, but I don't know who has done it. I stare at the wall, trying to understand where I went wrong. I can't even begin to imagine what it’s going to feel like not having him in my world.
Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I try to block out the scream that’s building within me, a scream of his name. Pulling the warm blanket tighter around me, I start a mantra – It’s all a bad dream, just a bad dream – I keep repeating this to myself, until my eyes become heavier and I slip into unconsciousness...
SOMETIME LATER I REALISE I AM BEING MOVED. My eyes open for a second, I'm in Carlos’s arms, he’s carrying me somewhere, he opens a door and places me on a bed.
“Do you want to get changed?” he asks. Looking down in a daze, I realise I'm still in my work clothes, I nod silently to him. “I’ll get your bag,” he tells me.
I watch him walk out the room, then return with the bag I hastily packed at Tristan’s. Opening up the zip, he pulls out a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt.
With a sorrowful smile, he hands them to me. “You know where the bathroom is right?” he softly says. I nod again, still unable to speak. “And if you need anything, anytime. Just come and get us,” he says, gently stroking my hair.
I blink up at him. “Carlos,” I whisper. “I’m so glad you’re ok.” He pulls me into his arms and we hug for a while.
“Me too, I would have missed you and you’re crazy ways,” he says, pulling back to look at me.
I smile weakly at him. Carlos leans towards me and softly kisses me on the forehead. “I’ll leave you to it,” he says. I nod again as those were the only words I could say.
Carlos stands and quietly leaves, shutting the door behind him. I stare blankly at the clothes in my hands then decide if I'm going to sleep through this numbness, I'm better off doing it in these. It takes a long time to change clothes. I keep stopping and staring blankly at the wall. I think I’m in shock. Pulling my top over my head, I collapse back onto the bed staring numbly at the wall...
“CORAL WAKE UP!” My eyes dart open. I see Rob stood over me, my mobile in his hand. “It’s the police, they need to speak to you,” he says. What?
I frown deeply, I feel so disorientated – Police? Why would they want to speak to me?
“Coral, take it,” Rob shouts.
In a daze I take my mobile off him and bring it up to my ear, I'm still not sure if I'm awake or dreaming. “Hello,” I croak.
“Miss Coral Stevens?”
“Are you the owner of studio seven on the western concourse?”
“My name is Sargeant Phillips, I’m afraid there’s been an accident.” An accident? What’s he talking about? As my senses start to come back to me, I look up at Rob.
“Um…I’m sorry what accident?” I whisper.
“Your next door neighbor?” he says.
“Bob?” I shout – Oh My God, something’s happened to Bob!
“We are here with him now, just waiting for the ambulance.”
“Ambulance,” I choke. “I’ll be right there,” I tell him and end the call.
Rob runs out the room. I launch myself up from the bed, grab my trainers from the bag and shove my feet into them. Running out of the bedroom and down the hallway, I see Rob already has his jacket on and his keys in his hands. I run to the front door then glance behind me.
“Thanks Carlos,” I say, “For everything.”
“Anytime, I hope Bob’s ok,” he says a look of concern across his face.
I smile weakly at him and dash out the door…
THE DRIVE DOWN TO THE MARINA seems like a complete blur, the only thing I notice it that it’s gone dark. All I can think about is whether Bob’s ok?
Why does it feel like we are going in slow motion?
“Hurry Rob,” I squeak. My leg is rapidly jigging up and down and I’m chewing my tips with nerves. Rob screeches to a halt at the gym, right next to a waiting police car with blue lights flashing. Not waiting for him, I launch myself out of the car and run at full speed across the car park, heading straight for my studio.
I hear someone calling me back, but I can't stop, I won't stop. Taking the steps down to the concourse two at a time, I almost fall over I'm going at such a speed. I can see several people hanging around, and I can just make out a policeman, I can tell from his black uniform, his radio on his shoulder.
Reaching my studio, I have to shout at several
people to move out of the way. When the crowd finally parts and I see what’s before me, I almost burst into tears.
Bob is on the floor, a pool of blood underneath his head. A female police officer is holding his head with a towel, and my studio has been completely ransacked, my music, photo albums and DVDs are all over the place. The cushions on the sofa have been slashed, my little table over-turned, and I can see what I think, are several of my work trousers hanging across the banister, but they are in pieces, like someone’s cut them all up.
Bob sees me and lifts his hand in the air. He’s alive, thank god he’s alive.
I launch myself forward and sink to the floor next to him, I take his hand in mine and squeeze it gently, he smiles crookedly at me.
“Bob,” I choke my throat thick with tears.
“She was here,” he whispers.
“Who was?” I ask.
“The girl...from before,” he says coughing. Susannah!
“The blonde girl?” I ask.
“Yes,” he croaks.
“What happened?” I ask softly.
“I heard a noise...thought it was you, she was upstairs…” Bob stops wincing in pain.
“Take it easy Bob,” I say and gently stroke his forehead.
Bob takes a breath and continues. “She came down when I called for you...she hit me with that,” he says his eyes moving to the right, my eyes follow his, and there, lying on the floor with blood on its tip is my baseball bat.
“She attacked you?” I growl.
“Yes,” he croaks – I feel such venomous hatred run through my veins. I’m going to fucking kill her, I’m going to find her and I’m going to fucking kill her for this.
Rob crouches down the other side of Bob. “Bob,” he squeaks in shock, taking his other hand.
Bob smiles crookedly again. “You kids are so good to me…” he croaks. “Coral,” Bob winces, just as the paramedics turn up and start working on him. “She’s after you,” he whispers. “Go kick her butt…” he coughs, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“Bob!” I screech. The policewoman is shouting at me, trying to get me to move, but I am not leaving his side. Rob grabs hold of me by the waist and pulls me out of the way.
CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) Page 45