The Girl in Between

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The Girl in Between Page 18

by Miranda Silver

  “Those can’t all be his,” she whispered back.

  “Don’t worry.” Brendan flashed her a dimpled smile. “Some of them are mine.”

  Before she could answer, a splash soaked her face.

  “Ian, you asshole!” she shrieked. Dripping, barely able to see, she grabbed at the air. Her hair was plastered to her face. Her hands closed over broad shoulders, sleek and wet. “You’re going down.”

  Two deep voices played around her ears. “Nice try” and “It’s me, Di. Don’t push.”

  “Oh, Brendan! Oops.” She pushed down hard on his shoulders.

  “Hey!” At Brendan’s startled voice, she and Ian both dissolved into laughter. She was relieved to hear Brendan laughing too.

  The next thing she knew, water churned around her. A hand squeezed her waist, another hand grasped her arm. A third hand wrapped around her hair. They were out in the middle of the pool, too deep to find her footing.

  “You guys…” She blinked away drops of water, trying to see in the velvet night. “Play nice. Play fair.” Her breath came in gasps between bursts of laughter.

  “You started it.” Ian’s teasing voice tickled one ear.

  “You should have listened to me, Di.” Brendan’s patient voice brushed the other. “I told you not to push.”

  “Maybe I’m not so good at doing what Brendan tells me any more,” she giggled. Everything seemed very funny. “How about you do what I tell you?”

  No one answered right away.

  “Me or Brendan, baby?” A large hand slid over her ribs, tickling under her arm. She writhed and kicked. “Or both of us?”

  “Brendan first.” Both twins were moving swiftly around her in the water, and Jesus, she was caught between them. She wasn’t sure whose hands were where. As she treaded water, her palm connected with a wet chest.

  Yes…that was Brendan in front of her, his hand still wrapped around her hair. The lights from the patio deepened his dimples and the cleft in his chin. “C’mere. I’ve never seen your hair messed up. In my life.”

  Ian chuckled. “She has a point, bro.”

  Diana’s body tightened when he squeezed her generous breast. It was underwater — but she was so close to Brendan — and fuck, completely naked — and this was all just innocent horseplay, right?

  “I don’t get messy.” Brendan shrugged.

  “Oh really?” Diana buried her fingers in his wet hair and tousled it gleefully.

  Ian shook with laughter. Brendan’s eyebrows lifted. Hands grabbed her, tickling her bare skin.

  “Brendan! Not fair! I’m going to get you back so good…” She dug her fingers into his sides.

  “Nope.” Brendan whispered. “Not ticklish. But I remember how ticklish you are, Di.” She thrashed between the twins. “Here…” He tickled under her arm, and she clamped her arm down on his hand, only to feel him slip out. “And here…” He tickled her belly, and she kicked. “And definitely here.” Large fingers teased the sensitive skin behind her knee.

  She tried to grab his hair and pull. Oh God, she was burning in the cool water, but that didn’t have to matter, did it? Couldn’t they play like innocent kids for now?

  Fuck, her nipples were tight and rosy, her breasts totally exposed as she wriggled between the twins. And Ian was being no help at all, guffawing with laughter, wrapping one strong arm around her waist to hold her in place.

  “I hate you, Ian,” she panted.

  “Aw, just me?”

  “I hate Brendan too.”

  Brendan crooked her leg to tickle higher, and dammit, Ian just held her in place. The movement parted her thighs.

  “Oh, no.” Brendan smiled down at her as she wriggled. “Don’t hate me, Di.”

  Water swirled between her legs, doing nothing to quench the fire building there. Brendan’s fingers eased up on her tender skin just enough to make her gasp. She hoped neither twin heard.

  “Oh my God— okay, Brendan— enough.”

  He let go. But two hard bodies kept brushing against her and she was laughing too hard to breathe. Her only option was to send a giant splash toward Brendan and take satisfaction in seeing him spluttering. Then Ian. Then…

  A firm tug on her hair cut off her laughter, just as someone grasped her shoulders and spun her around.

  “Ian, don’t even try,” she began.

  “Not gonna dunk you, baby.” Hot lips closed over hers. Instinctively, her mouth opened to Ian’s rough kiss. The taste of beer on his tongue turned her on more than it had any right to. And her wet hair was still in someone’s hand — Brendan’s. She felt the light pressure all the way up to her scalp.

  “Drink with us, Di.” Brendan’s voice was so coaxing, like this was the most reasonable suggestion after she’d jumped naked into their pool. His hand went to her neck, stroking the spot just above her collarbone that was especially sensitive. God, Ian had sucked hard there last night while her bedroom spun around them, and she’d covered the rosy mark with makeup before seeing her parents, and the makeup must have washed off in the pool. Brendan pressed against her skin just enough to make it clear he’d guessed all this. “You need to get ready for college. Build up some tolerance, ‘cause you don’t have any.”

  She was already buzzed, warmth spreading through her limbs as water surrounded her bare skin. Drinking with the twins tonight — it was the best worst idea possible.

  “No. Uh-uh. No way,” she giggled. “Not after you tickled me like that. And I haven’t gotten drunk since that night.”

  “Which night, baby?” Ian nipped her neck. His heart, beating faster against her back, told her he didn’t need to ask.

  Brendan slipped an arm around her. “Don’t worry, Di,” he murmured. “I won’t tickle you again. Friends?”


  “Good.” Brendan massaged a path down her back. Her breath caught in surprise, and she glanced at Ian. The hazel gaze that met hers was all challenge.

  “You know. That night.” She broke off when Ian’s teeth scraped her neck. A large hand cupped her bare ass, and she didn’t know if it was his or Brendan’s. “The club. The insanity. The— oh God.” The hand squeezed her round flesh, kneading it. “The orgy,” she breathed.

  “Oh, that night.” Ian’s voice was loaded with tease, the edges fuzzed. “You mean, when you let a girl you didn’t even know lick your sweet little pussy while you sucked Brendan off? And you made another girl come while I fucked you? That was so bad, Diana. You need a spanking. Can’t believe I haven’t given you one yet, for being such a slut.”

  She gasped with shock and arousal. When she looked over her shoulder at Brendan, his hazel eyes were intent.

  “That’s part of you, isn’t it, Di? We were just bringing out what’s there.” He cupped her cheek understandingly. His mouth was almost close enough to kiss.

  “Ye-e-es.” She was dizzy with lust. “But I don’t need it all again. Not the girls. Not the fight afterwards.” A whimper left her mouth when the male hand exploring her ass slipped between her legs. Ian, definitely Ian. “I don’t ever want to fight with either of you again,” she whispered. “I don’t want you guys to be mad at each other again. I— oh fuck!”

  Her mound was being stroked, her thighs tickled. And she was shamelessly parting them, needing to rub her lush cunt against Ian’s hand.

  “It’s okay, Di,” Brendan murmured soothingly. More touches caressed her ass, and a warm palm cupped her belly. Jesus, in the swirling water, she couldn’t tell which twin was stroking her where. “Don’t worry. It’s all okay. No more fighting.”

  “Promise? Please—” Thick fingers slid inside her pussy, and she quivered around their probing touch. “Ian! You’re inside me.”

  Flushing hot, she glanced at Brendan. He just gave her a big-brotherly grin and ruffled her hair. But his hand, massaging her back, was slow and sensuous, and lust smoked from his eyes.

  “Surprise.” Ian licked her ear. His fingers eased out to rub her clit. “Want me to stop?”
  “No-o-o… Don’t stop.”

  He grunted, opening her swollen lips again. And dear Lord, Brendan was watching everything from close range, arousal written all over his face as he stroked her hair, his other hand firm on her waist underwater. With every gasp and twitch she gave from Ian fingering her, his brother squeezed her waist a little tighter.

  “Brendan…” she whispered.

  “Just feel it, Di.” He ruffled her hair again. She groaned, relaxing around Ian’s fingers, then tightening again, and heard his hiss. Jesus, this was so crazy, and as her breath sped up and she turned to look pleadingly into Brendan’s eyes, he leaned close to murmur in her ear, “Is Ian going deep, baby?”


  “Good.” His voice was so reassuring that she moaned out loud. “Let him give you what you need. We know you need a lot, sweetness.”

  “Oh God, oh God,” she whimpered. “Yes.”

  Ian squeezed her cunt. “You told my brother about you and me last night, didn’t you? You wanted him to know.”

  “Yessss,” she gasped. “I—”

  Her pussy was so full, fingers twisting inside her again and again, hot and slippery even as pool water lapped her legs. She bucked toward the invasion, welcoming it, begging for more.

  “You guys,” she panted. “I’m going to come.”

  She glanced back at Brendan. A beaming smile broke across his face. “Mm-hm, Di,” was all he said.

  “Fuck yeah, you are,” Ian growled. His other arm wrapped tight around her lush curves, pulling her up against hard muscle. More fingers slipped into her wet valley, surrounding her swollen clit. “You’re going to come right here for us.”

  “Reach up,” Brendan coaxed. “Wrap your arms around my neck.”

  Confused, she stretched her arms up and behind her to twine around his neck. Her whole back arched, thrusting her heavy breasts toward Ian. He groaned. When she looked over her shoulder, hazel eyes, bright with arousal, roamed approvingly over the water running down the pale swells and large firm nipples.

  “Just like that. Gorgeous, Di. You have such beautiful tits.” His voice was lulling. Hypnotic. “Such beautiful, naked tits.”

  “Please—” she gasped. Ian’s fingers were everywhere between her legs, pressing her clit, penetrating her satiny entrance, massaging her lips. Brendan’s gaze stroked her bare curves. If he reached out and touched her breasts, oh God, she’d let him, she didn’t know what she’d do, she’d completely lose it, she’d come right here…

  Instead, a warm palm cupped the slight curve of her belly. Brendan rubbed her stomach gently, his hand above his brother’s.

  “Oh Jesus,” she groaned.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Brendan smiled at her.

  “That’s right, baby,” Ian’s heated whisper made her sob with need. “Don’t hold back, Diana. Don’t even try.”

  “Promise.” She teetered on the verge of a blinding plunge of pleasure, but she had to say this. “Promise me we won’t fight again.”

  “Promise, Di,” Brendan said immediately. He gave her stomach an intimate squeeze. She moaned, her pussy contracting around Ian’s fingers in a long spasm.

  “Promise.” Ian’s voice was so low she barely heard it beneath her cry of release.

  Pleasure spun outward, sweeping over her, blotting out the lights on the patio and the bobbing water and the firm bodies keeping her in place.

  “Mmmmm.” Brendan’s sigh made her cry out again. “So good, Di. You’re such a good girl. Every time you let go a little more…”

  “Keep coming, Diana.” Ian’s rasp just made her burn hotter.

  “Please— Oh, please—”

  Brendan stroked her stomach. “I know, baby. You need to be fucked, don’t you? You miss Ian when he’s not inside you. You want him there all the time.” A warm hand cupped her face.

  “Yes.” It was all she could say.

  “Fuck, Diana,” Ian groaned.

  “Tell us, gorgeous.”

  “I do,” she gasped. “I want Ian inside me all the time, all the way… And, oh fuck, it’s scary to want someone that much…to love someone…” She was coming again, half-floating in the pool, and she felt like she was losing her mind. “Ian…Brendan…”

  “I know, baby,” Ian breathed in her ear. “I know how it feels.”

  “It’s okay.” Brendan held her face comfortingly. His free hand caressed her rounded hip. He smiled down at her, his eyes glazed with lust. “It’s okay, sweetness. Just keep coming for us. I know you love Ian so much. Let him play with your sweet cunt. It’ll feel good when he fucks you.”

  She shuddered in Ian’s arms. The pleasure kept building, and she was gripping his wrist with one hand while clinging to Brendan’s shoulder with the other.

  “Are you going to watch?” she whispered.

  Ian grunted softly, a grunt of pure need. Fingers thrust deep into her core, one last time, right as he bit her neck. Through her cry, she heard Brendan’s deep voice, and the arousal underneath: “Do you want me to, Di?”

  Oh God, this was crazy, and everything meant so much more now. Before she could answer, Ian kissed her hard. Her eyes closed as she fell into the kiss. Her hand reached back to meet a large palm — Brendan’s. Two bodies slid over hers, the constant contact of hot skin and cool water driving her need to a fever pitch.

  As waves churned around them, she was barely aware of Ian breaking the kiss, his hand leaving her pussy. Sure hands turned her around, pinning her soft curves between the twins.

  In a daze, she blinked at a dimpled smile and a cleft in a chin. Brendan was in front of her, Ian behind her. Everything was slow and syrupy and relaxed now. She clasped Brendan’s water-beaded shoulder. Her other hand reached back to twine in Ian’s hair.

  Ian was openly fondling her breasts, his hard body up against hers. Practically offering the voluptuous swells to his brother. His erection pressed into her ass. With each movement she made, his cock jerked between her soft cheeks. Thumbs rubbed her nipples into tight buds. Her moans rippled across the water.

  Brendan watched through heavy-lidded eyes. His palms anchored her waist in the lapping pool. Every time she made a noise, he stroked her hips reassuringly.

  This was right, this was wrong, she didn’t know what this was. When Ian pinched down on both her nipples, she let out a shuddering sigh. Brendan’s Mmmmm sent hot desire straight to her pussy.

  “You bad girl,” Ian rasped in her ear. “Jumping naked into our pool. Do you know what we do with naughty little girls like you?”

  “I can guess,” she whispered.

  She arched toward Brendan, pushed back against Ian.

  Effortlessly, Brendan closed the space between them. His hands moved to her hips, lifting her in the water. A hard bulge, bursting through his swim trunks, nestled against her naked pussy.

  Oh dear God, she was so soaked and swollen and needy from the orgasms Ian had given her. On instinct, her legs wrapped around Brendan’s waist. Her arm circled his neck, pulling him closer. Brendan was unmistakably grinding against her tender cunt, increasing the pressure.

  She moaned softly, aroused beyond belief. As Ian massaged her exposed globes, his breathing heavy, her face tilted up towards Brendan’s inch by inch. Her hand went into his hair. Brendan came closer in slow motion. Her lips parted, ready to take in his tongue.

  There was a tug on her wrist. Ian, moving her hand down to the waistband of his swim trunks.

  “Take these off, Diana.” His voice was soaked with lust. “Strip me down. You’re about to get royally fucked.”

  Oh God, she needed it all, she wanted it all, she’d told Brendan she was overwhelmed but her body was saying who cares?

  But if the three of them ever…if anything ever happened again between them…

  Not like this.

  The certainty slammed her body. She hated it for being true, but it was. It couldn’t be like this. Not with Ian drunk, Brendan close behind, I’m just glad there’s a seven-foo
t fence echoing in her head and probably the twins’ too.

  Not after a night with Ian that had stripped them both to their core, a night when they’d growled mine over and over.

  “You guys…” she panted. She pushed against Brendan’s shoulder, right as his lips brushed hers. “Wait.”

  Ian’s hands stilled on her breasts. Brendan blinked a few times, like he was waking up. Then his heavy-lidded eyes flicked all the way open.

  Diana shook her head. “I can’t,” she whispered to Brendan.

  “You can, Di.” He smiled at her. “We know you can.”

  She tensed between the twins, trying to get control of her body. Her mind. She was sandwiched between two muscled bodies, two aroused cocks nudging her pussy and ass, with only a layer of wet swim trunks between the twins and her bare skin.

  “I’m with Ian now.”

  Behind her, Ian let out a long breath.

  The fog in Brendan’s eyes cleared. He let go of her, moving back in the water. Regret flashed across his face. She knew he was choosing to let her see it.

  “I’m sorry,” she began, but he shook his head.

  “Don’t be. Things change, right? Nothing stays the same. It’s the one thing you can count on.”

  “I guess,” she murmured. She wanted to hear Ian speak, see his expression, but she only caught the mirror of it in Brendan’s face as his gaze flicked up to meet his brother’s.

  “Happy Independence Day, Di.” Brendan kissed her cheek.

  She pecked him back, blushing furiously, her skin burning where Ian held her. A whimper left her lips, and Brendan flashed her a dimpled smile. The cleft in his chin was close enough to lick.

  Splashes ruffled the water. Ian’s arms tightened around her as Brendan swam to the side of the pool, heaved himself out, and strolled across the patio, sporting a very obvious bulge in his swim trunks.

  In no apparent rush, he picked up a towel, wrapped it around his neck, and let himself into the house. The screen door opened and closed softly behind him.

  “Diana.” Ian’s voice was quiet behind her, less slurred. “I know that was pretty fucking crazy. Are you okay? ‘Cause—”


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