The Girl in Between

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The Girl in Between Page 27

by Miranda Silver

  “You don’t want to know. Now do it.”

  Holy shit. Ian had taken charge that wild night before the Fourth of July, but he’d dominated her with his body. The sex had been all raw physicality and strength. Now he was giving her orders? And expecting her to obey?

  She reached for Brendan. Fine, she’d do what Ian said. After all, that’s what she’d asked for. But she’d do it her way.

  Strong hands grasped hers, helping her off Ian’s lap. As she straightened up, she did a slow turn so both twins could see her bare curves from all directions. Nerves and desire heated her skin.

  Brendan’s eyes lit up, roaming over the heavy swells of her breasts and the puckered nipples that were deep red with excitement. Ian let out a low growl. Her stomach fluttered, and an insistent pulse beat between her thighs. She put a little strut in her walk.

  Keeping her gaze on the twins, she climbed into Ian’s bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

  “Bye,” she breathed. Her heart was hammering. “Have fun. See you soon.”

  Ian led Brendan out of the room, closing the door behind them. Out in the hall, deep voices rose and fell. Bursts of laughter came through the door, snatches of “Remember when…?” and “How about we…”

  She closed her eyes and let her hand drift over her body, but she was too nervous to do much.

  Her eyes flew open at the creak of the door.

  The longer she'd dated Ian, the less the twins had looked alike to her. Now, as they walked into Ian's bedroom together, she had to squint for the cleft in Brendan's chin, the freckle under Ian's left eye, because she could barely tell them apart. Gorgeous, muscular, wearing boxers and huge, identical grins.

  Sweet Jesus, what had she gotten herself into?

  Brendan was holding something behind his back. As the twins approached the bed, she craned her neck to see what it was, but large hands cupped her jaw — Ian, pulling her into a kiss that clouded her vision. When his mouth left hers, Brendan’s hands were empty.

  Drawing the moment out, she pulled down the covers until the tops of her breasts were exposed to two hungry pairs of hazel eyes.

  The mattress sank when Ian leapt on the bed and straddled her, then again when Brendan sat. The covers brushed her skin as they slipped further down, baring her to the waist. Ian’s hands closed over her breasts.

  Diana shivered, feeling the force of Brendan’s gaze along with Ian’s touch. As crazy as it had been the first time around with the twins, it felt even more naughty now, more forbidden, more secret to be with both brothers, now that Ian was her boyfriend.

  “So…” Ian squeezed both her breasts, the generous flesh spilling between his fingers. “You said you want us to make agreements.”


  “You want to give in to me and Brendan.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  “You're letting us decide.” Leaning down, Brendan licked her ear.

  “That's what I said.” A little shyly, she reached up to stroke his hair.

  “Okay, baby. The agreement…” Ian pinched her nipples to rosy peaks, then released them, rubbing them with his thumbs as the blood rushed back, “is that Brendan stays here until the sun comes up. And you’re ours until then, Diana.”

  “Meaning…?” As her eyes locked on Ian’s, hooded and dangerous with desire, her nerves sharpened.

  “You’ll find out.”

  She opened her mouth to respond, and Brendan's lips closed on hers. She gasped at the suddenness of his soft mouth, his warm tongue. Brendan's tongue, playing with hers. As she fell into the kiss, Ian tossed the covers off the bed. The mattress was moving. He was opening her legs. Firm hands parted her thighs, making her gasp again.

  “Ian,” she moaned into Brendan's mouth. “Oh Jesus—” Strong fingers met her soaked cunt, rubbing and stroking. “Brendan—”

  “Is Ian playing with you, sweetness?” Brendan broke the kiss to smile down at her. “Is he touching your little pussy?”

  “Oh…” Diana moaned. A finger dipped inside her, just as Brendan pinched her nipples. “Brendan!” she yelped.

  Fiery pleasure radiated out from the tight buds. He kissed her again, his lips as juicy as she remembered. As she relaxed into the kiss, his hands slid over her breasts and along her shoulders. Gently but firmly, he eased her arms upward until her wrists crossed above her head.

  “Stay like that,” Brendan ordered. He reached over to the desk.

  Diana obeyed, looking confusedly down at Ian. He just grunted. His tongue traced impossibly hot lines over her eager clit, her silken lips, and her tight opening. Moaning from all the stimulation, she reached for him on instinct.

  Brendan’s voice stopped her. “I said stay like that, Di.”

  What? Ian's head was right there, his hair tousled, inviting her to yank and tug. And who'd put Brendan back in charge?

  “Ian?” she gasped.

  He lifted his head, his lips glistening with her juices. “You heard Brendan, baby. Do what we tell you. Both of us.”

  A pleased smile broke over Brendan’s face at that “we,” that “us.” Ian’s words sent waves of heat rolling over her body.

  She groaned in frustration, wrapping her fingers around the slats of the headboard to keep her hands in place. Ian was licking her soft folds, parting them with heavy slurps of his tongue, nudging her opening over and over and totally ignoring the swollen bud of her clit.

  Brendan dropped a warm hand on her knee, urging it open to give Ian even more access to her pussy.

  “I’m proud of you, Di,” he murmured. “You're already doing amazing.”

  Diana focused on Brendan's smile, on his muscled body in the glow of the lamp. There was something in his other hand.

  The light gleamed on a pair of handcuffs.

  These cuffs were metal, lined with fur. Not the plastic loops she’d seen on the Fourth of July.

  A curl of excitement and sheer nerves unwound in her stomach. When a thick tongue pushed against her tight core, she shivered.

  “Congrats. New handcuffs,” she managed to say. “Now that I see them, I believe you. I thought you were going to keep the glow-in-the-dark ones forever.”

  At the snort of laughter from between her legs, her hands dove toward Ian, tugging his thick hair. She was giggling too. Strong hands grabbed her wrists and pinned them swiftly above her head. She squirmed against Brendan’s unyielding grip, laughing harder.

  “Are you going to model them for me? Or is Ian going to?”

  “Come on, sweetness.” Brendan lifted her chin with two fingers, his other hand firm on her wrists. The light touch sent a shockwave through her body, straight to Ian’s tongue on her cunt. “You know who these are for tonight.”

  Her fingers tightened on the headboard, and a shudder of arousal ran over her full curves. She knew. Of course she knew, but this was a whole new level of trust. She couldn’t— she wanted— oh Jesus. She was so scared suddenly, and so curious.

  Ian raised his head again, his lips glossy with her juices. The little smile on his face was an open challenge.

  “Can you handle it, baby? Being tied up for me and Brendan?”

  He’d picked the right words. Indignation sparked her body.

  “I can handle whatever you give me.” The words came out husky.

  A hot tongue stroked her ear. “Do you trust us, Di?”

  Of course she did. She’d told them both, every time Brendan had asked her…

  No. Brendan hadn’t asked. He’d ordered. Say you trust us, that first time in the treehouse. You can trust us, sweetness, in the Jeep on the way to the club. He hadn’t asked, until now.

  Her lashes fluttered. “Completely. More than anyone.”

  Then her eyes flew wide. A single teasing suck on her clit made her hips thrust toward Ian again, just as he pulled back to give her an infuriating smirk.

  In one fluid motion, Brendan stood, dropped his boxers, and straddled her. He was totally naked, perfect, his muscles outlined in
the lamplight, leaning over her just like she’d imagined when she found the handcuffs. Pointing toward her face was his hard cock, as gorgeous as she’d remembered. A pearl of liquid hung from the tip.

  Smoothly, he clasped a handcuff around one of her wrists, looped the chain through Ian’s headboard, and closed the second cuff around her other wrist.

  Click. Click.

  Moving off of her, he surveyed the pale expanse of her skin and his brother’s head between her legs with frank appreciation.

  “Delicious,” he murmured. “I’ve wanted this for a long time, Di.”

  She shuddered, hugging Ian’s face between her thighs, but he pushed her legs open and held them down.

  “Me too,” she whispered. “For so long.”

  Ian raised his head from her eager cunt, drinking in the sight of her arched back and her arms above her head. The position pushed out the generous swells of her breasts and made every curve available. The sheer lust on his face made her shudder with need.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  Heat was moving over Diana in waves, starting with her bound wrists and ending at her toes.

  “I thought you said this was Brendan’s thing,” she murmured.

  “Doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s hot.” Large hands spread her thighs wider, squeezing the creamy softness.

  Diana bit back a moan. The hunger in Ian’s eyes was almost too much to take, and with her hands restrained, she couldn’t do a thing about it. When patient fingers stroked her breast, exploring the sensitive underside, she began making noise. All kinds of noise.

  “That’s it, sexy,” Brendan murmured, rolling her rosy nipple between his fingers. “Let go for us.”

  He bent down, and his lips covered hers. Too excited for words, she opened her mouth, and his tongue slipped in. Dear Lord, Ian’s mouth was so hot and soft and demanding on her pussy, and she was openly making out with Brendan now, kissing him eagerly, sucking his lower lip as she adjusted to being bound and exposed.

  Every movement felt more intense, and as her excitement built, it was harder to breathe.

  “You guys—” she panted, pulling at the handcuffs.

  Ian lifted his head and gripped her thighs. “Sweetheart. Relax.”

  “Just like you wanted, beautiful.” Brendan pulled back to kiss her forehead, his hand comforting on her breast. The twins’ steady touches calmed her. “Give in to me and Ian, and we’ll give you what you need. How long have you wanted it like this?” He nodded at the cuffs.

  “Months,” she breathed.

  “Since the summer?” Ian was still looking up at her from between her spread legs.

  “Yes. But I didn’t think it could happen.”

  “It’s happening, baby.” He buried his face in her pussy. She squeezed his head with her thighs, thrashing.

  “Easy, Di.” The reassuring look on Brendan’s face was all big brother, but the pinches on her nipples, teasing them to tight buds, were as far away from brotherly as you could get. “We know you can do this, but if you need us to slow down or stop, say so. Okay?”


  Her eyes fluttered shut when Brendan’s mouth closed over hers again. His lips were warm. His hands were knowing on her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers just as lips captured her clit. With a gasp, Diana thrust against Ian’s tongue as he licked and licked the little bud. She was so close to climax, so close to dissolving under two hungry mouths…

  But he pulled back from her slickness. Brendan sat up and gave her a wink. Her wrists strained at the cuffs as she tried to beckon them both to her.

  “Not yet, beautiful.” Ian’s laugh was heavy with lust. “Not for a long time.”

  “What?” she screeched.

  “Hang in there, sweetness.” Brendan’s broad grin infuriated her. “Don’t worry. We’re going to give you everything a bad girl needs. Once you earn it.”

  Before she could retort, Ian was on his knees between her legs, pulling them wide. His cock, warm and thick, sank into her in one long plunge.

  “Oh God. Ian…”

  He grunted, holding himself still. She stared up at him. Desire contorted his handsome face.

  “I’m gonna fuck you, baby,” he whispered.

  She writhed on the soft flannel sheets. Ian was relentless, holding one of her knees up while he braced himself on the bed with his other hand, and she was so wet and slippery that he was able to go fast almost right away. She was shaking again, beyond grateful for Brendan’s hand in her hair, his warm palm stroking her throat and the swell of her breast.

  “Brendan,” she moaned, seeking reassurance. “Help me.”

  He gave her breast a squeeze. His thumb pressed gently at the base of her throat, and she gasped. Ian was watching it all, his thrusts bouncing her on the bed, and the look on his face made her blood rush.

  “What do you need help with, sweetness?” Teeth closed on her lower lip, biting like he had all the time in the world. She moaned again, giving herself up to Brendan’s kiss as Ian drove into her. “Aren’t we taking good care of you? I know you love being fucked so deep.”

  “I need to come.” Her wrists tugged the cuffs. Ian growled, pulsing in her tight embrace.

  “Only good girls get to come, Di.” Brendan lay down close to her, looking entirely too comfortable. His flushed erection, his hot skin against hers, and his smoky eyes were the only clues to how aroused he was. He flicked her rosy nipple. Sparks shot through her body, making her spasm around Ian’s cock. “Have you been a good girl?”

  “Maybe not…”

  “Ian doesn’t think so. Why else was he spanking your sexy, naughty ass?”

  She heaved a ragged breath as he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  “Diana’s not a good girl, Brendan,” Ian grunted. He leaned on both hands, slowing his strokes, pacing himself. Her body was sweaty where it joined with his. His eyes glittered with lust, moving between her pleading face and his brother’s mouth on her breast. “She’s got a long way to go. All night long.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she panted. “Are you going to wait to come too?”

  White teeth flashed at her. An especially deep thrust made her cry out, bucking her hips fruitlessly against Ian.

  “Some other time, we can play that way. Not tonight. Goddamn, you feel incredible.”

  His eyes flicked to Brendan’s, and the twins exchanged nods. Before she knew it, Brendan was straddling her. He leaned forward, cupping her face. The smooth skin of his cock brushed her lips.

  Shaking with excitement, she flicked out her tongue to taste him. He was warm, velvety, musky. His shaft was thick and veined, his balls full and soft. He looked like Ian, of course, but she’d never compare them. This was Brendan’s cock. She remembered it so well. And she remembered how he turned into a babbling mess when she sucked him.

  “Uh,” Brendan groaned. “Oh yeah, Di. Take me in, sweetness.” He massaged her head, burying his fingers in her hair as she opened her lips.

  This was happening. Her fantasy was real. She was handcuffed, closed in by hard male bodies, licking Brendan’s cock as Ian fucked her deep. She felt so vulnerable, so out of control, but somehow secure.

  This was exactly where she wanted to be. Her heart raced, her head felt light, and she was giddy with lust.

  As Brendan groaned with pleasure at each swipe of her tongue, hands squeezed her ass. The possessive touch calmed her, and she hugged Ian’s waist with her legs, rocking against him.

  “That’s it,” he rasped. “Now you’re opening up to me. Let us both in, baby.”

  Hard flesh bumped a sensitive spot inside her. Diana moaned around Brendan's cock, her wrists straining at the cuffs. He caressed her hair and murmured soothingly to her, easing back to let her swirl her tongue over his head. His eyes were glazed, and she knew he was close to crumbling.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured. “You suck me so good, Di. I missed your sweet mouth. You've been doing this for Ian a lot, haven’t yo

  “Mmmmm-hmmmm,” she moaned, taking him in again.

  Her jaw ached a little, but no way was she stopping. Brendan's handsome face contorted in lust. “Oh yeahhhh...mmmmm…oh fuck, Di, don’t stop…”

  He let out groan after groan of pure pleasure as he spurted into her mouth. Oh God, Brendan's cum, warm and creamy. The first she’d ever tasted. More jetted out as she caressed his cock with her tongue, and she felt a thrill of satisfaction at driving him wild with need.

  “So good, baby.” He pulled free of her lips, kissed her forehead, and lay down next to her. She swallowed and caught her breath. As her heart pounded, insistent hands pushed her knees to her chest. Ian leaned over her, his face dark with need.

  “Ian,” she gasped. Her cunt was so hot and sensitive and she was so fucking close...

  “Christ, Diana.” Ian’s voice was rough. “You really are pure slut. I thought a spanking would teach you a lesson, but you need so much more than that.”

  “Please,” she gasped.

  “Take me, you bad girl.” He thrust deep inside her, gripping her legs. “ fucking hot... Take my cum, baby.”

  Oh, his words pushed her so close…she wanted to go over the edge with him…but Ian was already coming, his eyes wide. When she thrust back, squeezing him, trying to grind against him, he held her hips down on the bed, keeping her still.

  Brendan rubbed her jawline, smiling down at her. “Not going to happen, Di. Not ’til we say so.”

  A hot tear of frustration trickled down her cheek. Brendan wiped it gently away with his thumb. His half-hard cock throbbed against her hip.

  “Jerk,” she muttered. “Don't tell me that turned you on.”

  “Sshhh, baby, everything’s going to be okay. You’re doing so well.” Brendan turned her face to his, capturing her lips in a soothing kiss.

  Ian finally eased out. He lay down on her other side and gave her stomach a squeeze. Every touch was delicious agony, every inch of her skin aware of the twins. She pressed her legs together, trying to find relief. When they fell open again, Brendan stroked her creamy thighs, making her shiver.


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