The Girl in Between

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The Girl in Between Page 30

by Miranda Silver

  She’d filled it up with poems the past four years at Yale. Some were sexy, some were raw, some were aching. Some were better than the poems she’d written in high school, and some weren’t. But there was one big difference: they were less lonely.

  There was a single blank page left, the last page, and she knew what she’d be writing on it tonight.

  She squeezed Ian’s hand and broke the sweet silence. “You’re okay with it all?”

  “Fuck yes. I wouldn’t have started this if I wasn’t.”

  She leaned back in the passenger seat. The Jeep came to a stop at a light.

  “That was really amazing,” she murmured. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me.” He smirked at her. “You were hot as hell. We just wanted to give you a little something for graduation, but you gave as good as you got.”

  “I love you,” she said abruptly. Ian’s hazel eyes pierced hers. She took a breath, because it still took courage to put her feelings out there. “We’ve been through a lot together, and it’s always been you. You still make me flutter, but I’m so sure about you.”

  He held her gaze. “Then how about spending the rest of our lives together?”

  She stared at him, squeezing his hand, speechless.

  “This isn’t a joke,” he added.

  “Yes.” She found her voice. “Yes, yes, yes.” Laughter bubbled up. “Oh my God, you just asked me that.”

  “Yep.” Ian wore the same foolish grin he had when they’d said I love you for the first time. The day she’d told him she only wanted to be with him. He leaned in to kiss her, brushing her bangs off her forehead. “I didn’t plan this, so I don’t have anything to give you yet…”

  A horn honked behind him. The light was green. He stepped on the gas, turning his attention reluctantly to the road.

  “It’s okay. All I want is you.” She stroked his leg, giddy. “Can we tell Brendan first?”

  “Well, yeah.” Ian laughed. “Who else? He won’t be surprised. He already talks like we’re old and married.”

  “No secrets from each other?” she asked softly.

  “We don’t tell each other everything. But we tell each other enough.”

  “You don’t think it’s crazy to be deciding this right after what the three of us did last night?”

  “Of course it’s crazy.” Ian’s thumb stroked her palm. “That’s who we are. Are you all right with it?”

  “Yeah.” She leaned back in her seat and watched the sun rise. “We’re just crazy like that.”

  “I love you, Diana Cooper.” Ian pulled into a spot by her apartment, parked, and took both her hands. “I always have.”

  “I love you, Ian O’Brian.” She let her forehead rest against his. “Even when I didn’t know it.”

  In front of them, her apartment building rose, outlined by the early morning sun. She’d moved every year in college. In a few hours, this wouldn’t be her house anymore. She’d be starting a new adventure with Ian, in a new city.

  Nothing stayed the same. Life changed, and anything could happen.

  She kissed Ian.

  “Everywhere with you is home.”

  Thank You

  Thank you so much for taking this journey with Diana, Ian, and Brendan!

  Reviews help readers find their way to books. I appreciate all reviews and the time it takes to share your thoughts.

  If you’re wondering what happens next with Brendan, a follow-up short story for him is in the works… For sneak peeks and updates, sign up for my newsletter.

  Thanks again for reading!


  The Girl in Between began as a vignette — a peek at Di and Ian during a visit after a rough finals week at Yale. When Brendan joined them, it grew into a short story, then a novella, and finally a full-blown novel.

  Many thanks to everyone who’s supported this novel as it’s come into being:

  My wonderful beta readers — Ava T. Argent, Finn Mitchell, F. Evans, Stacy, and Bruce — for giving indispensable story feedback and sharing their reactions.

  V.K. Torston, for offering valuable insights on the early chapters, along with literary cheerleading.

  The romance community on Twitter and Facebook, for its encouragement.

  The readers who picked up The Boys Next Door, thought it should have a sequel, and asked for more.

  My husband, for his unwavering support through all the ups and downs of writing.

  About the Author

  Miranda Silver writes sexy stories with a twist. She's happy to be putting her English degree to use, along with her love of drama, secrets, steam, and words. Miranda lives on the West Coast with her family, where she spends time outdoors whenever possible. The Girl in Between is her second novel.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  The Girl in Between: © 2018 by Miranda Silver

  Cover: Concierge Literary Designs

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved.




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