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The Road to Red Thorn

Page 24

by Blaine Hicks

  From outside the room, a screeching primate rang out and the goblin crowd standing around the battle cage cheered. Radley shook his head to clear the distracted thoughts. He had to finish his upgrades before the enemy was set loose against him.

  He navigated to his “Spells” tab and found 12 available spell points. He had a couple of new Circle 1 spells he could buy and four circle 2 spells. Or he could also upgrade any previously purchased spell to rank 2. He reviewed the descriptions of each spell and quickly read them:

  Command Water (Spell Circle 1): Bodies of water become responsive to your will for a short period of time. The amount of influence over the water and the duration of the spell are both dependent on the intelligence of the caster and the level of the spell. At level 1, this is not a combat spell (unless you plan to drown someone who's already unconscious).

  Spell Cooldown: 4 minutes

  Purchase Price: 2 Spell Points

  Errant Wind - Rank 1 (Spell Circle 1): This spell increases movement and attack speed by 20% while decreasing the stamina cost of all actions by 5%. At Level 1, this spell may only be targeted on the caster.

  Spell Cooldown: 4 minutes

  Purchase Price: 2 Spell Points

  Fire Palm - Rank 2 (Spell Circle 1): Same spell effect as Rank 1 but ignites both hands with fire.

  Spell Cooldown: 4 minutes

  Purchase Price: 3 Spell Points

  Stone Fist - Rank 2 (Spell Circle 1): Same spell effect as Rank 1 but stone fist’s effect is timed and can last for multiple attacks. Increased chance to blind target when shattered (+20% chance to blind).

  Spell Cooldown: 4 minutes

  Purchase Price: 3 Spell Points

  Weak Sonic Shield (Spell Circle 2): This spell creates a sphere of compressed air around the caster. The barrier will deflect or repel directional attacks for a short period of time. This barrier is most effective against small projectiles such as arrows, crossbow bolts and weak magical vectors. At higher levels the spell can resist heavier attacks.

  Spell Cooldown: 6 minutes

  Purchase Price: 5 Spell Points

  Stone Fissure (Spell Circle 2): This spell creates a permanent fissure in the earth radiating away from the caster’s location. The depth and extent of the fissure depends on the geological conditions where the spell is cast and the caster’s intelligence. At higher levels the spell can create specific shapes and structures.

  Spell Cooldown: 6 minutes

  Purchase Price: 5 Spell Points

  Flame Strike (Spell Circle 2): This spell creates a fountain of flame that erupts from the casters hand. The flame costs no mana to cast but instead consumes mana over time. The duration of the spell depends on the total mana available. This spell can be canceled at any time by the caster. At higher ranks, the fountain of fire extends farther, and the flame burns hotter doing more damage per second.

  Spell Cooldown: 6 minutes

  Purchase Price: 4 Spell Points

  Command Air (Spell Circle 1): Gusts of wind become responsive to your will for a short period of time. The amount of influence over the air and the duration of the spell are both dependent on the intelligence of the caster and the level of the spell. At Rank 1, this is not a combat spell (unless your enemy is teetering on the edge of a cliff).

  Spell Cooldown: 6 minutes

  Purchase Price: 4 Spell Points

  Ice Spear - Rank 2 (Spell Circle 2): Same spell effect as Rank 1 but the ice shard is 2 x stronger and serrated along 1 edge. +20% chance to inflict a bleeding effect.

  Spell Cooldown: 6 minutes

  Purchase Price: 6 Spell Points

  Earth Darts - Rank 2 (Spell Circle 2): Same spell effect as Rank 1, but creates 8 darts instead of 6. Dart speed and damage is increased by 20%. Bolts can be shot from both hands simultaneously.

  Spell Cooldown: 6 minutes

  Purchase Price: 6 Spell Points

  Radley had wanted to upgrade something to level 2 just to see if it was worth the spell points, but now wasn’t the time to gamble. He needed a guaranteed upgrade. The shield was a no brainer since he’d be fighting in close combat and had no defensive magic yet. That left the new fire spell or the Stone Fissure, or maybe Errant Wind to choose between. The fire would probably do more damage, but the fissure might give him some breathing room if things went sideways. He hesitated though, fearing that the king wouldn’t appreciate him opening a gaping hole in the citadel.

  His time to choose ended as a squad of elite soldiers shouldered the creature he would fight toward the cage door. It was an ape as the king had said and reminded Radley of an albino chimpanzee. It stood on its hind legs. Its arms were bound in cords and wore a muzzle covered its face. The guards shoved it through the cage door and Radley backed away to the far side. As the ape’s bindings were cut, Radley purchased his sonic shield and flame strike. He used the last three available spell points to upgrade his fire palm to Rank 2, then dismissed the interface. The beast turned to ferociously attack the guards as they retreated out through the cage door. Arcane knowledge poured into Radley’s mind and the new spells were suddenly a part of him.

  Radley quickly grabbed the bowie knife again but realized he couldn’t use both the staff and knife. He needed a free hand to cast his spells. The ape was beating on the cage door, but it wouldn’t stay distracted much longer; he had to choose quickly.

  “Knobbs!” Radley hissed at the captain who stood nearby, eagerly anticipating the fight. “Hold my knife.” The surly goblin looked appalled but took the blade. Radley looked back to identify the creature.

  Muirian Ape - 201/243 HP (aggro)

  Muirian Apes are common primates in Eventide Forest. They are stout and hardy and mature quickly. Muirian Apes can use tools and weapons but don't create either. They rely on their social groups for protection. They are aggressive when hunting or defending their territory.

  Battle consideration: This Muirian Ape is level 19. This creature is weakened by hunger and already hurt but is nearly twice your level. Attacking it would be optimistic. Fighting this creature within the city has been sanctioned by the king of Red Thorn.

  Radley swallowed hard. It was Level 19. Almost double his own Level 10. The silver-lining was that his opponent hadn’t been well cared for wherever it had been. The ape had already lost almost a fifth of its HP already before arriving in the cage, but it would still be dangerous. If the bunny battles had taught Radley anything, it was to fear monster engagements like this, but if his battle with the grendel had taught him anything, it was that victory was possible. He prepared himself to fight.

  CH 34 The Cage Match

  Goblins shouted and cheered but Radley’s high willpower began to filter out everything until it was just the ape with him in a cage. The ape didn’t have the same focus and paced along the cage wall beating on the bars and trying to swipe at any goblins standing within reach. The goblins were apparently familiar with the game and the crowd of green and tan creatures back just out of reach when the ape drew close.

  Radley slowly circled the inside of the cage, staying behind the creature so it wouldn’t notice him. It was wide-open for a sneak attack, but Radley hesitated. For some reason, clubbing a primate in a cage felt very different than clubbing feral rabbits in a field. It ultimately didn’t matter. His chance to sneak attack evaporated when his foot scattered several small pebbles and drew the monster’s attention. It turned on him and was already moving towards him before Radley could blink. Even with his new agility and naga reflexes, the ape felt fast. Except for a sundew vine, this was the most agile creature he had fought since waking up in this world. It closed the distance between them and lashed out through his defenses. The single blow might have killed him, but he deflected the jab with his staff, so the heavy blow only grazed him. He staggered backwards, not from the impact but to regain his balance. Somehow, he avoided taking any damage.

  The ape lunged at him again. The attack was frantic, and Radley evaded it’s fists a second time. He stepped around the att
ack and got behind the creature. The thing was fast but so was he. He swung his darkwood staff and hit the creature just below the shoulder blade. Surprisingly, the creature’s health bar was chuncked down slightly from the impact. It wasn’t a death blow, but the creature was already hurt before they started, and the additional damage dropped its HP into the yellow.

  The creature didn’t hesitate and came at Radley again. Now that Radley knew what to expect, he avoided each attack with ease. He was just faster than the creature. Like a boxer, he bobbed and weaved away from the attacks, smacking the ape with his staff whenever the creature left itself open. The creature’s HP occasionally dropped by small amounts when the darkwood staff landed. The effect was minimal and after a few minutes, the creature still had 75% HP remaining.

  Radley would have kept evading, but he forgot to watch where he was going, and his back hit the bars of the cage. The ape took advantage of his suddenly reduced mobility. It lunged at him with its whole body, slamming a shoulder against him with the force of a charging bull. The impact took 34 HP and dropping Radley’s own health bar into the yellow. The ape wasn’t done. It had the slippery prey in its grasp and wouldn’t let go easily. It grasped his arm and lifted him from the ground then slammed him back into the cage wall. Radley was stunned by the jarring impact and lost another 20 HP.

  At level 10 Radley was a bit more durable then he used to be. When he fought Settri, he’d only had 90 HP. With four additional levels and 10 more constitution, his health bar now maxed out at 163 HP. Despite the substantial increase in his life force, taking 54 damage in the first 10 seconds of battle hurt a lot and made Radley cry out in pain. In a group fight, Radley’s tank would have pulled the ape away and drawn the aggro. In a group, Radley’s cleric would have healed him. He would be buffed or blurred so the ape wouldn’t return its attention to him. In a group, Radley could just be a damage dealer. But Radley had no group. He was playing the role of a hybrid mage, fighting alone against a melee bruiser. The odds weren’t good now that he was pinned. He had only 109 HP remaining, and knew it wouldn’t last long. He needed to switch tactics. He needed his magic.

  The ape’s grip shifted, and its forearm pressed into Radley’s throat choking him. A circular icon with three rotating stars appeared at the edge of his vision confirming this was a deadly arrangement. The choking attack did percent damage over time and Radley’s HP began to tick down like a bleeding effect.

  *103 HP*

  Radley’s stun effect had worn off just before the forearm shifted to his throat and he had recited the incantation for fire palm just before the air in his windpipe was blocked. Almost at random, he had upgraded the spell to Rank 2 before the battle and now both hands flared to life, covered in flames. His left forearm was bound in the creature’s grip, but his right was free to attack. He slapped the creature across its face, enshrouding it in a combustive spray of fire and sparks while his own HP continued to drop.

  *97 HP*

  The flames washed over the giant ape and the pressure against Radley’s throat let up giving him a desperate gasp of air, but it immediately pressed back against him again. Despite the direct hit, the ape didn’t let go.

  *91 HP*

  Radley needed to attack again but his second flaming hand was still pinned in a vice-like grip against the cage bars. Without thinking, Radley craned his neck forward and bit down hard on the ape. As his mouth opened, his long fangs unfolded like twin daggers. The bio-weapons pierced deeply into the meaty flesh of the ape’s bicep that was just within his striking range.

  *85 HP*

  Radley could feel venom coursing through the hollow cores of his teeth as if he’d pressed the plungers on a pair of syringes. The ape’s strength faltered, and it let go, recoiling in pain and surprise. Radley dropped back to the ground finally able to breath and drew in several long, ragged breaths. The creature tried to back away, but Radley gave it no chance to recover. He followed up the bite with his still-flaming left hand. Fire palm discharged again against its opposite shoulder, burning fiercely and reigniting the creature’s torso in flames.

  The ape howled loudly and swiped angrily at him, but Radley wouldn’t be caught so easily a second time. He danced lightly backwards, avoiding the grapple and circled to the side so he wouldn’t run into the cage bars again. The flames burning the ape died down and the incensed creature calmed itself for the first time since being thrown into the cage. It stopped advancing and watch as Radley was finally able to put some space between them. Radley moved to the center of the cage and analyzed the creature again.

  Muirian Ape - 94/243 HP (aggro)

  Battle consideration: This Muirian Ape is level 19. This ape is weakened by hunger. This ape is burned and has reduced movement speed. This ape is poisoned. This ape is very hurt. Victory may be possible. Fighting this creature within the city has been sanctioned by the king of Red Thorn.

  Radley had done some big damage and the ape’s health was almost equal now with his own, but the ape wasn’t out of the fight yet. Radley dismissed the prompt and looked back at his opponent. When their eyes met, He could feel the cold anger seething below its intelligent control. It was smarter than a grendel and could tell that the frantic tactics of charging in weren’t working against the under-leveled prey. It was calculating a new method of attack.

  Radley took the free moment to cast his stone darts. The circle 2 spell had a longer cast time than his circle 1 spells which made casting it without a tank difficult. The spell fired 6 stone projectiles and Radley now knew they fired with a kick. He used his free arm to brace the casting arm and uttered the 3 second incantation. At first, the ape just watched, then it dove sideways just as the spell completed. The projectiles fired but passed through the space where the agile opponent had just been standing a moment before.

  Radley sputtered in disbelief as he realized not one dart had found its mark. Two darts, smashed into the bars of the cage but four passed through, doing appreciable damage to some of the spectating goblins. The goblin king laughed in delight at the show. Radley’s didn’t see any of this. His world was still just himself, an ape, and a cage.

  At the end of its dodge, the ape rolled back to its feet then charged. Radley was ready and continued to use his superior speed to evade. He had to be mindful of the cage, himself and his opponent at all times. Without his higher agility and intelligence, Radley would have succumbed quickly to the stronger creature’s blows. Instead, he kept just ahead of it. The creature was only able to land grazing blows that did little or no damage.

  Radley retaliated with his darkwood staff anytime the creature’s defense faltered. These attacks did almost no damage as well, but it was enough to keep their remaining HP nearly even. Eventually the ape began to slow. The battle was exhausting, and their stamina couldn’t last forever. Radley glanced at his HUD to and saw only 38 of 86 STM remaining. If he hadn’t invested so many points in his constitution, he would be running dry already and soon dead. Luckily, he had, and his steps still had some spring left in them. The ape wasn’t as prepared for this type of fighting. Missing a punch required more energy than landing one, and the ape had been burning through stamina like water from a sieve. Radley didn’t know how much stamina remained, but it was apparently low enough that the ape was forced to change its tactics once again.

  It began to move more cautiously. The bitten arm hung limply at its side and seemed to be useless. Radley circled the cage, keeping his distance and holding his staff between them like a barrier. The ape decided this was its primary obstacle, and in a flash, it grabbed the staff with its good arm and yanked it from Radley’s hands. Instead of discarding it, the ape adjusted its own grip and began to whip the darkwood staff back and forth between them.

  Radley was in trouble. With the added reach from the staff, his area to dodge just got a lot smaller and he no longer had a way to defend himself. The ape backed him into a corner. With nowhere left to run, Radley knew he was going to take a hit. He decided to make it count. As the
ape readied itself for a final attack Radley leapt straight towards it. The ape swung with everything it had. Radley blocked the blow with one arm and struck at the creature’s face with his other. Both of Radley’s hands connected at the same time. The staff landed with a sickening crack as two of Radley’s clawed fingers sank into the soft tissue of the creatures left eye. Both opponents howled in unison and disengaged from combat. The ape had been blinded in one eye, but Radley’s forearm had been shattered. The bones were fractured like a dropped plate, and the pain was excruciating.

  Radley had lost more HP and the ape had regained the physical advantage but psychologically, losing its eye had devastated the ape. Its intelligence and willpower were no longer able to curtail the blind rage that now boiling over. It readied the staff for another attack as Radley backed into the corner again. He whimpered from the pain and tried to calm his nerves. The exertion of and pain of his injuries were wearing him down. His left arm was no longer usable, and with his health bar was flashing red at 33 HP, he didn’t have much left to give. Only his ridiculous willpower kept him going. It dulled the pain and drove him to finish the fight with everything he had. The pause in the battle gave him enough time to conger his stone fist spell onto his good arm before the primate swung the staff again. The ape aimed for his head, but Radley punched the oncoming staff with his spelled fist, leaning into the blow and giving it everything he had. The impact shattered the crystal gauntlet and reverberated powerfully along the staff but the darkwood shaft didn’t break. Instead, the force ripped the weapon free from the ape’s hand and sent it sailing through the cage bars into the goblin crowd.


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