Wicked Nights With a Proper Lady

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Wicked Nights With a Proper Lady Page 12

by Tiffany Clare

  “There should never be a need to warn my daughter of the unseemly characters that lurk in wait for an easy victim during the season. Do what you were hired to do, and make sure you are close to my daughter at all times. I’ll not have her compromised.”

  Genny lowered her head and stared at her half-eaten egg. She was no longer hungry and wished she could simply leave the breakfast room. “Yes, my lord.”

  The crinkle and flick of the newspaper told Genny that Lord Ponsley no longer wished to converse with her. When he was well focused on his reading, she folded her napkin and placed it on the lace tablecloth and excused herself from Lord Ponsley’s company. As usual he took no notice of her.

  It should not surprise Genny that the gossips had been busy speculating about the marquess’s attention toward Charlotte.

  “Before you leave, Miss Camden,” Lord Ponsley said, looking over the edge of his paper at her.

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “Make sure that you cut your ties with Lord Barrington, too. You’ll turn me into a laughingstock should it get out that someone in my employ would dare to be so defiant as to allow herself to be courted by my opponent.”

  She lowered her head. “I didn’t mean—”

  “Save your speech. Just make sure no one else has a reason to whisper in my ear that you are visibly going behind my back to engage in some wickedly inappropriate liaison.”

  “I’ve done nothing wrong.” She really should have just left the room instead of defending herself. Once Lord Ponsley made up his mind about something, there was no changing what he thought.

  “If you are seen consorting with him again, you’ll be removed from this house, Miss Camden. Endeavor to keep that in mind.”

  He turned the page in his paper and gave it a violent flick to straighten it out.

  She didn’t say anything else, just stood near the door, keeping her eyes downcast from Lord Ponsley and the two footmen who gave her a brief pitying glance.

  He waved her off. “You’re dismissed.”

  She made her way slowly toward the parlor. How was she going to avoid Leo? He was the one always searching her out, not the other way around. Maybe if they ran into each other again, she’d speak plainly and make sure that Leo understood that her position didn’t allow for any sort of friendship or rivalry between them. It might be a better idea to send him a note.

  Now was not the time to worry about it, however, for she had to arrange her afternoon with her cousin. They were taking a ride through Hyde Park with Mr. Warren. The past few months had gone by faster than Genny had anticipated. Before she knew it, her cousin would be a married woman and Genny’s role in life once again uncertain.

  A piano piece by Bach filled the corridor as she approached the parlor. It was a small but comfortable room, and a favorite place for both her and Charlotte to retreat to when they stayed in.

  As Genny pushed the white-paneled door open, Charlotte said, “Grandmamma insists we take advantage of the invite and enjoy the summer reprieve.”

  “She does?” Oddly enough, this tidbit of news surprised Genny. She never thought the woman could be without someone close by to harangue at all hours of the day.

  Charlotte closed the lid on the piano keys and pushed out the bench so she could turn to look at her. Genny made herself comfortable on the cushioned window seat that overlooked the street below, which was bustling with activity this late in the morning.

  Folding her legs under her, she asked, “Who will keep her company while we are away?”

  “Grandmamma said she will send a note to Aunt Alice today and summon her to Town with all due haste.”

  Genny was silently relieved that they would be able to escape the heat and stench of the city and spend the hottest time of year in Hertfordshire. Not to mention being away from Barrington and Castleigh for the better part of the summer season. She didn’t wish to test her luck avoiding Barrington under the public eye any time soon.

  They had an hour to ready for their long afternoon. Genny glanced at Charlotte’s pale yellow walking dress. She looked lovely as always. “Is this what you wish to wear for your afternoon out with Mr. Warren?”

  Charlotte shut the music book she’d been reading from. “Do you disapprove of my ensemble?” She fanned out her stylish skirts, and pressed her palms to her torso as she looked down at her dress.

  “Not at all. It rained early this morning and we will be in an open carriage.”

  “Then I will instruct Mr. Warren to stay on the dry paths.”

  “Charlotte.” Genny sighed. She really didn’t want the day to be a trial with her cousin.

  “If I don’t stand up for myself now, his soon-to-be lordship will take advantage of me at every opportunity.”

  “You judge others too harshly.”

  Charlotte crossed her arms and emitted a huff of annoyance. “It’s necessary when you aren’t given a choice as to whom you marry.”

  “You aren’t in any different a position than half the young ladies who debuted this season,” Genny said.

  “Yes, but if this man is a friend of my father’s, I can only imagine them to be two peas in a pod.”

  Genny barely concealed her laugh. “Is that where all your dissonance comes from? You’re afraid you will be marrying a man like your father.”

  Charlotte nodded as she walked toward the window seat. “Wouldn’t that prospect have scared you when you debuted?”

  “My father was much different from yours. Calm, patient, loving, and doting to my mother and me. If I had met a man like my father, I would have counted myself lucky. That’s not to say I wouldn’t be horrified to marry someone with a briskly calculating and cool demeanor.”

  “You understand me perfectly, then.”

  Charlotte came over and sat opposite her, stretching out her legs on the bench.

  “I do.” Genny reached for her cousin’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. “But take note that Mr. Warren is a great deal younger than your father. He’s done well to secure a very comfortable future for you. You’ll want for nothing.”

  “Some things are worth sacrificing, including comfort, when you want more than a marriage of convenience.”

  “And what would you sacrifice all the comfort in the world for?”

  “Love,” her cousin said on a wistful breath.

  “Charlotte…” Had Genny been blind to her cousin’s feelings for another? “Do you hold a tendre for someone else?”

  Please let it not be Castleigh, she thought.

  “Not precisely.”

  Genny exhaled a relieved breath, though she wasn’t completely convinced that her cousin was telling the truth.

  “Don’t you think I should be given a fair opportunity to experience that feeling at least once before tying myself to a man I don’t love for all eternity?” Charlotte asked.

  “Give it time. Love can grow between the two of you.”

  “Easy enough for you to say when you aren’t being told you must marry someone you wish you didn’t have to.”

  “You only have to put a little effort into building a strong relationship with your future husband. I know a great number of people who have married out of duty, but have found love by working toward friendship and family.”

  “And why should I have to have children at all, when I’m still young?” Charlotte let out a distressed huff of air and rested her head back against the wall. “I just wish Papa would have let me travel the Continent—or at least have given me a few more years before doing my duty for the family,” Charlotte said, mocking her father’s words.

  “That is not for young ladies to do before they wed. But your future husband may take you anywhere in the world that you want to visit.”

  Charlotte snorted. “Don’t be obtuse. You have met Mr. Warren.”

  “You have sat with him but a few times a week this past month. That is certainly not enough time to form a lasting opinion of anyone’s character.”

  “It is for me,” Charlotte assur
ed her.

  Genny took in a deep breath, hoping for patience because she might need it this afternoon. If Charlotte was contradictory with Mr. Warren, she didn’t know what she would do to smooth things over.

  “If he didn’t want this marriage to work, he wouldn’t pay you the kindness of publicly courting you.”

  Charlotte met her gaze and rolled her eyes. “Yes, because my fifty-thousand-pound dowry has nothing to do with this kindness of his.”

  “Mr. Warren stands to inherit a great fortune. And when he does, your dowry will be nothing but a drop in the bucket,” Genny pointed out.

  “That’s if he inherits.”

  “There is no question in my mind that the earldom will be his, Charlotte. These matters take time to sort out, and once everything is resolved, he’ll take you as his wife.”

  Charlotte swung her legs back to the ground. She must have had enough of Genny lecturing her on this topic. “You needn’t remind me.”

  “I suggest you take the opportunity to better acquaint yourself with him over the next week. Endear him to your favor before we leave for the Carleton house party.”

  “Only because you are forcing me to do so.”

  “If that’s as close to acquiescence as I can get with you, then I’ll take it.”

  Chapter 11

  It is unfortunate that nothing ever seems to happen during the summer. Mind you, Lord P___ was seen visiting with Mr. W___ yesterday past at a gentlemen’s club … one that shall remain unnamed. With the current showing of P___’s daughter this season, and her recent outings with Mr. W___, one can only imagine where this will be leading near the end of the year. Is a spring wedding on the horizon? Hmm, I think not.

  I make a prediction, dear readers, and that is that P___’s daughter cannot be so easily tamed.

  The Mayfair Chronicles, July 5, 1846

  Genny tried to concentrate on the book she’d borrowed from the Carleton library last night. It was a gothic novel she had no interest in reading, but thought it might help her forget about one guest in particular. It was a useless task. She couldn’t focus on anything except the man sitting ten feet away from her.

  Lord Ponsley must have been aware that Lord Barrington would be here. Maybe the warning he’d given her was intended to make her extra vigilant in her dealings with Lord Barrington over the next few weeks?

  Why hadn’t she realized sooner that Leo could easily secure an invite to Lady Carleton’s annual house party? After all, this was where they had first met.

  The heat wasn’t helping with the distraction, either. While she’d forgone the heavy underlayers beneath her dress today due to the scorching temperature, it only made her realize how underdressed she was in the presence of Lord Barrington. How silly it was for her to worry about her lack of underthings when there were ten others in the parlor. But mulling on that thought fired her imagination to go in directions it had no right venturing.

  The interior, sheer curtains had been drawn in the room to help keep it cool, though that wasn’t really helping.

  It seemed she wasn’t the only one affected. Aside from Leo playing chess near a shaded window with Lady Hargrove, Genny sat across from Lady Carleton. There were two gentlemen and two ladies sitting with them on the opposing settees. Charlotte and Ariel reclined on a sofa perpendicular to Genny, their fans slowly flicking back and forth to cool their flushed faces.

  “I propose,” the countess said, “that we spend the rest of this dreadfully hot afternoon al fresco.”

  Charlotte and Ariel both sat up, their fans slowing with the welcome idea.

  Fresh air would do everyone in the room a world of good. And Genny would be able to put a great deal more distance between her and Leo.

  “What a fantastic idea,” Genny said.

  So long as there was an elm to sit beneath and lemonade in hand, she’d be content. Agreement went all around the room. Lady Carleton made arrangements with her butler and everyone fanned out of the parlor to retrieve their hats, bonnets, and parasols.

  Leo held back with his chess partner, making a final play before standing from the unfinished board. Genny waited for Charlotte and Ariel to exit the room. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but she was suddenly standing in the entrance of the room with only Barrington for company.

  “After you, Miss Camden.” One of his hands fell possessively to the small of her back to guide her through the door.

  Had anyone else been there, she knew he wouldn’t have taken the liberty to touch her. The intimate touch had her freezing momentarily to the spot. Moving meant losing the feel of his hand against her and, admittedly, she’d been thinking about his hands on her all morning. Her thoughts must be all jumbled from the heat. She did not want Barrington to actually touch her.

  Only moments ago she had wanted nothing more than to escape his presence. And hadn’t she promised to pinch herself if she thought of Barrington in too fond a fashion ever again?

  She pointed her finger accusingly at him. “Don’t think because you were invited to this house party that you are also invited into my bed.”

  She might as well put that on the table for discussion.

  Leo’s arm extended above her head to rest on the door frame. The move brought him within kissing distance. “I’m flattered that you think of me often enough to conclude that that was the reason I came.”

  Genny brushed a strand of hair from her forehead as she glared at him. What was he about? He could not deny that he had designs on her. Why else would he have held back to speak with her? Why would he attempt to catch her eye when he thought no one was looking?

  “You barely register in my thoughts.” She nearly flinched at those words. It was a terribly cruel thing to say, but she needed to set boundaries with this man.

  He leaned so close to her that their faces were level.


  She didn’t blink or lower her gaze.

  “There were great times between us, but if you want more honorable relations then I will do as you wish.”

  Then she did blink, not sure that she’d heard him correctly. Folding her arms over her chest, she said, “Ah, so that’s the way of it? You’ll be spending your time here on another task.”

  Had he intended to seduce another all along, and right under her very nose? How in the world had she ever seen any decency in him? Or been charmed by his flattering words, and pseudo-chivalric ways?

  “I’d hate to disappoint you, princess, but you are sorely mistaken.”

  She tapped her slippered foot, suddenly uncomfortable with the direction of their conversation. “Surely you jest.”

  “Is it so hard to believe that I don’t have designs on anyone else?” He held up his hands as though in surrender.

  She chose not to respond and instead stepped through the door intent on leaving him there alone. But she stopped and turned back to him, needing to know one thing: “Is no one to your liking?”

  “Only one lady, and she’s made it clear that I am to refrain from any advances.”

  “Oh,” was the only intelligible response she could muster.

  He meant her, didn’t he? She mentally kicked herself for the little flutter in her stomach at the thought of having his undivided attention. She would not allow herself to be charmed by his flattering words.

  “You should retrieve your bonnet before anyone wonders where we have disappeared to,” he reminded her.

  Yes, she should. Nothing short of a good mile separating them would do. To keep her wits about her, she’d need to remain in the company of the other houseguests at all times. She could not find herself alone in his company again.

  She sped off to her room without looking back, unable to bear seeing his smiling face, for he most certainly understood her discomfiture. Worse, he knew exactly how to put her out of sorts. She would gather her courage to stand up to him after she had a moment to calm her frayed nerves in her room. He would not turn her into a blushing, stammering, speechless fool.

sp; * * *

  Leo wasn’t precisely sure what he was doing. All he knew was that he’d craved Genny’s company since his arrival yesterday morning. She had managed to avoid him at every turn, always surrounding herself with other houseguests.

  Did she really think warning him off would make him leave? Well, he’d not give her a chance to avoid him for much longer. He waited for her at the bottom of the grand staircase that led up to the bedchambers. He was already dressed to go. Everyone else had a head start toward the afternoon spot. He was the last one who could keep Genny company on the walk and he was glad she would have to take his arm as they made their way outside to their impromptu luncheon.

  He smiled up at her as she came down the stairs, face flushed from her exertions to ready herself quickly. Her hair was tucked away in a beige bonnet, and she carried a matching lace parasol. Disappointment flashed in her eyes as her gaze slipped past his shoulder in search of any others. He wouldn’t let her escape him so easily.

  “Have they all left?”

  He ignored the disappointment in her voice and gave her his most charming smile. “Everyone has a five-minute head start on us. I said we’d be out in a trice.”

  “We’ll have to hurry to catch them.” Genny practically skipped down the stairs in her rush to be away from him.

  “There is no rush, Miss Camden. I promised Lady Carleton I would take good care of you. We can get to know each other better on our walk.”

  She pinched her lips together as she glided past him. “I can’t imagine what it is you wish to know.”

  “Everything, Miss Camden. Including your darkest secrets—though I daresay I already know a few, hmm?”

  She glared back at him.

  He held out his arm for her to take. While they’d been friends and had spent time together four years ago, they’d never touched in public, afraid they might give away just how well they knew each other. Things were different now. They were both older and more mature, and he liked to think wiser.

  Instead of taking his arm, she brushed past him and headed for the exit. She opened her parasol and weaved down the stone path in front of him without so much as a glance back in his direction.


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