Gods and Monsters

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Gods and Monsters Page 1

by Sean Michael

  an imprint of Torquere Press

  Gods and Monsters

  Copyright © 2005 by Sean Michael

  All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address Torquere Press, PO Box 4351, Grand Junction, CO 81502.

  ISBN: 1-933389-12-5

  Printed in the United States of America.

  Torquere Press electronic edition / July 2005

  Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, PO Box 4351, Grand Junction, CO 81502.


  Chapter One

  Marrone slept as he always did, curled around his beloved, defending and protecting Verde from all touches, mortal or immortal. It had always been so. It would always be so.

  He felt the touch of familiar fingers at the base of his horns, teasing them to hardness, seducing him from dreams. He smiled, nuzzling close. Beloved One.

  My own. His Verde rubbed against him, all soft skin and hard heat, his twin most eager, as always, to join them together.

  Yours. Marrone nibbled playfully, antlers sliding through Verde's hands, fingers trailing along his twin's spine.

  Green eyes opened slowly, gazing at him with such love. And lust.

  He purred, licking warm lips. You will fill me with your joy this morn, Beloved.

  A shiver went through the sweet body. As you wish, Beloved.

  He rumbled, lips teasing face and neck, hands sliding over perfect skin. Verde sang for him, body undulating, stretching and rubbing, arching into his hands. The pressure of vines and leaves beneath him tickled and he chuckled, a dozen beasts answering his call. What a thing! This love.

  Verde rolled over top of him, phallus hard and hot, pressing along his thigh. It made him shiver, made him ache with a need only his beloved could fill. Beloved. Brother.

  No longer two. Verde pushed into him, filling his body with heat and joy and love.

  No. One soul. One heart. His pleasure was called through the forest, all he was offered into Verde's hands.

  His beloved twin cried out, the trees around them growing quickly, reaching to the sky. They move as one, heat building between them, spring becoming summer as they blazed.

  "Beloved!" Verde's voice rang throughout the trees, coloring the leaves with his passion.

  His seed splashed upon the ground, his satisfaction bringing the harvest, the land heavy with fruit. Heat filled him, burned him with Verde's joy. His Beloved's mouth covered his, sweet words of love and eternity whispering into him.

  He purred, wrapping around Verde yet again and settling them onto the earth. Most loved.

  Verde nuzzled against him. My own.

  He nodded, settling Verde into the spot his twin belonged. Yours.


  Verde hated wars. They left his beautiful land scorched and broken, ripped apart.

  One of Rossa's favorite wars had finally ended, the troops withdrawing, taking with them their beasts of burden, their encampments, their fires, their dead. Verde walked over the land, mourning, leaving behind tender gasses wherever his bare feet stepped and fragile new shoots that would one day be trees grew up where each of his tears fell. On and on he walked, growing angrier as he realized just how much of the land had been raped by this war.

  He stopped and roared loudly enough that each of his brothers and sisters could hear his anger.

  The thunder of Marrone's hooves rocked the ground itself, the soil going rich, the scarred earth turning. "Beloved."

  He reached out for his twin, heart sore and shaking. "Oh, Beloved. Look. Feel. It is terrible."

  Marrone sniffed, nodded, head bobbing. "Rossa's hand is harsh. It has always been so. The land will repair. We will outlast her furies." Dark eyes shone as his cheek was cupped. "It has always been so."

  He nuzzled into Marrone's warm hand. "It is such a waste, brother."

  Marrone's lips met his own, warm and rich and so full of life. "And which will cure it, most Beloved? Your anger or your love and joy?"

  He blinked and then smiled against his twin's lips. "My Beloved, what would I do without you?"

  He got a wide-eyed look in response. "You would not. I am yours as you are mine." Then Marrone leapt at him, playfully knocking him to the ground, hot tongue sliding over his skin.

  He laughed and bucked up against Marrone, playing at trying to get free. Hands and lips teased and tickled, his happiness, multiplied by his twin's, poured out over the ground.

  "Oh, Beloved, you bring me to life." His hands found those sweet horn nubs, sliding over them, teasing them to growth. They grew up beneath his fingers, warm and hard. Marrone's lips found his nipple, tugging and pulling, tasting his passion. He rubbed his brother's horns, even as he rubbed his own need against a powerful stomach.

  Beloved...I burn for you. Soft whimpers flowed over his skin and into the ground, ivy and grass springing up with their joy.

  Yes...yes, Beloved. And I for you.

  He wrapped his legs around Marrone's waist, feeling the earth coming back to life beneath his back. Before they were done the whole area would be covered with long grasses and beautiful flowers. Heat pressed inside him, easy and natural, Marrone's rutting most needed, most welcome. He grabbed his brother's ass, holding the firm flesh in his hands and pulling the beloved body in harder, tighter, faster.

  As he had since the beginning, since the first trees sank their roots into the soil, Marrone gave Verde everything. Verde shouted out his beloved twin's name, feeling the earth rumble and flourish with their passion. Marrone moved within him, hand curling around his phallus, tongue pressing deep into him, the land singing with their love.

  "Marrone!" He whispered his twin's name. He shouted it. Mountains shook and the earth trembled.

  As he came, the new flowers bloomed, all reds and yellows and blues and purples. Marrone held him tight, body moving within him, sure and steady as the sway of the trees in the deepest forest.

  It lasted an eternity that was over in the blink of an eye. Always too fast, too soon, too good and he was coming again, heat splashing between them. Marrone's seed answered his own spending, filling him with a simple love and joy that could not be undone by war or destruction.

  He stayed wrapped around his beloved twin, feeling the life of the earth within him and without.

  It loves you, the earth. Almost as much as I do.

  He stroked one of Marrone's cheeks, purring at his twin. Never as much as you, Beloved.

  No, my love. Never as much. Warm lips traced his skin. Come, Beloved. Come and run with me. 'Tis a horned moon.

  Oh, yes! He slid around Marrone's body until he was seated on the wide, warm back, hands holding tight to the base of the great antlers. "Let us run!"


  Verde curled up around Marrone, head on his brother's belly.

  Rumbling softly, Marrone stroked his back. "How does the day find you, Brother?"

  "Better now, Beloved." Verde rubbed his cheek against Marrone's belly. "I was missing your touch."

  "There was no reason for you to miss my touch." His twin laughed softly. "You belong here."

  He turned to look up into dark brown eyes. "I know, brother." Lifting his head, he brought their mouths together. Marrone kissed him slowly, hands sliding over his skin, petting. Running his own hands over Marrone's arms, he purred.

  "Do you have need of me?" Marrone's eyes flashed and a pair of huge stag's horns appeared atop his head. "Or shall we hunt, Beloved?"

  His purrs grew louder. "Need first, hunt after."

  Marrone's horns shrunk back to hide in his mass of hair. "Yes, Beloved." He was pushed into the g
rasses with a growl.

  He spread his legs, wrapping around his brother's waist. "Yes!"

  Growling low, Marrone pushed into him without hesitation, eyes hot. He cried out, hips pushing up to meet the thrust, hands holding on tight to the thickly muscled arms of his brother. Rutting, Marrone groaned, body working hard as the grasses grew wildly around them, vines twining.

  "Harder, brother!" he demanded. "Faster!"

  Marrone howled, moving until their bodies were slamming together. Sparing a hand to grab his cock, he pulled hard until he roared, seed spilling, making flowers bloom in the tall grasses.

  Marrone filled him, cry splitting the air. "Beloved!"

  Verde pulled Marrone down onto himself, needing the weight of his brother on him. "Sweet brother, how I love you."

  Nuzzling, Marrone rumbled softly and took a kiss. "Beloved."

  He purred softly in reply, offering another kiss to his brother's pleasure.

  Marrone rested a moment and then rubbed against him. "We hunt?"

  He laughed softly. "Always so restless for the earth, my dear brother. Yes! We hunt!"

  Marrone growled happily, horns on the beloved head growing into a full rack, head tossing. "Forest or field?"

  He climbed onto his brother's back, fingers wrapping around the base of Marrone's horns. "As you wish, beloved."


  They moved through the deepest forest like roots through soil, moving so quickly that the creatures only blinked as the trees rattled. Spring became summer and summer fall before they stopped at a brook to drink and rest.

  Marrone lowered his head, drinking the cold water, body chilled where his brother slid away. His eyes were reflected back at him, huge and dark, his rack of horns full and heavy and sharp. Verde's face appeared next to his, his brother's eyes green, even in the watery reflection. Then Verde drank and the ripples took away both their reflections.

  "Mother grows weak, Beloved, and Father will reign supreme soon." He stretched, growled low as his muscles pulled against each other. "Shall we sleep the snows away?"

  Verde purred, sweet, slender body rubbing against him. "Love me first, brother, and then sleep."

  He nodded, nudging the most loved face with his cheeks, their scent strong and rich together. Hunger and the need to rut was sharp upon him, as it was always with his Beloved, the One Who Made the Sap Flow.

  Verde wrapped wiry arms around his neck, hands moving up to caress his horns. The clever fingers slid over them as their cheeks continued to rub together. "My fierce horned stag," whispered Verde.

  He wished his brother's leathers away, his own body bare as always, and pulled them together. His chirrups and rumbles were proof of his pleasure, his need. Verde climbed his body easily, legs around his waist, mouth taking his, melding them together.

  Wild and grass-sweet, his Beloved's flavor fuelled his hunger, made him need as none other. The others were alone, separate, older -- he and his brother had been coaxed as one from their mother's embrace by the Eldest Son, Violo seeking their father's favor by freeing mother's attention -- but he and Verde? They shared the same roots, the same need.

  Verde nipped his bottom lip, hands holding tightly to his horns. "Take me, brother. Make us one."

  "We are always one." He tossed his head, the feel of Verde's touch to his horns erotic and arousing, necessary. His hands gripped the slim hips, pulling his Beloved down onto his thick cock. Verde cried out and flowers bloomed out of season along the banks of the river.

  Marrone pushed deep, hips moving in the familiar, unmistakable rhythm of rutting, of joining, of life. His brother's eyes flashed at him, green bright and full of life, full of him. Verde moved like a sylph on his cock, fluid and eager. Verde's fingers circled the base of his horns, sending deep-rooted flashes through his body, making him roar and jerk. Their mating became fierce as the skies darkened, Turchino blessing their love.

  "Marrone," whispered Verde. "Brother. Mine."

  "Beloved Verde," he answered, the words a prayer, the forest coming alive around them. "Mine."

  Verde called out, seed spraying between them. The skies opened up as he came, filling his brother, his lover, his Beloved. Verde clung to him, skin cooling quickly in the rain.

  He nuzzled, holding his brother close. "A deep cave in the mountains? Some bodies to keep us warm?"

  Verde purred for him. "Yes, my brother. You always know what we need."

  He took a kiss, drinking from the well of Verde's happiness. "You find the bodies, I will bring us to the cave, Beloved."

  "As you wish, my brother."

  He tossed his head, Verde using the momentum to swing onto his back, settling in the spot made for the slender body. A sniff of the air and they shimmered, two becoming one with the forests again.


  Verde reached out as he rode Marrone, searching for disciples to draw into their hibernation with them. Live bodies to keep them warm as they played and slept away winter's snow. When he found worshipers, he caressed Marrone's horns in gentle warning and leapt from his back, leaving his brother to find them a place. When Marrone was ready he would come, expecting Verde to be ready for him.

  He landed in a small clearing, shaking his hair out around him; it was his only covering.

  A dozen dark eyes glanced up at him from the fire -- a group of mortals just beginning the summer of their lives. Four auburn-haired men and two dark women stopped their eating.

  One lad, taller than the rest began to growl, the sound much like one his Marrone would make, but one of the young women stopped him with a touch. "Lord Verde? Mikah, it is Lord Verde. He heard our songs."

  "Indeed, I did." It pleased him to be recognized. He held out his hand to her, inviting her to touch his person.

  She came forward, kneeling before him, laying one soft cheek against his palm. "My Lord. You honor us."

  Three young men, each as the other, stood together in a huddle, the other dark-haired nymph held tight between.

  "You, perhaps, I honor. The others appear frightened. My children, am I so scary?"

  It was the other woman who tilted her head and spoke. "No! No! You... Oh, Orin, Dirin, Arin! Look! He's lovely!"

  There was a quick series of mutters and the brightest laugh and then he was surrounded by laughter and quick, dark eyes. He laughed as well, shaking his hair to fall at his back, letting them look their fill.

  "You were calling to me, children of the soil, and I came. Now you must tell me why."

  To his surprise it was the oldest mortal, the tall one, who answered. "There is a plague in the villages, my Lord. We were sent to the forest to find shelter. I am Mikah and that is Liska. The four are as one. We have survived the autumn, my Lord, but I cannot care for my adopted family when the snows come. We seek your guidance, my Lord. Tell me what best to do?"

  "What does the earth do when the snows come, my dear ones?" He reached out and touched each one, soft smooth cheeks warm against his hands.

  The sweet raven-haired human nestled into his touch. "It sleeps, my Lord. Quiet and still, under the snows."

  "Yes! And so do we. I am here to answer your prayers, dearest ones. My brother and I are ready to spend the winter in hibernation; we need only warm, willing bodies join us. Sleep with us and you will find your spring more bountiful than you could ever imagine."

  Mikah knelt before him, happy tears in the dark eyes. "Thank you, my Lord Verde. Oh...thank you."

  Liska's smile lit the forest. "I told you. The Lords of the Forest are true. They are."

  He bent and kissed her softly. "We are."

  "Oh..." Her eyes lit up. "Sweet, my Lord."

  "Who else would taste?" he asked, looking around at them, willing to share with each a taste of what the winter would hold.

  One of the matched set of men lifted a smiling face to him. "Please, my Lord. I would taste your sweetness."

  He smiled, pleasure filling him. Such deserving followers. He took the smooth cheeks in his hands and brought their mou
ths together, slowly opening the dear mouth and dipping his tongue inside. That earned him the sweetest sigh and tremor. Oh, such pleasure, such innocence, such joy offered up.

  When the kiss ended, Verde found himself offered two that were exactly as sweet, one brother truly as another.

  Oh, his own brother would truly be pleased.

  He kissed the other two as well, sharing himself with all of them -- he would not have even one share their winter unwilling. Such innocence was intoxicating and his phallus was hard; he was wanting by the time they had each had their taste.

  "Marrone," he murmured, reaching out for his brother in his need.

  He felt the warm answer as rush of warmth, the image of a dark, deep cave with a pool for water filling his mind. Beloved.

  "Come with me now, my brother awaits us."

  Four bright and two dark heads nodded, eyes warm and rich and full of trust. He held his arms open, gathering them close and then willed them all to his brother's side.


  The cave was all they would want -- warm and dry, a pool, lovely crystals for his Beloved to see, soft ground to sleep upon. Marrone felt his brother's call, the pleasure, the mortals coming to share heat and pleasure and winter. He carefully reduced his antlers to mere nubbins hidden in his wild mane. They would spring free soon enough.

  Verde appeared before him, his Beloved with a cadre of followers, young and strong all, warm and beautiful. Shiny dark eyes blinked him, little wild creatures with wild hair and singing with curiosity.

  His brother Verde, however, sang with a sweet need.

  "Bright day, sweet ones. Blessings to you one and all."

  "This is my Beloved, the other half of me," Verde said, leading their followers forward to him. "Do not be frightened, come and taste -- you thought me sweet, you will find him deep and true."

  One, the slightest of them all, dress just hinting at her curves, came and snuggled into his arms without fear, lifting her smooth face for his kiss. "I am Melin."

  He bent and took a kiss, purring at the sweetness he found there, the willing pleasure. When he looked up, he found his Beloved's eyes beaming at him and the five others eager to take their turn. Verde moved them, maneuvered them so that they were held in the circles of his and his twin's arms.


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