Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed

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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed Page 7

by Mz. Lady P

  “Where are we?” I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

  “You’re in Punta Cana, Mexico. Now stop asking questions and get off of the plane. All of your drivers are outside waiting to take you to your new homes.” He had this devilish ass smile on his face, and I wanted to knock the fuck out of him. At the same time, he was sexy as fuck. This nigga looked like he was Mexican and mixed with some Black. His dreads were neat as hell pulled back.

  “This shit is getting more and more confusing by the minute.” Chloe said as she looked out of the window, and we all did the same. Just like he said there were four black Cadillac trucks waiting on the runway for us.

  “Who you telling? Can you just tell us why we have to be separated and where we’re going?” I asked because it concerned me. I didn’t understand the need for us to be separated from one another.

  “No, I can’t. Now get off of the plane.”

  “You’re too damn cute to be so fucking rude.” I said as he nudged us off of the plane. We all slowly walked off of the plane and headed towards the cars. There were drivers standing outside with boards that had our name on them. This was the weirdest form of kidnapping I had ever seen.

  We all held hands until we made it up to the cars. No words were spoken as we all hugged each other and walked to the assigned cars. The driver opened the door for me and I slid inside with ease. The Mexican driver just smiled and closed the door. I laid my head back on the headrest and wondered what the hell was coming next. I knew that Shayla, Sky, and Chloe were all thinking the same thing.

  Chapter 16- Tina

  I had been sitting in this fucking Villa with all these kids for two days with no fucking sign of Rock. This motherfucker had promised me that we were going to Walt Disney World, not no fucking Mexico. I’m in here all alone with eight damn kids all under the age of four. Not to mention he hasn’t been answering any of my phone calls, and that shit was really making me mad. I had been trying to get in contact with the girl for the longest, and they weren’t answering. I was a ball of nerves, because I needed to know they were okay. All of the kids were finally asleep, and I was having a much needed cigarette out on the Lanai.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stop smoking them cigarettes like that?”

  “Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calling you since yesterday. Why am I here in Mexico when I should be in Florida with my grandkids?”

  “First of all, pipe the fuck down. Your ass is here in Mexico, because this is where you need to be since you out planning heists and shit without running it by me first.” I got quiet hearing him say that, because I knew he was pissed. At the same time, I wasn’t in the mood for his bossy ass behavior right now.

  “I don’t have to run shit by you. I’m a grown ass woman and my daughters needed me. In case you forgot everything has been taken from them. Now answer my questions. Why the fuck am I in Mexico, and where the fuck have you been?” I got up in his face, so that he could know I was dead ass serious.

  “Back the fuck up and watch your mouth, Tina. It’s been a minute since I put my hands on your ass, but you real close to me reminding you of who the fuck run shit.”

  “I wish you would put your fucking hands on me. I will gut ya black ass like a fish.” I walked away from his ass, because he was making me want to stab his ass for real. He was not answering my questions, and it was making me mad as fuck. Jaylah begin to cry and I had to rush and get her. She was so fucking spoiled it was ridiculous.

  “Do you have any idea how dangerous it was for you to allow them to go out and try to rob a fucking bank? Did you forget that the FEDS are watching every fucking thing we do, Tina? That was so fucking stupid on all of ya’ll parts.”

  “Whatever, Rock. I’m done talking. I advise you to book me and my grandkids a flight back home, because I’m out this bitch.”

  “Your ass is home. So you might as well get comfortable.” He threw over his shoulder as he walked into the house. I looked at his ass like he had lost his mind.

  “Come again, Jayson.” I had to call him by his government.

  “I didn’t stutter, your ass is home. We’ll be staying out here for a while. End of discussion. Now take your ass in the kitchen and cook a nigga something to eat. I’m tired as fuck and a nigga hungry.”

  I watched as he kicked off his Gucci loafers and laid across the chaise in the master bedroom. I was so heated I could kill the bitch in his sleep, but I had something else for his ass. Rock had another thing coming if he thought I was about to slave over a hot ass stove for his ass. I waited until he fell asleep on the couch. He had me fucked up, and he needed a reality check. I’m still the same old Tina nothing has changed but my age.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Let that be the reason you watch who the fuck you talking to, Rock. Yeah, I know you like to think you wear the pants, but I control the zipper, motherfucker!”

  “Why the fuck would you throw hot water on me. I think you scalded me!” Rock jumped up off the couch and start peeling off his clothes.

  “I didn’t scald your ass. I just made it hot enough for you to understand not to fuck with me again.” I walked away and left his ass right there in the middle of the bedroom wet and naked as hell. Between him and these damn kids I’m about to start drinking some hard shit, because the damn Chardonnay ain’t cutting it.


  Later that night I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I couldn’t believe Rock and I were fighting. This was the first time we’ve fell out since he’s been home. I hated how things were. I was missing my son, and the last thing I wanted was to be fighting with the one person who reminded me so much of him. I decided to get up and go find him. I refused to go to bed mad.

  In my old age I know that’s a no no. Never go to bed mad at your mate. I checked on the kids, and they were all sleeping peacefully. I continued throughout the big ass Villa and headed towards the Lanai. The closer I got, I could hear Rock’s voice. I hoped and prayed this nigga wasn’t on the phone with some bitch, because I was going to do more than pour hot water on his old ass.

  I stood back so that I could hear him. I couldn’t really hear, so I moved closer and that’s when I heard another voice. I moved even closer, and I was now standing over Rock’s shoulder. He was so engrossed in his Facetime conversation that he didn’t even realize I was standing over him. Tears started falling down my face as I realized it was indeed my son.

  “Jayceon?” I said as I grabbed my chest and tried to find something to hold on to. Rock hurried up and ended the call. I felt like I was going to faint, but Rock caught me before I fell.

  “Calm down, bae. I can explain everything.” Rock walked me over to the couch and kneeled in front of me.

  “Please, Rock. Tell me I’m just crazy and hearing things. Was that really my baby?” I was crying and shaking like a leaf.

  “That was Jayceon.”


  “It’s a long story and all that doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that they are all alive and well.” Rock had grabbed the sides of my face and was looking directly into my eyes.

  “Have you known all this time that they were alive, because if you did that would be so fucked up? You’ve seen how me and those girls have suffered day in and day out behind this.”

  “I didn’t know at first. He called me out of the blue the day before I told you I was going on that business trip. You thought I was cheating, but I wasn’t. I flew out to Paris to see what the fuck was going on. When I got there my other son, Jace, was there. Apparently, he was the mastermind behind everything. So don’t be mad, babe, we had to do what we had to do for them to stay under the radar. There’s some shit brewing and all of you needed to be moved. Stop worrying about the girls. They’re okay. They have arrived out here safe and sound.” I wiped my tears and stood up.

  “Tell my son to call his mother.” I walked away, because I was so hurt at the moment. I cried for him day in and day out. Losing him took a big part of me away. For him to b
e alive and well and not get in contact with me hurts me to my core. Eventually, I’ll get over this betrayal, but right now I’m in my feelings about this shit.

  Chapter 17-Jayceon

  The look on my mother’s face was priceless. At the same time I was hurt to see her hurt. I could only imagine what she was thinking and going through at the moment. I knew that I would have a lot of explaining to do, because my mother wasn’t going to allow this to slide, but right now I wasn’t ready for that. I needed to focus on reuniting with Bella, and making sure that she would understand that I’ve done all of this because I love her and my kids.

  I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do in regards to keeping my family safe. I knew for a fact there was no way I was going to allow Bella to rob no fucking bank. Just knowing what they were doing because they thought they were broke fucked me up. Her stubborn ass would have known that I had money stashed if she would have answered the phone for a nigga.

  Throughout the years, I’ve made sure to never fuck over people, that’s why we’re here in Punta Cana. One of my business associates was able to get all of us our own Villas to live in. We were able to get them all at great prices and furnished just in time before the girls arrived. I wasn’t feeling the whole staying in Paris thing at all. I had no connections there, so I didn’t feel the need to be over there.

  I didn’t give a fuck about laying low. I needed to make some motherfucking moves. I had a hit list longer than my dick, and I was ready to start knocking motherfuckers off. Bitch ass motherfuckers want to play with my life and my freedom. Got me fucked up. Shit is about to get so real that’s why I moved my family out here. I most definitely don’t want them out there, and I got beef.

  The last thing I want is a motherfucker bringing harm to them on account of me. It was bad enough that Bella had fallen victim to my beef with Vladimir. I just couldn’t live with myself knowing she would have to suffer some shit like that again. It hurt my heart each and every time I thought of them niggas violating her and pumping her full of drugs. That shit changed not only us, but the dynamic of our relationship as well.

  I stood on the balcony of the Villa awaiting Bella’s arrival. I was quite tipsy and high as hell. I needed to be intoxicated in order to explain this shit to her. I was anticipating World War III after the initial shock of her seeing me. Bella was definitely about to wild out on my ass. I looked in the distance, and I noticed the truck I had sent for her coming up the winding driveway. I knocked back the last shot and went downstairs, so that I could greet her at the door. I didn’t want her to walk around and think she was all-alone. I wanted to be the first thing she saw when she walked inside the house.

  Chapter 18-Bella

  I was in awe as I pulled up to the beautiful Villa that was sitting just feet away from the ocean. The wind was blowing kind of hard causing a whistling sound. The palm trees looked as if they were swaying due to the strong wind. The driver got out and opened the door for me. I stepped out, and he closed the door behind me. He gestured his hand for me to walk towards the door.

  I thought that he was going to walk up to the door, instead he hopped back inside the truck and drove away. At first I was a little hesitant, but I walked up to the door and got ready to knock. Before I could knock it opened, and I all I could do is stand there frozen. A part of me wanted to reach out and caress his beautiful face, but the other part of me wanted to slap the fuck out of him. I chose the latter.

  “Really, Jayceon?” I said as I slapped the fuck out of him, and he roughly grabbed my wrist.

  “I know you mad but don’t do that. Come inside so that we can discuss some things.”

  “We don’t have shit to discuss. All of the answers I need are standing right in front of me. You basically faked your death, so that you wouldn’t go to jail, and you failed to mention the shit to me. You have no idea what I’ve been through without you. I have nothing because I loved you.

  “Do you have any idea what it was like to take care of three kids all alone, knowing that their father was never coming home? I’m so fucking done with you, Jayceon. I’m not mad, I’m not hurt, and I’ve ran out of fucks to give. I just want to get home to my kids and get my life back.” I was absolutely done with this motherfucker. For him to be alive and well while I suffered was the ultimate betrayal and smack to the face.

  “I know that you’re upset right now, and you should be. I’m not going to force a conversation on you until you calm down. In the meantime, you’re at home, and I advise you to get comfortable. The kids will be here in the morning. Our bedroom is upstairs to the left. Everything you need is already in there. Whatever you don’t have, I’ll have Carlotta go and get it for you tomorrow.” Jayceon tried to pull me in for a hug and give me a kiss on my jaw. I immediately moved away from his fraud ass.

  “Don’t touch me.” I walked past him and headed up the stairs to find the bedroom. I had been in the same clothing for days, and all I wanted to do was take a long hot bath. When I walked inside the bedroom, I fell in love with it, but I wasn’t in the mood to get all excited.

  It was hot pink and black with rhinestones covering the walls. I walked inside the closet, and I was in designer heaven. I had everything in this closet that I had at my old house with new things included. Everything looked so immaculate. I didn’t even want to touch anything. Under different circumstances, I probably would have been happy as hell, but I was too damn hurt at the moment. I wanted to scream, shout, and cry, but I was stuck in translation. Nothing was making sense to me at the moment. One minute I was mourning Jayceon, and the next minute I was wishing his ass was dead.

  I went inside the bathroom and ran me some bath water. I peeled off the clothes I was wearing, and tested the water with my foot to see if it was hot enough. I slid inside the water, and I laid my head back on the pillow that was attached. The bathroom was so luxurious and had me so relaxed. It was the first time in a long time I was able to just relax. I closed my eyes and that’s when the waterworks started.

  I was so fucking tired of crying over this nigga. I just wanted this shit to be over and done with. I keep giving him chance after chance and he just keeps stomping on my heart. Lord knows I’ve tried to hold on even when I knew I should have walked away. Jayceon just makes it so damn hard. Three years and three kids later still nothing has changed, and I doubt that it ever will. Jayceon has put me through some shit, but nothing compares to him faking his death. He didn’t just do this to me, he did it to our kids. I don’t think I can ever forgive him for this stunt right here.

  After about an hour of relaxing, I finally got out of the tub. I was so tired that I didn’t even have it in me to find any clothes to put on for bed. I cut all the lights off and climbed under the silk covers. The bed was so huge, it had one of those headboards that resembled that of a couch. It also had the diamond studs all over it. I fell asleep with my babies on my mind. All I wanted was to lay under them.

  Thinking of them made me wonder if Tina and Rock knew about him being alive. I hoped and prayed that they didn’t, because that would make me look at them totally different. That shit would not be cool to see us in the house crying over their deaths knowing that they were really alive.


  “Good morning, Mrs. Bennett. I’m Carlotta. Breakfast will be served as soon as you’re dressed.” I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes trying to block the sunlight that was blinding me. Thanks to her pulling back the curtains and opening the windows.

  “Please don’t call me Mrs. Bennett. My last name is Santos.”

  “I apologize, Ms. Santos. If it’s okay I laid you out a nice robe and slippers to wear down to breakfast. If there is anything you or the children need I am at your disposal.”

  “Are my children here?”

  “Yes, they just arrived. They’re adorable. I’m going to enjoy being their nanny.”

  “Thank you, Carlotta. I try to be very hands on with my children. I can assure you that I try to take care of all their wants and ne
eds. I’m not one of those mothers who puts the responsibility of parenting on the nanny. I will only call on you if I really need you.”

  Jayceon knows for a fact I don’t like nannies or maids. He kills me with this shit. At any rate, Carlotta gives off really good vibes, so I will allow her to at least do her job around the house, as needed. But I just hate the idea of someone else washing my panties and cleaning up after me. That’s just the way I am. At the same time there is no guarantee I’m staying here. I don’t give a fuck what Jayceon says. I took my sweet little time getting ready, because I wasn’t ready to deal with his ass.

  About an hour later I made my way down the winding staircase. The house was absolutely beautiful. The whole set up had Jayceon all over it. From the first time I met him, I knew he had good taste.

  I could hear Jazzie and Baby J’s voices as I walked through the house to find the dining area. When I walked inside the room, Jayceon was sitting at the head of the large table feeding Jaylah a bottle. The scene before me was priceless, and I never thought I would be able to see it. It’s a shame I can’t rejoice in the fact that Jayceon is alive and well, spending time with his kids.

  “There go Da Da.” Baby J said to me as he pointed at Jayceon. I just rolled my eyes and didn’t even respond. I walked over to where they were sitting and placed kisses on all of my babies’ foreheads.

  “Look at your head, Jazzie. Why must you pull all of your barrettes out like that? I’m doing your head as soon as you finish eating.” She was looking like a girl version of Buckwheat from the Little Rascals. She was too damn pretty to be walking around with a nappy ass head. I sometimes got shivers looking at her, because she was identical to her mother.


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