Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed

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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed Page 12

by Mz. Lady P

  “Man, that shit been weighing heavily on a nigga. Did ya’ll see them standing over that nigga Jace’s body getting rid of evidence and prepared to dispose of the nigga’s body? Bella wasn’t fucking off, I looked at the whole set up, and knew that she was the mastermind behind the shit. Shayla and Chloe were like deer caught in headlights, but definitely down for whatever. I guess their asses are serious about that La Bella Mafia shit.” I said as I flamed up a Newport. I hadn’t smoked a cigarette in damn near five years, but I needed one with all the shit that had been going on.

  “I’m still trying to understand how the fuck Bella stabbed that nigga, like you could see that nigga’s windpipe. She gutted the fuck out his ass.” Dominic said.

  “Hell yeah. I’m proud of lil sis. She straight bodying motherfuckers. Nigga, you should have seen when she blew Monique’s shit back. Had her ass looking real thoughtless. The bitch brains was splattered everywhere. It was then I knew she wasn’t shit to be fucked with. This shit with Jace confirmed that shit for me. Blockka, you better lace up your Nikes, my dude. You’ve created the female Blockka.” Tech said with a serious look on his face.

  “I don’t think it’s that deep. Bella’s just tired of being fucked over, so she’s taking action against the motherfuckers who are coming at her, or me for that matter.”

  “Nigga, you must have forgot her ass was planning to rob a damn bank. Now if that ain’t a female version of you, I don’t know what the fuck is.” Rashad said. I leaned my head back and placed my hands behind my head. That shit made a nigga feel proud, but at the same time it made me feel bad. Bella was never supposed to become a reflection of me, because I loved her just the way she was.

  When I first met Bella she was pure and innocent. I took an angel with wings and turned her into a devil with horns. Bella is supposed to be home making sure the kids and the home front is straight. Not murdering people or planning bank heists. That shit is not becoming of her. However, there is no coming back from it, because what’s done is done.

  At the same time, this is the main reason why I want to kill this bitch Fatima, and anybody else that poses a threat against my family. We will no longer live life looking over our shoulders. I’m going to marry Bella again and make sure the only thing she has to worry about is what to cook for dinner. I want to live a happy and relaxing life.


  I waited until Tech, Rashad, and Dominic laid it down to get some much needed rest before I left. I knew that if I told them I needed to make a run they would try to follow me, and I needed to be alone. I liked to spend time alone with Angelica on her birthdays. It was the only time we could be alone together. Although she couldn’t speak back to me, I wanted to be able to pour my heart out to my daughter. Shed some tears if I have to. I only get once a year to really visit with her and feel her spirit. It’s something about her birthday.

  It’s hard to believe she would have been seven. For some reason I believe her death was more them just a heinous act on the part of her mother. I believe she was taken from here to make way for Bella, Baby J, Jazzie, and Jaylah. Angelica was an angel, and she left her mark here on the world. I swear a piece of her was inside each one of them. Especially Jaylah, she’s the splitting image of Angelica. I swear a father’s first love is not his wife, it’s his daughter. Angelica has left a mark on my heart, and it will be there until the day I die.

  I stopped and grabbed some balloons and a small cupcake with pink icing. That was her favorite color and icing to have when she ate cupcakes. The ride to the cemetery was short and sweet. It had been a minute since I had tended to her grave, so I made sure to grab some cleaning supplies to tidy it up.

  I smiled as I looked at her area of the cemetery. I had paid a lot of money for her to have her own private area. The black granite marble looked beautiful under the shining sun. I loved the bench set and swing that sat caddy corner to her actual grave. The swing was her favorite thing to play on, so I saw that it was only fitting to have it at her final resting place.

  “Happy Birthday, daddy’s baby.” I got down on my knees, and I started to wipe off all the dirt that had settled on her headstone. Tears came to my eyes as I wiped off the dirt that was on her picture that set on top of the headstone. I placed a candle inside of the cupcake and lit it.

  “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Angelica, Happy Birthday to you.”

  I stayed facing Angelica’s headstone as I closed my eyes at the sound of a familiar voice.

  “The last time I came out here, I said it would be my last, but how could I not come and wish my daughter Happy Birthday. Turn around, motherfucker! Look at me!” Fatima yelled. I slowly turned around and stared at this bitch. She had a nine-millimeter in her hand pointing it at me.

  “I never knew a mother who was so spiteful and full of hate that she would run her own daughter down like a dog in the streets. How could you do that shit to her, Fatima? You hated a nigga that much that you would kill our daughter just to hurt me?”

  “It was a mistake, Jayceon.” She was now shaking like a leaf and holding the gun unsteady, which was making me nervous. But I had the bitch right where I wanted her and putty in my hands.

  “A mistake is when you admit that you did some shit by accident. Not when you cover the shit up for years. You knew what the fuck that did to me. All these years I blamed myself for not watching my daughter more closely when she got hit.”

  “That’s the thing, Jayceon. You weren’t watching her. If memory serves me right you were up in some bitch’s face, but what the fuck was new. That’s all you ever did was fuck each and every bitch that you could. Yeah, big bad Blockka can do whatever the fuck he wants with no repercussions. What about me, Jayceon?

  “I was there all along and you shitted on me every chance you got. I loved you and only you, Jayceon. How come you couldn’t just love me and only me?” I was in shock just listening to this selfish ass bitch. No matter how many months or years passed, she still would forever and always be a selfish ass bitch.

  “Listen to you, Fatima. Here it is we’re discussing the fact that our daughter is laying here in a grave, because you hit and killed her. Now in my heart I don’t want to believe that you did the shit on purpose, because you saw me talking to another bitch. You sitting here telling me about how I didn’t love you, because I fucked with other hoes.

  “Them hoes were nothing to me, Fatima. At the same time, it was you who got whatever the fuck you wanted. You were never fucking satisfied. I cop your ass a Benz, and you turn around and want a fuckin’ Maserati. I cop your ass a fuckin’ mansion on the water, you tell me it ain’t big enough. Fuck all of that, though. Let’s talk about what this shit is really about. You were jealous of your own fucking daughter. I couldn’t give her an ounce of attention without giving you a pound. You hit and killed her on purpose.” I said through gritted teeth.

  “I did not kill her on purpose, Jayceon. I swear I never saw her run into the street for the ball. I was on my way to surprise you. I just lost focus on the road seeing you talking to that bitch. I didn’t even know I had hit her until it was too late. How could I tell you I killed her? I’m sorry, Jayceon, it was a mistake.”

  Fatima was now crying, but I didn’t know if it was real or fake. Either way the shit didn’t matter. There was nothing about this bitch that was trustworthy. This bitch had no intentions on shooting a nigga, so I went and sat down on the bench by the swing I had installed.

  “Have a seat, Fatima.”

  “Fuck sitting down. Where the fuck is the rest of the Ski Mask Mafia bitches. I should have known you motherfuckers weren’t dead.” She shook her head from side to side as if she was disappointed. That made me smirk, because this bitch should have known the Mafia had more lives than a motherfucking cat.

  “Tell me something, Fatima. Why did you rat us out like you never was a part of the Mafia? Damn, Tima baby, some of those heists were your idea. Before you kill a nigga, I think that’s the least you could do.
I deserve that much.”

  “You never should have loved her.”

  “Loved who, Fatima?”

  “Bella. It was all about me until she came along. I was nothing to you when you got with that bitch. You said fuck me, so I had to say fuck her. I hope that bitch is somewhere crying her eyes out over your death.” This bitch was the true definition of being bitter.

  “Well you got your wish. She left me and took the kids. When she was arrested she just couldn’t take it anymore, so she bounced. I decided not to even reach out to her. It’s better that she thinks I’m dead. The Ski Mask Mafia lifestyle was just too much on her. I regret the fact that I ever crossed you. You were my down ass bitch. So if it’s any consolation, I’m sorry for everything. If I could change things I would. I would have definitely been a better man to you.”

  I hoped and prayed this bitch was eating this shit up. She had now lowered her gun, so I knew I had her, but not quite all the way like I wanted. I stood up and walked towards her. I stood directly in front of her and wiped the tears from her eyes that had fallen. I bent down and placed a kiss on her lips. Without hesitation I took the gun from her hand and she was putty in my hands, but I couldn’t kill her just yet.

  “Let’s just run away together. We can get back on our Bonnie and Clyde shit. Like it used to be back in the day. Let’s go now, we can run away together. I just need to clean out all of my bank accounts. I already have Rashad Jr. with me; he’s in the car right now. You can raise him as your son. Rashad don’t want nothing to do with him anyway. We need to hurry up if we’re going to do this. I still love you, Jayceon. I never stopped loving you.” I couldn’t do shit but smirk at the sight before me. I wasn’t ready for the person I was looking at. Fatima had no clue either. This shit had just got real for a nigga. Did this bitch Fatima just say she loved me? Fuck outta here.

  “Funny thing about loving that nigga right there. He no longer belongs to you. See, that nigga right there Jayceon “Blockka” Bennett, bitch, that’s all me. How dare you stand here and confess your love to this man when you don’t even have any loyalty to him. See, bitch, that shit goes hand and hand. Since the day I met him it’s been all about him, and for the rest of my life it will still be all about him.

  “I’ve been through hell and high water behind just wanting to be with him, but, bitch, you already knew that. Since you’re part of the reason why our happiness has been compromised from the jump. We’re stronger than anything you or any of these weak motherfuckers, who insist on trying to bring what we’re trying to build down. Three years and three kids later, we’re still in this shit, and will be even when you’re dead and gone. You’ve been a weak ass bitch from the jump. You’re a waste of motherfucking space. A jealous, bitter ass bitch that just so happened to kill her own fucking daughter, and walks around like the shit was cool.

  “For that alone, bitch, you have to die. Not to mention the fact that you a rat ass bitch! Any final words before I put you out of your misery?” Bella was standing with her gun pointed directly at Fatima’s head. Chloe, Shayla, and Sky had their guns pointed at her as well. I wasn’t the target, but I was scared as fuck right now. Bella might have a flashback and shoot me in my ass or some shit.

  “Bella I—” Fatima tried to say, but was silenced real quick.

  “Oh shut the fuck up!” Bella said as her. Chloe, Sky, and Shayla let their guns do the rest of the talking. The bitch Fatima looked like Swiss cheese laying on top of a grave.

  “Who the fuck gave ya’ll permission to be on this shit? Not to mention what the fuck ya’ll doing here in Miami. Bella, I told ya ass to stay at that house until I made it back.”

  “All that shit changed when you niggas stop answering the phone. Plus, La Bella Mafia don’t take orders from nobody. Not to mention the fact that Pops is on a fucking rampage, because he can’t get in contact with Jace. Plus, the bitch Sierra was in on that bullshit with Jace.” Bella said as she was putting a new clip in her gun. All I could think about was how in the fuck did she know how to shoot a damn gun. I was in shock watching Bella and the rest of their asses reloading their guns like they were some assassins.

  “Where the fuck is Sierra at now?”

  “I killed that bitch. Pedro’s handling the rest of that for me.”

  “I want to be mad at you, bae, but I simply can’t. I see you really down for me, but this is it for you and your little trigger happy crew. I’m about to order and plane and send ya’ll back home.”

  “Fuck no, Blockka! I ain’t going home unless Dominic’s black ass is with me.” Shayla said.

  “Exactly. No disrespect, big bro, but I’m at Tech’s ass for ignoring my fucking calls.”

  “As for me, nigga, I’m gon’ need some diamonds or something to keep me from getting all in your shit for not answering the phone for me. Not to mention, I saw you as soon as I pulled up kissing the bitch Fatima.”

  “Come on, bae. You know that shit was business. Give me a kiss.” I grabbed Bella and tried to kiss on her, but she was pushing me away.

  “Ya’ll hear that?” Chloe asked as she looked around.

  “Hear what?” I asked.

  “I could have sworn I heard a baby crying.”

  “Oh shit! Fatima said that she brought Lil Rashad with her, and he was in the car.” I walked away hurriedly trying to get over to her car with Bella, Chloe, Shayla, and Sky on my heels. Just like Fatima said her son was strapped in his car seat crying his heart out. I swear that bitch being dead is the best thing that ever could have happened to this kid. I opened the car door and pulled him out. This little nigga was the splitting fucking image of Rashad.

  “Let me see him.” Chloe said as she reached her hands out and grabbed him. He immediately stopped crying and laid his head on her shoulder.

  “Awww, sis. He likes you already.” Bella said as she squeezed his chubby cheeks.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here!” I said as we walked back over towards where our cars were parked at. Chloe had placed Lil Rashad’s car seat inside the car and placed him in it as well.

  “Not so fast. We have some unfinished business, Blockka.” We all turned around. It was a crew of ten white motherfuckers, whom I was almost sure were the fucking Russians.

  “What type of business we have, motherfucker? By the way who the fuck are you?” I said as I pulled the gun Fatima had from my waist. I could hear the sound of guns being cocked back, and I knew it was La Bella Mafia. I guess it was a good thing they came down here. Now my only concern was making sure Lil Rashad was safe and sound.

  “It’s a motherfucking party and ain’t nobody invite Thug Inc.?” I looked to the right side of me and it was my niggas: Thug, Remy, Malik, Sarge, Dro, King, Dutch, and Nasir walking up locked and loaded.

  “So, fuck us too.” I looked to my left side and them Mafia niggas was approaching, all black everything with guns in hand. Fully locked and loaded.

  “I see you blacks stick together.” The leader said in that thick Russian accent. I knew this was indeed the nigga Mikhail.

  “Black Lives Matter, motherfucker. Now shut the fuck up before I put a bullet in ya ass.” Only this nigga Malik would be yelling some shit like that at a time like this.

  “Fuck all this shit, nigga! What the fuck you got against the Mafia?” I yelled.

  “I owe you tremendously. You killed my greatest ally and the worst bitch to ever get in bed with. The bitch Fatima has been a thorn in my ass since I met her ass. I have something for you, though.”

  “Move slow, motherfucker. It’s been a minute since I killed me a motherfucker. My trigger finger has a mind of its on.” Thug said. Mikhail moved slow and pulled a small black bag along with a piece of paper out of his pocket.

  “What’s this shit?” I opened up the paperwork and began to look over it.

  “That is your get out of jail free card. Let’s just say you and your crew are no longer wanted by the Federal government.” I noticed the black velvet bag immediately, it was the same black ba
g from the jewelry store heist that Bella got caught up in. I knew because of the gold emblem that was on it.

  “How in the fuck can you give us a get out of jail free card?” Tech asked.

  “I am the Federal government.” He said as he turned around with the rest of his crew to exit the cemetery.

  “Funny thing is we don’t fuck with the Federal government.” I said and let loose on their asses along with my crew, La Bella Mafia, and of course Thug Inc. This shit was something out of a motherfucking movie. It was a damn massacre at the fucking cemetery. Once it was said and done there wasn’t a Russian standing.

  “That shit felt good. My wife would kill me if she knew I was out here on this bullshit. You know since I’m supposed to be retired and everything.” Thug said as he put his gun away.

  “Good looking, my nigga. I appreciate everything. ”

  “No doubt. Let’s ride the fuck out of here. There are some holes already prepared for these motherfuckers. My people gon’ handle that. By the way, don’t sleep on wifey, she nice with that piece. Reminds me of an angel I once knew that goes by the name Boss Lady.” Thug and I dapped it up and his crew walked towards their vehicles.

  “I’ll be in touch about that business proposition.” Remy said as we shook hands and embraced.

  “I’ll be waiting.” I said.

  “Can we get the fuck out of here, please?” Tech said.

  “Yeah, give me a minute.” I said as I saw Bella standing over Angelica’s gravesite. I loved how Bella felt the need to love my daughter although she never met her before. From the moment she found out what happened to her, and how it affected me, she’s been there for a nigga.

  “She’s at peace now, babe. I don’t have to worry about it anymore.” I said as I wrapped my arm around her neck.

  “I know, but are you at peace? I need you to promise me that from this day forward, you will never blame yourself for her death again. You were a wonderful father to her and to our kids now. I love you, Jayceon. Please stop letting this hinder your growth as a husband and father.” Bella wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips.


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