Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle) Page 10

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Chapter Four

  “So, how exactly is this equipment going to help us find Vlorian?” Archer asked, turning the dials on the machine with a curious expression. He was at Lynxar’s home, in the laboratory he’d built for his wife, Dr. Rachel Deering. Archer had worked with her before at the hospital and respected the fact that she was a brilliant research scientist and inventor. Still, he’d never seen anything like the equipment in this laboratory and as a doctor himself, he wanted to know more about it before using it.

  Rachel smiled easily. She said, “Since Vlorian and Etherial are both from other planets; they’ll be emitting special particles that only come from outer space, called Regmaglypts. These scanners are designed to detect those particles. We couldn’t detect them before because the Mafia King’s lair was shielded, but hopefully we can pick up on them now.”

  “We need to find Prince Vlorian before he opens that crystal coffin, so these scanners had better work.” Archer said worriedly.

  “Believe me, they work.” Lynxar said with chagrin, remembering how one of the scanners had first brought him and Rachel together years ago. Suddenly, Lynxar’s expression changed to one of fear followed by intense sadness.

  “What’s wrong?” Archer asked with concern, setting down his device and rushing to Lynxar’s side.

  “We’re too late.” Lynxar said with a heavy voice. “The crystal coffin has been opened. Lord Vladimus is now free and stronger than ever.”

  “I sensed it too.” Lynxonna said. She looked pale, as if in shock. “He’s joined forces with Etherial and the Mafia King. They’re making plans to …”

  Lynxonna’s words trailed off and she shook her head angrily. “I’ve lost them! I can no longer read their thoughts!”

  Lynxar slammed his fist against the table, cracking it in half, and said, “I’ve lost them too! They must have gone into a new shielded location. Damn it! Now we’ll never learn what they were planning!”

  “It’s okay.” Archer said calmly and confidentially. “We already know more than they’d want us to. When Vladimus and Vlorian come to attack Colossal City with their little group of vampires, we’ll be ready for them.”

  “Except they’ll have help.” Lynxar pointed out. “They’ve formed an alliance with the Mafia King and the witch, Etherial.”

  “Leave the Mafia King to me.” Bryan said. His passionate words made him lose his concentration, and he turned invisible before everyone’s eyes. They could only hear his voice, as he said, “The Mafia King may have bested me in our last skirmish, but the fight’s not over yet. I have a score to settle with him and this time I won’t be the one stuck in a prison; he will!”

  “Yes, and I think Etherial and I need to have a little talk, girl to girl.” Lynxonna said, eager for a fight of her own. “Let me take care of her, and you boys can handle the rest.”

  “I guess that leaves you and me taking care of Vladimus and Vlorian,” Lynxar said to Archer, giving him a hardy slap on the back. “You can use your transport portal to zip over to Mathias and get a couple more of those crystal coffins and I’ll stay here and prepare some new weapons.”

  Archer began to squirm uncomfortably. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Actually, that’s where we run into a small problem.”

  “What problem?” Lynxar asked, raising his brows. “We can make enough wooden stakes and silver spikes to impale the vampires that Vlorian brought with him. Then we just push the father and his son into a couple of new crystal coffin prisons, and the rest will to be too scared to even put up a fight!”

  Archer swallowed hard and said, “We can’t get any more crystal coffins from Mathias. It takes hundreds of years to grow the specialized crystals needed to create the coffin prisons. My people used all the ones they had to create the last one they gave me.”

  “So how do you expect us to capture and defeat Vladimus and his son?” Lynxar asked incredulously. His wife Rachel lovingly put her arms around him in an effort to keep him calm and stop him from accidentally breaking any more tables.

  “Well, that’s where you come in.” Archer said, looking pointedly at them.

  “What can I do?” Lynxar asked, but Archer shook his head and explained that he’d actually been looking at Rachel.

  Archer said to her, “I noticed you’ve been doing some research on accelerating the growth of certain compounds. I’d like to apply that research to crystals.”

  Rachel looked with interest as Archer began to scribble frantically on a piece of paper. He said, “If you make these adjustments to your formula, we should be able to grow the crystals we need to create our own coffin prisons within a matter of days.”

  “I think it just might work.” Rachel said, grabbing the paper and scribbling new calculations on it. “We should get started right away!”

  Chapter Five

  Over the next several days, Dr. Rachel Deering and Dr. Archer Speedlight worked tirelessly in the lab, accelerating the growth of crystals. The formula had to be just right and administered to the crystals at the precise moment. Afterward, they had to be monitored closely with constant adjustments to make sure the rate of growth didn’t cause abnormalities. It was exhausting work, but the results were hugely rewarding.

  Rachel was worried that her long days working in the lab would cause her daughter Lynxiennia to feel neglected, but it was just the opposite. Archer brought along Dawn’s daughter Aurora and the two five-year-old girls were never happier, spending the entire day together playing after school.

  Meanwhile, Lynxar, Lynxonna, and Bryan spent their days patrolling the city to keep it safe. They were also looking for any signs of the vampires, Etherial, or the Mafia King; hoping they could find their secret hideout. At the end of the day, they returned to Lynxar’s house, exhausted and frustrated.

  “I guess not finding any vampires today was a good thing,” Lynxar said. “But I just wish I knew when they’d attack. The waiting and not knowing is the worst part.”

  Rachel greeted her husband with a smile and a kiss. She said “Well, it’s good that they’re waiting long enough for us to finish the crystals. They’re finally in the final phase of growth. Archer and I will be able to assemble the coffin prisons first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “That’s great!” Lynxar cried out proudly. He gave Rachel a congratulatory kiss, saying, “After that, they can attack anytime and we’ll be ready!”

  “I was hoping the vampires would wait a little longer, so maybe we could have a date night.” Rachel teased.

  Lynxar smiled at her and said, “I know, ever since Lynxiennia was born, we just don’t get out like we used to, but I’d rather stay in.”

  He sent a thought to Rachel’s mind and she blushed. She whispered to him, “I want you right now, too.”

  Archer said tactfully, “It’s been a long a day, and we’ve all gotten a lot accomplished. Why don’t Dawn and I take Lynxiennia to our house for a sleepover tonight, so you two can have some alone time. We’re all going to need our rest if we’re going to assemble the coffins tomorrow.”

  Lynxar and Rachel thanked Archer gratefully. No sooner had everyone left, than Rachel threw herself at her husband, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him passionately right in the middle of their living room.

  Take off my clothes, she thought, knowing he could her mind. Lynxar complied, using his telekinetic abilities to strip off both their clothes without having to remove his hands from fondling her. They lay down on the couch together, still kissing and grabbing each other passionately.

  I’m going to make you orgasm; he sent the thought into Rachel’s mind, as he nuzzled her neck and nibbled her earlobe.

  She giggled with delight, then pulled away, arching her left eyebrow at him challengingly, and said aloud, “I bet I can make you orgasm first!”

  Lynxar grinned, accepting her playful challenge. He cupped her full, round breasts in his strong hands and brought his mouth to her nipples, kissing and suckling her. Rachel sighed with pleasure as her rosy
nipples became hard with arousal and she felt moisture growing between her thighs. She twisted out his reach and took his manhood into her mouth, pleasuring him with her lips, mouth and tongue. She delighted in the salty taste of him as he moaned in ecstasy.

  I won’t let you win that easily, Lynxar sent his thought to Rachel’s mind, and even though he could not reach her with his hands, Rachel felt as if he were caressing her. With the powers of his mind, Lynxar was able to stimulate her most intimate places, rubbing and caressing them in just the right ways. Rachel’s breath came in ragged gasps as she struggled to hold back her orgasm. Every nerve and muscle in her body was tingling with erotic pleasure and it was all she could do to hold herself back. If she was going to keep from losing the game, she was going to have to do something quick.

  In a sudden and unexpected move, Rachel turned over on the couch so Lynxar was underneath her, and straddled his waist. She slid his rigid member deep into her wet folds and began to thrust wildly on top of him, sliding up and down the full length of him. She ran her hands over his chest as she did so, scratching erotically at his torso with her fingernails. The sensation drove Lynxar wild with passion and he could no longer control himself. He groaned loudly as he climaxed inside her, gripping her hips and squeezing her buttocks as he spilled his seed.

  Rachel could still feel the sensation of Lynxar stimulating her nipples and innermost folds as she gound on top of his throbbing organ. When he grabbed her buttocks and she could feel him climaxing, she let go of her restraint and allowed herself to climax with him. Her orgasm sent waves of rapture rolling through her. She threw back her head and screamed out in ecstasy as her body convulsed in pleasure. Finally, she collapsed on top of him, utterly exhausted and satisfied. His skin was damp with perspiration and she delighted in curling her fingers through his long purple hair.

  Lynxar curled his arms around her and hugged her naked body against his own. He said aloud, “That was worth the wait.”

  “It sure was.” Rachel agreed. “But who won our challenge?”

  Lynxar grinned and said, “I think it was a tie.”

  Rachel giggled and said, “Want to go for a tie breaker?”

  “I sure do.” Suddenly, Lynxar sat up and accidentally dropped Rachel from his lap onto the floor with a gentle thud. He said urgently, “Get dressed; someone’s coming!”

  “Who could it be at this late hour?” Rachel asked, pulling on her clothes with a look of concern.

  Lynxar was already fully dressed, thanks to his super speed. When he saw that Rachel was descent, he pulled open the front door and Rachel gasped in horror to see the Mafia King standing there. He was dirty and sweaty, with leaves clinging to his clothes. It looked like he’d escaped some terrible accident in the forest. Rachel drew in a gasp of air, preparing to scream, but Lynxar held his hand out in a calming gesture and said to her, “Don’t worry; he’s not here to harm us. He’s here to help.”

  Chapter Six

  “How do we know we can trust him?” Bryan asked doubtfully. He’d been eating breakfast with his wife, Vicky, after a beautiful night of making love, when he’d gotten the call to return to Lynxar’s house. When he arrived, he was hit with the unpleasant surprise of finding his nemesis sitting in their living room, and he wasn’t the least bit happy about it.

  Lynxar had been talking with the Mafia King since late last night, and after listening to what he had to say, decided to invite all his friends over to hear his story. He could understand Bryan’s suspicions and tried to calm him. He said simply, “I trust him, and you can, too.”

  Lynxonna said, “I’ve been reading his mind and there is no deception there. His story is true and his feelings are sincere.”

  Archer spoke up as well. He said, “His biological signs are all steady. There are no elevated levels of adrenaline or stomach acids. No increased rate in pulse or breathing. I’d say he’s telling the truth, too.”

  Bryan respected his friends’ opinions, but he still had his doubts. He said, “And why would our enemy, who’s been plotting for years to take over Colossal City, suddenly come here with an offer of help? All he cares about is destruction and power, so much so that he aligned himself with vampires! We can’t trust him!”

  The Mafia King stood up, hefting his heavy body from the couch with a groan and said, “You’re right; for years all I’ve thought about was how I could destroy you and take Colossal City for myself. I was hungry for power and I thought I could get it by aligning myself with Prince Vlorian. We made a deal. I would help him free his father and he would bring a small band of vampires to help me take over the city. Then I would rule Colossal City and give the vampires a few victims as a reward, but things aren’t going as I planned.”

  Bryan tried to maintain his distrust, but as he listened to the Mafia King’s story, he thought perhaps the others were right. Maybe he was telling the truth.

  In his deep and gravelly voice, the gangster said, “After I helped Vlorian get the coffin safely out of Colossal City, we went to the witch’s fortress and he opened it and let his father out. Lord Vladimus was nothing like I thought he would be. He had no plans to let me rule the city as I’d been promised. He plans to build a portal that will link Earth to the vampire realm and bring thousands of vampires here to enslave the human population and drink all their blood.”

  Lynxonna gasped at this awful news and Bryan could barely stop himself from turning invisible. Archer went pale with horror and only Lynxar, who had already heard the story, was able to maintain his cool.

  The Mafia King gave them a moment to regain their composure, and then continued, saying, “I’m not a good man. In fact, I’m the farthest thing from it, but this is beyond evil. I wanted to rule Colossal City, not see the entire human race wiped out. I knew there was only one thing I could do; I had to come to you. I managed to escape Etherial’s fortress and come here, hoping you’ll believe me.”

  “Why come to us? You’re a powerful man; why not call upon your gangsters?” Bryan asked, but there was no distrust in his tone, just curiosity.

  The Mafia King bowed his head and said “Vladimus is calling forth thousands of vampires. My men would be useless against forces like that. You’re the only ones who can protect Colossal City from that kind of attack; I’m willing to do whatever I can to help you do it.”

  The room was silent for a moment as everyone digested all this new information. Then Bryan himself patted the Mafia King’s shoulder and said, “We’re glad you came to us. We can use one more man on our team.”

  Lynxonna and Lynxar began to exchange ideas about what they could do to defend the city. Huge defenses would have to be put into place. Bryan offered to provide all the funding necessary, thanks to his billion-dollar estate.

  Archer sat quietly in the corner thinking. After a while, he sat by the Mafia King and said, “Tell me everything you can about this portal.”

  The gangster let out a sigh and said, “It’s being constructed in the top tower of Etherial’s fortress, deep in the Evergreen Forest. She’s cast a spell, shielding it from your detection, but I know how to get through it. The portal itself is huge, at least twenty feet in diameter. An entire army will be able to pass through it easily. The vampires are working on it twenty-four hours a day.”

  Lynxar and the others couldn’t help but overhear their conversation and be drawn to it. Lynxar asked “Did they say when it will be ready?”

  The Mafia King shook his head, making his jowls flap.

  Archer stood up, with a serious expression and said darkly, “I already know when. I’ve been studying the skies. In three nights’ time, at midnight, a rare event will take place. The stars of Mathias, Flonar, and Earth will be aligned in a perfectly symmetrical triangle. It’s the only time the portal will be able to get enough power to transport an entire army. I’m certain they plan to activate it then.”

  “Three nights! There’s no way we can make Colossal City defensible against an army by then!” Lynxar cried out.

  Archer nodded solemnly. “You’re right. There’s only one solution. I’ve got to shut the portal down and destroy it. I just need to get into the fortress and I’ll have to count on all of you to create a distraction while I do it.”

  “We can keep Vladimus, Etherial, and all their minions occupied easily enough.” Lynxar said confidently.

  “And I can get you into the fortress.” The Mafia King volunteered.

  Lynxonna, usually eager for a good fight, was uncharacteristically quiet. Putting a gentle hand on Archer’s shoulder, she said softly, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes.” Archer said, without hesitation. “I’ve failed Dawn before and it almost made Aurora an orphan. I won’t fail her again, or the people of Colossal City. Once I destroy that portal, the vampires won’t ever come back here again. They’ll seek easier prey and Dawn and Aurora will be safe forevermore.”

  “Okay, well if you’re sure, then you can count on us to help you.” Lynxonna said with tears in her eyes.

  “Good. We’ll leave at noon today; the vampires will be weakest at midday. I’m going home to be with Dawn before I leave.”

  Lynxonna wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug goodbye. After he left, Bryan stared at her and said, “What was that all about?”

  Lynxar, who possessed Lynxonna’s same mind-reading abilities, already knew. He said to Bryan, “Archer knows that in order to destroy the portal, he’ll have to do it from the other side, in the vampire realm. Once he does, he won’t be able to get back. This mission will be his last.”

  Chapter Seven

  Dawn Bright had just finished dropping her daughter Aurora off at school and was thrilled to find Archer sitting in their living room.

  “Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” she smiled happily, greeting him with a kiss. “I thought you were going to Lynxar’s house for the day to work on getting rid of the vampires.”


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