by Jessica Ryan
“Now, you listen here,” Jacko said, flexing his muscles and pointing right at Seth. “You signed an agreement that gives me authority to handle security as I see fit. I’m telling you what needs to be done to protect your shitty little town and goddammit, I’m going to do it.”
“Hold on,” Mr. Sokolov said. “The mayor does have a point. Verification is required in this case, especially for their peace of mind. What do you propose, Mr. Mayor?”
“Goddammit,” Jacko started to say.
“Enough, Jacko,” Mr. Sokolov said. “I pay you to follow orders, and I’m giving you one now. Stand down.”
Jacko threw himself back in his chair and slapped the heavy conference table with enough force to rock it, but he remained silent.
“Thank you, Mr. Sokolov,” Seth said. “It’s very simple, actually. Allow me to enter the forest and find Rowan myself. I’ll talk to him and find out what his true motives are. I’ll find out if it was even him or someone who looked like him, for that matter. Allow me to do an independent investigation and report the findings back to you. I want my town to prosper as much as you want to make money. I have no reason to lie to you. I have no attachment to Rowan; I wasn’t raised with him. I simply want to see it with my own eyes and make my own judgment.”
“Very well put,” Mr. Sokolov said. “Please do your investigation and report back to me. I’ll wait to hear the results.”
“No problem,” Seth said. William threw his hands up like he was completely confused by Seth’s actions, but Seth just ignored him and leaned back in the chair. He was the victor.
“One more thing,” Mr. Sokolov said. “Please take Maribel with you. It’s time she got her hands dirty with a little field work, and I want her present while you conduct this investigation. I trust her opinion over everyone else’s.”
Seth placed his chin in his hand and thought as he stared across the table at Maribel, the girl who had managed to capture his heart so quickly and easily. Would he be able to concentrate on the mission at hand if she was out there with him? Would he be able to keep her safe? His wolf growled its approval, reasoning that she would be forced to fall for him once she had seen his mighty strength and his ability to always protect her.
“Very well,” Seth said. “I’ll keep her safe.”
“See that you do,” Mr. Sokolov said. “She’s very special to me and she’d be difficult to replace.”
Maribel had been listening to everything Seth had to say and she was already shaking her head in protest. She had too much respect to speak out against Mr. Sokolov, but finally the desire to say what was bothering her took over and she blurted it out. “I can’t go with him, Mr. Sokolov. I’d never survive. What if Rowan is rabid? He could kill me easily.”
“That’s why Seth will protect you,” Mr. Sokolov said. “He talks about a need to verify with his own eyes, correct? I need to do the same. I’m sure you understand, don’t you, Mr. Mayor?”
“I understand perfectly,” Seth said, winking at Maribel, who looked like she was going to cry.
Mr. Sokolov disconnected the call and left them all to think over what had been said. It didn’t take long for everyone to file out. Jacko looked like he was ready to murder someone, while William looked confused and upset. Ms. Wilson also looked a bit confused as she followed closely behind Jacko, glancing back at Maribel before she finally left.
Soon it was just Seth, sitting calmly in his chair as he looked at Maribel, who had not taken her eyes off the table in front of her.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I’m going to die,” she said quietly.
“You won’t die,” he assured her. “I’ll be there and I’ll protect you. I promise.”
“Will you protect me, or try to screw me?” she asked, glaring at him.
“Excuse me?” Seth asked.
“I know you want to claim me,” she said, catching him off-guard. “I figured it out last night.”
“Whoa,” Seth said, becoming perturbed by her attitude. “You wanted me just as much as I wanted you. You were the one sitting on my lap, grinding back and forth.”
“That was a mistake,” Maribel said, standing up. “I never should have mixed work and pleasure. I’ll go with you into the forest, but I won’t be your whore. I’m sorry, Seth. I’m just not that kind of girl.”
Before he could protest any more, she turned and exited the room as quickly as possible, slamming the door behind her. Seth was left alone in the room, trying to pick up the pieces of what the hell had happened. She had wanted him the night before, but now she was pissed at him? None of it made sense. Was this something women did, or just Maribel?
His wolf was still growling its approval of Maribel, demanding that he claim her and make her his mate for life. He wanted to do it so bad, but he couldn’t force himself on her. They were meant to be together; that much he knew to be true. Maybe it was destiny. Maybe it was love at first sight. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t stop Seth from claiming his mate. She couldn’t stop him—he would make sure she saw what a great mate he actually was.
Seth had two missions in the forest. Two very important missions: finding out the truth about Rowan, and claiming his true mate.
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***All my serials are sold as individual entries and as collections. It would cost you MORE to buy each individual entry than it would to purchase a collection.***
About This Series
This is a continuation of The Bucklin Wolves Saga. If you have not read that series you may be a little lost reading this series.
I write in a serialized format. Each book is a continuation of the previous, kind of like episodes of a television show. As you can see the original Bucklin Wolves series was four serials each comprised of three parts apiece.
At the end of each three part serial I do bundle them into a collection which is generally cheaper than purchasing each individual part.
All parts will be available on select online retailers.
This serial is intended to be three parts but could go longer depending on fan demand and response. I expect to release each part two to three weeks apart.
A Note from Jessica
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