Bunny Hills and Bikinis

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Bunny Hills and Bikinis Page 19

by Heather Thurmeier

  He could get Roberta to fire me. It would be easy for him. All he’d have to do is smile and flirt a little when he made his concerned employee report to Roberta about the workshop.

  Damn it.

  “You really are a shit, you know that right?” she said, annoyed that his threat worked on her. Too tired to think of a way out of this situation, she sighed, annoyed with herself.

  “I’m really not. I just want you to know how important this is to me—to get a real chance with you—I’m willing to do almost anything I have to.”

  “You know you’re not helping your chances of me falling in love with you right now with all of these threats.”

  “I’m determined to get my chance with you, that’s all. I swear I’m not normally like this. If you weren’t so damn stubborn, I wouldn’t have to resort to these tactics. Isn’t keeping your secret with Nate worth one little date with me? Isn’t letting Nate keep the job he loves worth one little sacrifice from you?”

  How many other “sacrifices” will I have to make. A kiss? More than a kiss?

  The elevator door beeped at the prolonged use of the open door button. Amelia had already past through the doors but she knew he wasn’t going to let them close until this resolved. She had to do something.

  “One date? Here at this hotel, not offsite?” she questioned. There was a real possibility that he might be playing some trick on her. If she agreed to this, it had to be with her rules securely in place and completely understood beforehand.


  “And if I decide while on the date that I’m not interested, then it’s over? I’m free to walk away and you’ll finally leave me alone?”

  “Yep. Just dinner. After dinner we part ways if you want, or the date continues if you decide you want that, which I sincerely think you will.”

  “And if I walk away, you won’t still try to get Nate fired? You’ll leave us both alone and let me be happy? You won’t hit on me anymore once we get back to work?”

  “Yes, Amelia. Yes to all of that. I’ll leave you alone for good if you decide you still don’t like me. I don’t think that’s going to happen though. I swear I’ll be a perfect gentleman and I promise you’ll have a good time with me.”

  “But not the kind of gentleman that pushes me up against the wall and tries to force himself on me, right? Because that kind of gentleman would get a serious knee to the groin and a thumb in the eyeball if it were to happen again.”

  “I’m really sorry about that. I shouldn’t have acted that way and I’d take it back in a heartbeat if I could. I lost my head and got carried away in the moment, but I assure you, I’ll never let that happen again. I’ll be the perfect gentleman you’ve always dreamed of.”

  Yeah right. Too late, since I already found the man of my dreams and he didn’t let me sleep a wink.

  She tossed the idea of the date with William around in her head, quickly trying to rationalize a pros and cons list. If she didn’t go, she’d risk not only her job, but Nate’s too. It wasn’t his fault she came to the workshop with the apparent office crazy guy. Why should he have to suffer and lose his job over William’s obsession with her?

  If she did go out with William tonight, it wasn’t like she’d agreed to have sex with him. Dinner was her only obligation and then she and Nate would be free to be together without either of them worrying about the repercussions of their affair.

  It was only one night. Not even one night—one evening—one meal. That’s all. Heck, she could get her dinner with William out of the way, then still be back in time for Nate’s call when he was finished his work dinner.

  Then she could have the rest of the night to spend with Nate in his arms—strong arms with biceps fully flexed as he hovered over her, kissing her neck and collarbone and…

  “Fine, one date.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, already feeling a headache brewing because of this twist in her overly complicated weekend. “But when I reject you tonight, then this infatuation you have with me is over. Deal?”

  “Deal. I may walk away with you in my arms tonight or I may walk away with my heart broken into a million pieces. Either way I’ll know that I finally got a real chance with you.”

  “Sure, as real a chance as someone can have under the pretense of blackmail.”

  “That’ll have to be enough I guess.” He released the button on the elevator panel and the doors instantly slid shut in front of her. The incessant beeping stopped. All she could hear besides the ringing in her ears was her mind repeating over and over that she’d just agreed to a date with the man who’d decided to prove his love for her by blackmailing her.

  Great. This should be fun.

  * * *

  Amelia’s cell phone rang as she opened her hotel room door. She struggled to pull it from her pocket before it went to voicemail. “Hello.”

  “So, how’s it going over there?”

  Of course, Melanie calling for her daily update. Amelia should have known. “I’ve been better.” Amelia sighed, kicked off her shoes and climbed onto her bed, relaxing back into the fluffy pillows.

  “What happened? You don’t sound like the same cheerful Amelia I spoke to this afternoon.”

  “William. That’s what happened.” She rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache start. It was surely a combination of tiredness and stress. “Since I went on that date with Nate, William’s been a jealous mess. Now he’s demanding I go on a date with him tonight. He says he’ll get me and Nate fired if I don’t.”

  Amelia recounted the whole complicated problem to Melanie—everything about Nate’s concern for his job and their plans for that night and of course William’s obnoxious blackmail. She needed advice from her best friend and now was the perfect time to get it.

  “So go on the date with William,” Melanie said, sounding exasperated. “I can’t believe you think having not one—but two—hot guys demanding your attention is a real problem. You’ve only known Nate for like a day so it’s not like you guys are exclusive or anything. Go on the date with William. Have fun and relax. Maybe you’ll even like him better than Nate. And you have to give the guy credit for trying so damn hard to win your affection.”

  “I guess.” Amelia didn’t know what she expected Melanie to offer as advice, but this wasn’t it.

  Amelia didn’t feel good about going on this date with William and she wished there was a way out of it. Maybe Melanie was right. Maybe it wasn’t a big deal to go on one little date with William. It was also true that she and Nate were nowhere near exclusively involved at this point, not that she wouldn’t like it if they were. Regardless, she didn’t feel good about the situation.

  “Listen, go on the date, eat a free meal and have a good time with William. If you don’t like him, then you leave it at that and all you’ve lost is one evening. Then you can go back to Nate knowing for sure he’s the only one you want and you won’t have to worry about Nate’s job either. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.”

  “I guess you’re right. I’ll go, I just don’t think I like the way this all came about.”

  “I know, but look at it this way. You could be in a lot worse position than having two amazing guys fighting over you. You could be home having a boring weekend with no guys fighting over you, like me. Oh hey, if you decide William isn’t for you, send him my way because I’ve been hoping for a date with him since he started working with us. I will happily be his shoulder to cry on.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell him that. Thanks for your help,” Amelia teased as she hung up her phone.

  She still wasn’t looking forward to tonight with William, but Melanie was right, she could have worse problems in life. She’d have her one date with William and then she would go back to Nate and not have to worry about anything hanging over her head. Then she could enjoy the last night of her weekend in Nate’s arms, which is exactly where she wanted to be.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nate stepped off the elevator and glanced around the lobby for the
group of workshop people he was due to join for dinner. He spotted Jim standing with them in a cluster near the Fireside restaurant. He stifled a yawn and mentally tried to perk himself up for the dinner.

  He didn’t want to be out for dinner. The sleepless night and full day of work really started to catch up with him after Amelia had left his room. He’d jumped into the shower for a quick rinse, hoping that it would help to recharge him for the rest of the evening. Sadly, it had only succeeded in making him more tired.

  He couldn’t wait to get done this annoying dinner and get back to Amelia. She’d recharge him. As soon as he was with her again, he’d be charged up enough to last the entire night. Good thing, too, since he was thinking up all kinds of fun ways to spend their night together.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Jim said as Nate walked up to the group.

  “Right on time.” Nate scowled, annoyed at Jim’s insinuation. Nate was always prompt. Always.

  “Not by my watch.”

  Then maybe you need to get a new watch.

  Nate held his tongue. It wasn’t worth fighting with Jim over something so stupid. It wouldn’t make him look good or win him any favor. Better to let Jim look like a whiner and keep his mouth shut. Two could play at this game and apparently Jim decided to play dirty.

  Jim turned from Nate to address the rest of the group. “Why don’t we go in and get our table. After this long day, I’m starving.”

  Following the group, Nate wandered through the restaurant to their table. He didn’t pay much attention to the décor since he didn’t much care. He was there for work and work only. They could be sitting in a burger joint for all he cared.

  He held chairs for the two women in his group, making sure they were properly settled before taking his own seat. The gesture earned him compliments from the women and a solid scowl from Jim.

  Now who’s late to the game?

  “This place is just lovely,” Tonya said. “No wonder it’s called Fireside, look at that huge stone fireplace.

  Nate looked up from his menu. A stone fireplace took up the entire length of the back wall of the restaurant. The tables nearest it were bathed in a golden glow as the flames flickered.

  Amelia would love it here.

  “Stacy,” Tonya said, interrupting Nate’s thoughts, “look who it is.”

  Nate focused back on his menu, not feeling the need to pay attention while the girls gossiped about spotting other people from the workshop. Steak or chicken? Instantly his mind went back to his date with Amelia when she’d fed him a bite of steak. Steak it is.

  “Oh my goodness. Aren’t they just the sweetest couple?” Stacy gushed. Nate noticed a dreamy look in her eyes.

  He didn’t care whom the girls referred to and yet he couldn’t help but follow their gaze. Sitting at a cozy table for two, off in the corner near the fireplace sat Amelia—with William.

  What the hell?

  Why was Amelia here with William having dinner when she was supposed to be in her room ordering room service and resting? She’d said she was too tired to come out and have dinner with him, but yet here she was having dinner with William.

  Something wasn’t right.

  He couldn’t help wondering and worrying about what was going on between her and William. Were they having a romantic dinner or a casual dinner? Let’s start with why.

  It took everything inside of him to resist the urge to spring from the table and cross the room to find out exactly what was going on. Instead, he kept his butt firmly planted in the seat as he gripped his menu with white knuckles.

  He would ignore whatever was going on with Amelia and Will. Surely she would have a reasonable explanation as to why she couldn’t join Nate for dinner, yet had the energy to dine with William.

  It was probably something with work. Maybe an emergency had come up and they needed to discuss it. Better to discuss it here rather than in her private bedroom. Sure, a business dinner here—in the lodge’s most romantic restaurant.

  Nate would pretend they weren’t there. Simple as that. Otherwise he’d never make it through dinner without losing his cool and storming over there.

  “Every time I see them together, they get sweeter and sweeter. Can you imagine how romantic it is for them to have this weekend away together?” Tonya got that dreamy look in her eyes again and Nate thought he might vomit on the table.

  The pounding in Nate’s ears at hearing those words made him want to pass out. What were they talking about?

  “They’re not a couple,” he said flatly, unable to keep the accusation out of his voice.

  “Well of course they are, sugar.” Stacy smiled sweetly at him. “You’ve just been too busy running the workshop to notice there were a couple of lovebirds among us.”

  “No really, they’re not together.” He tried to get his point across without coming off as mean. Why wouldn’t these women believe him?

  “Oh, they sure are. I know they’ve been keeping quiet about their relationship for some reason but, honey, I can assure you they’re a couple. When we’re at our table working, they’re always either having a tiff or making up.”

  “They’re just so adorable together,” Tonya chimed in.

  Nate shook his head, trying to clear the fog settling in his brain. He couldn’t think straight. William and Amelia hiding a relationship? No.

  She’s with me this weekend, isn’t she?

  Nate’s gaze wandered back to their table. But she wasn’t with him now. Nope. She was currently dining with William.

  A drink. I need a strong drink.

  A waitress strode past their table and Nate called after her. “Excuse me,” he said more forcefully than he’d meant to.

  The waitress turned with a surprised smile on her face. “What can I do for you?”

  “Drinks.” Nate cleared his throat and forced himself to smile back politely. “We’d like to order drinks now please.”

  “Sure. What can I get you this evening? We have a nice selection of wines.”

  “Double rye and Coke,” he answered quickly. Nate didn’t listen to the rest of the orders as they went around the table. He tapped his foot beneath the table and fought the urge to watch William and Amelia while he waited for his drink to arrive. He failed.

  Raising his menu in front of him to disguise his actions, he stared at William and Amelia together. Jealousy spiked within him.

  What was it about Amelia that he could fall for her so quickly? Was it her firecracker personality when she told him off in very colorful language that first day at the lodge? Or her sarcastic, take-no-shit-from-anyone attitude? Or maybe it was the fact she was without a doubt the most amazing and beautiful woman he’d ever had the privilege of being with.

  Whatever it was, it was something special. She was something special. And he wasn’t about to let William take her away from him anytime soon. Yet there William was, sitting across from her—right where Nate should be. Their table so small and cozy, their knees could be touching under the table and no one would ever know.

  As if on cue, William dropped his hand to his lap and it disappeared under the white linen tablecloth. Nate gripped his menu so hard it crumpled in his hands.

  The waitress appeared at the table and set down their drinks before proceeding to take their order. Nate quickly ordered the special of the night—he didn’t even know what the special was—and took a long gulp from his drink. The smooth rye burned on the way down but instantly warmed the fog still lingering in his head.

  As the fog lifted, a new clarity set in. Jealousy, pure undeniable jealousy.

  He watched William reach out his hand and put it on top of Amelia’s. Then he leaned forward as if he had something to say but didn’t want anyone else around him to overhear.

  What’s going on? Why isn’t she moving away from him?

  Then Amelia threw back her head and laughed. It was a full-bodied laugh. The kind of laugh you make when you forget you’re in public and are just living in the moment. The kind of
laugh you share with an old friend or a lover, not a work associate while together at a dinner discussing work-related business.

  She didn’t. No. I don’t believe she lied to me. This has to be a mistake.

  Amelia stopped laughing and leaned across the table toward William, meeting him in the middle over the candlelight.

  Don’t do it. Don’t kiss him.

  He could feel the betrayal rising in his throat and he swallowed hard. This wasn’t what it looked like. It couldn’t be. Just when it looked like William might actually kiss her, Amelia sat back in her chair again.

  A deep sigh of relief washed over him and he exhaled the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. They didn’t kiss. He’d overreacted again. He needed to get away from here before he really made a fool of himself jumping to conclusions. Besides, he didn’t want Amelia to find him like this, staring at her like a Peeping Tom in the bushes.

  “I think you guys are wrong,” Nate said, interrupting the conversation Jim and the two women had been in the middle of, “they must be having a dinner meeting. That’s all it is.”

  Jim raised an eyebrow at him from across the table. “Doesn’t look like a meeting to me. Those two have been laughing and carrying on since the moment we got here.” Jim nodded his head toward the table where Amelia and William sat. “Dude, move on and catch up to the current conversation.”

  “It’s a meeting,” Nate said, trying to keep his voice calm. It wasn’t Jim’s fault that Nate’s emotions were all over the board today. He didn’t want to fly off the handle over nothing, but keeping his emotions calm was becoming increasingly difficult.

  “If you say so,” Jim said, shrugging.

  Nate plastered a smile on his face as he pretended to listen to their conversation again. He nodded and made sounds of agreement when the others did, but his mind still remained fully focused on Amelia. He felt wrong watching her, but Stacy and Tonya’s observations of them still hovered in his mind like a bug nibbling away at his brain.


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