Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter Page 11

by Jessie Wolf

  The next thing I knew, I was answering questions being thrown at me by the two of them, in a rapid fire manner. They wanted to know everything from why men would give a feminine name to some things and a masculine to others. Why pilots called the aircraft they flew a ship. Why did the infantry dislike the A.P.S. soldiers and a whole gamut of things. As I answered their questions they worked on my face, then they went to town on my nails. All twenty of them, both finger and toes. When they were done, my nails were a soft plum color and my fingernails were about half an inch longer. They wouldn’t let me see myself in the mirror. They said something about wanting me to see the whole effect at one time.

  Once they were done with the war paint they lead me over to an area that I had yet to see. What I had originally thought was an expansion, was in reality a walk-in closet with a dressing area. As I looked around I could tell that I would be dressed in a combination of western styles for underwear, and traditional Japanese outer wear. Why I came to this conclusion was that I saw panties, bras, and corsets on one side. The other side was an entire wall of kimonos. Once inside the girls, as I’ve started to think of them, moved me into the dressing area after removing the robes I had been wearing up until then. First came a pair of pants that I can tell were made of silk.

  For the first time I notice that I have absolutely no hair below my eyes I decide to ask Dee De what was up with that.

  “Yoohoo, Dee De, can you give me a reason why I’m hairless from the face down to my toes??

  Sure can, but you won’t like the answer.

  “Let me guess. During the reconfigure I burned out the hair follicles, right?”

  Close but not quite. Yes, it has to do with the reconfigure, but you didn’t burn them out. You were never given them. You see, if you had hair below the neck line it would interfere with the Armor Skin. When it deploys whatever is next to your skin will be burned away. That is why whenever you deploy it, if you don’t want keep replacing clothes, you better strip.

  “So what you’re not telling me is that I will spend the rest of my life looking like an underdeveloped kid. Will I at least age normally?”


  “Dee De? You there?”

  Yes I’m here. I didn’t want to bring this up. But now that you have, I'll tell you. All of those nannites are still running wild in your system, repairing whatever they see as damaged. So I believe that no, you will not age normally.

  “Ah shit let me deal with that wrinkle later I need to finish getting dressed.”

  Once my panties were in place, my great aunts maids had me grab a hold of a bar that had been lowered from the ceiling. Once I had, they strapped my wrists to it, then pulled me up off the floor, stretching me out a good bit. Before I could ask what was happening they wrapped a corset around my middle, then began to pull the laces up tight. Those two pulled and pulled until I thought I was going to be split in half. They tied off the laces and gave me a break. “Excuse me, but aren’t you going to release my hands?”

  They had the gall to giggle. “Not until we finish lacing you down Lady Maiha.”

  “Just how small are you going make this torture device?” I pleaded.

  “Oh, just another inch or two. Let us get your measurement. Hum… you’re at 18’ inches now, so only another inch ma’ Lady” Gin said with a straight face.

  “17 Inches!? You are going to make my waist 17 inches?! My god, I can barely breathe now. Much more and you’ll cut me in half. No, I won’t let you do it. Now let me down and remove this contraption of torture. Didn’t you hear me? I said… OUWWW!” I screamed out in pain as my backside was set on fire. As I hung there they each laid into my poor, abused backside, each one taking a swing. Once I was sobbing my eyes out, they stopped.

  “Now Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana, will you let us finish you or do we have to repeat that unfortunate scène?” Was all Kina asked, while looking at Gin who was behind me. I shook my head no.

  “I will behave and do as you say. For now, but know this... I will get even with you for that. I don’t know when or where, but I will. That I promise.” I told them.

  “Oh we do not doubt that Lady Nakatoma. But remember in here, and in your rooms at the estates, we are the ones in charge. Even your great aunt follows this principle.” Came from Gin, as she came around in front of me. “Now let us complete this task and get you down so we can repair your make-up.”

  To help with stretching me out they strapped my ankles to the floor with a pair of cuffs I hadn’t noticed before. Once I was stretched out, they untied the laces and pulled and very quickly I felt the sides close, shortly followed by them wrapping them around me, then tying them off in back. Once that was done they lowered me enough to uncuff my ankles. Then they lowered me the rest of the way down and placed a stool for me to rest on behind me. As I sat back, I whimpered. Before I know what’s going on, Gin has me in her arms hugging to me to her breast.

  “Shush, it will be ok my Lady. Everything will be alright. Shush. I know it hurts but you must not show your pain. The Head of a House must be strong willed, caring, wise, and deceptive. You cannot show pain or weakness ever, for to do so is to court great peril. Oh, you can shed your tears when you are alone with your personal maids, and in the privacy of your own chambers where no one will see. Now come dry your eyes and find the steel that we first saw.”

  Nodding my head and wiping my eyes I look at the both of them. “If my aunt does not take you back when we reach the estates, then I want the two of you as my maids.” For some unknown reason I had started to care a great deal for these ladies. I can tell they want nothing but the best for me.

  Giggling, they shake their heads. It’s Gin who answered my unspoken question. “The Lady Dai Etsu has already assigned us to be your personal maids. We’ll be at your disposal any time that you are at the estates.”

  “Well if this fancy all-girls school allows personal maids then one, or both of you, will be joining me.” I state firmly. “But we will have a talk about spankings. By the way it has been a long time since anyone has worn out my ass like that. I do not want a repeat.”

  While I was consoled by Gin, Kina had retrieved a pair of tights that had toes at the end of the feet. She had rolled them up and was getting ready to pull them up my legs. “We did not enjoy it either my Lady, but it had to be done. You see, I knew that, sooner or later you would balk at what we were going to do. So we were prepared for it and acted swiftly to put down any rebellion on your part. Just as you will have to when the time comes.” And with that she went back to her task of putting the tights on me. They were very pretty. They made my legs look sexy as all hell. Not to mention the way they feel on my skin.

  Once they were in place they put the silk robe back on me, took me back out to the salon after repairing my make-up and we returned to the dressing room. I removed the robes, placing them on a hook by the door and headed back to the center where they finished getting me ready. Next came the first underdress that fit me very well. After that came the second underdress. Then finally my very first kimono.

  It was dark red with black trim and a gold rope belt. There was a beautiful floral design all over the front and back. It took them the better part of half an hour to get me into all three layers but it was well worth it. From what I could see in the mirrors I would look like a true Japanese High Families Lady. No one will be able to tell that I was once a cranky 97 year old man or the granddaughter of one who had never worn make-up or a dress I just need to figure out how to move around in all of these layers of clothes.

  Now all I needed were shoes and I will be able to step outside in front out the public. “Kina may I see the shoes that go with the kimono before I put them?”

  “Of course lady Maiha just one moment while finish with the tying off your obi.”

  “Thank you for helping get me ready so I can present a proper appearance of what my family would expect.” I say, as they finish setting the obi in its proper placement.

we just need to put your socks on and you’ll be ready.” Said Gin, who then put action to her words.

  “Um … if I need to wear socks with the shoes why did you have me put on those tights, may I know please?” I asked. “I wish to understand so I do not look the fool.”

  “So you will not get too cold once you’re outside of the transport where there is no heat. I guess that ships suit was warmer than we thought.” Kina said. “You see, the outside temp on Hades never gets above 45 degrees, even in the summer months at night. But during the day time it will get up into the low 90s’. But that is only in the summer months. Right now, during our fall season, the highs in the day time are in the mid-50s’ and the night time temperatures average around the low 30s’.”

  Once my socks are on I see that they are heavy weight cotton. Gin comes over with a pair of geta sandals. Of all the things I expected it was not those. Here they are worried about me being cold and they hand me geta sandals to wear. The look on my face had to give away what I was thinking or they had anticipated my question, because Gin was ready with an answer. “Even if it is blowing snow and 40 below zero it would not be proper for you to wear anything else with a kimono.” It wasn’t the fact they were sandals. No it was that the soles were around four to four and half inches thick with an angled back toe. These were the geta of a geisha, not what a women of noble birth would wear. There is no way I’m wearing those.

  “Kina, Gin, do we have a pair that does not have such a tall sole?” I ask.

  It was Gin who answered for them both. ”Is there a problem Lady Maiha? Your great aunt chose all of your clothing, including your shoes. That was why it took us so long to get here. You see, once your aunt heard from a member of the Lord High Marshals Staff that she might have a great niece, she called the O.E.C.H. and told them of the possibility of there being a true heir to the Head of House to the Nakatoma Shogunate. That was around six hours ago. Once she found out that the H.S.C. was involved, she was able to get your measurements from a 1st Lt. Susana Walking Water, who is the daughter of the Commander of our House Troops Col. David Walking Water. With those in hand she assembled everything here for you. Why don’t you like the geta sandals that she picked out?”

  As I stand there, hearing all that was said, I realized that my sister-in-law had a spy inside the High Command Staff, at least on Hades. She might even know the truth. I can’t let the H.C.S. go without warning them, but how? Well, first things first. Take care of the shoes, but how do I do this without pissing off my maids. All of a sudden a message flashes in front of my eyes like it was on the head ups display.


  What the hell? That was the C.O.B.R.A. o.s.! I thought it was in sleep mode? I’ll have to talk to Dee De about that later. Right now I’ll take its advice. “OH no, I did not mean to insult my great aunt. I just do not think I can walk in something like those just yet. I would not want to trip in them. If I were to fall over I know that it will embarrass the Family. I just couldn’t have that on my conscience. That is all I meant by asking for some geta’ with a lower sole. Not to mention I still have to give my farewells to the High Command Staff, and for that I’ll have to do some walking and I would not want to disgrace the Nakatoma name by not being able to walk with some grace.”

  “Oh my! Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana, we did not realize that you still had duties here tonight we believed you were done. I will be right back.” Kina bowed and ran back to the dressing room, only to return a few seconds later. “Would this pair be better for what you need to do?”

  “Oh yes much better, thank you. I promise that once I have time to master the other pair I will, but I need your help to do it.” I said with all honesty.

  “Very well Lady Maiha, shall we exit the transport?” asked Gin with a smile.

  With a bow for my two maids and a smile on my face, I nod my head yes. Kina pushes a button on the wall to drop the ramp on the back of the M.C.U. And we exit though the back door to descend the ramp. As I exit, Gin hands me a parasol. She has one herself. At my questioning look she opens it before going through the door. Getting the hint I follow suit. Once I had it open I noticed that it matched my kimono. How much do I have to learn to be a High Families Lady? With Gin going down in front of me and Kina behind I felt that I just might be able to pull this off, but right NOW I had to deal with the two faced, lying, spying bitch, Walking Water.

  Once we were again on the ground they took up the same position they had earlier, one to each side and one foot behind. As we approached the hanger door I could feel the cold wind as it blew around and across my feet, as well as a little up my skirt. It sends a shiver up my spine, realizing that I will be feeling this a lot more in the future. Maj. Howard runs over to follow us inside.

  “Maj. Howard, once we are inside you are to bring 1st Lt. Walking Water to me, along with the Lord High Marshal. Please.”

  “At once Lady Maiha. It shall be as you ordered.” Was his only comment to my request. No why or how come. Just ’it shall be done.’ And he signals to all of his pilots who are inside, taking a break from the inside of the Suits. As me and my maids approach the gathered representatives of the planetary government, the looks of awe are a little unnerving. “Gentleman and Ladies, I wish to express the thanks of House Nakatoma and me. Lord High Marshal, I regret to meet you under these circumstances but it is a pleasure nonetheless.” I give him a bow of respect. “But seeing as you are here I wish to tell you that I am taking not only the finest A.P.S. unit in the P.D.F., but a very capable Counter Intelligence Officer, 1st Lt. walking Water. You see, I am able to repay most of those here, but for her. I can at least let her return to the House that paid for her Schooling before she had joined the P.D.F.”

  “The pleasure is all mine Lady Nakatoma” he said with a slight bow. “As for 1st Lt. Walking Water, I know that she is a fair officer, but her actual field is Personal Records. From what I understand she is on the Commander's Staff as a favor to an old friend of General Stonewall. I have no problem with assigning her to your new bodyguard unit. I never have subscribed to the practice of placing unqualified people in positions just because they have a mother or father in some high ranking position in some High Family Household.”

  “Ah. Here is Maj. Howard now with the young lady in question. Hello again, Lt. Walking Water. I have some great news. The Lord High Marshall has approved of your assignment to my personal staff. Isn’t that fantastic? You’ll be returning home with me as my military secretary. I’m sure that your father, Col. Walking Water, will be overjoyed at the fact that your new assignment is bringing you home.”

  From the look on her face I can tell this was a surprise to her. That and the fact that she can tell that I know it was her father who had her placed in the H.C.S. as a spy. I decide to not give her a chance to lie her way out of the fact that her real job was to spy on the H.S.C.

  “Gin, do you think you can find the Lt. something more appropriate to wear on the M.C.U. for me? Thank you.” I watch as Gin and Maj. Howard lead the young lady away. Once she was out of hearing range, I lean in close to the General and I whisper to him.

  “General I would suggest that you run a complete background check on all the people in your command staff. I have just removed for you one spy. I don’t know how many more there are currently on your staff. I doubt that they all are spies, or if there are more. What I do know is 1st Walking Water had let my great aunt know that I was here with my grandfather before trying to enroll me at H.M.A. It gave her more than enough time to organize the M.C.U. with everything I would need, plus she was able to get the O.E.C.H. involved, blocking my enrollment into the Academy, and finally to guarantee my enrollment into the Joan Eunice Smith School for Young Ladies. Now that that unpleasant business is out of the way, I understand you were just recently assigned to the Death Gates system. How do you like your new command?” and with that we began to exchange small talk.

  He talked ab
out how Hades was unlike any other posting he'd had, in both clement and culture. One of the things that amazed him was how much of the old Earth Japanese Culture had survived on Hades, a planet named after the ancient Greek God of Death. Well, at this point I find myself highly ticked off. How can any General, or officer, who is a division level or higher not know the history of the planet that they are assigned to? Not only is it disrespectful of the planet's inhabitants, it’s just plain stupid. If you don’t know the people then you don’t know what resources are at your disposal.

  For some reason I feel an unexplainable desire to reach out and smack the ever living dog shit out of this man. Kina must have sensed this desire, because she placed herself very close to my right arm, effectively blocking a strike from that direction and, with my left hand holding the parasol, she had disarmed me in a very effective manner. Keeping me from making a severe mistake in planetary politics I decide then and there that, whatever my sister-in-law is paying this woman, it is not enough.

  So instead of knocking him into next week, I placed both hands on my parasol and proceed to give the ass a quick lesson on the founding of Hades. “Why General, it's no surprise really at all if you remember that Hades was originally founded by the Japanese, who wished a return to the old ways of feudal Japan from the 1500s’ to the late 1800s’. They were a people who wanted a simpler life with ties to simpler times.

  Of the 4500 original colonists, over 4300 were made up of these Japanese. So you see it is little wonder that most of those ancient traditions not only survived, but thrived here on Hades. Those who came in afterwards found a way of life that was more elegant, artistically orientated, and far simpler than what they had left back on their planet of origin. What they also found was a society that did not tolerate bigotry and racism, but they could only stay if they did not try to change the way in which things were done. Most found that, if they tried to fit in, they were not only welcomed, but offered help in whatever was their endeavor. That is why the number one export is handmade crafts.” I could tell just by the look on his face I had shocked him with that little fact.


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