Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter Page 15

by Jessie Wolf

  Maiha honey, will you quit terrorizing the help? It’s going to be hard enough teaching you to be a LADY of means, let alone a Head of House. I need some help here. So play nice, damn it. You didn’t have to stick the nail file in the J8s forehead. It was only doing its job you know.

  “HEY I am playing nice. If I did what I really wanted to do, the household would be in need of a new J8 and, most likely, a carpenter for the hole that would be in the wall behind it.”

  What do you mean by that?

  Oh that's simple. I want to find out just how powerful that miniature P.P.C. is in our right arm is, as well as the P.L.R. in the left. I figure the rest of our weapons can take out your standard armored infantryman without too much trouble.”

  Do you mean you would have used something that was designed to take out AI tanks and A.P.S. units? Look hone, I know that you’re feeling a little down right now, but you have to get a hold of yourself.

  “You calm down and get a hold of yourself. I go to bed last night thinking one way only to wake up thinking another. Than I have you tell me that, for the rest of my life, that fracking behavioral programming’s dump is, for all practical purposes, rewriting the way I think, or have you forgotten that little detail?”

  For some reason she left me alone. Hey, I know that I went over aboard with the nail file and the threat to use the P.P.C. or P.L.R. on the J8, but I wasn’t too far off the mark either. I’ll also admit that there was more than just being hungry and a lack of caffeine or nicotine right now. Ever since Dee De gave me the news that the behavioral program was more than just a set of instructions for behaving like a girl that is hardwired into my brain. It was also a learning program that would take whatever that learned during that day on how to be a lady, and turn it into a compulsion. This was not something I wanted happening to me, but there was something else that was bugging me and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was. I knew it had something to do with yesterday but what?

  As I enter the dining area I am brought up short. There in front of me was the entire household staff, as well as my great aunt and, from the looks of things, they were waiting for me. The reason that I came to this conclusion is, the only seat that is open is the one at the other end from my great aunt, who is seated at what appears to be the head of the table making my seat the foot, and the second most important place at the table. I quickly realized that they have held the meal waiting for me. This was not what I wanted. As I step up to the table, I copy the form I had seen Nia use earlier in my chambers.

  “Forgive me for making you wait, Reverend Mother. I had not known that you were holding the meal. If I had known I assure you I would have been here sooner.” I hold my bow, waiting for her to say something. I have placed my fate in her hands as to how this meal will go.

  “This is not your fault child. You had no way of knowing at what time the house sits to eat. I see though, that the time was not wasted. Your form and execution of your bow would do a Priestess of the first order credit. I take it that the J8 surprised you during your practice this morning?” She asked, with a little smile. Yup she was giving me a way out and a way to explain why that an expensive piece of household kit had a nail file imbedded in its forehead.

  “Yes ma’am. I am not quite used to having servants to help me with getting ready for the day. So I was able to get ready faster than I or they thought. So I thought I would use the time to practice the form of my bow. When the J8 walked in on us, I grabbed the nail file from my make-up table, as it was closest, and threw it.” I straightened up as I answered her. From the look on her face I could tell that she wanted to laugh at the stupidity of the whole situation. She knew that I wasn’t caught off guard by the J8 and I know that we will be having a very long conversation about my beating up on the help.

  Gesturing for me to me to take my seat, she replies. “Well my dear you will have to take that into account from now on. You see, there will always be one or two around you at all times now.” After I had taken my seat she continued. “ As the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family you will have at least two Ladies Maids with you at all times plus a personal secretary, two to three bodyguards when outside of the main House and of course, until you have mastered the fine arts of ladylike behavior, a sensei of womanly arts. Yes I know, you are probably used to just running around with no one to keep you from behaving like some ragamuffin or worse yet, a tomboy, but now those days of carefree living must unfortunately, sadly, come to an end. You now face a challenge that, if you had spent your entire life practicing it, would be difficult, but now I must say near impossible.”

  Looking over at her I tilt my head to the side. “May I ask what that might be? Because I have no clue as to what I have literally landed in here. Yesterday all I had hoped for was to graduate from the Hades Military Academy in the next four years. Now though, I have at least two Ladies Maids, a secretary, and a full bodyguard unit assigned to me by the High Command from the P.D.F. and not just any unit either... their finest A.P.S. Company. I know that we will reimburse the Military for their service, but all of this is so new to me that I am lost as to what to expect.” I say with all honesty. As we talked we were served our breakfast. I stopped the young girl who was acting as my waitress. “Excuse me, but I would like a cup coffee with cream and sugar. Please?” You would have thought I had just taken a shit on the House temple's altar from her reaction. She actually looked at my great aunt to know what to do.

  I started to get pissed. Thankfully my great aunt interrupted me before I said anything. “Maiha I am sorry. I did not think to include coffee on the menu. Su Mia, please tell the cook to put on a pot of coffee for my niece. I had forgotten how much her grandfather would have drunk throughout the day. I am sure that she grew up drinking that, more than tea. Thank you.” With a quick bow the girl returned to the kitchen to place the order.

  “Now, as to your question my dear. The answer is really right there in front of you.” At my blank look she took pity on my poor addled mind. “You my dear, have to save our family from itself. As I said, a difficult task for one who is prepared for it all of their life. For you it shall be an uphill battle.” Was her reply, but I also saw something else in her eyes, a hint of what she knows I could do. I was after all a former Commander of the Death Dealers.

  Oh yes I can see it now. She was counting on my past and experience with politics to stop the in-fighting of my new family. Oh yes, she truly wishes for me to become Deaths Own Daughter and then the Head of House Nakatoma. If this is what she wants then so be it. Looking her in the eye I give her a seated bow of acknowledgement and go back to eating. As the meal progressed I was introduced to the heads of the different sections of the households. There was housekeeping, cooking, maids, engineers, and finally the commander of the House troops. Ah yes, the man I need to remove from office this morning.

  “Excuse me Lady Dai Etsu,” I began “but did you know that there is a problem in the house troops?”

  “No. I was not made aware of any problems with the House troops. Colonel Walking Water, do you know what my niece is talking about?”

  “Lady Nakatoma Dai Etsu, I can assure you that there is no problem with the House troops. Personally I think that your niece, though being raised by the man most people called Death, has taken his teachings and misinterpreted them. She just does not have the experience to understand the placement of A.P.S. units.” Was his very smug reply and then he looked at me with the contempt of someone who thought they were superior. Well, at that point I looked at my great aunt to see how she would handle it. What she did was to gesture for me to handle it.

  Before I can begin though, Su Mia returned with my coffee. Once I had it, I used the time to fix it to my liking, then having a good drink of it. Yes I was stalling, but it put Walking Water on edge enough that he growled at me. “Well little girl, do you have proof of a problem in my command, or do you just think you have proof.” He demanded of me.

  Yup just like I thought. He did not res
pect me or my aunt. It’s time to remove him from the command of the House troops. “Colonel Walking Water, I do not know if you realize who you are talking to. So I shall enlighten you. I am the Rightful Head of House for the Nakatoma Family, not my great aunt, the Lady Nakatoma Dai Etsu. As such, it is at my sufferance that you serve in your capacity as the head of my House troops, not Hers.” I paused to take a drink of my coffee before continuing “Now, as far as my ability to command the respect of the troops, all you have to do is look to the unit that volunteered to be my bodyguards. If you haven’t I shall again enlighten you. They are The Hell Hounds A.P.S., commanded by Maj Howard. Now as far as the House troops go I have no problem. My problem is with you. For you see, I do not, and will not condone the placing of spies inside of the Military High Command or the Planetary Defense Forces.” Once again I had to pause or I would lose my control over my temper. Before I can continue though, the Colonel decides that attacking me, instead of hearing me out was the better plan.

  “Young Lady. I have served this Family since before you were even conceived, let alone born.” He started to raise his voice. “I will have you know that I do not answer to you! As far as I can tell you have yet to prove who your mother is, and until then I and I alone, will decide how to conduct affairs with the P.D.F. and .H.C.S. Not some schoolgirl!”

  That did it. I had tried to be diplomatic, but this ass clown has to be stopped now. Not with politeness, but cold hard action. “You are relieved of duty Col. You can clear out your desk and be off the estate by 2030 hours today. Do I make myself clear? You are done at House Nakatoma. I am sure you can find employment elsewhere. Now get out of my sight before I have you taken out back and shot by the troops you have placed in positions that would have disgraced them if they had been found out. That’s right. I gave orders last night for all of your spies to return home.” I stop to take a drink. “Delivered by your very own daughter sir. Maj. Howard, you can come in now. As I am sure you have heard, the Col. is no long employed here. As such, it leaves a hole at the top. I need an officer I can trust to run the House troops, you're it until I find someone better or you’re dead. Now escort the Col. out please.” And with that I returned to my breakfast and my great aunt. I watched as Maj. Howard got up and walked over to carry out my orders. I was hoping that Col. Walking Water would not make a scene. I was wrong.

  “Lady Dai Etsu, are you just going to let this child talk to me in such an insulting manner? Surely you’re not going to let such disrespect go unpunished?” So far he had yet to move from his seat. “Lady Dai Etsu, why aren’t you saying anything?”

  My aunt looked at me, and then smiled. “From what my niece, the Rightful Head of House for this Family has pointed out to you already. I do not have a say in your employment status with the Family. I believe you were just dismissed. However, I believe if you apologize for your rudeness, she might just might show you leniency.” She gracefully said with a seated bow toward me.

  The look of horror that was on his face, as he finally realized he had overstepped his authority and station, was as plain as day. He now understood that I was the one with the authority to decide who would and would not serve at the Nakatoma Family, and from the looks of things, so did the rest of the household staff. Yes I think I have made the point very clearly that the old ways of doing things have come to an end.

  “Lady Maiha if I may explain my actions on the behalf of House Nakatoma I….” he starts to say, but I have had enough of his arrogance. So I just cut him off.

  “Colonel Walking Water, there is nothing you can say to explain to me your unjustified act of placing spies in the P.D.F. or the H.C.S. All that shows is a lack of trust and competence on your part. Now I believe that you have been dismissed from your duties and from your service to the Nakatoma Family. You may leave now.”

  “Please Lady Maiha …”

  “I said you may leave. Now get out of my sight. Maj Howard, if he does not make a move to leave in the next ten seconds, you have my permission to remove him by force.” I said, with a great deal of heat in my voice. I now had the full attention of everyone at the table.

  As he stands up he looks me at one last time. Mustering what dignity he had left. He makes a plea for leniency “My Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana please give me a chance to prove my loyalty to you and the Family. I know I can redeem myself.”

  “Very well. You have one, I repeat, one chance to persuade me to show leniency. That is all.” I reply pulling myself up to my full height.

  “Please Lady Nakatoma Maiha, forgive my insolence. When I was told that you were here I had assumed that you were another young daughter of the family, who was sent here to study the ways of the Priestess of the Goddess with your great aunt, not to be the Head of House. For that assumption I beg your forgiveness, but I still feel that you lack the experience to make military decisions. Although Maj Howard may be a competent A.P.S. unit commander, his own superiors have not shown him to have the experience, or ability, to handle the demands of higher command.” Was his argument. Now under normal conditions this would be a valid point, but these are not normal circumstances.

  “Well Colonel, I would normally agree with you, but I have a problem that I cannot, and will not, overlook when it comes to the way you run things and your attitude toward the women under your command.” I reach over to pour myself some more coffee. I let him think about what I have just said and implied. Thanks to Suzume, I know all about his lopsided practices of promotion and reward in the House troops when it comes to men vs. women. “Now I will tell you I have never expected to be rewarded for someone else's work, but I will not have someone else rewarded for the work that I have done, because they are my commanding officer and male. The days of women being treated as inferiors to men are over. Do I make myself clear to everyone here? As for you, Colonel, you may retire with full pay and benefits form House Nakatoma here and now, or you can step down as the commander of the House troops to become an advisor to the new commander who, I believe, you have already met, Maj. Howard. The last option is still open to you, which is your forced removal and disgrace as you are escorted off the compound. The choice is yours to make, but one way or the other you no longer in command of the House troops, do I make myself clear?”

  I sat back and watched as he realizes that no matter what, he would no longer command a military unit with the prestige of the Nakatoma House troops. Even if he could get someone to take a chance on him at his age, the prestige wouldn’t be there. Then the true military man that he always was rushed to the surface. He realized the tactical retreat I had offered him in being the advisor for the new commander. Then there was the possibility of being able to finally retire. After all, he has been in service to the house for over 30 years, but there was one thing that was clear as a glass of air and that was that he would no longer be in command of the Nakatoma House troops or its Military Advisor, That time had come and gone. “My Lady Nakatoma if I may I would like to continue to serve on in the position of advisor to your new Commander of the House troops.”

  With a look from my great aunt, I give the man his out and let him off the hook. “Mr. Walking Water. You are more than welcome to stay on as an advisor for my Commander of the House troops. I am sure that Maj. Howard will welcome your counsel on the different House units that are currently stationed with the other three High Families here on Hades.” With a wave of my hand for them both to return to their seats I continued with my introductions to the department heads for the household. I highly doubt any of these people will leave the table with the same attitude they had at the beginning of the meal. From the looks on their faces I have gone from some unruly daughter of some minor family member in need of an attitude adjustment, or to be trained as a novice Priestess to the Family’s Goddess, to the last person on the face of the planet they wanted to piss off. That last little bit of information had just been shown to them with unmitigated clarity. At the end of the meal my great aunt gestured for me to follow her as we left the dining roo

  Once we were alone in the hallway she giggles like a schoolgirl. “By the Goddess, child you were perfect in there.” For some reason I found her happiness infectious and started to giggle just like her. “My dear I have seen and heard a good many High Family Ladies and Gentlemen give a dressing down to one of their staff in the past. You, for someone who has supposedly never been trained in the running of a household, were absolutely perfect in the way one should behave when dealing with a retainer who has made a mistake. Plus the entire time you gave off the proper appearance of a true born High Lady, both regal and beautiful with just the right amount of arrogance. However, I was not lying when I said that we have a great deal of work to do.” With that she turned and headed down the hallway with me quickly following behind. “This morning I will give you a tour of the estate grounds followed by a light lunch at 1400 o’clock. After that we will spend a few hours going over what will be expected you in your behavior as the Head of House for a High Family. I will do my best to instruct you in all that you will need to know. Now please pay attention to what you’re doing. A true Lady does not just walk like that. You are moving as if you are on a parade ground marching in formation. Here let me show you how.”

  She had me stop and watch as she walked a short way down the hall and back, but she didn’t just walk, it was more like she glided across the floor. She moved so smoothly it was as if gravity had no hold on her. As I watched her my mind raced back to when I was a young officer still on active duty, to the first time I saw my beloved Matsue. She had that same graceful style of movement. The pain of her loss came crashing over me like a tsunami and for the first time in years I broke down and cried. Before I knew what was happening, Dai Etsu had me in her arms rocking me.


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