Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter Page 20

by Jessie Wolf

  “Maj. Howard, I do not require of you or your troops to give an oath of office as you are all members of the P.D.F. and were assigned by the O.E.C.H. to be my bodyguards. If you or any of them wish to return to your old command I will not be offended.” I tell them all.

  “No offence ma’am but you ain’t getting rid of the Hell Hounds that easy. Before you are the men and women of all five combat lances and the officers of the infantry support teams. Each and every one is here because of your actions yesterday afternoon. For us not to repay the life debt that we owe your mother and father as well as the one owed to your grandfather for clearing our names would be unforgiveable. So, no ma’am, you’re stuck with us come Hell or high water.” He said after his bow to me. He knew that I would give them the chance to leave. I had to do it or I just wouldn’t feel right about myself. “I believe that we were to give you are oaths of office?” at my nod he proceeded. “I Major David Logan Howard pledge my life for your life, my blade is your blade, and my honor is your honor. No one shall bring harm to you or yours before first going through me and mine. I so swear.” Good God! The man went overboard with that oath. If the rest of them follow in the same manner I’ll have a pack of ‘War Dogs’ that once unleashed will rain down death and destruction on who ever pissed them off. I will have to keep them in check at all times. But before I could say anything about the oath my aunt steps forward with a smile on her face and a twinkle of mischief in her eyes I could tell they were up to something.

  “Major Howard for one who is not samurai you speak and act as one.” She turned to face the far end of the Great Hall and gestures for a group of men to come up. As they approached I saw that they carried a very large table between them. I couldn’t tell what was on it though. They had covered it with a white cloth that reached to the floor. With a quick yank to remove the cloth my aunt showed everyone there what was on the table. Reaching over she removed a match pair of swords consisting of a wakizashi and katana. “I have taken the liberty to correct this oversight. Your blades Maj.” was all the explanation she placed them in the sash at his waist. “There is one set for each of your bodyguards. Now take their oaths and declare them samurai my niece.” And with that being said all I could do was fallow her instructions. One by one each pilot of an Armor Power Suit came forward and gave their oath of office. Each one saying the same thing as their commander and each one receiving pair of blades and being acknowledged as a samurai.

  Finally after what seemed like days but was only a little more than two hours my aunt gestured for me to set in the only chair in the Great Hall. The Seat of Power for the Nakatoma Head of House. This was my last chance to back out. If I took that seat then I was the H.B.I.C. (Head Bitch In Charge). If something went wrong I was the one who the blame would fall on. No one else would be at fault. For me it was time to put up or shut up. Taking a deep, deep breath I turned and took my seat. My aunt walked in front me and asked for the last time if I was sure. At the nod of my head she said “Repeat after me ‘I Nakatoma Maiha Mana swear on my blood, my life, and my honor. I shall protect and defend the people who are beholding to this House and Family and their possessions. I shall not waist the lives of our Military personnel in useless acts of bravado. I shall never seek to be anything other than true to myself and my beliefs. No one shall cross the doors of this our home with anger toward those who live here without first facing me in the field of honor. May the Goddess help me’?” Once she had finished I looked deep into her eyes and repeated back to her every word with all the conviction and determination that I could muster. When I had finished she turned to one of her attendant novices holding out her hands. The young girl bow so deep to her I thought she would bang her head on the floor. As she straightened up I saw in her hands a set of swords. Three in total a full set of Dragons with full tangs’. As my aunt took them from her I watch as she kissed each one to bless them. “It has been over eighty years since the last time the swords of our ancestors last saw the light of day as anything more than decorations. Not since the time of my father has the Head of House and its Defender been one and the same person. Nakatoma Maiha Mana with these blades you also take on the mantel of Head of House. Wear them with honor. Now please stand so I may help you with their placement.”

  Chapter 10

  Preparing the house foundations

  As she placed the swords of her ancestors in the obi at my waist I had an unbelievable flash of insight to what she was doing.

  “Dee de please tell me she is not doing what I think she’s doing.”

  I don’t know what you think but I know what I think. For the last eighty some years no one from her family has been able to wear the swords of her ancestors. That is until now. Matsue was not a warrior and therefor had no claim to the title of samurai. She as a Priestess has taken a vow against violence of all types. So the only person who can wear those blades and has a right to wear them was Matsue’s husband and their daughter Ohmei. As James J. Owens is dead as well as Ohmei Owens. Well you my dear are the only one left who can hold the bag. After all you are now the Head of House as well as being someone who can hold the title of samurai as well to be a warrior. (Dee De)

  “Oh boy I hope I don’t frack up so bad that only my death can appease the gods’”.

  Do not worry Maiha, if there is one who can defy the will of the gods it is you. After all your own bodyguards have called you the daughter of Death. (Charley)

  “Great just great. Now I’m getting advice from two tin plated pains in the asses.”

  Once my aunt had finished with the seating of the swords of her ancestors she gave me a look that said more than any words. What it said was yes in great big all capital letters she knew exactly what she had done. Where I had intended to use a set of my own and not endanger her family’s’ honor she had gone and placed it squarely back into my hands. Very well then if this is how she wants it then that is what she will have.

  “Aunt Dai Etsu, I do not feel worthy of the honor you have shown me with these swords, but I will do my best to live up to the expectations of those who have worn them before me.” I bow to her and then turn to face what would now be my responsibility. The people of the House Nakatoma “I stand before you all as the first Head of House, who is also your Defender, is there any who would challenge my claim? Speak now for this is the last time I will ask this of you.” I stand there waiting for the next ten minutes. When no one steps forward I clear my throat “I declare these proceeding closed. I ask but one request of all those gathered here. Allow me the time to fit in and find out what I’m supposed to do here before dropping any life or death emergencies in my lap. Thank you all for coming tonight. Be safe on your return home. Goodnight.”

  I lead my aunt and her novices along with Maj. Howard and the rest of the bodyguards out of the Great Hall. As we walked down the hallway toward my rooms all four of my girls step in behind me. I notice that only Maj. Howard was still with us. Once we reached my rooms I told my aunt’s attendants that they would have to wait out in the hallway as I had topics to discuss with the commander of my bodyguard first once he had left then they were more than welcome to rejoin my aunt at her side. I did not give any of them a chance to argue. Once inside I walked over to one of the few chairs in my receiving area and set down. My feet are killing me I knew I should have not put on those god awfully tall geta sandals. Waving for my aunt to join me in the other seat I turn to Maj. Howard and get straight to the point “Maj. Howard when you accepted the assignment to be my personal bodyguards you said that you had called in the rest of the unit for support. At what point in time were you planning on telling me your unit consisted of an A.P.S. Calvary troop with two full armored infantry platoons?”

  “Um… Lady Nakatoma I thought that you knew. I mean it was Lt. Walking Water who suggested that I bring in the rest of my Combat Team. When you saw my officers and 1st Sergeant in the hanger last night I thought it was obvious. I had the leaders of all five lances present.” He was looking at me as if I h
ad grown a second head. As if the makeup of an A.P.S. unit was common knowledge. It takes all of my control not to pound him into the floor.

  Target lock confirmed. How shall I dispatch the target? (Charley)

  “WHAT?? Whoa hold on there. Charley we are not going to dispatch anyone. Got it?”

  I knew that commander but I thought you could use the distraction to calm down. (Charley)

  “Of all the under handed dirty no good…………”

  He got you good honey. Now just calm down and think about it for a second. In today’s military it probably is common knowledge. (Charley)

  If the was one thing I didn’t need right now it was those two playing games in my head. So taking a deep breath I turn to my aunt. “Excuse me auntie. But do you know how many pilots are in an A.P.S. unit?” At the shake of her head I turned to my maids. “How about you three do you know?” When they also shook their heads no. I looked to Suzume who only followed suit. As I asked them all in turn the Maj. showed the good grace to not interrupt me. But upon seeing their reactions he must have made the connection and realized his mistake in assuming. “Well Maj I see that it’s not exactly common knowledge. So would you care to enlighten us?”

  The man was embarrassed by his mistake. “Yes ma’am. What I brought to House Nakatoma with me is what is known as a Cavalry Combat Team. A CCT consists of one Cavalrytroop of A.P.S. lances and two armored infantry platoons. Now the A.P.s Troop is made of five lances each of four suits. Normally all five lances would be in the same weight class, but as a CCT we get to have one lance in each weight class. So what we have is one lance of scout suits, one infantry support class, one heavyweight class, one assault class, and finally a fire support class. The two infantry platoons each have four squads in IVFs’.” As I sat there and listen to what the Hell Hounds are composed of I feel the blood drain from my face. The amount of fire power at this man's command is ridiculous. I cannot strip the P.D.F. of all that much needed firepower.

  “Maj. Howard if your unit has that much firepower you must return to the P.D.F. I will not strip them of what could ever will be a good portion of this planets defense.” I state with all honesty.

  The Maj. starts to laugh along with just about everyone else. Turning to look at Suzume “You were right Lt. I’ll pay up on at the next payday.” Looking back at me with a smile on his face “Lady Nakatoma that is not a problem. You see here on Hades that is the standard unit lay out. All A.P.s Cav. Troops are set up as CCTs. The reason why they can do this here is because of all the weapons manufacturing that happens here. So you see you are not hurting the local defenses by having us here.”

  “Dee De, Charley can you two access the P.D.F. records and verify that info for me please?”

  Working on it now honey. How you doing with the security firewalls Charley? (Dee De)

  Need another few seconds. The P.D.F. server is trying to block our access codes. (Charley)

  Get a move on it Maiha needs to know if what the Maj. has said jives. (Dee De)

  If you will leave me alone I would be done by now. (Charley)

  “No fighting, children. I need you two to work together. So play nice.”

  Yes mama. They both popped off with.

  D.D.A.I.: Planetary Defense Force standard unit make up

  1 Calvary Combat Team consisting of the following

  1 Scout A.P.S. lance

  1 Infantry A.P.S. support lance

  1 Heavy A.P.S. support lance

  1 Assault Class A.P.S. lance

  1 Fire Support A.P.S. lance

  2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle Platoons with 4 squads each

  Each Squad Has Ten Men and Assigned 1 IFV

  That’s the standard here kiddo. No wonder why no one has ever been able to take this planet without being have pounded into hammered dog shit. (Dee De)

  “No joke. Ok I feel better now about Howard’s troop being here.”

  “I take it your AIs just confirmed my statement about the P.D.F. Lady Nakatoma?” asked Maj. Howard.

  Nodding my head yes I asked him about the oaths that he and his pilots had given. “To be honest ma’am I had only spoken for myself. The fact that the others followed suit kind of shocked me. I know that I had expected at least for the Infantry Lt.s to want to go back to the P.D.F. I don’t know what changed but I’ll find out for you.”

  “No, that’s ok Maj. But there is one thing I do want to ask of you. I know that I had dropped the role of Commander for the House Military in your lap when I removed Col. Walking Water form that posting this morning. What I would like to know is do you think that there will be any more challenges to my authority or yours? I would hate to have to replace more of our core officers.”

  “No. I highly doubt that there will be any more challenges like we had earlier. I knew that the former Head Captain wasn’t happy when he was not named to replace Col. Walking Water,but I didn’t think he would go so far as to actually challenge you at yourcoronation a time when you are not allowed to be armed. If I had known, I would have saved you the trouble and removed his head earlier this afternoon.” I could tell that he was pissed over what had happen. I think that he thought it was his fault for not stopping the Head Captain before the ceremony. I decide to put his mind at ease.

  “Maj. Howard neither you nor I could have foreseen his actions this evening. Far from it really. I should have put a stop to this bull shitof challenging for higher office this morning, butI failed to see the danger of just removing Col. Walking Water.” I could see he was relieved at not being held responsible,but it would always bother him that he had let someone get that close without at least trying to stop it. “Do not worry Maj. I think my little demonstration got the point across. Well I hope so any way. Now it is getting late.I’ll see you at the morning meeting and breakfast.”

  “Then I bid you and your aunt a goodnight Lady Nakatoma.” And with a bow of respect he turned and left us.

  “Maiha I must say that you handled yourself quite well this evening. When the old Head Captain basically demanded that you turn over the control of the House troops to someone else I thought that you would have capitulated. I never even saw you lose your temper. You just snatched his own sword out of its scabbard then planted it in his chest.” I look over at my aunt in shock. For her to condone an act of violence like she just did had unbelievable importance. “You are shocked I see that I a Reverend Mother and a devout pacifist would condone such an act. I know that goes against all that I stand for. While this may be true I am also a Nakatoma first and foremost. For far too long the men in this House’s military have used their positions of protectors to dictate how it was run. Because I was unable to stop them our House and Family has suffered. Now we have a chance to once again rise back to the position we once held both here on Hades and in the Royal Court back on Earth Prime.”

  I could see a fire in her eyes that was not there last night. These men had used her vows against her. They had come close to destroying this beautiful woman of peace. But now well now there was a true Head of House that would not stand for having some ass clown trying to push her around by using some bull shit challenge over their right to lead because they were a warrior and she was not. Like being able to fight was the only way to solve a dispute.

  “Yes my dear I know I have dropped you into the deep end of the proverbialpool,butthere is no other way. I will do all that I can to help you with the problems that will rise from our family but the one in Parliament. Those you must deal with on your own,I’m afraid.” The look on her face said more than her words. She truly regretted what she had done by basically leaving me to the political wolves of Parliament. I must have started to smile at this. “Maiha, why on earth are you smiling at having to face those treacherous bastards of our planetary legislature?”

  I can’thelp it. I finally startto giggle, then chuckle before laughing out right. I’m laughing so hard I start to cry. I couldn’t help it. My aunt has just given me the one thing that I needed to bring down those ass w
ipes Stonewall, Blackstone, and the Planetary Governor. Away to bring all of their corruption to light. Also the very tool to enforce my will on the ones who would try to destroy our Family. But first I needed someone to act as our House representative. And I have perfect choice right now staring at me as if I’ve lost my mind. Not only willshe be the perfect foil for my revenge, it would also allow me a little pay back for getting me stuck with this mess. Oh yes Lt. Suzume Nanami Walking Water it was time for your comeuppance. Gaining control of myself I look over at Suzume and smile.

  “Suzume I hope that you put your time in at High Command learning as much as you could over spying.” At her confused look. I decided to explain. “It is like this Lieutenant. You are now the Parliamentary Representative for House Nakatoma. Your first duty will be to inform them that the old ways are dead and the former Shogunate is disbanded. All and I do mean all decisions from this point forward will be made by the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family. If they have any problems with this then I will be more than happy to discuss it with them face to face. Forthwith, if they want to continue with the old ways I will be more than happy to meet them at their choice of field of Honor to settle it in whatever manner they want. However, remind the over-inflated self-important ass hats if they want to play games with me I will march the entire House compliment straight to their very door.”

  The shocked looks on all their faces said all I needed to know. To do what I just threatened would be the same thing to out-n-out revolt. Oh yes I was no longer playing around.

  Nakatoma Maiha Mana if you were to do this it would be an open act of war. You do realize this? I only ask because if that is the course of action you wish to fallow we would have a one in four chance of failure. (Charley)


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