Impossible Depths (Silver Lake series Book 2)

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Impossible Depths (Silver Lake series Book 2) Page 37

by McCallum, Coral

  The highway was quiet as Lori drove them back towards Rehoboth. She rarely drove Jake’s beloved truck, hating its manual transmission. As they had exited the base, bidding the security guards on the gate good night, Jake had turned on the radio to a local classic rock station. The original version of Simple Man was the first song they heard. Sitting in the passenger seat, Jake began to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” asked Lori as she wrestled the truck up a gear.

  “I was so sure that was what you were going to ask me to play back there.”

  “Never assume,” giggled Lori, filling the cab with the sound of her musical laughter.

  Jake smiled across at her. “You enjoyed that show tonight, didn’t you?”

  “More than I thought I would,” confessed Jake reflectively. “I felt a bit naked up there on my own at first. It was quite intense.”

  “I thought it was fantastic.”

  “As long as the audience went home happy, I’ve done my job,” he sighed. “I’m wiped out now, though.”

  Later, still entwined in each other’s arms after making love, Lori ran her fingernail lightly round the Silver Lake knot inked on Jake’s chest. A tremor ran through him as her tender touch tickled and he pulled her closer to prevent any more tickling. Gently, he kissed the top of her head.

  “Time to get some sleep, li’l lady,” he murmured sleepily.

  “Can I confess something first?” said Lori, nuzzling closer into him.

  “What have you done, Mz Hyde?”

  “Videoed more of tonight than you think,” she whispered nervously. “I recorded all three songs that you played for those guys at the end, but I also recorded three others from the main set. If the quality’s ok, I’d like to share them all with Lucy.”

  “You’re devious,” he said sleepily. “You know I’m too tired to argue with you.”

  “I love you, rock star. Night night.”

  With all the household chores taken care of and Jake dispatched to the food store, Lori settled herself at her desk, with a fresh mug of coffee, to transfer the photos and video from her cameras. Uploading the files onto her laptop was the easy bit. Taking her time to study each photo, Lori pulled off a separate folder of the images she wanted to use. Her plan was to edit them, then create an album for Lucy to use on the fan site that reflected Jake’s solo show. Some of the shots lent themselves to a monochrome look and, with a filter duly applied, Lori was secretly proud of the results. Happy with the photographs, she turned her attention to the video files. Even at college, video had held little attraction for her, but she had the appropriate software to help convert and enhance the files.


  Jake’s call from the kitchen half an hour later interrupted her train of thought.

  “Through here,” she called back from the study.

  “Guess who I ran into at the Giant?”


  She listened as she heard footsteps coming through from the kitchen.

  “Me,” said Scott sounding almost shy as he appeared in front of her desk.

  “Perfect timing!” declared Lori with a relieved smile. “I was just about to call you for help. I thought you were still out of town.”

  “I was meant to be,” replied the young British filmmaker. “Last minute change of plan. I flew back last night. Project’s on hold.”

  Coming through to join them, Jake added, “I thought you might want Scott’s input with some of the stuff from last night. Was I right, li’l lady?”

  “Spot on,” replied Lori, getting to her feet. “Scott, take the helm. I’m losing the battle with these video files.”

  “What’s the problem?” he asked, coming round to sit at the desk.

  “I’ll leave you both to it, shall I?” suggested Jake, realising he would just be in their way. “I’ll put the groceries away, then fix lunch.”

  “Sounds good,” answered Lori distractedly. “Can you put the laundry in the dryer too please? This shouldn’t take too long. It’s only a few files.”

  Leaving Scott and Lori discussing the videos, Jake returned to the kitchen. Moments like this made him appreciate how surreal his world could be. A few days ago, he had been on the red carpet and been centre stage. Now, he was grocery shopping and doing laundry. Normal everyday chores were the rocks that kept him grounded, he decided, as he stowed the chilled goods in the refrigerator. With a smile, he folded the empty grocery sacks and turned his attention to the laundry. As the dryer hummed away in the background, Jake busied himself in the kitchen preparing lunch. Deciding to make life easy for himself, he heated some soup and made some grilled cheese sandwiches. Nothing fancy.

  “Lunch!” he called out a few minutes later.

  He could hear Lori and Scott coming through from the study as he dished up the bowls of chicken soup.

  “Not every day a rock star makes my lunch,” joked Scott as he sat at the table. “Thanks, Jake.”

  “How are the videos looking?” asked Jake curiously.

  “I’d better watch my back,” teased Scott. “Lori’s done an outstanding job considering the cameras she was using. We’re almost done. Looks like you played a good set last night.”

  “Considering it was thrown together at a couple of hours’ notice, it went well.”

  “Don’t be so modest, rock star,” said Lori. “You were brilliant last night. I have a feeling it won’t be the last Jake Power Solo Show.”

  “Harrumph,” muttered an embarrassed Jake. “We’ll see.”

  After lunch, the three of them crowded round Lori’s laptop to view the video footage. Watching himself on the small screen made Jake cringe, but he could see that the footage was simple and effective. The young film maker was right. Lori had done an excellent job. When they reached the film shot after the show, Lori had converted it to black and white. Between them, they had decided to leave in the casual conversation, creating a more intimate, relaxed atmosphere. The subtle lighting in the bar had cast shadows over the young members of the US Air Force, skilfully protecting their identities.

  “I’m guessing my little sister’s going to love these,” said Jake when the film show was over. “Have you sent them on to her yet?”

  “Not yet,” replied Lori. “You’re safe for a couple more hours. Maddy needs to approve them first. I’ve sent them on to her, along with the stills album.”

  “Ok. So which one of them is going to call me first?”

  “My money’s on Lucy,” declared Scott with an air of confidence. “I need to go, guys. I’ve some editing to do for Jason for tomorrow. Thanks again for lunch.”

  “Any time,” replied Jake. “I’ll walk you out.”

  “Let me out through the sunroom,” suggested Scott. “I’ll head back along the beach. It’s quicker.”

  “Bye, Scott,” called Lori as the two guys headed through to the sunroom. “Thanks for your help.”

  “Pleasure, Lori.”

  A few minutes later, Jake came back through to the study. Sitting on the edge of the desk, he asked Lori what her plans were for the afternoon. Neither of them had anything urgent scheduled.

  “Let’s head out to Cape Henlopen and go for a walk on the trail,” suggested Jake. “We can go for dinner on the way back.”

  “Sounds good,” agreed Lori, delighted at the thought of getting some fresh air for a few hours. “Give me five minutes to finish up here.”

  Fall sunshine filtered through the pine trees as they walked slowly along the sandy trail. They were more than half way round the two mile loop when Lori asked if they could rest for a few minutes. On their right, there was a picnic bench set back in among the trees. Jake helped his fiancée to step over a fallen log that was blocking the path, then watched as she lowered herself onto the wooden seat with an audible sigh of relief. Sitting down opposite her, he watched as she massaged her aching thigh.

  “I’m sorry,” whispered Lori softly. “I just need a few minutes, then I’ll be ready to walk the rest of the way

  “Stop apologising, li’l lady,” said Jake firmly. “You should’ve said if this was too far or if I was walking too fast.”

  They sat in silence, listening to the gentle sounds of nature around them. A few other hikers and trail walkers strolled past, giving them a wave or calling out a polite greeting.

  “It’s so incredibly peaceful out here,” sighed Jake, lifting his face to the sun. “The calm before the storm.”

  “You’ve a busy few weeks coming up,” agreed Lori. “Any regrets?”

  “Regrets?” echoed Jake looking confused.

  “Regrets over how fast the band has taken off. Regrets about the pace of your life.”

  “None,” he replied without hesitation. “Not one. Do you regret resurrecting Mz Hyde?”

  “No,” said Lori sincerely. “It still feels like the right thing to be doing. I’ve a couple of pieces to finish before the end of October but I’m already looking for my next project. Lin’s looking for another jewellery collection before Christmas too.”

  “Guess we’re both going to be busy,” laughed Jake. “And there’s the wedding to plan.”

  “That’s almost done,” she replied. “I’ve delegated some of it to David. Basic stuff. Have you thought about your best man yet?”

  Jake nodded, “Best men. I’ve not asked them yet. Have you chosen a bridesmaid?”

  “I was going to ask Grey if Becky would like to do it,” said Lori with a smile. “I think she’d be perfect. If we’re having Sam and Josh assisting too, the three of them will look great. I’m trying to keep it all simple.”

  “Simple works for me.”

  “We’ll need to sort out your suit before you go to Europe. It’d be good if we could coordinate you and the guys with the two boys.”

  “Can we tie that in with the album launch in New York? We’ll all be there anyway.”

  “Leave that thought with me,” said Lori, lifting her cane and getting to her feet, “Let’s get going, rock star.”

  As the path looped back on itself towards the car park, a chilly breeze blew in from the ocean, reminding them both that summer was over for another year. Noticing Lori shivering, Jake removed his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. Despite her protests that he would be cold, he insisted she wear it. They were in sight of the car when Lori’s phone began to ring.

  “Lucy?” guessed Jake as Lori pulled her phone out of her pocket.

  Nodding, she said, “Hi, Lucy. I’m guessing you’ve seen the videos.”

  “They’re awesome!” squealed Jake’s sister down the phone. “Thank you so much!”

  “Don’t thank me. Thank your brothers,” giggled Lori. “Did Maddy send you on the stills too?”

  “Yes! I love them!” declared Lucy emphatically. “I’m not going to use them all at once though. Same with the video. I’ll put the three individual songs online, but I’ll hold the longer one back for now. Is that ok?”

  “It’s entirely up to you. Do you want to run it past the star himself?”

  “Is he there?” asked Lucy excitedly.

  Still giggling at her future sister-in-law’s enthusiasm, Lori handed her phone to Jake.

  “Afternoon,” he said calmly.

  “Peter said you were amazing last night!” gushed Lucy loudly.

  “Hey, calm down, Lucy Lou,” Jake laughed. “I think I’ve just gone deaf in one ear.”

  “Sorry,” she apologised. “The videos are fantastic. You looked so relaxed. Totally chilled.”

  “Far from relaxed. It’s a long time since I’ve felt quite so nervous.”

  “Is the Jake Power Solo Show going to be a regular feature?” she asked hopefully.

  “Only within the confines of the house.”

  “Pity,” sighed Lucy. “So what’s next on the schedule?”

  “We fly to LA in a few days for a week of promotional work. Radio stations. TV shows. You know the score, then we’ll be in New York on October 14th for the record launch. Are you coming up for that?”

  “I can’t,” she replied sadly. “I’ve got school. Maybe you could send me some video clips from the promotional stuff though, and the launch party?”

  “We’ll sort something out,” he promised. By now they’d reached the car. “Look, I need to go, Lucy. I’ll be in touch. Give those nephews of mine a hug.”

  “Will do. Tell Lori, I’ll call her next week about wedding stuff.”


  As Jake sat in the departure lounge at Philadelphia airport a few days later, Lucy’s request for video clips came to mind. All four of them, plus Maddy were fidgety and keen to board their flight. The board still said it was delayed for an hour. It had been saying that for almost two hours. Taking his phone out, Jake videoed the board for a second or two, then turned the camera on himself.

  “The rock’n’roll lifestyle! We’ve been hanging round here for nearly three hours. The kids are getting bored.”

  He turned the camera round to film his fellow band members. Rich was playing a game on his phone. Paul was reading a magazine and Grey was sound asleep.

  “Best to let sleeping bass players lie,” he added. “See you in LA, folks.”

  Taking a seat beside Rich, he sat trying to figure out how to mail the video clip to Lucy. He had just sent it off when the PA announced that their flight would be boarding shortly.

  A misty cloud hung over Los Angeles as the plane came in to land several hours later. It had been an uneventful flight, but, after their long delay, all of them were keen to get clear of the airport and get some fresh air. Despite a further hold up in the baggage hall, they were still among the first passengers to walk through to arrivals. Leaning against the barrier, they found Jethro waiting patiently for them.

  “Evening, folks,” he called out with a lazy smile.

  “Boy, are you a sight for sore eyes!” declared Maddy, hugging her fellow manager enthusiastically.

  “Long day?”

  “Eternally long,” she sighed dramatically. “We’re all starving. Airline food does not qualify as dinner.”

  “I’ve got a minibus waiting outside. Let’s get to the hotel and then we can sort you guys out with dinner.”

  Once they had loaded all the luggage and various guitar cases into the back of the minibus, they were soon on their way across town. Jethro gave the driver details of their destination, then came back to sit among them.

  “Change to our plans, boys and girl,” he stated as he sat down next to Grey. “We’ve pulled out of one of the radio slots for tomorrow afternoon. Instead, you’ve been invited out to meet a new business partner. Lord Jason’s orders.”

  “Who?” demanded Maddy, abruptly.

  “He’s set up a deal to get the boys’ names on some guitars. Silver Lake signature models. We’re going out to meet the folks tomorrow afternoon and play with their “toys”,” Jethro explained as the three guitarists all looked at each other. “Tomorrow night we’ve been asked to attend a private party in North Hollywood. You’ve to play a short six number acoustic set.”

  “Are we playing at the two radio stations in the morning?” asked Rich, checking the copy of the itinerary email he had kept in his pocket.

  “Yes. You and Jake are to play two numbers at each station.”

  “And the plan for Tuesday?” asked Jake, trying to recall the schedule.

  “Back to back interviews till mid-afternoon at the hotel, then it’s out to a regional TV station to guest on their weekly music magazine show. The evening’s free after that, but remember it’s an early flight to Seattle on Wednesday morning.”

  “Now I know why Lori was so insistent about staying home,” muttered Jake, turning to stare out of the window.”

  When they arrived at the TV studios late on Tuesday afternoon, the four boys were flagging. It had been an intense couple of days, with the highlight being the visit to the guitar workshop. Their scheduled two-hour stop became a five-hour visit that included an impromptu jam session with some of the facto
ry employees. Both Jake and Rich had warmed to the prototype guitars that had been designed for each of them. A custom made Jake P and a Santiago. Their feedback had been eagerly sought on the instruments. Rich had offered immediate constructive criticism on the hardware that was on the Santiago model and they had willingly agreed to alter it to his preferences. Both of them had been quizzed about their choice of finish and inlays for the neck. With a few further hardware tweaks needed on the Jake P, they were both more than happy to put their names to the instruments. They had each been gifted a guitar of their own choice from the existing custom stock room, including Grey, who fell instantly in love with the new bass. Having put the instruments through their paces back at the hotel, the three of them decided that these would be their weapons of choice for Tuesday’s TV appearance.

  The music magazine show was broadcast live for an hour across the west coast every Tuesday. There was one other guest band on the show, but Silver Lake were the only ones scheduled to perform live in the studio. When Jake walked into the green room half an hour before show time, he was stunned to discover that their fellow guests were Black Ashes. Recognising Nick from the MMR Award ceremony, Jake said a polite hello before joining Grey in the far corner of the room. The older guitarist followed him.

  “I believe my little angel did the sound work on your new record,” he said with a gravelly voice, his words slightly slurred.

  “Yes, sir, she did,” replied Jake, glancing at Grey. “She did a fine job too.”

  “Which one of you is she fucking?”

  Feeling Grey tense up beside him, Jake said calmly, “Why should she be intimately involved with any of us?”

  “Because her fucking bitch of a mother told me she was.”

  “Then it’s up to Kola to tell you the rest,” stated Jake, keeping his tone icy cold.

  “You’re all useless shits anyway,” muttered the older man, swaying unsteadily on his feet. “She’ll fuck you all before she’s done. Whore just like her mother.”

  The two Silver Lake musicians watched him stagger his way over to join the other members of Black Ashes then take a long swig straight from a bottle of bourbon that was sitting on the table.


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