Klitzman's Empire (The Klitzman Stories Book 2)

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Klitzman's Empire (The Klitzman Stories Book 2) Page 9

by Paul Blades

  I had an uneventful meal, joined by two American guests. They pestered me to share my exploits with them, but I remained reticent to confess my crimes to guys whose taxes paid the people who put me in jail. I usually preferred to dine alone, or with one of the other supervisors. But protocol required that I treat the guests with at least civility. The meal was like saw dust in my mouth and I hurriedly consumed the smallest portion consistent with normality. When decorum permitted, I took my leave of the admiring Americans and walked back to my room as quickly as I could without drawing notice.

  When I opened my door, Lois was gone! I expected to find the black and blond haired beauties kneeling subjectly, awaiting their master’s return. But only Patricia was there, smiling, as usual, undoubtedly glad to have me to herself.

  “Where’s Lois,” I asked her, trying to hide the desperation in my voice.

  “The steward came for her, master,” she said matter of factly.

  I was entitled to keep any slave unreserved by another master for at least 24 hours. I sensed that someone was playing with me. Did they know? Was the little boat ride a test, not of my steel hard nerves, but rather of my real purposes? But by now I had no real purpose beyond survival. What if Rukimo knew, had reintroduced Lois and I so that he could string me along, possibly roll up Bederson’s network, uncover any other perfidious traitors in their midst?

  I sat down on the bed. Patricia looked up at me expectantly. I couldn’t have produced a hard on if someone had put a gun to my head.

  “Get me a drink,” I ordered her. She jumped to her feet and poured me four fingers of scotch and brought me the glass. She knelt between my legs, her shoulders rubbing up against my thighs. Well, maybe I could get a hard on. I downed the scotch quickly. “Another,” I ordered. She returned with my glass half filled. I took a long gulp.

  “Okay,” I thought. There was nothing I could do but wait for the axe to fall. In the meantime, I had this delicious, willing flesh to enjoy. “Get up on the bed,” I told her.



  Joanna Baisley waited anxiously in the small coffee shop at the corner of Sylvester and Main Streets in downtown Parkersville, Illinois, or at least what served as downtown for the small Midwestern town. She had her gym bag at her feet by her side and, as she sat in one of the booths by the large plate glass windows, she watched the end of the street anxiously. Jimmy said he was coming at 2 and it was already five after. The Friday afternoon crowd was sparse and the traffic almost nonexistent. “Where could he be?” she asked herself nervously.

  She had met Jimmy three weeks ago at the Barnes and Noble on Route 47 in Taylortown. She was looking for a copy of Elizabeth Browning sonnets for her class at the community college. Jimmy had been standing next to her. When she pulled a volume off of the shelf, he leaned over to her and said,

  “When our two souls stand up erect and strong,

  Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher,

  Until the lengthening wings break into fire

  At either curved point,—what bitter wrong

  Can the earth do to us, that we should not long

  Be here contented?”

  “Oh,” she said to him, surprised. “You know Browning?”

  “One of my favorite Romantic poets,” he replied. He was about thirty or thirty two. He had dark brown hair that fell across his forehead and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a brown turtle neck sweater and blue jeans.

  “Let me pick out another?” he offered.

  “Sure,” she said, amazed that he could quote poetry at all.

  He opened the book, flipped a few pages and read, “If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange and be all to me?” That was all that Joanna heard. His voice mesmerized her. She had never met anyone like this before. He asked her to have some coffee with him and they talked for it seemed hours. She had to get home, but he made her promise to meet him the next day for lunch. Because of his greater age, Joanna had just turned nineteen, she didn’t tell her parents about him. She was sure that her mother wouldn’t approve.

  He picked her up the next day at college after her 10:30 class got out. It was a little after twelve. He had a picnic basket and a blanket and said that he was taking her to one of his favorite spots. It was about 45 miles outside of town. His dark green Jaguar sports car pulled down a long dirt road. There was a small field on the top of a wooded hill. Exuberant greenery surrounded them on all sides. Jimmy had brought a bottle of wine and Joanna drank more than she was used to. They laughed and talked, and then they kissed.

  For Joanna it was something out of a fairy tale. She melted as he put his strong arms around her. His tongue enflamed her passion. Before she knew it, they were naked and making love.

  The midafternoon September day was hot and the sun beat down on her skin as Jimmy’s mouth found all of her sensuous places. She cried out as she came, his cock deep within her. She was protected, of course. She had been dating for some time and had just broken up with Billy Stevenson. They used to go to his parent’s lake house on Friday nights and have sex. But this with Jimmy was not sex, she thought, as she lay with her arms around him. This was making love.

  When they were done and getting dressed, she noticed that Jimmy was sad and that there was a tear in his eye.

  “What’s the matter, Jimmy,” she asked him.

  “You’re so beautiful, Joanna, and I’m such a terrible person,” he answered.

  She was beautiful. She had long, straight black hair that cascaded down below her shoulders. She had a gracious face, with big round blue eyes set wide apart and a slender, tapered nose. Her lips were thin (her only real defect, she thought) and she had a firm, rounded chin. Her breasts, the ones that Jimmy had teased with his agile tongue, were plump and ripe. She had a narrow frame, not quite skinny, but slender. She was about 5’4”.

  “Why are you so terrible, Jimmy? I think you’re a kind, sensitive person.”

  Jimmy looked at her with his moist, warm brown eyes. “I’m married, Joanna,” he confessed.

  Joanna knelt there in shock. She was buttoning her blouse and her hands just came to a standstill. “Married?” she asked.

  “Yes, Joanna,” Jimmy admitted. “But you don’t know how lonely I’ve been. To have met someone like you, so bright and fresh, makes me both happy and miserable at the same time. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I was just drawn to you.”

  Joanna was still and thoughtful. A few of her girlfriends had gone out with married men. She had sworn that she never would. But now that she met someone as wonderful as Jimmy, she wasn’t so sure. “How long,….I mean….”

  She was looking for reassurance.

  “We’ve been married for three years, Jimmy told her. “Six months ago we were going to break up because things weren’t working out when she got sick. She’s doing o.k. with treatment and all, but I just can’t leave her yet. She needs me. In a few months….”

  Joanna leaned over and put her hand on his mouth. “I understand,” she said. “And I don’t think that you’re terrible. I think that you’re doing a wonderful thing.” They kissed and promised to meet again in a few days.

  They had made love four times since then, and each time it was better and better. She had promised to not say anything to anyone about them and she understood why she couldn’t call him. Today they were going off to spend the weekend together. Joanna had made up some story to tell her parents about a school friend. It was Friday afternoon and Jimmy was due at 2. “Where is he?” she asked herself again.

  Suddenly, she saw the green Jag come down the street past the front of the coffee shop and make the turn at the corner onto Cumberland. Joanna leapt from her seat, grabbed her bag and flew out the door. She turned the corner and saw Jimmy’s car door open waiting for her. She threw her gym bag in the back seat and hopped in. They kissed quickly, and Jimmy drove away.

  They were going to a place Jimmy knew, about 75 miles outside of town.

“It’s a little cabin,” he had told her. “Way away from everything. It belongs to a friend of mine. It’s ours for the whole weekend. He’s going to meet us there and give me the key. You’ll like him.”

  Joanna spent the almost two hour drive in lustful anticipation. Jimmy had his hand on her thigh most of the way, and the heat on her upper leg was making her wet. She had dressed in a knee length plaid skirt and a soft, white woolen sweater that had a deep ‘v’ neck, showing off her enticing cleavage.

  Finally, they pulled up the long, wooded, dirt driveway to the cabin. A black Mercedes was sitting next to the house. It was a small, wood frame structure, with a broad front porch and dark wooden shingles. There was a small pond with a pair of languorous swans cruising across it. The leaves on the trees that surrounded it had just begun to turn and the house was backdropped by a brilliant pattern of green, red and yellow. To Joanna, it was the most romantic spot she had ever seen.

  When the door opened, a tall, heavyset man with a dark black moustache answered. He nodded at Joanna and shook Jimmy’s hand. “Come in,” was all he said. When Joanna stepped into the front room, she saw another man, tall and thin and with a cold, hard visage, standing at the bottom of a stairway. He looked at her strangely, almost as if her were appraising her. Joanna was confused. “I thought…,” she started to say, when a hand reached around from behind her and forced a large rubber ball into her mouth. She was too surprised to resist and it plopped in behind her teeth. Someone grabbed her arms and a wide piece of duct tape was spread over her lips.

  The terrified girl began to struggle when another strip of tape was drawn over her eyes, blacking everything out. She felt herself propelled forward and pushed over the back of a chair. Vice-like hands gripped her arms together as someone wrapped duct tape around her wrists, looping it between her hands. Then she was pulled back to her feet.

  “You’re late,” a harsh voice said.

  “You know how these two lane roads are,” it was Jimmy’s voice. “And I didn’t want to attract attention. We were behind a giant chicken truck for the last fifteen miles.”

  “Okay, okay,” the gruff voice returned. “Let’s see what we’ve got.”

  “You have the pictures,” Jimmy said. Joanna had thought nothing of it when he had taken a few with his digital camera the other day.

  “That’s just her face,” the man replied. “I want to see her tits and pussy. For all I know she could be all scarred up or something.”

  “Help yourself,” Jimmy replied.

  Joanna was frantic with fear. What was going on? Why did they have her picture? They weren’t going to strip her were they?

  The beautiful nineteen year old’s last question was about to be answered. Her arms were held tightly and she felt rough hands grab the inside of her sweater’s neckline. The hands ripped it down the middle. Joanna screamed, her voice muffled by the large rubber ball in her mouth. A hand slashed across her face.

  “Shut the fuck up!” the harsh voice said. Joanna was stunned by the untelegraphed blow. Her face stung fiercely where the open hand had landed. She body began to shake with fear and she began to cry.

  Hands stood her up straight as a penknife cut the elastic between the cups of her dainty bra, worn just for Jimmy, of course. Her breasts sprung free.

  Joanna whined as strong hands massaged her naked globes. “Nice,” she heard the voice say. “Let’s see her snatch.”

  The girl began to flail her legs, desperate not to let her loins be bared for the eyes of these strange men. “What is Jimmy doing?” she thought frantically. “Why doesn’t he help me?”

  “Christ!” one of the men said. “Get her fucking legs, will you?”

  Two strong hands grabbed Joanna’s ankles and pulled them apart. Another set grabbed her pleated plaid skirt and pulled it off of her hips. She was wearing a lacy thong that she had just bought yesterday.

  “Looks like she got all dressed up for you, Oscar,” a voice said, sarcastically.

  “Oscar?” Joanna thought. “Isn’t his name Jimmy?” When she felt her underwear pulled from her hips, Joanna tried again to struggle. “Mmmpf!” she yelled, her protest stifled by the large ball inside her mouth.

  Male voices laughed. “She doesn’t want to show us her cunt, Oscar. I thought you had her all broken in.” More laughter.

  “She broke me in,” Jimmy/Oscar said. “I thought my balls would burst!”

  All the men apparently enjoyed Jimmy’s joke. As the laughter died, Joanna felt a hand cover her mons, a finger insinuating itself between the folds of her labia. It plied her clit until she felt herself lubricating. She moaned in frustrated revulsion as the finger wormed its way into her slit. Vainly, she struggled to bring her legs back together, but her ankles were clasped in a steely grip. “Nice cunt,” the man said. “Let me see the ass.”

  Joanna felt herself whirled around. Her skirt and panties were around her knees. Hot, rough hands rubbed her pale, white buttocks. “Mmmmmmmpf!” Joanna yelled out again, shaking and pulling at her arms, swaying her naked hips in a futile attempt to free her ankles.

  “Get me the switch!” and angry voice ordered. The hands released her ankles. There was a pause while heavy footsteps retreated and then returned.

  “I told you to be quiet, slut,” the harsh voice told Joanna. She heard a swishing noise and then fire erupted on her hindquarters.

  “Ooooooooouugh!” she yelled as the kiss of the switch burned the tender half-moons of her ass. Another swish. “Oooooooooough!” she yelled even louder.

  “One more for good luck,” the voice said.

  “Oooooooooooough!” Joanna called out desperately and in pain from her taped mouth as the switch tore into her flesh. She was sobbing now quite heavily. Her body had turned limp and she was prevented from falling only by the strong hands that held her arms. Her rear cheeks were afire. Miserably, she resolved not to resist anything else the men wanted from her.

  The frightened girl realized that all was not as she had thought. Jimmy wasn’t Jimmy. There was no sick wife, no sensitive, poetic lover. No weekend in the country. But what was there? What were they going to do to her?

  The hands resumed their appreciation of the soft skin of her posterior. She had been bent over and her finely sculpted thighs were fondled and measured. A hand pried apart her rear cheeks and a finger probed her sphincter. She jumped involuntarily, making a high pitched squeal. There was more laughter. “Okay, okay,” the voice said. “I’ve seen enough.” There was the rustling of paper. “Here’s your money. Count it if you want.” Joanna’s arms were released. Although unrestrained, Joanna was blinded and she had lost all sense of direction. She was mortified as she felt her plump breasts sway as she moved. She pulled futilely at the tape that bound her hands.

  “I don’t have to count it,” Joanna heard Jimmy say. “If there isn’t $15,000 in it when I get back to my room, I’ll know where to go, Thorndike.”

  “Just call me anytime, Oscar. I’d be happy to take you dancing.”

  Joanna realized that she had just been sold to these unknown men. She had only gotten a glimpse of them. They had looked mean and hard. Are they going to rape me? she speculated fearfully. And where is Jimmy going? She felt a man’s body brush up against her back and hands grope her twin orbs, pinching her fear hardened nipples.

  “Goodbye, Joanna,” she heard Jimmy say. “Maybe I’ll see you sometime. You were a great fuck.”

  In spite of her resolve not to make any more noise, Joanna panicked when she heard that Jimmy was leaving. “No! No!” she thought. As Jimmy’s hands released her breasts, she spun around and blindly tried to flee. She felt her shoulder push Jimmy away, but then her ankles caught on her skirt as it fell from her knees and she tumbled to the floor.

  There was a round of hearty, appreciative laughter. Joanna cried in terror and frustration. She tried to crawl to her feet, but she was rudely pushed back to the floor by the booted foot of one of the men. She lay there frightened, crying, as she he
ard Jimmy’s feet cross the floor. The door opened and shut. A few moments later, a car engine started and a car drove away.

  “Okay, get the rest of that shit off of her and put it in her bag,” the man who had bought her said. Listlessly, Joanna let hands remove her shoes and ankle socks and pull her skirt and thong from her feet. Her torn sweater and bra were gathered around her bound wrists. She heard the click of a switchblade opening and she felt them being sliced off of her. She was now quite naked.

  The man who had been called Thorndike spoke. He was on a cell phone.

  “It’s me,” he said. “We got the last one now. Get everything ready, we’ll be there in about four hours.” Joanna heard the cell phone snap closed.

  Duct tape was wound around her ankles, joining them together. She felt herself lifted by her arms and dragged out the door and onto the porch. A sense of electrified panic seized her. “Where are we going? Where are they taking me?” she thought madly.

  She was taken down the stairs and across the stone driveway. The sharp rocks braised her toes as they were rasped across them. Joann heard the click of a car trunk being opened. She realized that she was being thrown into the trunk of the Mercedes she had seen. She tried to struggle, but the experienced hands soon had her stuffed in. As she felt her wrists joined to her ankles in a hogtie, her belly went sour and her whole body felt chilled with fear. Straps were wound around her neck, torso and around her thighs above her knees and fastened to the floor of the trunk. The terrorized girl was effectively immobilized. Her gym bag was thrown in next to her. The trunk lid slammed shut. Joanna cried and screamed through her filled and taped mouth, shaking and twisting her body in a vain attempt to free herself. From outside the specially soundproofed trunk, no noise could be heard.


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