Finding Her Way

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Finding Her Way Page 3

by Jefferson, Riley

  Picking at her food, Jerrica stared out the window at the evening’s sparkles dancing on the gentle movement of the water. Pondering the events of the day, she just couldn’t get the note from Devin out of her mind. Jerrica’s eyes began to blur as her mind started paging through the memories of her first encounter with Devin Daniel.

  “Oh Devin, why reach out now,” she said with a sigh.


  Jerrica was having an extremely bad day trying to rectify statements and receipts that just weren’t matching up. The buzz on the intercom brought her out of her private storm. “Your one o’clock is here,” Lauren announced.

  “Please tell them I’ll be right with them.”

  Looking at the clock, she smiled. Well, they’re early, that’s a good sign, she thought

  She was not in the mood to spend part of her day with some middle aged, disgruntled accountant who didn’t want or need another agency looking at his books and Jerrica let out a sigh as she anticipated a long afternoon. Reaching for the phone, she buzzed Lauren. Jerrica pushed her seat back rising to greet this new prospective client.

  Lauren stepped back and extended her arm out for the person behind her to enter the office.

  Jerrica watched as an extremely attractive young woman flowed into the room.

  Nodding her gratitude in Lauren’s direction, the young woman confidently sashayed toward Jerrica.

  Lauren made the introductions. “Ms. Daniel, this is Ms. Kerrison.”

  Jerrica extended her hand, but her eyes were fixated on the beautiful woman’s face. Jerrica noticed Ms. Daniel was taller than she, with beautiful, flowing, sun-kissed blonde hair.

  “Please, call me Devin,” she said with a smile.

  Jerrica’s felt the silky smooth hand gently enfold her own. Jerrica’s heart began to beat rapidly as their eyes locked onto one another.

  This woman was stunning, Jerrica mused.

  From her deep, ocean blue eyes, to her long silky blonde hair, to the magnificent tanned legs, Devin was an exquisite work of art. She was wearing a pin- striped, charcoal straight-line skirt that accentuated her curved hips and those long legs. The form-fitting white blouse opened just enough to show a little cleavage but still be respectable.

  Jerrica held onto Devin’s hand a little longer then she should have. Realizing her error, she quickly released it. Jerrica felt her throat start to restrict and her face blush as she averted her eyes. In a shaky, but professional as possible, voice Jerrica spoke. “Call me Jerrica. Please have a seat.”

  Jerrica motioned to the chair in front of her desk. “Would you like coffee? Tea? Something cold?” she asked, walking around to her chair.

  Jerrica kept her vision glued to the top of her desk and not the exposed skin of the beautiful client. Opening the folder she had prepared for this meeting, she began her presentation.

  “Morrill, Hartford, and Donahue have been in the business management and accounting field for more than fifty-four years. I have been employed here for five years, I mean six years and....”

  Jerrica glanced up to see Devin watching her, listening intently. Jerrica lost her place as she stared into the inviting blue eyes. Jerrica skimmed her paperwork, trying to find her place. With great effort she tried to continue.

  “I have worked with…many large cooperation’s who…like your own company, was started….” Jerrica was tripping over her own words.

  She felt nauseous and began to worry she might pass out. Nervously looking through her notes again, she felt a small bead of perspiration develop on her brow.

  Lauren re-entered the office with a tray. Walking swiftly across the room she placed the tray with two glasses and a carafe of coffee on the table near the window. “If you need anything else I’ll be at my desk,” she said, as she pivoted and left the room.

  Jerrica had watched every move Lauren made in some attempt to get her attention. She was secretly pleading for help but Lauren just went about her business, leaving Jerrica to handle her distress on her own. Jerrica cleared her throat nervously.

  Devin broke the awkward silence. “Would you like me to get you some water?”

  “Oh, I can get that,” Jerrica choked.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m not incapable.”

  Jerrica silently chastised herself. It’s not professional to stare at the shapely backside of this beautiful woman who was graciously pouring her water.

  Devin returned with the glass. “Can I be blunt…Jerrica?”


  Jerrica was scared of what she might say. Slowly lowering into her chair, Jerrica held her breath.

  “I know you’ve probably spent a couple days rehearsing your speech for me,” she paused to sit. “And I appreciate the effort, but there is no need to continue….”

  A hard knot developed in Jerrica’s stomach. She had only spent ten minutes with this woman and already she had lost one of the biggest accounts MHD would handle. “I—”

  Devin raised her hand, stopping Jerrica from interrupting. “I’ve already made my decision about Morrill, Hartford, and Donahue. My secretary started drawing up the contracts this morning. She will be faxing them to us before end of business day today. I will be passing the domestic accounting department of my family’s business to your company.” Devin poured herself a cup of coffee and took a sip.

  Jerrica was a little skeptical. “Why would you give MHD your account so easily? I mean, this is our first interaction. You know nothing about me or my work.”

  Devin leaned onto the desk. “Ms. Kerrison, I never enter an arrangement or contract without fully knowing who I’m dealing with. I did my own research on this company and on you before I even agreed to this meeting. If I hadn’t approved of this collaboration, I wouldn’t have bothered meeting with you today.”

  Devin’s confident stare captivated Jerrica. Her gaze followed along Devin’s jaw line down to her long neck, continuing to the open V shape of her shirt. She paused as she caught a glimpse of the frilly lace bra that had slipped out from under her blouse.

  “Do you like what you see?”

  “What?” Blushing she diverted her eyes to her computer screen. “What did you say?”

  “Oh, nothing,” Devin remarked, with a sexy, smirk leaning back in the chair.

  “So, why set up this the meeting if you had already made up your mind?”

  “Well, I wanted to meet the person who would be taking on our books. I was also curious to encounter the women that helped take a small hundred million dollar accounting management firm and turn it into a billion dollar company known worldwide in less than five years.”

  Placing her now half-empty cup on the desk, Devin rose and extended her hand.

  Reluctantly Jerrica stood, taking the offered hand. Heat radiated through them as their hands touched. Jerrica’s face flushed as she released the soft hand. “It was nice meeting you, Ms. Daniel. May I walk you out?”

  “Thank you but I can make my way back to the elevator on my own,” she said, reaching for the door.

  Jerrica saw Devin look over her shoulder one last time with a twinkle in her eye and flashing a striking grin. Once the door closed, Jerrica felt the full emptiness of her office. “What the hell just happened?” she muttered, dropping in her chair, exasperated.


  Jerrica wasn’t hungry anymore as she swirled the food on her plate with her fork. She needed to stop doing this to herself, this remembering. Holding her glass in one hand and her plate in the other, she returned to the kitchen and refilled the wine glass.

  Fetching her briefcase from the entryway, she headed up to her bedroom, the two little fluff balls right on her heels. She passed the guest room and bathroom on her way to the master bedroom. This townhouse was excessively big for just one person, but Jerrica knew she had to have it the moment she’d toured the property. It felt like home.

  Dropping the briefcase on the small table near her dresser she rifled through the dresser drawers to look for her favorite
pajama set. Once changed, she retrieved the computer from the briefcase. She cracked the French doors open to the balcony, knowing the sound of the waves on the rocks would be relaxing. She reclaimed her glass off the table before she positioned herself on the floor. A familiar purr from Sassy on the bed gave Jerrica comfort that she was not alone. Taking a quick look around, Jerrica saw that Baby Kitty was occupying herself.

  Let’s get to work, she told herself.

  Jerrica hammered away on her keyboard. Papers were spread out on the floor beside her, graphs and charts were displayed on her computer screen. She immersed herself into the project, losing track of the passage of time. Hearing a noise she glanced around her computer screen. Baby Kitty had taken hold of one of her data sheets.

  Sighing, Jerrica extended her arms toward the ceiling, stretching her back muscles. It was almost two in the morning she realized, looking at her watch. She had been at this a long time. Clicking the save button on her last report, she closed the computer and scooped the kitten in one hand and the documents in the other as she stood. She placed a quick kiss on the kitten’s head settling it on the bed. Capturing the computer and the rest of papers off the floor, she returned them all to the safety of her briefcase on the small table. When she stretched again, she realized she was suddenly exhausted. She desperately needed sleep.

  Jerrica went into the master bath to enact her nightly routine. Returning, she smiled at the sprawled out cats already asleep on top of the comforter. It was going to be a short night. Clicking off the light, she prayed she would find rest quickly.

  Chapter Two

  Sitting at her desk, Jerrica could feel the drain from not enough sleep. She had almost fallen asleep on the train. Then she missed the seventeenth floor, almost dozing off in the back. She had to ride the elevator four more flights before she was able to hop an elevator that was descending. It was going to be a long day if that kind of shit kept happening. Lauren had better bring coffee soon. Jerrica needed caffeine. To distract her climbing temper, she concentrated on the task at hand, opening e-mails. Scrolling down the page, she commented aloud.

  “Nope, I don’t need that one.”


  “These two I’ll forward to Lauren.”


  “Nope, not this one either.”

  Jerrica had already sent John the numbers and graphs for his project so she had some free time. She should have stayed home today. When Lauren finally entered her office she was carrying two mugs of steaming coffee.

  “Aww, you’re my favorite assistant,” she said as she was handed a mug.

  “I’m your only assistant,” Lauren said, not looking at all impressed with the compliment.

  “Thank you for clarifying that for me. How about you’re the best assistant ever?”

  Jerrica sipped her much needed coffee.

  “Now, that sounds a little better. You couldn’t run this office without me,” Lauren said and smiled.

  “You’re right, almighty one,” Jerrica said grinning. “But I would like to think I have something to do with running this department.”

  “Ok, I’ll let you think that,” Lauren shot back, with intended sarcasm.

  Jerrica tossed a paperclip in Lauren’s general direction, making Lauren look playfully shocked. Jerrica’s relationship with Lauren went beyond just boss and assistant. They had become friends along the way. Lauren had helped her get through some major troubles in her life. Lauren was the lighthouse in the dark, always showing her the way to safety. Jerrica was happy their paths had crossed.

  She knew Lauren didn’t have to work, her husband, Brandon, a big-shot lawyer, could certainly support her. A trust fund and a small house on Cape Cod that her grandparents had left her didn’t hurt either. But Lauren liked to feel useful, so she’d kept her job after marrying.. Lauren and Brandon never had any children of their own, so they had somewhat unofficially adopted her as one of their own though Lauren was only ten years older than Jerrica.

  “So, what are you doing this weekend?” Lauren asked.

  “I hadn’t thought about it. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, I’m visiting South Chatham to finish opening up the cottage for the season. I thought if you didn’t have anything planned, you would want to take a drive down and spend some time near the beach.”

  Jerrica loved South Chatham. Cape Cod was beautiful once you veered off the main highway and driving through the small towns was so relaxing. She couldn’t get enough of the long beaches and gorgeous sunsets. She had even spent a short time living at the cottage in South Chatham a few years ago.

  “I’m guessing that if you’re asking me, Brandon will not be joining you?”

  “No, he has a big case he needs to work on,” she said rolling her eyes. “As usual.”

  “Well, then count me in.”

  “I would like to enjoy the house and beach before the tourist’s arrival. I think we all need a break and I hear the weather is going to warm inland, so it should be mild at the coast. Also, remember, the house does have heat if it gets cold,” said Lauren. “We could use some time together.”

  Jerrica could hear the soft pleading in Lauren’s statement. “When do we get started?”

  After pondering the question, Lauren responded. “I would like to be on the road right after work on Friday. We can leave here and be at the cottage by seven or eight at the latest. I can pack food for us for the whole weekend.”

  “I’m fine with that if you let me pay for steaks or lobster for Saturday’s supper. We’ll make a big dinner to celebrate the start of another great season at the cottage,” Jerrica returned watching Lauren stand.

  “You have a deal,” Lauren said, as she left the office.

  Now she had plans for the weekend. ’It was funny how life worked out. Sometimes. She had come in today not wanting to be there and now she had a weekend adventure ahead. Just the thought of going to Lauren’s cottage made Jerrica’s day brighter.

  The intercom beeped, catching her attention.

  “Ms. Kerrison, Mr. Bisset is on line one for you,” echoed Jaime’s voice from the intercom.

  “Thanks, Jaime, I’ll take it from here,” Jerrica replied as she picked up the receiver.

  “Hello, John. What can I do for you now?” Jerrica said in her friendliest voice.

  As he rambled on, she really wasn’t listening to him and barely noticed he had stopped talking. “Oh, I’m sorry John. Could you please repeat that last part?”

  She heard him sigh aloud, then slowly repeat his information. She paid attention to his plans for the big meeting. This information matters to me how, she pondered, until he mentioned her attendance at the meeting.

  “You want me to what?” Jerrica asked in an elevated tone.

  John continued explaining to her why he needed her there for the meeting and how persuasive it would be if the person working in accounting presented the financials instead of the head of public relations. When John stopped talking, Jerrica sat back in her chair feeling cornered about the whole situation.

  “Please, Jak, I need you to do this for me,” John pleaded.

  Jerrica had never heard him ask anyone so politely for anything. Surprised by his sudden, though short-lived sincerity, she agreed to attend.

  John informed her that the meeting was at two in the executive boardroom. It was up there so the company’s president, vice president, and CEO could leave for their overseas trip right after the meeting. She politely told him she would be there, then hung up the phone. She knew where the executives of Morrill, Hartford, and Donahue were traveling. They were flying to Europe to meet with the many small companies that were interested in testing the waters in the U.S. The results of these meetings usually meant more work for her department. They would have to sort out contracts and account information. The big shots brought the clients in, but she would do all the work and receive little of the credit.

  Her face flushed as her temper increased at the picture that wa
s forming in her mind. Same shit, just a different day. Jerrica pushed out her chair, leaning forward until her head was almost resting between her knees.

  “Relax, breath slowly”, she repeated softly.

  She was concentrating so hard on her relaxation exercise that she wasn’t aware Lauren had entered.

  Lauren could only see the arch of her boss’s back from behind the desk. Stopping in her tracks, she started backing up slowly. She had reached the door when Jerrica’s muffled voice sounded.

  “I didn’t hear you come in but I do hear you trying to leave. Lauren, what is it?”

  “I just wanted to check on you after that call from Mr. Bisset. His voice had an urgent tone,” Lauren inquired nervously.

  “He asked me another favor,” Jerrica responded.

  Lauren rolled her eyes, knowing she would be out of the loop on this one too.

  When Lauren didn’t respond, Jerrica slowly sat upright in her chair. She could tell Lauren was still irritated.

  “I’ve decided you will accompany me to the executive boardroom at two this afternoon. I want you to be ready with a note pad, something to write with and color highlighters. Also, bring two bottles of water. You never know if they have anything to drink in that boardroom,” she said, gathering papers on her desk.

  A few seconds of silence passed and she realized Lauren hadn’t left. With a question in her eyes, she looked up to see her assistant’s confused expression. “I know this is sudden, but you have wanted to know what was going on so badly…well, now is your chance.”

  Jerrica waited patiently, amused, until Lauren had processed this new information.

  “I’ll be ready,” Lauren muttered as she withdrew from the office.

  Jerrica knew she had just killed two birds with one stone. Not only would she not be alone in the meeting, but she would also satisfy Lauren’s curiosity.


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