Well at least this job does offer some benefits, she mused. I wonder what her story is.
From the moment Madison had laid eyes on Jerrica, in the women’s room, she had fascinated her. Her dark green eyes added to Jerrica’s mysterious qualities. Madison didn’t want to admit that she felt heat rising from inside whenever she was around her.
She’s way out of your league, anyway, she told herself. Besides she’s probably straight.
If Jerrica wasn’t into women, then that would explain why she looked like a deer caught in headlights when Madison flirted with her. And, if she was straight, at least Madison would have the pleasure of looking at that beautiful body throughout the day. Shrugging her shoulders, she started pulling items from boxes.
“Good morning,” she heard a soft voice say.
Madison looked up from her cubicle. Smiling, Madison stood, walking toward the welcoming smile. “Good morning. I’m Madison, Ms. Hutten’s assistant,” she said, extending a hand,
“Hi, I’m Jaime. I’m Ms. Kerrison’s secretary,” Jaime said, shaking hands.
A small silence fell between them. “So are you new to Boston?”
Why was everyone so nosy about her past living situation? Madison thought. “Ms. Hutten and I just transferred from the Carolina’s. She enjoys the winter season in New England.”
Jaime nodded her understanding, as if not sure who should talk next.
“Since I’m new here, would you like to have lunch with me,” Madison blurted out before she realized the commitment she was making.
Jaime smiled from ear to ear with a twinkle in her eyes. “I would love to. I have lunch after Lauren comes back from hers. Lauren is Jerrica’s, I mean, Ms. Kerrison’s assistant. Lauren doesn’t really have a set time she goes to lunch. I just go after she gets back.”
“My schedule is pretty open. My boss is flexible with lunches and breaks,” Madison replied.
“I’ll stop by your desk before I take lunch and we can go together. Sound good?”
“Great. I’ll see you then.” Madison returned to her desk.
Jaime was elated. No one here had ever asked her to lunch, except for Lauren. Her other co-workers thought she was a snob because she was quiet and kept to herself. Glancing back at Madison, Jaime smiled at the thought that she might have found a new office friend.
Madison went back to organizing her desk as the movers made many trips with boxes into Olivia’s office. After five or six trips by the movers, she thought it might be time to check on the progress. Peeking in, she noticed that Olivia was still standing at the window looking out. Not surprising, walking up beside her, she leaned her shoulder on the window. “What’s going on?”
Letting out a sigh she glanced at Madison, “I’m just adjusting to the change.”
Madison felt a little frustrated with Olivia’s reaction. “I know moving up here has taken you hundreds of miles away from your family. However, Olivia, this move was your idea, remember?”
“I know. It’s just the physical moving, that’s the hard part, first my office, then my apartment.”
“Olivia, give it a week, next week will be better.” Madison turned so she was leaning fully against the window, looking at the mess in the office.
“I can rectify this for you,” she said, snapping her fingers. “Why don’t you go to the spa, then take yourself out to dinner. Tomorrow, take the day off. The movers for your apartment will be done today. I can handle the movers here and the rest until you return. When you come back on Wednesday, everything will be in its place.”
Olivia pondered her suggestion and sighed. “That’s fine, Madison. It will give me time to relax.”
“Good, you have a ten thirty appointment at ECI salon and day spa. So you’d better get going.” A wide smile crossed Madison’s face.
Without a word, Olivia went to her desk, picking up her bag. “You know me so well, Madison. What would I do without you?”
That was a rhetorical question, Olivia new. As Olivia left the office, she waved, disappearing around the corner. Madison loved when Olivia left her to her own devices. She could handle getting everything organized by herself without the stress of Olivia and her temper.
When the movers were done, Madison passed them their bonus, thanking them for a job well done. She started back on the task of setting up her boss’s office the way Madison would want it to be, if it were hers. Everything would be at Olivia’s reach and Madison would know where to find it if her boss couldn’t. Four boxes into unpacking, sitting on the floor, she noticed the time. It was close to noon. She should be hearing from Jaime soon. A knock on the door startled her out of her unpacking trance.
“Come in,” she said still sitting on the floor.
As the door slowly opened, she heard a familiar voice before the figure appeared around the door.
“Olivia, I was wondering if you…” Jerrica’s entered the room seeing Madison sitting on the floor.
“Olivia is off for the next couple days. She will be back on Wednesday. Is there anything I can help you with?”
Jerrica was surprised by the undeniable sensual tone in Madison’s voice. “I was going to…ask Olivia out for…lunch,” Jerrica mumbled, “But...umm would you like to go instead?”
Jerrica was shifting her weight from one foot to another, but not looking directly at Madison.
She smirked at Jerrica’s embarrassment. Standing, Madison brushed her pant legs off saying, “Thanks for the offer, but I already have a lunch date.”
Jerrica’s face was blushing when they made eye contact, “I wasn’t asking you out on a date. It was just a friendly lunch.”
Madison tried not to giggle. “Well,” she said, stepping closer to her, “Maybe we can take a rain check, Olivia and I?”
Jerrica felt a little dizzy as the sweet aroma of Madison’s perfume wafted around her. “That’s fine, maybe next time,” she said as she turned, leaving the office in a rush.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Madison answered as Jerrica disappeared. She stared at the empty doorway, grinning.
Jerrica quickly retreated to her office. Her hands were shaking as she closed the door. What is wrong with me, she chastised herself. I don’t understand why she has this weird effect on me. She has been flirting with me since we met.
She had never felt so unnerved by anyone, this was new to her, and she was scared. She walked to her desk, trying to shake off the strange feeling she had in the pit of her stomach.
Lauren walked into her office just as Jerrica reached her desk. In each hand, she was carrying two vases with what looked like a dozen roses in each. Lauren’s frown on her face pretty much said it all. “These are for you.”
“There from, Devin, aren’t they?” Jerrica lowered her chin to her chest in distress.
“Do I really have to verify that for you?”
Jerrica’s head snapped up in sudden anger, “Stop answering my questions with a question! Are you trying to piss me off?”
Her tone had flipped from being distressed in seeing the flowers to the anger that Lauren had unintentionally invoked in her.
Walking in silence to the table near the window, Lauren placed the vases there. Without glancing at her boss, Lauren left the office, closing the door behind her.
Jerrica knew there was no logical reason she should be this upset, but it was too late to stop it from taking over. The uncontrollable fury raged through her body. Her fists balled up as hatred for everything that had gone wrong in her life overtook her. She charged the table. When both hands hit the top of the table, she yelled in anger as she forced the vases off the table and into the air. “Stay out of my life! I fucking hate you!”
The vases soared across the room. The first vase crashed on the floor depositing its contents on the carpet. The other vase hurtled farther, shattering as it struck the door with force. The impact sent shards of glass, rose petals, and water flying about her office. Jerrica’s legs weakened and she dropped to her knees in front of the windo
w. Using the edge of the table to hold onto, she lowered her head and closed her eyes. Tears nudged at her eyelids wanting release, but she was determined not to be weak and cry. Breathing deeply she tried to contain the frenzy inside that had made her lose her temper. She hated when she allowed herself to become this angry. Still on her knees, leaning back on her heels, she dropped her hands from the table, letting them hang at her side. Her mind was numb as the storm drained out of every pore. Every muscle felt weak.
Lauren had closed the door quietly behind her. The tone in Jerrica’s voice and the glare in her eyes had said everything. Lauren had exited the room as quickly as possible. She had just arrived at her desk when she heard the scream, then the loud smash against the door. Lauren lowered her head and closed her eyes. Her heart ached for her friend. A soft touch on her shoulder startled her. Turning her head, she saw Jaime standing behind her.
“Is everything ok?”
Lauren tried to stay calm and not let Jaime hear the worry in her voice. She was about to answer when she saw someone out of the corner of her eye. She could see Madison watching them with curiosity. Lauren deliberately lowered her voice as she leaned in toward Jaime. “She just received flowers from Devin.”
“No!” Jaime gasped putting her hand over her mouth.
Lauren nodded her head in confirmation. “I’m guessing from the recent sounds, she threw them across the room. I bet it’s a mess in there.” Lauren glanced at the closed door, “Listen let’s just get back to our routine. I’ll look in on her later. She needs time to deal with things.”
Jaime knew that Lauren was right. Jerrica would want normalcy when she reappeared again. Jaime found herself struggling with the invisible line between employee to employer and caring friends. She wanted to rush in there and tell her everything would be okay and that she was here if she needed anyone. She looked at Lauren. She could see the same anguish running across her face. She noticed Madison hadn’t moved from her standing position next to her desk since they had gotten back from lunch. The look of confusion on her face compelled Jaime to go and talk to her.
“What happened?” Madison whispered.
“I can’t really talk about it,” she answered, looking down at her feet.
“Jaime, I’m not going to push you for information, but I heard the same noises you did and I’m concerned. Is your boss okay ?”
Jaime looked up and saw the worried look in Madison’s eyes. “If I tell you, you’ll have to promise not to tell anyone.”
“I promise!”
“Jerrica’s ex has been bothering her a lot lately and today flowers arrived. I think she’s just frustrated with the things going on in her life right now.”
“Oh, so the noise was probably her response to getting the flowers,” Madison said, understanding the situation a little more clearly.
Both women stood together, preoccupied with their own thoughts.
Lauren’s sharp voice echoed from across the room. “Jaime, get back here. You have plenty of work that needs to be done.”
Jaime’s face reddened in embarrassment. Smiling shyly at Madison, she quietly walked back to her desk.
Lauren locked eyes with Madison. At that moment, Madison knew Lauren had summed her up and by the look on her face, she didn’t get high marks in her book.
Lauren severed eye contact only when she felt she had gotten her silent message across to the new girl on the floor. Lauren shifted paperwork as she slyly observed Madison disappear into Olivia’s office.
There’s just something about that woman I do not like, she thought as she watched Jaime sit down. She’s going to be trouble; I’m going to keep my eye on that one.
Time passed slowly. Jerrica wasn’t sure how long she had been kneeling on the floor, when the ache in her legs brought her back to reality. Reaching up, she grabbed the edge of the table with both hands, balancing her frame. With as much energy as she could muster, she pulled herself into a standing position, not releasing her grip on the table. Taking a deep breath, she wobbled to the side window to look out, placing a warm hand on the cold window to steady the shakiness. Her mind was running through a thousand thoughts at once. Thoughts of her empty life flashed through her mind, conjuring images of Devin. She quickly placed a hand on her chest as the pain of their past break-up and most recent interaction shot through her heart.
Behind her, a familiar noise captured her attention, but she did not turn away from the window. The office door opened cautiously. Jerrica saw Lauren’s reflection in the window.
Lauren glanced around the room at all the broken glass and flowers flung everywhere. She obviously wanted to comfort Jerrica. Avoiding the problem in front of her she spoke quietly. “Jaime and I are leaving for the day. Do you need me to stay to lock up?”
An eerie silence befell the room until Jerrica whispered. “I’ll lock up tonight.” She was standing motionless.
Lauren paused a moment, as if wanting to say something, anything, but obviously decided to leave her in peace. She closed the door.
Jerrica heard a soft goodnight as she heard the latch on the door. Alone in her office once more, she took in a deep breath; releasing it gradually.
I’m almost thirty and I’m alone, she commiserated.
Lowering her head, leaning it against the window, she closed her eyes.
What have I done with my life? One failed marriage and one painfully failed relationship.
Both relationships had taken their toll on her heart. She always had had her career to fall back on. She could always depend on her drive, personality, and intelligence to succeed in her career. But her career didn’t keep her warm at night. As she straightened up, pushing her head away from the window, she realized, in a moment of clarity, that her career was not enough to fulfill her life anymore. She wanted, no…deserved, more than this. Her eyes focused beyond the window, on the city, as the shadows of dusk blanketed the busy streets of Boston below.
Hearing the movement of people outside the door, Madison glanced at her watch. It was quitting time, confirmed by the timepiece. Brushing off her pants as she stood, she surveyed her progress. Two large boxes with Olivia’s junk inside and a small one of desk stuff was all that needed to be unpacked. Not bad but now it was time to get out of there.
About to exit the office, hand still on the doorknob, she noticed Lauren standing in Jerrica’s open doorway. She froze. Madison could see a side profile of Jerrica standing near her windows. She watched as they exchanged words, but Jerrica didn’t move. Madison couldn’t see the expression on Jerrica’s face from where she was standing. When Lauren slowly closed the door, walking back to her desk, Madison recognized the expression on her face.
The concern and uneasiness she had seen on Lauren’s face earlier had returned. Not wanting to attract Lauren’s attention or her wrath, Madison took a couple steps back into Olivia’s office, quietly pushing the door shut. In the silent office, Madison listened for noises on the other side of the door to diminish. She finally heard what she thought might be the last of the bell ringing on the elevator so she cracked the door open and peeked out just in time to see the elevator doors close.
After a quick scan around the department, she determined Lauren had finally left. Madison strolled to her desk, picking up her coat. She was going to have to find a way to get along with Lauren or working on the same floor was going to be hell. It was only the first day, maybe she would soften up as time went on.
Madison slid her jacket on, proceeding toward the elevator. Once there, impatiently she pressed the down button several times, as she waited.
Jerrica hadn’t left her spot near the window. Her eyes were clouded with thought. She could tell by the stillness in the air that everyone had gone for the day. Everyone had gone home to a loved one or a loving family for the night. Not her, she would go home to an empty house. Where did she go wrong? The sky had darkened as night crept in, only a few spe
ckles of starlight scattered scarcely amongst the darkness. Tears filled her eyes as she continued to analyze her life.
“Are you all right?”
Alarmed Jerrica spun around to see someone standing in the doorway.
“I knocked, but I guess you didn’t hear me.” Stepping closer, she inquired again. “Jerrica, are you ok?”
“Madison?” Jerrica replied, blinking back the tears.
Not being able to stop the tears cresting her cheeks, Jerrica turned back to the window, hoping Madison hadn’t seen them. “I’m…sorry…I…didn’t hear you come in.”
Jerrica’s voice was shaky, Madison realized. She had seen the puffiness around Jerrica’s eyes before she turned. “Jerrica, is…can…I mean…can I help in anyway?”
Jerrica quivered as she used her fingertips to wipe the tears, but could not reply. She didn’t want to turn around, she didn’t want to talk to anyone at this moment, didn’t want anyone to see her in this weakened state. The room went silent. Jerrica’s spine stiffened as the smell of perfume surrounded her. Suddenly she felt the warmth of Madison’s breasts pressed up against her back.
Madison delicately slid her hands up to Jerrica’s shoulders, gently brushing the soft skin of her biceps on the way. She waited for some indication from Jerrica to stop, but it never came. Madison wasn’t sure if Jerrica was trembling from her touch or from something else. Sliding her arms across Jerrica’s upper chest, she held her in a caring embrace.
The warmth of Madison’s arms made Jerrica feel unexpectedly safe, as she leaned back into the inviting tenderness.
Madison felt the overwhelming need to comfort Jerrica. She felt the body in her arms relaxing and heard the soft, sniffling slow. She could feel Jerrica’s silky hair on her cheek, breathing in the light lilac scent. I could hold this woman forever, she realized.
Finding Her Way Page 11