Filthy Cam Girl: A Captive Virgin Romance

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Filthy Cam Girl: A Captive Virgin Romance Page 7

by JB Duvane

  “Well, if you find anything out at all, please let me know.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out one of my cards. “My cell number is on here, as well as my home phone. Call anytime of day or night.”

  “We will, Mr. McDermott.”

  “Do you need anything else from me?” I asked, not looking anywhere near that Justin kid. Just the thought of him with his hands on Ashley, trying to get his little prick in her made me what to rip his head off. “I have to get back for a meeting.”

  “Wait. If she killed herself why wouldn’t she have just done it here? Where’s her body?”

  That fucking kid. I looked over at him and gave him the most intimidating vibe I could without looking like an ass in front of the cops. “Who are you, exactly?” I asked. I wanted him to know just how insignificant he was in this whole conversation.

  “Justin Hayes, I’m Ashley’s boyfriend.”

  Not anymore, you’re not, I thought to myself as my eyes narrowed in on his.

  “And you’re the one who alerted the police to her absence?”

  “Yeah, I told the RA last night and called the cops this morning. It’s not like her to be gone so long. She never goes anywhere. I can barely get her to come over to my place—“

  “I’m sure the police officers here are interested in your story, son. But as to what happened to her … I imagine that they also appreciate as much information as they can get with a missing person.”

  “I’m just saying she didn’t seem like she wanted to kill herself, is all.”

  “Well, thank you for your input, Justin, but I’m sure the police are interested in looking into all possible angles. Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said to the officers.

  “Uh, yeah, sure, Mr. McDermott. I don’t think we have any more questions for you right now. But we’ll give you a call if we do.”

  I left the room as calmly as possible, then got the hell out of that building. I held my breath until I got to my car. I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been, leaving everything in her room like that. I’d planned the whole thing out for weeks, and the one thing I’d neglected to take care of was the goddamned evidence in her room. There was nothing linking me to her through the cam girl site, though. I’d set all that up under another identity. Luckily Daddyland didn’t have as high level of background checks as they thought they did.

  But now that one of my mistakes just about got me in hot water with the cops, I was nervous that I’d left an online trail somewhere.

  Wanting it To Be Him (Ashley)

  After I ate breakfast I had a hard time concentrating on anything. I wasn’t used to not having my computer and I missed just wandering around to random forums and websites. I really hoped that this wasn’t going to be indicative of my life here, however long it was going to be. I didn’t care about going out into the real world at all, but I wanted to be able to interact with people online on some level. I wanted Sir to know that I wouldn’t turn him in or anything. I just wished I knew more about what was going on.

  Just before noon there was a knock on the door and I followed my instructions so that Sir could enter. I wanted to see him so badly, though. Picturing him with Jessica’s dad’s face in my head was nice, but I couldn’t help but imagine how incredible it would be to see his real face—to look into his eyes.

  Sir didn’t say anything when he came into the room. I heard him cross over to the bed where I had been sitting, and when I felt him near me I sucked in my breath. There was that incredible smell again. So manly and slightly woodsy—like a really well-dressed mountain man. I smiled at that thought and suddenly felt his thumb on my lips.

  His hand caressed my jaw as his thumb continued to move over the sensitive skin of my lips, then up and across my cheekbone. I could feel him drawing nearer with each breath, his coming hot and fast on my skin.

  I heard his shoes drop to the floor, then felt the bed dip on either side of me. He was straddling me now, one knee on either side of my hips and one hand holding each side of my face. I let out a sigh when I felt his lips finally touch my skin. He braced himself, pressing his forehead into mine, while his thumb traced the skin around my mouth. I felt the tingle of his kisses on my cheeks and jawline and as my head tilted back, his lips finally touched mine.

  It felt like a bolt of lightening shooting straight through me, tearing into my belly and lighting my entire pussy on fire. His lips melted into mine, opening slightly to allow his tongue to enter my mouth, then pulling back a little—teasing me and making me beg for more with my moans.

  After I’d taken a bath I chose a baby doll nightgown he’d left in one of the drawers and now I felt one of his hands gliding over the silky fabric as he caressed my breast. I could hear and feel his breath quicken as his lips made their way down my neck, and mine joined his in intensity.

  I fought to keep my body upright with the pressure of his lips pushing me backward toward the wooden headboard. It was too much, though, and I reached up to grip one of the hand carved, wooden rods just to keep myself steady. His mouth was pressing into me as if he intended to devour me.

  I was becoming overwhelmed with the sensations that Sir was causing in my body. I’d never felt anything like this before. Not with Justin or any boy I’d ever kissed or touched. Every time Sir’s skin came into contact with mine there was a burning feeling that spread out like a pool of energy, and it always traveled back to one place—my burning pussy.

  I felt Sir’s lips leave my neck, then, in one swift movement I was lying on my back on the bed. He had gripped my hips and yanked me down so that I was now underneath him, the presence of his body over mine palpable even though I couldn’t see a thing.

  I felt the bed move and I heard the sound of his clothing dropping to the floor, and when he returned, it was his skin that I felt moving against mine.

  I heard him groan as his chest pressed into my stomach, moving upward against my skin until his cock slid into the groove of my thighs. Then his lips were there again, pressing into mine with a desperation that I matched with the way I pulled him to me. This continued on for a long time, Sir moving his body on top of mine and kissing my lips in a way that had me almost hypnotized. My legs were pressed together and my brain was screaming for them to be spread wide, but he had me pinned with his legs and his chest, moving on top of me so slowly I thought I’d go mad.

  I felt the fabric of the nightgown move up my body, then over my head, then I felt Sir’s hands on my thighs. He gripped them hard and made me gasp out loud as he pulled my legs apart, pushing them up so that they rested on either side of my chest. I moaned when I felt his hot breath move across my pussy lips and pressed myself up into him, trying to make contact with any part of him.

  Finally, I felt his touch as his fingers spread me apart. They pulled my lips tight and prodded me as if I were being examined. Then I felt his fingers move over my clit, sliding up and down and around, the same way I’d done many times on camera for him. He knew what I liked, and he took his time, circling around and around in my juices until my ass was squirming underneath him.

  Next, I felt one of his fingers enter me, then another. He pushed them in and pressed upward, curling both fingers forward so that they rubbed on my g-spot. I gasped and moaned at the intensity, then whimpered when he continued to fuck me like that, with his fingers moving firmly against the most sensitive part of my vagina.

  Finally, I felt his hot mouth close down on my clit, but not just the clit. It felt like his mouth was covering my entire pussy, sucking on every single part at once. A long moan escaped from deep in my throat as Sir used his lips and tongue and teeth to devour me while his fingers continued to move inside me. I clutched at my breasts, gripping them and twisting the nipples and adding to the epic level of intensity that my body was experiencing.

  Everything was happening so fast and furiously and my mind went back to that time on the balcony outside of that room. I kept seeing his massive cock as he stroked it, and I felt what she was feeling when his mouth
was on her pussy. Then my body bent backward and I ground my head into the pillow as I watched him slide that massive cock into her wet, quivering hole.

  I was completely lost in my fantasy when the sensations I was feeling built to a peak, and as the movements on my clit and inside me increased in speed, I couldn’t hold back. I wanted him inside me. I’d waited long enough.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please fuck me!”

  The fingers continued to plunge into me while his hot mouth clamped down tight on my clit, and the last thing I remember as the most intense explosion I’d ever experienced ripped through me, was calling out his name. But it wasn’t Sir’s name … it was his.

  “Oh God, Drake! Please fuck me! I want you inside me now!”

  I rode the waves of the orgasm that pulsated through me and didn’t realize until moments had passed that Sir had stopped moving—that he had actually pulled away from me.

  “What did you call me?” His voice was loud and clear, and it shattered the silence in the room like a crystal bowl falling to the floor.

  I felt the bed move and heard Sir pick up his clothes off the floor, then leave the room, slamming the door behind him.

  I wanted to die. I couldn’t believe I’d done that. I’d called Sir by someone else’s name.

  I ripped off my blindfold and lay there on the bed, tears welling up in my eyes. I’d just had the most amazing orgasm of my life and I’d ruined it all by acting like an idiot little girl with a crush on her best friend’s dad. I curled up on my side and sobbed into the pillow. It felt horrible being walked out on after such an incredibly intimate moment, but it felt worse knowing that I’d hurt Sir with my complete insensitivity.

  She Knows (Drake)

  I was furious. Not with Ashley, but with myself for allowing myself to be so obvious. In my plans and fantasies, this all went off perfectly—with Ashley having no idea who I was. But the reality of the situation was that I had executed this plan very poorly. I’d left evidence in her room, I’d run into the cops while I was trying to retrieve it, and I’d somehow let Ashley know who I was.

  I was a dean at her school, but more importantly, I was her best friend’s dad. And I’d kidnapped her, spied on her, and now I was holding her as a goddamned sex slave. What I was doing was beyond wrong. It was immoral and illegal and highly unprofessional. I needed to have my head examined. But when I walked into that room and saw her sitting on that bed in the neglige I’d bought for her I lost every shred of control. That was the problem, I had absolutely no control when it came to Ashley. I was consumed by her.

  As I put my clothes on in the living room I struggled with what I was going to do next. I had gone back and forth for weeks about whether or not I would keep her or if I would ultimately let her go. But the thing was, I didn’t just bring her here for myself, although that’s how things seemed to be playing out. I brought her here for her benefit too. I wanted so badly to keep her from harming herself again and this was the only way I could think to do it.

  I couldn’t justify keeping her captive and isolated forever if it were just for my needs, but keeping her from hurting herself—that was important. Surely anyone would be able to see that. But I knew that wasn’t the case at all. If anyone knew about what I’d done I’d go straight to jail. No one would view me as Ashley’s savior, because I was her captor. I was harming her.

  Not to mention that, if Samantha ever recovered and came home, I had no idea how I would conceal Ashley. How could my wife and I possibly live a normal life with a goddamned girl hidden away in our house? There was no way Samantha would understand why I had to keep Ashley here, and then I’d have two potentially suicidal women on my hands.

  But none of that mattered now because the cops found me in Ashley’s room and she knew who I was. There didn’t seem to be any way I could keep her here. But that had been the plan all along. That I’d keep her here without her knowing anything about who I was. But now that she knew, everything was ruined. I had no idea what I was going to do.

  After a couple of drinks I decided to go in and talk to her. I opened her bedroom door and walked in, but was confused when I saw the surprised look on her face. She sat up on the bed and stared at me with her mouth open like she was in shock.

  “Ashley, we need to talk.”

  “It is you,” she said, staring at me with wide eyes. “I didn’t … how did you … I don’t … It’s really you!”

  Ashley crawled across the bed, her naked body so incredibly cute and sexy at the same time. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, but the words she was saying didn’t make sense. “Are you saying you didn’t know it was me?” I moved closer to the bed, wanting to grab her and push her back down on her stomach so that her ass was offered up to me, but I had to tear my eyes away from that incredible body of hers and focus. “But you said my name.”

  She was standing now, but not moving toward me. She looked a bit scared, like she had done something wrong—her delicate fingers threading a bit of hair in between her pink lips. “I … I didn’t know. I mean, I wanted it to be you, I fantasized that it was you … but I didn’t know.”

  “What do you mean you wanted it to be me?”

  “Well, you … I mean, Sir reminded me so much of you, that I just sort of … pictured you.”

  “You mean, all through the camming sessions? Even after I kidnapped you? All this time you’ve wanted it to be me?”

  Ashley’s face turned red and she squirmed around a bit, twisting her feet and looking down at the ground and looking infinitely more fuckable in the process. If that was even possible.

  “Well, I …” she started, but looked almost in tears because of her embarrassment. As if she were the one who had done something wrong. “I’ve always wanted it to be you, Drake.” Her words came out so softly they were almost unintelligible. “Always.”

  I moved closer to her and put my arms around her. I could feel her trembling under my touch. “Ashley,” I said as I buried my face in her soft, golden hair while my hands moved across the soft skin of her back, then further to her plump ass cheeks.

  “I didn’t think that it was even possible—that you would be interested in me, your daughter’s friend. I always felt so inferior compared to Jessica’s mom. She’s so sophisticated and beautiful and I’m nothing like her at all.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to be like her, Ashley. You’re absolutely perfect,” I said, pulling her head away and looking into the sweetest eyes I’d ever seen. Eyes that I’d wanted to look into ever since I brought her here. I’d seen them on camera, but there was whole world between us then. Now there were here right in front of me and everything inside me melted. I brushed her hair back and lowered my lips to her forehead, closing my eyes and allowing the feelings that I had for her to fill me.

  “Do you really think that? Even after everything—” she asked.

  “Shh.” I brought my lips down her cheek and then to her jaw, and just before I kissed her lips I moved my hands up so that they held her head back. “I’ve always thought that you were perfect, Ashley.” When my lips finally touched hers, I felt her body melt against mine. I moved my hands down and cupped her perfect ass with one, while I supported her back with the other. She moved backward effortlessly, her body bending with every movement of mine.

  With her head thrown back and her neck exposed to me, I trailed kisses down her jaw. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I growled as my lips moved lower and lower, now at the sexy dip in between her collar bones. My hand was still holding one of her ass cheeks and I gripped it hard, pressing her stomach into my throbbing cock.

  I heard sexy little moans escape from her mouth with each touch of my lips and each step as I pushed her backward across the room and onto the bed. But when I started to get on top of her she stopped me. Her eyes looked up into mine and I thought I was going to loose it right then. “I meant what I said. I want you inside me. I want you to be my first … Sir.”

  “You can call me Drake, if you’d like.�

  “Really? I’ve never called you that before,” she said with a shy smile.

  “Well, you just did about a half hour ago.”

  “Oh, yeah. I guess I did.” Ashley laughed, then a completely serious look came over her face. “I want you to be my first, Drake. If that’s what you want.”

  I could barely breathe. It was all I’d thought about for so long that I swear to god it had already happened at least a hundred times. A thousand. I wanted nothing more than to watch her beautiful face as I slid my cock into her tight, little pussy, but now that it was actually happening I couldn’t do it. Not yet, anyway. There were other things I wanted first. To work my way up to the main event so that we were both exploding from anticipation when it came. And when I came inside her.

  What I wanted right now was to see her lips wrapped around my cock. “I will,” I said, my eyes burning into hers. “You’d better fucking believe I’ll be the first inside you. ”

  “But not today? Not right now?” she asked, her eyes so sad it almost broke my heart.

  “I promise you, it will be worth the wait,” I said, dropping my lips to hers and letting them linger until the tension filled my body and threatened to shoot right out of my cock.

  I stood up and took off my shirt, then let my pants drop to the floor, and there it was. What I’d been waiting for. The look on her face when she saw what was coming to her. What belonged to her.

  “Oh my God,” she said, her eyes glued to the massive rod jutting out in front of her. “It’s so huge.”

  The innocence in those words was priceless. Even with all her cam girl experience and her telling me that she would do anything for me—no matter how nasty or filthy it was—I knew she had very little real world experience and I doubted that she’d seen anything like it before.

  “Are you ready for this?” I asked, a smile curling up at the side of my mouth. I couldn’t wait to see how much of me she could swallow—then train her to take it all down her throat. Inch by fucking inch. She was going to be a perfect little submissive.


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