Echo (Archer's Creek Book 1)

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Echo (Archer's Creek Book 1) Page 15

by Gemma Weir

  Anger explodes from me, and I push at his chest, but he barely moves. “But I do have to leave,” I shout.

  He leans in, silencing me with a punishing kiss. “If you didn’t have to leave, would you say yes?” he asks again.

  I study him. He’s so strong and determined. He says I’m his. He protects me and cares for me. He worships my body and brings me more pleasure than I could ever have imagined.

  He makes me happier than I’ve ever been.

  I’m falling in love with him.

  Echo watches the emotions flash across my face, his fingers stroking my cheek. “I know you’d say yes, sugar. I know because I feel it too. So say yes.”

  My eyes fill with tears, and I hear Park’s words loudly in my head. “He’s not gonna let you go.” Closing my eyes, I block out my thoughts and start to nod, but he interrupts. “No, fuck this, Livvy, you don’t get a choice. You’re moving in. Now let’s go get your shit.”

  A laugh bursts from me and tears fall down my cheeks. “Okay.”

  His face sobers. “Yes?”

  I nod. “Yes. I’ll move in with you.”

  I kiss her breathless then reluctantly pull her from the bed.

  “Come on, sugar; let’s go get your shit,” I say. I’m not giving her the chance to come up with some fucked-up reason why she can’t live with me. I’m taking her to get her stuff now, and then I plan to fuck her over and over in our bed till she can’t imagine being anywhere else.

  I drag a giggling Livvy behind me and throw open the doors to my garage, waiting for her reaction to my baby. Her eyes light up when she spots my completely restored vintage 1953 C

  hevy truck. I open the door for her, and she slides along the bench seat, her small hands stroking the original polished wood dash. I climb in and haul her back along the seat till she’s next to me with my arm draped over her shoulders.

  It takes us about five minutes to drive to Miss Mimi’s, and Livvy disappears inside to pack up her clothes and girly shit. Mimi fucking hates the club, so Livvy asked me to stay out here, but I’m bored and I want my girl, so maybe if I help I can get her home and naked quicker.

  I walk up to the front door, open it, and immediately hear voices. Livvy’s British accent is soft, and my dick hardens just from the sound of her. “Miss Mimi, thank you so much for renting me the room, but I’m actually going to be moving out today.”

  Mimi’s snooty voice is obnoxiously loud. “Olivia, you shouldn’t be going anywhere with that riff-raff. They’re nothing but thugs and criminals.”

  “Thank you for your concern, ma’am. I appreciate your advice, but Echo’s a good man,” Livvy says in a polite but confident voice.

  Mimi’s laugh sounds maniacal. “A good man? Was he being a good man when he broke my darling Wyatt’s nose, or when he gave him two black eyes and a fractured cheekbone? That vagrant Echo is a psychopath who needs to be thrown in jail with the rest of the criminals in that godawful motorcycle club.”

  I quietly step into the hall. Livvy’s standing with her back to me, and the old bitch is standing in front with her evil crimson fingernails gripping Livvy’s arm. Mimi screeches, and I watch Livvy flinch in shock. “You’re just another one of their whores, spreading your legs for those awful bikers. You should be ashamed of yourself. May God have mercy on your soul,” Mimi shouts.

  I stride forward and touch Livvy’s back, and she shrinks into me.

  “Whore,” Mimi screeches.

  Turning my woman, I guide her out of the house while Mimi screams at us.


  I keep Livvy sheltered in front of me and spin back to the crazy old bag. “Hey, you crazy old bitch, get back inside and keep your mouth shut. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  I lift a shell-shocked Livvy safely into my truck, load her stuff in the back, and drive quickly away with the echo of Mimi’s voice chanting “Whore, whore, whore” receding as I finally take my old lady home.

  I sit in the car with my hands gripped tight over my ears. I can still hear Miss Mimi’s shouts.


  I tighten the grip on my ears and lift my feet onto the seat, burying my head into my knees as Echo speeds away. Mimi’s words hit hard. It’s only words screamed by an angry, bitter old woman, but I can’t shake the insult.

  “Sugar, you okay?” Echo asks. I shake my head and pull my knees up closer to my chest, curling into as tight a ball as I can. An arm reaches across my shoulders, drawing me into the safety of his embrace. His touch and the heat of his skin calms me, and I unfurl, climbing into his lap as he drives.

  “It’s okay, sugar. I didn’t realise she hated the club so much. Fuck, it’s been ten years since her old man left with one of the club skanks,” Echo says as he soothingly strokes my back.

  The car falls into silence as I sit with his arms wrapped tightly around me, holding me close to him. My heart gradually slows, and my muscles relax.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  His hand tangles in my hair, his arms holding me tight. “What you thanking me for?” Still clinging to him, I softly kiss his neck. “You stepped between us. I should have walked away, or told her to fuck off, but I just froze. I’ve never been called a whore before. She was just so angry and mean.”

  Echo’s body stiffens beneath me. “You don’t need to thank me. She shouldn’t have said a word to you. I should have sent a prospect to collect your stuff, and none of this would have happened.”

  I lift my head from his shoulder as we pull onto his driveway. He turns off the engine and starts to open the door, but I reach for his hand, stilling it. “Echo, you protected me from her. I’ve never had someone other than my parents do that for me.”

  His fingers lift my chin till our eyes lock; intensity and possession flare in his. “I’ll always protect you, Livvy, always. It’s my job to look after you, to keep you safe.”

  I nod, understanding for the first time what his claim really means. He lifts me, and I wrap my arms and legs around him tightly. Our lips meet and we kiss. His lips don’t dominate me; instead they reverently whisper his promises. That he’ll look after me, protect me, and keep me safe.

  Echo carries me upstairs and sets me down on the bathroom counter, kissing me quickly before he turns on the taps and starts to fill the gloriously large claw-footed bath. “Strip.” For once, it’s not an order. His voice is soft, and his eyes are filled with concern. But one word is all it takes; my breathing shallows and my heart races. I watch him, then slowly remove my clothes so I’m standing naked, waiting for him. Heat fills his eyes as he takes in my bare skin, my breasts heaving, aroused.

  His hands slide along my skin from my hips and over my ribs. Holding me gently, he lifts me into the bath, and I submerge into the water. Echo kneels on the floor at the side of the tub, his rough, callused hands cupping my cheeks. He takes my lips, claiming me, owning me.

  Desperate for more, I track his movement when he stands and turns to leave. “Aren’t you getting in?” I ask, panting.

  He smiles but shakes his head. “Not yet. You relax. I’m gonna get your stuff out of the truck. Then I’ll come wash your back.”

  He winks at me and heads to the door. Pausing, he looks over his shoulder. “Welcome home, Livvy.”

  The hot water soothes my muscles, my tense body sinking deeper into the warmth.


  I close my eyes and lay my head back against the side of the bath, smiling widely.

  My phone rings, shattering the silence. Blake Shelton’s “Kiss My Country Ass” blares loudly, refusing to be ignored. Groaning, I lean over the side of the bath and grab my phone from the pocket in my dress.

  The screen flashes “James Calling.” I squeal with excitement; it’s been far too long since I spoke to anyone from back home.

  “Bestie,” I say as I answer the call.

  James makes an audible sigh. “Thank fuck, Liv we thought you’d been murdered or abducted by aliens or joined a cult or something. It’s
been nearly two weeks since the last time you called.” The relief is obvious in his voice, and I feel like the worst kind of friend.

  “Shit, I’m sorry, hon. It’s just been an insane couple of weeks.”

  James’s reply is instant. “Why, what’s been going on?”

  With a groan, I sink back into the water. “God, I don’t even know where to start. I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you.”

  Chuckling, he prods, “Come on, Liv, spill. What’s happened?”

  I blow out a long, laboured sigh and respond, “Okay, so here’s the short version. You know I was going to El Paso?”

  “Er, yeah,” he replies, sounding confused.

  “Okay, so my bus broke down. Then it left without me, leaving me stranded in this little town called Archer’s Creek, in Texas, of all fucking places.”

  “Shit, Liv, are you okay?” James asks, concern edging his voice.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I assure him. Then I blurt out quickly, “But I met a guy who turned out to be in a biker gang, who got me a job at the bar they own. Well, he’s kind of perfect, and I’m kind of falling for him. He asked me to move in with him, and I said yes, then the guesthouse I was living in, the owner turned out to be a psycho and she chased me out of the house today calling me a whore. Oh, and I guess I’m kind of a biker’s old lady.”

  James’s voice rises. “Wait, wait, wait. A biker gang as in Sons of Anarchy?”


  Speaking slowly and cautiously, he says, “Liv, do you need to see a doctor? Are you in a hospital? Because I hate to tell you this, sweetie, but you sound like you’re living the plot of a bad soap opera.”

  I laugh loudly and sit up quickly, making water splash over the side of the bath and onto the floor. “Oh my god, it does sound like a bad TV show, doesn’t it? Echo’s turned my life into a melodrama.”

  I pull the phone away from my ear as he shouts, “Echo, who the fuck is Echo?”

  “Echo’s the guy I’ve met.”

  “And he’s a biker?”


  “And he’s called Echo?” James’s voice is slightly incredulous.


  “And you’re living with him?”


  James goes silent for a second. Then I hear him shout, “Dan, Liv’s lost the fucking plot! Can you see how much flights are to Archer’s Creek, Texas.” James’s boyfriend Dan responds, but I can’t hear what he says.

  Laughing, I quickly reply, “I haven’t lost the plot, you daft sod. I know it sounds like I’ve made it up, but I swear to fucking God it’s all happened.”

  The indulgent affection in his voice is so clear, I can picture his face. “Bloody hell, Liv, it’s only been two weeks. This could only happen to you.”

  I chuckle. “Tell me about it.”

  James laughs lightly. “So this guy, you like him?”

  I sigh dreamily. “I like him.”

  “Is that all?” he questions.

  “No, I more than like him. I think I’m falling for him.”

  His voice goes all girly when he asks, “Soooo, what’s he like?”

  Groaning, I pull my hands from the water and cover my eyes. “He’s not my normal type at all. He’s huge, muscly, and covered in tattoos.”

  He giggles. “Sounds perfect.”

  My face breaks into a huge smile as I think about Echo. “He’s bossy and domineering and so intense. But he makes me feel safe, protected. When I see him, it’s like I’m drawn to him, like he pulls me in, and the thought of not being with him makes my chest hurt.”

  “You love him,” James says.


  James’s voice is soft. “Liv, you love him.”

  Sitting up straight, I gasp. “Fuck, I love him.” James laughs loudly, and I fire back, “Don’t laugh, you bastard. I’m leaving in a couple of weeks.”

  “So stay,” he says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world.

  “I can’t. It’s not like I can just stay.”

  “Why not?” The question in his voice almost makes me question myself.

  “My visa.”

  “Oh yeah. So what you gonna do?”

  “Enjoy the time I’ve got and fall apart when I leave.” My voice cracks on the word leave, and I feel my heart banging against my chest as panic starts to creep inside me.

  “Oh Liv, I’m sorry.” I can hear the sympathy in his voice. Tears fill my eyes, and I nod even though I know James can’t see me through the phone. “It’s all gonna work out, Liv, you’ll see. Just please don’t leave it this long without even a text. Because we really will be on a plane to track you down next time.”

  Clearing my throat quickly, I try to hide the tears that are obvious in my voice. “I promise, love you.”

  “Love you too, Liv. We miss you,” James coos.

  “Miss you too, bye,” I say, the words filled with emotion.

  The call ends, and I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of homesickness.

  I miss my friends.

  Unpacking Livvy’s stuff is easy; she’s really fucking travelling light. The sight of her clothes hanging in my wardrobe gives me a massive hard-on. I only keep a few things at the house, but her tiny dresses next to my stuff makes my heart pound.

  God, I’m turning into such a fucking pussy.

  I want her to make this a home, our things mixed together. Fuck, that’s something else I never thought I’d want—someone else’s shit cluttering up my house.

  The thought of her naked in the bath, the water glistening on her skin, is driving me crazy. I’m already pulling off my shirt and walking towards the bathroom when her phone rings. Some godawful country song screams out till she answers it and starts talking. I don’t know who’s on the other end, but I try really hard not to listen—till she says my name.

  Her voice gets soft and breathy. Fuck, this girl destroys me.

  Time to call in those favours; I need to find a way for Livvy to stay or for me to go with her.

  Either way, I can’t give her up.

  My skin’s starting to prune by the time Echo comes back into the bathroom. Completely naked, he saunters across the room, and my breath hitches when he turns fully towards me. I don’t know where to look first. My eyes start at his smug grin and track a path over his tattooed chest and his perfectly defined abs to his hard cock. Standing aroused, his large shaft begs for my attention, and I grab the side of the bath, pulling myself upright.

  “No,” he says. I pause and watch him walk closer, the muscles in his stomach rippling as he moves. “Move forward, sugar.” I shuffle forward, and Echo slides in behind me, his legs on either side of my body. His hands slide down my arms till they eventually reach mine. He entwines our fingers and urges me backward till my back hits his chest and I melt into him with my head against his shoulder.

  His worshipping embrace is unexpected when his touch so far has been commanding and forceful. I love him taking control; but the way he’s touching me now, caressing me, almost cherishing me, makes my heart stutters in my chest.

  He kisses the back of my head, and I feel the heat of his lips through my hair. “I’m so glad you’re here, Livvy.” His voice is quiet.

  “Me too.”

  We lapse into silence, just us in our cocoon where the outside world and real life can’t reach us.

  I lie in his arms, my fingers drawing circles on his hand. “How long were you in the army for?” I ask.

  “Long enough.”

  I’m so desperate to know him, but I don’t want to push him, especially about this. “You don’t want to talk about it?”

  He exhales. “Not really, sugar. It’s my past. I saw a lot of stuff I wish I hadn’t, and I lost too many friends.”

  I turn my head and kiss his bicep tenderly. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  His chuckle is dry and hard. “What are you sorry for? It’s not your war.” We fall into silence, and his tense muscles slowly relax. “Tell me so
mething about you instead,” Echo says.

  “What do you want to know?”

  His hands, dip into the water briefly, pulling the warm liquid up to drip onto my stomach. “What’s your family like?” he eventually says.

  Laughing, I picture my parents in my head. “They’re eccentric old hippies who smoke too much weed and listen to far too much Hendrix.”

  Echo chuckles. “You don’t get along?”

  “No, we get on. I adore my mum and dad, but we don’t exactly have a lot in common.”

  “Oh yeah, how come?”

  I feel like I need to be able to see him while we talk, so I roll over and turn to straddle his legs. “Well, back home, before coming here, I was kind of stiff. I had a boring job and a boring life. I was boring. No one believed I was going backpacking.”

  His eyebrow raises in question. “Why not? It’s not an unusual thing to do.”

  I scoff. “It was for me. Plus, it’s not like you can exactly backpack in Prada heels.”

  His chuckle vibrates through his chest. “You don’t strike me as a designer girl, sugar. You spend more time in shorts and flip-flops.”

  “I’m not anymore,” I say. “This is me now. But my parents have never been more proud of me than the day I told them I was going on this trip.”

  “Yeah?” he prompts.

  “Yep. My mum told me to find freedom and embrace it, that if my old life wasn’t making me happy, to find a new one.” I roll my eyes dramatically.

  Echo’s mouth twitches into a small smirk. “And you found me.”

  I nod and smile shyly. “Yeah, I did.”

  His voice gets louder and determined. “I’m gonna find a way for us to stay together, sugar, one way or another.”

  Bracing my hands on either side of him, I lean down till our lips meet in a gentle touch. I push everything I want to say but can’t, or daren’t, into the kiss.

  I want to stay. Come with me. I love you.

  “I spoke to my friend from home earlier. He called me panicking because I’ve been so distracted by you I haven’t called home since we met,” I say.


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