Mountain Danger (Wild Mountain Men Book 4)

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Mountain Danger (Wild Mountain Men Book 4) Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

  She could be a detective with how perceptive she was.

  “I was tired.” I’d been far from it. I’d gone to her guest room, gotten in bed and relived every second of the time with Finch and Shane. How Shane had a dimple in his left cheek when he smiled. How Finch’s whiskers had felt on my inner thighs. The way Shane had kissed. How Finch had known just how to play with my nipples to make me wet. How Finch’s tongue could be magic on my clit. And his finger… I hadn’t even known I had a G-spot.

  I’d tossed and turned thinking about how stupid I’d been to walk away from two gorgeous guys while at the same time believing it had been smart to push them away. If they got too close, they’d see the cracks, know I was broken in so many ways. One guy had destroyed me. I wasn’t letting two get near my heart.

  She sighed. “I’ll get the truth out of you eventually, especially if you’re staying here all weekend.”

  In the rearview mirror I caught a glimpse of a truck headed toward me, and I followed it as it slowed, then stopped.

  “Someone’s pulled over to help. I’ve got to go.”

  “Fine, you can use that excuse. I want details later.”

  “Poppy, I’m not sharing things about your brother.”

  “Ha! I knew it was him.”

  “Enough!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Really, I’ve got to go.”

  The pickup truck was a newer model, huge, had double wheels in the back and was towing a trailer with two snowmobiles on it.

  The doors opened on the truck, and two men stepped out at the same time. They turned to face me, and my mouth went dry. My heart skipped a beat, and my breath caught. Oh fuck, I’d forgotten how gorgeous they were.

  Finch and Shane walked my way. Their long-legged gaits ate up the distance. Both wore jeans and sturdy leather boots. Finch had on his cowboy hat, and the collar on his jacket was lifted around his neck. Shane wore a black down coat and a gray watch cap tucked over his ears.

  My body heated, remembering what we’d done, how they’d made me feel. The chemistry had been off the charts. And now, ogling them, I still wanted them. Wanted more, wanted that bed Finch had mentioned. And them in it.

  There was no avoiding them now, especially when they came down the ditch’s incline and approached the driver’s door.

  I pushed the button, and my window slid down. Cold air rushed in, along with their scent of soap and man.

  Shane stepped close. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine. Just slid right off. You were here really quickly. Poppy just called you.”

  “We were going snowmobiling and weren’t too far from here. You sure you’re not hurt?” I met Shane’s dark eyes, refused to look away. I felt it, that kick, the chemistry. It was as if he could see past all the defenses I’d put in place. Past everything to see me.

  It was that look that had gotten them into my panties last night, that had me wanting them back in them again.

  No! I shouldn’t. But like a decadent box of chocolates, one wasn’t enough. I wanted more with both of them.

  “Think you can pull me out?”

  “She’s not going anywhere,” Finch called, coming around the hood. Snow covered their shoulders and their hats. “At least the car. Looks like the front axle’s bent.”

  I closed my eyes for a second, took a deep breath of the freezing air. “I was headed to Poppy’s. Think you can drop me there? I’ll call Mac to pick the car up when it’s convenient for him.”

  “No,” Shane said.

  I frowned. “No?”

  Finch slowly shook his head.

  “No?” I repeated.

  “You’re not going to Poppy’s. You’re coming home with us.”

  “What? Why?”

  “We have unfinished business from last night. You got your sample,” Finch said, his breath coming out in white puffs of steam. “Now you get the real thing.”

  Shane looked up at the sky, big fat snowflakes falling on his face. “This storm’s not stopping anytime soon. A perfect time to stay in bed. With us. When do you have to be back to work?”

  I was a little panicked. What they were offering was what I wanted. Sex, with them. Somehow I’d forgotten how big they were. The intensity of their eyes. The rough corners of their jaws. Their scents. But stuck in a snowstorm with them with no way to leave?

  “Oh, um… Monday.”

  Shane looked to Finch, who nodded. “Perfect.”


  “You’ve got a plow on the front of that big truck,” I said, my words practically running over each other. “If you don’t want to take me to Poppy’s, you can get me back to town.”

  “We could, but won’t,” Shane said.

  I narrowed my eyes. “You’re kidnapping a police officer?”

  Finch grinned. “When you go back to work on Monday, you can file a report. Tell them we kidnapped you, held you against your will. You be sure to tell them we fucked you so hard that’s why you’re walking funny. To put as much detail into the report as possible—because I know you detectives are all about the details—you’ll list all the places in my house we’re going to fuck you and give a tally of the orgasms we wring from you.”

  I licked my lips. “Poppy’s expecting me.”

  I thought Shane might want to keep his and Finch’s kidnapping plans a secret, especially from his sister. It was just sex. He only shrugged. “You’ll text her on the way and tell her the change of plans.”

  “I don’t want a relationship,” I prompted. “She’ll think this is a date.”

  “We offered no strings,” Shane reminded me. “As for Poppy, she might be my sister, but I’m sure she tries not to think about my sex life.”

  I rolled my eyes. She might not be interested in his, but she was interested in mine. Although if she didn’t want the 411 about where her brother put his dick, she might lay off me.

  Still… “You said when you know, you know.”

  Finch nodded. “That’s right. We know, but you don’t. We’ll get you there.”

  Shane looked up at the sky once again, and snow fell onto his face, melted instantly. “Fuck, it’s freezing.”

  “You’re coming with us, sugar.” Finch opened the door, and Shane stepped back to allow me to get out.

  “That’s right, she will be,” Shane said. He winked and a thrill shot through me at the double entendre. “Be sure to grab the handcuffs.”

  My nipples were hard, my panties ruined. I could pull out my gun and force them to take me to Poppy’s. Hell, I could just tell them no. I didn’t really want to, and they knew it. I hated that they did, that somehow they knew me so well. That they wanted me to take the choice away. I had consent, but they were making the decision. I’d been the bold one the night before, but all sexual assertiveness had fled when I had. I needed them to tell me they still wanted me, that they were willing to be with me on my terms.

  No-strings sex. I wanted it with them. Denying myself was stupid.

  “That’s right,” Finch murmured, his light brown eyes brimming with heat. “It’s my turn to use them on you.”

  “Okay,” I whispered. Because really, what else was there to say?



  “You both live here?” Eve asked, looking around.

  “I do,” Finch said. “If you couldn’t tell from this”—he took his hat off his head, held it up for a second, then set it on the hook beside the door—“I’m a cowboy through and through.”

  We’d left all our outerwear in Finch’s large mudroom and went into the kitchen. Finch was practically OCD, and there wasn’t a thing out of place. While the scent of coffee lingered, there were no dishes on the counter, no dirty pans in the sink.

  “I work for the Forest Service,” I said, leaning against the counter. “While I have a place in town, I hardly ever stay there.”

  “Hardly?” Finch said. “Try never.”

  “I’m stationed at the South Point access, and there’s a small cabin for the ranger
,” I explained. There were multiple access points to the National Forest land. Anyone was welcome to use it for recreation—that’s what it was for—but it was my job to ensure people stayed safe, followed the rules and didn’t do anything stupid, like try to leave food out for a bear.

  Eve cocked her head to the side. “Wow, that’s… um, great.”

  “Didn’t peg me for a ranger?”

  She shrugged her slim shoulders. She wore black jeans, a pale blue sweater that was damned soft to the touch, and thick socks.

  “Based on the snowmobiles you two were pulling, you like the outdoors, no matter what the weather.”

  “True enough. I don’t like crowds.” I scratched the back of my neck. “Hell, I don’t like people all that much.”

  “You kidnapped me,” she reminded me.

  I walked over to her, took her hand and gave it a little squeeze. “That’s because I like you.”

  “Thirsty? Hungry?” Finch asked, standing beside the fridge. Eve turned his way.

  She shook her head. “No, thanks. What does your ranch do? Alfalfa? Horses? Winter wheat?”

  “Cattle,” Finch replied. “Beef. Anderson Farms has been around for generations.”

  “You live here alone?”

  “My parents divorced when I was young. Mom couldn’t handle the winters. My dad has dementia and lives in a memory care place in town. It’s just me here now.”

  “He must be a great guy.”

  I remembered Mr. Anderson before the disease took over. He was quiet, kind and hardworking, just like Finch.

  Finch nodded but said nothing.

  She tipped her head to the side and studied him. “I get my beef under plastic in the supermarket, not with four hooves and a moo.”

  I shook my head, hooked my arm around her waist and led her to the family room. “Finch has a thousand acres and specializes in free range. He doesn’t sell to the conglomerates who transport to feed lots in Colorado.”

  “I know about them. I grew up there.”

  “In Colorado?”

  She nodded. “Small town an hour up in the mountains from Denver.”

  Finch followed and went to look out the big window. His land was obscured by the heavy snow. “I’m not interested in talking about my beef. Not unless it’s this.”

  He pointed to the thick bulge in his jeans. He cupped his dick, gave it a squeeze.

  “Oh my God,” Eve said, then started to laugh. “Seriously?”

  He shrugged, but his mouth was turned up in a sly smile. “No strings. That’s what you wanted. That means no small talk. Let’s fuck.”

  “Just like that?” she asked. Her eyes were wide, clearly stunned by Finch’s boldness. She wasn’t a fuck-and-forget type. We’d known that right away about her, and it pissed me off the way Finch was talking to her.

  He wasn’t that kind of guy. But he was playing the part she wanted. For now. She might be able to ride our dicks for the weekend and think herself completely free and clear of any kind of emotional detachment. It wasn’t her. She got involved, invested in people’s lives. That was who she was—it was obvious even in the short amount of time we’d known her—and why we wanted her so much.

  Not everyone would defend a friend’s house from burglars in their underwear.

  She wasn’t a virgin, but I doubted she’d ever picked up a guy at a bar before. It wasn’t in her nature to be shallow. Her job dug into people’s lives and wanted to know them. By the look on her face, she wanted to know more of us, wanted more than just a quick fuck, but was almost desperate to keep us at an emotional distance.

  This was good news. We had a chance. A real chance.

  I turned her to face me, set my hands just above her ass, my fingers sliding into the back pockets of her jeans.

  “You call the shots, Eve.” She tipped her chin up to look at me. Fuck, she was pretty. I hadn’t noticed the spray of freckles across her pert nose in the dark the night before. They were faint, but her skin was pale so they stood out. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips full. There was a tiny indent in her chin. It was her eyes though, big for her face, that held so much. Wariness, eagerness and more. She’d seen a lot in her job, I was sure. And yet she was here, with two almost-strangers. That showed she trusted us, even if it was only subconsciously.

  Being Poppy’s brother certainly helped.

  “You did last night. You do now. Sure, we kidnapped your ass, but you came with us all on your own,” I added.

  “Yeah, you could have tasered us if you didn’t want to come,” Finch said. “A no would have worked, too.”

  She pursed her lips and gave a funny eye roll, knowing we’d called her out. She said nothing, so I pushed on.

  “You want more of what we gave you last night?” I asked. My dick was hard, and I wanted to reach down and adjust it. The only way it was going to be more comfortable was if I opened my pants and let it out, and I wasn’t doing it until she said yes.

  Eve held my gaze, then looked to Finch. Then back. She nodded.

  “We need the words,” I prompted.

  She swallowed, licked her lips. “Yes. I want more like last—”

  Before she could finish the sentence, I bent at the waist and tossed her over my shoulder to carry her to Finch’s bedroom.

  “Cuffs in your bag, sugar?” Finch asked.

  “Oh my God, you two are obsessed with those handcuffs,” she grumbled from upside down, then laughed.

  “While we won’t use them this first time, they’re definitely coming out to play,” I promised.


  Shane dropped me onto the bed. They stood side by side at the foot of it, staring down at me. I felt like prey that had been cornered, ready to be devoured. I’d been wet ever since they climbed from their truck on the side of the road. It seemed I had a thing for cowboys. Who knew?

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” Finch said.

  I had to agree with him because it was too warm in here. Finch’s bedroom screamed male. A huge bed for a huge man. Tan walls, lots of stained wood—floor, trim, furniture. A big window looked out over his ranch. A glass door was to the right of it, and while all I could see was snow, I assumed there was a patio buried beneath.

  Shane tipped up his chin. “What color panties and bra do you think she’s wearing today?”

  I looked back at the two of them. Jeans, flannel shirts, brawn that went on for miles. I’d only known them when they were together, so their combined scent was slightly woodsy but all male. Finch’s chocolate gaze raked over me. “Black.”

  Shane licked his lips. “Let’s find out.” Leaning down, he grabbed an ankle and slid off one wool sock.

  Finch took off the other.

  I lay there and watched. I could take off my own socks. I could certainly undo the button on my jeans and slide down the zipper. The only help I offered was lifting my hips.

  “I hope you got those panties on sale,” Finch said, his voice deep and grumbly.

  I lifted my head and looked down my body. “Why?”

  “Because it’s barely more than a scrap of satin.”

  I bit my lip and tried not to smile. He sounded angry at the sight of my thong, but when I saw the thick outline of his dick through his jeans, I knew he was far from it. I was so thankful I’d shaved in the shower earlier. While I hadn’t thought I’d see Finch and Shane again, I was damned glad I’d put on my prettiest underthings this morning. By the looks on their faces, I’d be sure to wear only the raciest scraps of lingerie from now on.

  Wait. That meant I wanted to please them. That meant I wanted more than just today.

  Finch set a knee on his bed and tucked his big fingers into the ribbons that made the sides of my thong and slid them off. Just the feel of his knuckles brushing over my bare skin made me shiver.

  He held up the panties, looking so small dangling from one finger, then tucked them into his shirt pocket. “Purple. My new favorite color.”

  I was bare from the waist down. I didn’t
have time to feel awkward because Shane dropped to his knees, grabbed my ankles and pulled me to the edge of the bed, setting my legs over his shoulders.

  I gasped and pushed up onto my elbows. “Shane!”

  He was eyeing my pussy—which was right there in front of his face. He took a deep breath. “Yes?”

  “What are you—”

  “If you don’t know, then Finch wasn’t doing it right.”

  “As if,” Finch grumbled. “She dripped all over my face when she came.”

  I could feel my cheeks go hot, along with the rest of me, remembering what he’d done.

  “You’re dripping wet now.” Shane slid a finger up and down my slit, parting me. “So pretty.” I gasped again but watched as he held the finger up, then licked the moisture from it. “You’re right. She is sweet.”

  I stared at him, couldn’t believe how hot it was. His dark hair, stubbled jaw, heated gaze… all between my thighs.

  “You going to watch me eat your pussy?” he asked.

  I couldn’t help but nod. “I’ll say yes to anything right now.”

  He grinned, licked his lips, then lowered his head.

  “Oh my God,” I moaned, watching his tongue flick the path his finger had taken. He continued to lick me as he lifted his gaze, watched me.

  I couldn’t hold myself up any longer and flopped back onto the soft mattress. Shane chuckled just before he went to town. His mouth settled over my pussy and did ridiculously magical things. Tongue flicking and swirling. Sucking. Nibbling. Then his fingers got involved.

  “Let’s get the rest of your clothes off, sugar.” Finch’s voice was low, and I felt the bed shift as he moved beside me.

  Shane grabbed hold of my hips, held me tight so I wouldn’t move as Finch helped me lift my torso enough to strip me of my sweater and tank top. Even my bra. “Fuck, you’re so damned pretty,” he murmured when I lay on his bed once again, now completely bare.

  I didn’t open my eyes. I couldn’t. What Shane was doing was incredible. I was close to coming, which was rare for me. Until last night and Finch. In the past I’d had a guy go down on me, but it had never felt like this and I’d never come. As for Chad, he’d refused to do oral.


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