Living amongst the Dead

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Living amongst the Dead Page 6

by J. Morgan

  “F-fuck you… you’re disgusting…” a beautifully strange mixture of fear and anger in her tone, something about it excited him.

  “Yeah, I’m sure…” The nipple was given a tight pinch then, harshly, and she outright moaned. “God you’re making me hard right now… it’s going to be difficult NOT to fuck you… or pardon me, I forgot your favourite word, ‘rape’ you.”

  “Fucking PIG…” it was said quietly, more to herself than to him, the words were more breathed than spoken or whispered. She was so obviously getting into it in their dark little prison, and likewise it was turning him on as well. The hand came away from the warm, soft, round breast. She must have been D sized, or at least close to it, and he politely tried to adjust the bra so it still held her tits properly, then pulled the blouse down which he knew he will have ridden up from the fondling. Her neck was released.

  “How long were you in the town?... What’s it called, anyways? Did you see the sign?” Suddenly the conversation had taken an unexpectedly casual turn.

  “W-what?...” she asked confusedly and somewhat breathlessly, sounding as though she were in a slight daze.

  “The town, how long were you in it and what’s it called?”

  “I’ve lived there for a couple years… was staying with a friend… it’s a long story...” Tiffany still sounded like she was confused at the question, then added on coldly, “Not one I’m interested in telling YOU…” Even though it was said strongly, it felt weak to him; it was just a façade at this point, a show. He was practically willing to bet his own rifle that she was wet.

  “Whatever, so how’d you stay alive in there? I assume you spent most of the time inside?” The right hand came to her left waist again; he was still frightfully close to her, and still hard. The hand at least stayed outside the blouse, and was rubbing up and down soothingly, gently.

  “Don’t touch me…” Not only did he find it weak, but it sounded weak, he doubted she TRULY meant it, even if in her mind she was some ‘strong, proud, independent woman who don’t need no man’, she missed human contact, just as he did. The left hand came forward now, slowly, it found her forehead. She pulled it back reflexively, it bumped against the wall, she hissed in pain. “Gah! Tssssssss… FUCK my head hurts…”

  “You were panicking.” He stroked her hair, it felt a bit greasy, but he didn’t care.

  “Fuck you, and stop touching me.”

  “Tell me what to do ONE more time… and you’ll get a lot more than a soft tap on the back of the head.”

  “That was NOT a soft tap what you di-“

  “I meant just now when you hit your head.”

  “Oh… still, why are you doing this? Could you, and this is a question; a request, not a demand, but could you stop?...”

  “Don’t wanna.” She remained quiet then as he stroked her on the hip, and on her head.

  “My arms are sore… I can’t feel my hands.”

  “They’re fine…” More silence, he was right, her arms might indeed be sore but he checked to make sure her hands weren’t cut off from circulation earlier. “Bite me, or try to headbutt me, and… well… you get the idea.” In being so close to her, she could try to attack him in retaliation. Somehow as soon as he started threatening her against such an attempt, he knew it was unnecessary. She knew her position by this point

  “Fucker…” she whispered, then gasped as she felt his body against hers. Left arm snaked beneath her head; his bicep acting as a pillow. Right arm went along the waist that was just being stroked, and he… hugged her. His hardness could be felt against her leg, being there due to the size difference of the two and how her legs were lying. She stiffened in his grasp, but to his surprise, relaxed after a time, seemed to melt, and then her body shuddered a few times rhythmically. Head lowered towards him, on his left shoulder. The proximity of his armpit brought his smell to her more strongly, but amazingly she ignored it, dealing with it, and her eyes teared up. Considering her attitude he imagined this might be the first time someone has hugged her softly, gently, and affectionately, in quite some time.

  “It was a female friend you stayed with, I assume?” Accompanied with a sniffle, he could feel her nod, and so he just continued to hug her. Exhaling shakily, the warmth of her breath cutting through his black t-shirt which was exposed due to his sweater being worn loosely, she finally spoke, the hug continuing, ignoring his erection.

  “Y-you um… you really do kind of smell…” He laughed, and even she did a little, though it sounded nervous. His body came away from hers, a small whimper escaped, and he couldn’t tell if it was from fearing his movement, or from protestation at being released.

  “I know, but it can’t really be helped… I’m hoping I’ll pass by another body of water soon. Speaking of which…” She heard him moving, moving lower, going down.

  “W-what are you doing?”

  “Nothin’…” It was obviously a lie as he said it with mock innocence, and then she felt his hand between her stubbly knees; they came together harshly.

  “N-no! Stop! No please don’t, you can’t!” His hand continued up as she pleaded, her knees coming forward trying to keep her crotch hidden from him while the hand continued higher up her lap. “S-stop it. STOP IT!” He pushed the knees, straightening her legs, and without reply, reaching up her skirt, fingertips reached her panties.

  “I told you to shut it…” The edge of the panties was found, brushed aside, and a couple fingers went between her hot lips. Yup, the tips of his fingers were soaked as soon as they got in between those lips.

  “Mmm, nice and wet-“

  “F-fuck you, you sick bastard!” Though she protested harshly, it was still said quietly, not wanting to get those outside excited.

  “Clit is swollen as well…” Her body began shuddering as he toyed with it, a shaky moan coming from her.

  “O-o-o-ohhhh… fuck…” The rubbing continued, more roughly, and he was grinning. “N-n-no… nooooooo…” not even whispered, it was breathed, as though wishing to hold off what was inevitable, and then her body shook, a long moan escaping her lips. Erotic, hot, her knees still tight together, and then her whole body relaxed. The hand retreated.

  “For an uppity femi-Nazi bitch, that was a hell of a moan…”

  “Fuh… mmn…” He knew what she had tried to curse, but breathing so heavily, she gave up. The rugged, beer bellied man who had forced the orgasm from her just then realized he forgot to straighten her panties, but it didn’t bother him. She can do so in the morning when they awaken. He still had to finish though… and God how he needed to cum. There was no trust for this woman however, for all he knew she was some slut, having fucked dozens of guys. Sure he’d had nearly a dozen women himself, but he knew he was clean. Her? Sticking his cock in this bitch might mean trouble down the road.

  The sound of a zipper came in their tight confines, his member jumping out from the rigidness of it as well as the lack of underwear to restrain it. Its unseen length and girth twitched and throbbed. Pent up desire, pent up seed, stiffness brought on by swelled up blood within a cocoon of wrinkly flesh, the hidden knob of which wrapped in foreskin, pre-cum moistening the tip. She was shivering in fear, nervousness, and desire. Likewise, probably thinking that she didn’t know this man, and that taking him within her feminine entrance, it might be to accept disease. He didn’t know what to do…

  He was breathing heavily with need, she was breathing heavily as she recovered from orgasm, but he needed release as well. Her ass? The one who had her life in his hands thought about turning her over to her stomach, pulling up or pulling down her skirt, then whether she clenched or not to try to deny him entrance; his precum slickened cock would inevitably find her tight back passage. Mind raced in the confines of their dark little prison. Fucking her pussy would bring him the easiest source of release, but it was dangerous. What course could he TAKE?!

  “You don’t know how fucking lucky you are…” the voice was so deep, so rough, and so dripping with lust. Ha
nds came to her blouse, working frantically to undo it rather than to rip it open which would be the quickest and easiest method. By some miracle, said easier method wasn’t taken.

  “Oh God, just stop, please let me sleep, please let me go.”

  “Mrrgh…” Some strange guttural sound as the blouse came free, and the hands went underneath, a hug again, but this time simply to undo the bra behind her. She moved about, trying to undo the binds that kept her still. The soft leather, though seemingly feeling weak, held her tight. The bra came loose, breasts released, gravity wishing to pull them down towards her right, but such insignificant detail was not on his mind.

  “Aughn… mmmn… n-Oh…” the last syllable came out as a moan, an airy moan, and it further aroused him for he was now moving the bra material out of the way to suckle on her. Those stiff nipples now his pacifiers. He sucked, his tongue teased them flicking them up and down, he nibbled playfully, and she found herself arching her back in pleasure, subconsciously pushing the breast against his mouth; wishing for more. So badly he wished to get his light out, to SEE all he was doing to her, but darkness was the most likely method of keeping her calm.

  His right hand came down between them, to his cock, stroking it, but also feeling the material of Tiff’s skirt. How easy it would be to pull her, to bring her to the center of the box again, onto her back, and then merely need to lift the skirt, keep the panties out of the way or take them off altogether. So easy it would be… if only he had a condo-… CONDOM! Months if not YEARS old, it would not guarantee his seed would stay out of her, but it would at least save him from any potential diseases this bitch might carry, right?

  Backpack; he rolled 180 degrees to face the opposite side of the box and scooted over, the mid-sized compartment at the front was opened. Not the main compartment that could hold the most from which he had gotten the bottle of moose earlier, nor one of the two small compartments at either side. Wallet taken out, opened, a flap containing various cards moved to the side. Reaching within a slot of the leather, the jagged material was found, and pulled. So much time it spent in warmth due to his body temperature, which was apparently bad for latex, but he didn’t care. She was moaning pleads of mercy as it was pulled out, not knowing what he was doing, whether he was pulling a knife out to kill her, or what. The condom packet was opened.

  “Tiffany… this is gonna happen-“ It was said in legitimate warning, and it seemed to strike her.

  “No…” it sounded utterly defeated, almost mournful, BEGGING even.

  “I have a condom-“

  “Don’t, please, just don’t, I’ll-“

  “You tried to KILL me you fucking CUNT! DON’T make me angry! This is going to happen whether you want to or NOT! You can cry ‘rape’ all you FUCKING want after I’ve had my fun…” after all that could arguably be called ‘tenderness’, this bout of harsh yelling brought reality swiftly back to them.

  Whimpering came in the darkness, but he didn’t care, the condom was rolled down along his length before undoing the jeans properly to make things more ‘accessible’. The woman was pulled to him, made to be on her back, he could visualize her breasts jiggling from the movement in the pitch blackness. Richard got on top of her, finding her legs tight together, and his right knee came down to her lap to wedge itself between them.

  “Don’t make this difficult; I have a fucking condom, be fucking grateful…” A whimper came from her still, not giving up the fight in the least. “Christ, I’d almost think you were a bloody 30 year old virgin the way you’re…” the words died out as she began to weep. “You’re?...” the weeping intensified. Her skirt was being ridden up, his wrapped up cock was all set to start, his hand between her legs grasping her panties ready to rip them off or move them aside or whatever he had to do.

  Other than her whimpering, silence filled their confined space. “Are you serious?...”

  “F-f-fuck you…” The words barely escaped her, utter defeat, rolling left and right as though trying to get free but knowing it was pointless. A click, the carbineer was undone, and then the button pressed to give them red light once more. She was weeping again, in fear, but seemingly a different kind of fear as he was mounting her, having forced her legs open to accept him though with her ankles were still bound; his throbbing cock twitched against her womanhood.

  He was breathing hard, she was doing similarly, his right hand came to her left cheek, gently stroking it as she wept, knees tight against his hips as though hoping to squeeze him away from her. She lay with her shirt open, bra loose, he had made her cum, her panties were likely soaked, her legs were presently wrenched open, and a man, a musky and rather strongly scented man, was atop her. In spite of her age, definitely in her 30s if not in early 40s, it seemed to him a woman about to experience something she’s never felt, rather than someone fearing something forced upon them.

  “You’re a… Christ, how-?...” he nearly asked how old she was, but managed to prevent himself from doing so. “Virgin?...” Her eyes were definitely made blurry from tears. Rocking left and right, fighting against the soft leather that bound her wrists and ankles together. His legs had forced themselves between hers, so though her knees were opened to him by force, her ankles were bound together behind him making it feel more intimate than it was probably meant to be.

  In the red light she looked utterly petrified, embarrassed, and ashamed at what was going on for deep down it was likely that she didn’t want to die without experiencing sex.

  “Listen… you understand what’s going to happen, and it WILL happen… but I’ll give you a chance now…” His head lowered down, over to her right, and his face nuzzled into the side of her neck. He kissed her there, softly, and his deep voice came again. “… do you TRULY want me to stop?...” There was a brief moment of silence as the words sunk in, his lips continuing their gentle assault on her sensitive neck. Her weeping became worse, hating herself, and perhaps even hating him.

  “F-Fu-huck you-hoo-hoo… fuuu-huuuuck yooouuuuuuu…” The sobbing came again, and his kissing stopped. The head came back, letting them see each other in the light. She was a woman defeated, wishing to get this man off her, to hate this man, and if she had the chance she would probably like to shoot him and take everything he had, but she couldn’t, and for the moment deep down, she didn’t want to. Even as she felt his stiffness between her legs, pressing up and twitching against her wet panties.

  “I’ll do what I can…” was his weak offer. Accepted or not, understood or not, he wanted to let her know that he’d try to be gentle, to make it bearable for her. Left hand came down, pulled aside the panties between her legs, feeling the abundant moisture, and so it began to slide within. First the head of his member, coated by foreskin and again by the material of the condom, he slowly pushed it in. There didn’t feel to be overly much resistance, likely she ‘popped her cherry’ earlier on with a brush’s handle or something; having already bled by busting her hymen. Her breath was ragged, his came in as such too, though more to try and comfort her than actually from the lovely sensation of the warmth and tightness of her cunt.

  That LED light had gone out already shortly after his comforting, or hopefully comforting, statement that he would do what he can. Now, the member slid in, he began rocking his hips between her legs, the ankles bound together. She was bouncing beneath him, the truck likely moving lightly from the rhythm. Left hand holding the panties to the side, his right arm was holding himself up, forearm beneath Tiff’s upper back, supporting her as he thrust in and out of her. The breathing became deeper, more intense, feeling the sensation of a man filling her and fucking her. He did what he could to try and make it less-than-rapey.

  “God this feels good…” he admitted airily as the thrusts continued, sounding lusty, horny, full of desire for her. She moaned, but it wasn’t fully given, there was something resistant about the moan as though she wanted to argue that she didn’t want to reciprocate what he said, but the sensation was too great. The hips came together ove
r and over, eventually so hard that his balls slapped against her ass, in and out, in and out, he went back to kissing her neck. Thankfully, she did not bite at his exposed and vulnerable ear. So pent up, so tight, so HOT this situation was in this tight space with a woman who did not FULLY consent, still slightly weeping beneath him. In the darkness his lips came away from her neck, down to her chest, and he suckled her as he rocked back and forth, thrusting into her.

  His breathing became deeper and deeper, beginning to become grunts, she was moaning between weeps, and it made him all the hotter. Typically, back when the world was normal, when what he did now was something called ‘illegal’, condoms made it difficult for him to orgasm. Now though, he felt it coming on, his manhood was swelling as his release approached, he did not know whether she was close or not, whether she was about to cum, but since he recalled reading that women cum easier after their first orgasm, and indeed his experience told him this as well, figured she had already cum a second time or was about to cum again soon.

  “God… mmph… oh… ugh… ah…” noises and sounds came from him as he thrust into her in the darkness, getting faster and faster, balls slapping audibly against her bottom, feeling her warmth surround his member. “I’m gonna cum, baby…” He knew she tried to kill him, knew she wasn’t to be trusted, knew she was a terrible, horrible, bitch of a cunt as far as he was concerned, but he didn’t think of that overly much at this moment. Pleasure filled him, and hoped it filled her. This was, as far as he knew, her first time, and wished it to be relatively good in spite of the circumstances, the undead still occasionally flailing against the truck.

  “I’m gonna cum, Tiffany… I’m gonna cum… oh God…” it was so close, he couldn’t stop now even if he wanted to, he felt that bullets could start punching through the box around them, that someone could start screaming in the distance, that she could start screaming and yelling for him to stop, to get off, and none of it could stop him. “Fuck!... MMM… AHHhhhh… OHhhhhhh God…” it could very well have been his imagination, a complete illusion, wishful thinking, but he could have sworn that those somewhat fuzzy legs around him tightened. No doubt she could feel his member within her, feel it throb, pulsate, and perhaps even feel the intense warmth of his cum filling the rubber. Whatever the case, he collapsed on her, letting his weight lie on top of her, feeling the softness of her body, the quickness of her breath in the belly beneath him.


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