Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series)

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Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series) Page 15

by Brooke Kinsley

“Have a good weekend, ma’am?”

  “The best,” I replied.


  The television was so loud it sounded as though a concert was being held inside my apartment. I clicked open the front door and shouted:


  I heard the sound of a frantic scramble in the living room. I walked in just in time to see a bowl of popcorn fly off the coffee table as he made a futile attempt at cleaning the place up. A rogue piece of popcorn hit me in the eye.

  “Argh, fuck. That stings.”


  I knuckled my eye and stared at him with blurry vision.

  “Where the hell have you been?” he asked.

  “At a party.”

  “You were gone ages! I thought you’d left me here alone like some sort of orphan.”

  “Like some sort of orphan,” I repeated. “Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?”

  “Do you realize how weird you look?” he retorted. “You’re dressed like you should be in a perfume commercial.”

  I rolled my eyes and flopped down on the couch beside him.

  “I’m glad you made yourself at home,” I said.

  “Yeah, this place is great. Did you know that your refrigerator gives you water out the side of the door! And there’s ice too!”

  “Yeah, it’s awesome, I guess. Did you know I also have running water and electricity? Nothing but the best for this small town girl.”

  I stood up and walked over to my bedroom. My stuff was still scattered all over the floor.

  “Why aren’t you at work?” Stephen asked.

  “Because I wanted to check on you.”


  “Although I’m now realizing that you were fine the whole time.”

  I strode over to the coffee table and picked up the remote, punching the volume button so I could finally hear myself think.

  “What are you even watching?”


  “Oh, my God. Why?”

  “You’re a Philistine, Tammy. Everyone knows that Maury is the best and most watched daytime television show.”

  I rolled my eyes so hard I thought I might pass out.

  “I don’t know how you can watch this shit, and why was it at an ear blistering volume?”

  He didn’t answer, just looked at me as he picked a handful of popcorn from the carpet and placed it in his mouth.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked.

  “Nah. Trevor gave me money to go shopping so I’m pretty maxed out on pizzas right now.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, that boyfriend of yours is a nice guy.”

  Boyfriend? It seemed like such an official word that made my belly flutter with butterflies.

  “I thought you didn’t like him. I seem to remember you warning me to stay away.”

  He picked at his teeth and shrugged. It was then that I noticed the new pair of sneakers that were resting against the couch.


  “Uhuh,” he mumbled with his eyes still fixed on the television.

  “Trevor bought you off, didn’t he?”

  He burst out laughing.

  “Bought me off? This isn’t like some political saga, Tammy. He gave me some cash for a new phone and some food.”

  “And for sneakers and a ton of other stuff.”

  Why would he have done that? It seemed so odd but he was a nice guy after all, peculiar but nice, maybe he just wanted to help my little brother out.

  “So… the party. Tell me everything.”

  Stephen leaned forward on his knees. I thought about everything that had happened over the weekend and quickly reasoned that I couldn’t tell him about any of it.

  “Oh… it was ok. Just drinks and stuff.”

  He shot me a skeptical look.

  “You weren’t slaying hopeless young harlots with your billionaire boyfriend like some sadistic, serial killer?”

  “No, I was not.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Am I sure I wasn’t serial killing? Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”

  “Was everyone there an alien? Oh! Or a reptilian shape shifter from Mars who came to Earth to build the pyramids and take over human civilization.”

  “Jesus Christ, Stephen. Get off the internet!”

  He laughed as I walked away.

  “Urgh… I’m going for a shower.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The scorching water was steaming up the bathroom. For a few minutes, I concentrated on the heat against my skin and the memories of the party. I remembered how not so long ago Trevor had pushed me against the tiled wall and fucked me as the hot water washed over us. I thought of the way his body moved in a steady rhythm and how his hands clutched my tiny body.

  Thrusting a hand between my legs, I rubbed myself hard, closing my eyes to seal in the memory as I tried to envisage every part of him. Once again I was breathing in the smell of his skin and feeling his muscles pressed up against me. I remembered his perfect, strong features and how they twisted up as he orgasmed.

  I pushed two fingers inside myself and my legs began to shake. Pulling a towel from the railing, I balled it up and shoved it in my mouth to stop me screaming out. Almost falling to my knees as I came, I stumbled forward and grabbed onto the sink, the slippery porcelain struggling against my weight.

  Then I sat on the edge of the bath gasping, the stream of water running over my feet. Fuck, what would I have to do to stop thinking about him? It was as torturous as it was pleasurable with every waking moment tormented by wondering when I’d see him again. Where was he now? Would he be thinking about me? Would he have a hand down the front of his pants as he remembered our time together? Or would he have moved on?

  I switched off the shower and that’s when I heard it, the gentle sound of sobbing that was coming from the living room. Hurrying to towel my hair and covering my body in an oversized t-shirt, I hurried through to find Stephen with his head in his hands.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer.


  I shook him by the shoulder and he looked up at me, his eyes bloodshot and watery. It was the first time I had seen him cry since he was a child and the sight was unsettling.

  “Will you tell me what’s wrong?” I begged, my voice coming out as a frantic high pitched shriek.

  He gulped down his tears and shook his head as he pulled away from me.

  “Stephen, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”

  He leaned back and took a deep breath, his hands trembling as he pulled them away from his face.

  “It’s Dad,” he said.

  He leaned back further and stared up at the ceiling. I watched as a single tear trickled over his temple and down into his hairline.

  “He’s done it again.”

  “He hit Mom?”

  “Again,” he emphasized. “He hit her again.”

  My entire body began to shake with rage. Not being able to meet his gaze, I stared at the silent television as though it would give me the answers I so desperately craved.

  “I’ll kill him,” I said.

  This couldn’t be happening. Life at home couldn’t be that bad, could it?

  “When did you last speak to her?” I asked.

  He pointed to my cellphone on the coffee table and I saw it was flashing up with missed calls.

  “She just told me.”

  I thought for a second then began putting things into action.

  “Right, you get dressed. You’re coming to work with me, again,” I sighed. “No use you being holed up in here crying your eyes out all day.”

  “Sure thing.Then what?”

  “I… I think I have an idea.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Enjoy your little vacation?” Karen asked.

  She scribbled furiously on her clipboard. It was all she could do to hide the obvious jealousy that was oozing out of her.

  “It was the best
weekend of my life,” I answered.

  She flinched a little, her pen clutched so tight in her hand that her knuckles were turning white.

  “That’s terrific,” she said. “I’m so happy for you.”

  She spoke through clenched teeth, her jaw so taut I could see the bones in her face move as she talked.

  “Anyway… I’ll be along with a macchiato soon. Your workload is already on your desk, where it’s been for three days.”

  “Cool. I’ll get started on that.”

  “And isn’t it so nice to see your little brother come to work with you ,” she simpered. “Such a sweet boy.”

  She pinched at his cheeks as though he was a small child, his face turning red where her fingers dug in. He screwed up his face and pulled away, clutching at his head.

  “Ow, woman! Don’t touch the goods.”

  She sneered at us both and walked away.

  “She’s a prize bitch,” Stephen mumbled as he rubbed his sore face.

  “Tell me about it.”

  “What’s her problem?”


  Once inside the office, I saw the stack of papers piled high up on my desk and sighed. It was going to be a long day.

  “So what’s your plan?”

  Stephen flopped down on the couch as though he was making himself at home.

  “I’m hungry by the way.”

  “Well,” I said as I looked through all the paperwork. “I’m going to call Mom.”

  “And what do I do?”

  “You go powder your nose or something.”

  He glared at me.

  “Ok, you go, erm, take these, go photocopy them.”

  I handed over a pile of papers and pointed to the photocopier in the corner.

  “That should keep you busy for a little while.”

  It was sweet, seeing him act all pleased to help me out. It reminded me of when we were kids and he’d help me with the washing up. He’d put so much soap in the water that there’d be bubbles overflowing over the sink and he’d place a little blob of them on his chin and pretend to be Father Christmas. Those were happy days, a time when home was a nice, comfortable place to be. Now, as I picked up the phone, I was afraid of what was going to be on the other end of the line. Punching in the number I had known off by heart since I was five, I listened to the ring tone. It rang out and went straight to answer phone.

  “Ah, shit.”

  I tried again. Once more it went to answer phone, the sound of my Dad’s cheery voice calling out from the recording.

  “Third time lucky.”

  I pressed redial and gave Stephen a thumbs up, he gave me a weak smile as he pressed random buttons on the photocopier. Bless him, he had no idea what he was doing. At last, the phone was picked up.


  Her voice was little more than a whisper.”



  “Why are you talking like that?”

  She was silent for a moment. In the background, I could hear a shuffling noise as though she was running up the stairs.


  “Hi, kiddo. It’s nice to hear your voice.”

  “I wish I could say the same to you but you sound all weird. What’s going on?”

  “I suppose Stephen told you.”


  “Look, I’ve only got a few seconds. Your father’s in a foul mood.”

  “Ok. I’ll be quick. I want you to listen to me. Grab your purse and get yourself to the train station. Don’t worry about clothes and all that stuff, just get out of there. Stephen and I will you meet you here. Can you do that?”

  Her breathing became heavy.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Infuriated, I slapped a hand to the side of my face.

  “Mom! If you don’t leave right now I’m coming to get you. I’m serious.”

  I could hear she was panicking with her fingernails tapping the side of the phone.


  “Ok,” she sighed.

  Then there was a scream. For a second I thought it was coming from the phone but then I looked up and saw Stephen sprinting away from the photocopier. The top was open, the light from the scanner within obscured by something gold.

  “What the fuck?”

  I dropped the phone and stood up.

  “There’s something in there!”

  I hurried over and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Jammed inside the copier was a dress, gold and sequined. I recognized it right away.

  “That’s Delores’!”

  I pulled it out and let it hang from my fingers as I wondered what the hell it was doing here. Then something sticky brushed up against my hand. Turning the dress over I, I saw a streak of red. It was thick and viscous but drying on the fabric.

  “Is that blood?” Stephen gasped.

  I held my breath.

  “Wait, what’s this?”

  He pointed to the bottom of the dress. Pinned to the hem was a piece of paper with two words written in the same shade of red.


  Too Obsessed

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series

  Book Four

  Brooke Kinsley

  © 2016 All Rights Reserved

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses per law

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."-dr. seuss



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About The Author


  After Ophelia’s latest warning, Tammy finds herself getting tied up in more ways than one when she seeks the help of NYPD officer Aiden Brown. A man who knows just how hot he is, he sets his sights on Tammy, convincing her that Trevor is a cheat. Falling for his lies, she finds herself cuffed and bent over in an interrogation room having some of the best sex of her life. But what happens when Trevor finds out?

  He pretends he’s not jealous about Tammy being with someone else, but inside he’s seething and sets his mind on creating the ideal punishment, one that’ll keep her tethered to the bed for hours and screaming for more.

  Meanwhile, Tammy is still set on discovering what happened to Delores, the woman she’s sure Ophelia hurt. And when her mother arrives in town, she drops a bombshell, one that’ll send her on a quest to unravel the mystery, one that’ll send her straight into the danger zone.

  Chapter One

  I was holding the dress in my hands, just letting it tumble down through my fingers like a glittering, blood stained waterfall. The cab driver saw the look in my eyes when I climbed in the back but he never said a thing, just kept his eyes on the road ahead while he occasionally whistled along with the radio.

  "Will you please explain what the hell is going on?"

  Stephen was in my ear, whispering desperately as he looked down at the dried specks of blood.

  "She was wearing this when I saw her. It's a sign, a warning."

  He stared at me for a moment while fidgeting in his seat, his top lip wet with sweat while he licked his lips.

  "What weird shit has your new boyfriend got you into you?" he

  His voice sounded strange, angry and a little too grown up.

  "It's not him," I said. "It's that fucking psychopath...Ophelia."


  I didn't answer him as I kept my gaze fixed on the police station that was looming up on the horizon.

  "NYPD," said the driver.

  Frozen to the seat, we didn't move.

  "You guys ok?" the driver asked.

  I counted out his fare with trembling fingers and passed it over with a generous tip.

  "Thank you," I croaked as I climbed out with the dress still clutched in my hand.

  "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

  Stephen was beside me, struggling to keep up as we dashed across the busy road.

  "Why wouldn't it be? The police will know what to do? They can investigate, can't they?"

  Stephen grabbed me by the arm and spun me around.

  "Look, I don't know what crazy shit you're involved with but I know one thing. That man of yours, Trevor, he's rich and powerful and that also means one thing, he's dangerous. He'll know people that could go above the police's head in a heartbeat, people that are untouchable by the law. If you're really in danger, why can't he help you?"

  "He...He... Just wouldn't understand. He never believed me when I said how dangerous Ophelia was but... this proves it, right?" I stuttered with my heart hammering in my chest.

  "This is too much, Tammy. You should pack your shit and get back home to mom and dad."

  I thought about the option of running away for a second but it's just not in my nature. I needed to find out what was going on, needed to discover what I'd become a part of.

  "No, please just... Stay with me on this."

  He sighed and slumped his shoulders as he pulled away from me.

  "Fine, but if this whole thing turns into something crazy, I get to write the movie."

  I couldn't help but laugh.

  "Sure, buddy. You can even direct it."

  As I pushed my way through the revolving door, I saw a young female officer on the desk. She looked up from her computer for a second then glanced away.

  "Er... hi... I really need to speak to someone," I said.


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