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Mortok Page 4

by C. R Corbin

  "Ughhh." I groaned.

  Those vaccines that they gave me yesterday were still affecting me. Although I was grateful that I wouldn't catch some horrible Morelen sickness. Still, the after effects for the first day weren't pleasant, at least that's what the doctor told me.

  I stumbled inside and saw a bath and a sink, the only two commonalities that we had. In fact, there was also a toilet off to the side that looked to be newly installed. I wondered if he had these things installed in order to accommodate a human or if they were simply standard for Morelen culture. In the corner, there was this large tube with various stone markings around it. Above it was a tube that dangled from the ceiling...wasn't going to ask what that was.

  I ducked near the toilet and vomited into the bowl, my body was shaking from all of the vaccines that they had given me. I knew that this was a much better alternative to what the sickness actually was, didn't make it-

  "Are you alright?!" I heard a panicked voice and turned to the doorway to see him standing there, still in those shorts of his. He looked down at himself and shook his head before looking back at me.

  "Are you alright?" he asked.

  "Yeah... I'm fine?" I said and he only nodded quickly before slipping back out again.

  How strange.

  I eased myself off of the toilet and flushed before going towards the sink. I douse my face in the water and sighed before washing myself off and going back outside. He was sitting at the table and discussing something with his assistant, I didn't want to interrupt.

  "Sir I'm sure she's fine, it's simply the vaccines." that man from yesterday, Otono, said.

  "But she was vomiting and she-" the prince began to say before he spotted me out of the corner of his eye and instantly that concerned look on his face faded and gave way to his usual stoic expression.

  Was he acting?

  "Otono, bring us some charki soup and a bit of urusu water to calm her." he said and looked towards his assistant who merely nodded.

  "Yes sir." he said and bowed his head before stepping out.

  "That was nice of you to be so concerned." I said with a smile.

  "I have to make sure you survive. How are you going to be my mate if you perish of vaccine sickness on the first day?" he asked with a bit of humor in his voice.

  And I remembered.

  "Do you have anything to wash my mouth with? You guys have toothpaste and stuff like that right?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow before simply getting to his feet and walking towards the bathroom.

  "Come with me." he said and stepped inside. While inside he opened up a drawer near the sink and drew something out. It was a bottle of this silver, metallic liquid. I looked at him questioningly and he made the motion to drink it.

  "This isn't harmful is it?" I joked while glancing at the bottle.

  "You think I would lose such a beautiful woman over a prank?" he asked me in a deadpan.

  "I suppose not..." I muttered.

  I think it was supposed to be something akin to mouth wash and it was. I slipped it over my lips and rolled the fluid around the inside of the mouth as it darted over my teeth. Strangely enough, it felt like something was...touching my teeth, touching the inside of my cheek to clean out all of the bacteria. I nearly spat it out but he motioned for me to keep it in. It was strange at first but it became...soothing after a while. The feeling of having your teeth cleaned this way was like having all of your teeth flossed simultaneously at once.

  "Okay, spit it out." he stated and I spat into the sink before washing it down with water. I rinse my mouth with water a couple more times before relaxing. The fluid had tasted strange, like a mixture of sweet fruit and metal but at least it was over and my breath wasn't disgusting anymore.

  "What was that?" I asked him.

  "Nanite fluid. They are programmed to clean your teeth and your mouth. We use that instead of...toothpaste or whatever you called it." he stated as he walked back to the main room where our breakfast was waiting.

  "Seems expensive." I said.

  "Oh, it likely is. Usually, a Morelen simply chews herbs in order to clean their mouth. That practice isn't sufficient in the higher echelons of our society. Now. Soup?" he said as he took his seat at the table

  I looked at the tray in front of me, there was this bowl full of this black fluid with many clear beads inside of it. To the side was this stone cup with a single straw coming from it that was made out of plant material, or at least I would presume. The drink was this green liquid that had spots in it that glowed yellow.

  "What are the dots?" I asked him.

  "Microbes in order to aid digestion. Drink it." he said and I took a sip of the water, it was almost like tea but a tiny bit sweeter. I smiled to myself unintentionally and I saw the corners of his mouth break off into a grin.

  "What?" I asked him bashfully.

  "You like it." he observed and I nodded.

  "Well yeah, it tastes pretty good..." I muttered and sat down at the table to indulge myself with the rest of the meal.

  I reach for my spoon and stir the soup around, apparently, that was one thing our cultures shared, the spoon. It slings across the black soup and I gazed at all the clear beads inside floating about. I licked my lips and leaned in for a sip, instantly the liquid was across my tongue and it tasted...sweet. Wasn't expecting that.

  "This is the traditional meal that we give to individuals that are experiencing colds. I decided to give it to you seeing as how you were rather...disturbed this morning."

  "Thanks ...that's really considerate of you."

  "Anything for my mate."

  The word stuck out to me like a sore thumb. Mate. It was so strange that their culture involved bonding with someone for the rest of their life. From what I had heard his father was born differently than the other Morelens, he didn't value a mate as much as other Morelen's did. It was tradition amongst them to choose one woman and one woman only...which puzzled me because why was I chosen in that case?

  "Um, I didn't get to say this earlier but...thanks for not forcing me to sleep with you." I said awkwardly. The air remained stiff and I almost wanted him to insult me again to alleviate the tension. I looked towards him and he was gazing at his bowl, silently ruminating.

  "Mortok?" I called out.

  "I just don't want you to be unhappy...but I can't give you back right away..." he muttered to himself, almost at a whisper. Was I even supposed to hear that? I was unhappy but as much as I hated to admit it, that feeling was starting to change.

  "Mortok?" I called out again.

  "Oh was no trouble. I would never do such a thing to a woman." he said and continued eating until that assistant, Otono poked his head in once again.

  "Sir. We land in 20 Deros." he said and stepped inside to collect the now empty dishes.

  "Of course, of course. Thank you Otono." he stated as his assistant stepped outside with the trays. We were left across from one another, the silence was even worse than the constant arguing that we had yesterday.

  "Geran is a nice place. You'll like it I'm sure. It will change your mind about coming with me, that is for certain." he stated and gets to his feet, walking over to the bathroom to wash up. I follow soon after and I get a good look at his back as he bends over to wash his face.

  "Your scars..." I muttered.

  "Hmm?" he called out and raised his head.

  "Your scars...I didn't realize." I stammered and he nodded.

  "Ah yes, those. They were from battles long ago that I had with my brothers in order to claim my title as prince. My father had so many children that he couldn't possibly give them all titles and planets so...he forced us to fight. We joined his army for distant expeditions and if we lived to the age of 20 in terms of Morelen years then he would force us to fight our competition. Whoever would win would be granted the title of prince as well as his own planet and human serfs." he states.

  "That's terrible!" I excla

  "Oh, it wasn't all that bad. Except for that one, that one really did hurt. Was from my brother Iridel, almost tore a chunk of-"

  "No, I mean the whole forcing you into battle thing. I'm so sorry." I stated sincerely and he looked back at me with a shocked expression.

  "I....It wasn't that bad." he muttered and finished cleaning himself off before walking by me. I can only bite my lip I get a close look at those abs, those back muscles, that thick and powerful chest. I shake my head and walked towards the sink to clean myself off before drying my hair and looking back towards the doorway.

  Was I really starting to fall for all of his talk of charms?

  "These battles ...did you know your siblings well?" I called out but when I turned I saw that he was out of the room entirely.



  "Well, it looks like you're all set to go. The vaccines did their work." said the doctor, Yzadel. Her long white hair brushed her cheeks as she gave me a complete checkup and I smiled in response.

  "Thank you...good to know I won't be vomiting my guts out once we land." I stated and she only nodded while my fingers press into the medical bed. She tucked her tools away in silence after that and I am left to wonder what sort of conversation topics could be had.

  "Did you have fun with the prince?" she asked aloud with her back facing me while she put her toys away. I wouldn't describe it as fun but it was certainly less....rough than I heard it would be.

  "Well...he's a strange man." I muttered and she laughed in response. I was almost shocked by the ease with which she did.

  "Oh I've known that man almost all my life and strange is an apt way to put it. He does have his quirks but you can tell that he means well. I was a young nurse when he was born and was assigned as his personal physician thereafter. I hope he didn't cause you any trouble..." she states and my eyes glazed over.

  "You talk about him so easily. I would have thought that he was some sort of rough man that ...invoked fear from how he acted during the selection process." I stated and she laughed again.

  "Oh, all that. It's a front. He can be a real sweet and overly nervous at times. He doesn't have it in him to be rough with women, trust me, it was instilled in him by his old caretaker. I suppose all of that is for him to tell you though, not for me." she wistfully muttered before tucking the rest of her tools back into the cabinet.

  "And those scars on his back.? Did he really have to do all of that?" I asked and she nodded

  "Oh yes, he's had his fair share of battles multiple times. When push comes to shove he's tougher than almost any Morelen but the people on his planet love him. Mean when he needs to be and gentle in every other aspect." she muttered to herself and I can only feel a warmth spread across my cheeks.

  Gentle huh?

  "Looks like we've just landed so why don't you go and meet up with the prince? The welcoming ceremony is going to be going on and you don't want to miss that." stated Yzadel and I raised an eyebrow.

  "Welcoming? But nothing's official for at least three weeks..." I muttered and she raised an eyebrow back quizzically.

  "What do you mean? He's chosen you so that means that you're his for all time. This is your new home." she stated and I can only bury my head as I realize that I have said too much.

  "Ah yes, you're right. Sorry about that, got carried away." I nervously chuckled and she shrugs before returning to her duties.

  I find myself back in the room with him, he was wearing that same purple robe that he wore during the entire selection process. He has given me some traditional garb, a long flowing grey dress that emphasized my curves, at least this one wasn't as tight as the one that I had been given by Cindy.

  "Now press the button on the right and see how it looks." he said and I stared at the sleeve where there was this tiny button to push. I pressed it and instantly the fabric clung to my body, it snugly fit which was more than enough for me.

  "Wow...I look like a princess." I muttered, that's what I was now anyway, for the time being, of course.

  He leads me out of the ship and I am forced to take his arm once we get to the exit even if I wanted to refuse it. It was for images for the press I suppose, I didn't mind, I could put up with having a strong, muscular arm wrapped around mine for a few moments. I lean into him as he walks us down the ramp, the feeling of my cheek resting against his shoulder was was indescribable. Even he shoots me a strange look when I did it and I can only smile in response. Who knows? Maybe he was right about this whole falling for him thing.

  "There's the prince and his new bride!" I heard a voice cheer as we stepped through the darkness. There was a crowd of civilians standing about with the women looking none too happy to see me. The prince waves at them and I can only sheepishly smile as I am led along, all that I can think about during that entire time is...that thing the doctor said to me.

  Official or not official...what the hell was I doing here?

  Did he lie on my behalf or was he deceiving me? Was that whole deal about the three weeks just a load of bull and I was actually stuck here? It didn't strike me as lying but ...I had my suspicions. He could be this deceitful man that was just using me to get his carnal pleasures out of the way but something that was said to me stuck out more than most.

  They had called him kind, good. To me, that didn't sound like the description of a good man unless their description of a good man varied wildly from humanity's.

  We are led down this long stone path towards this mountain in the distance, or at least it was a mountain. There was this large tunnel inside of it that was practically carved out of the mountain itself and we walked underneath it. The cold air brushed my cheek and I looked to my right and left to see valleys below dotted with buildings and plants. At spots on the mountain, there were a variety of flowers growing out of the rocks and there were even trees at points that coiled around the infinitely large mountain.

  "Wondrous isn't it? I think father was impressed by my performance in the battles so he granted me this. This wondrous planet." said Mortok as he kept his eyes straight while I looked around like a child in awe.

  "It's more fantastical than anything that I have ever seen. Better than Islani that's for sure." I muttered to myself and he chuckled.

  "Oh?" was all he said.

  Inside of the stone tunnel was a large stone door that is pulled aside by these two impossibly powerful motors and chains. I walked inside to see a throne with a long purple carpet leading towards it. Above us was a series of chandeliers and at my side were chairs, tables, doors to other rooms, and two sets of stairs that led to a second floor.

  "Here we are. The palace." he said to me and I release my grip. I instinctively found myself hanging onto him despite him letting go, something that was not entirely lost on him.

  "It's...holy shit." I said and he laughed.

  "Yeah, that would be a way to describe it. Believe it or not, when I was young I lived in something even more grandiose than this but to think that I actually own all of this is...well it certainly is strange." he said and walked up to his throne. He stares at the chair a bit wistfully and dusts it off before looking over at me with a smile.

  "Would you like a seat?" he asked and I stumbled forward slowly. I eased myself into the seat and smiled to myself when I was completely seated. I looked around at the servants and up at him, they were all staring at me with wondrous expressions. Some of them were eyeing the prince questioningly as if this was something that wasn't standard.

  "How does it feel to be prince?" he asked me.

  "Like I'm an arrogant bastard." I said with a grin and he only chuckled to himself although I could see a degree of hurt in his eyes that immediately struck my high down.

  "Well then ...I suppose it won't hurt to show you towards the main quarters." he said and guided me upwards.



  She wasn't completely opposed to me anymore so
that was...a welcome change. I showed her the main quarters and she nearly died of shock, it was an expanded version of what I had back on the ship with a bed that was larger, a couch that was larger, large rock spires for climbing and exercise, a grand bathroom, everything that anyone could ever dream of owning I had.

  And still, I could see the reluctance in her eyes. She was happy, sure, but she wasn't as happy as most women would be if offered. She wasn't jumping for joy and that disappointed me frankly, it didn't matter, I still had three weeks to resolve the issue.

  "So what's this I heard about unofficial?" asked Yzadel as she paced up to me. I glared at her and bared my fangs.

  "You dare speak to me in such a manner?" I asked her and she scoffed

  "Cut the act Mortok. I know it isn't you." she said and I sighed before letting my eyes soften.

  "She was bawling her eyes out so I told her that I would grant her three weeks' time for her to change her mind. If she didn't then I would send her back." I nervously said and Yzadel's eyes widened.

  "If you give her back then...your reputation..." she stated and I nodded.

  "I know, I know. I'm not worried." I said calmly after regaining my composure. It really did seem like I was making tremendous amounts of progress already.

  "That is insane! How could...what were you thinking?" she asked me, ever since I was a boy she had been one of my main advisors and today as no exception.

  "She was so unhappy so I thought that I would alleviate it. I don't know. What do you want me to tell her? No, you're staying here with me permanently and that's final? I know that I'll be able to convince her in that time. No one could resist me for that long." I stated with a confident smile and Yzadel only smiled and rolled her eyes.

  "Yes yes I'm sure....*sigh* that heart of yours gets you into trouble but I suppose Lilah was right when he said that it made you better than your father. Just don't let this one slip away because if you might not find another mate." she said to me and I sighed.


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